Your wording is awkward and could be considered begging. "Is there a sale or a giveaway for Restaurant Empire 2?" would have left less room for interpretation.
Yes, steamgifts does have a group (linked at the bottom of every page) and also a group chat.
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This is typical behavior due to the common practice of people entering the chat in search for a handout. It gets bad during the sales and slowly dies out once they end.
The way you came across, grammar wise, was begging. Again, please define the word beg. Also, read the groups "rules".
Not only that, but when you came back, you were incredibly uncivil, putting shift on cruise control, calling me a "FUCKING IDIOT".
Now, I could have simply said "don't beg", but after the 100th person comes in to ask for handouts, it gets rather annoying.
One last thing, parading around like you think justice needs to be served wont help you.
EDIT: This is not directed towards Dopefish, I simply did this to have the comment towards the top.
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You forgot to mention how 'hijacking top comment' is fucking idiotic, and actually ensures that the reply won't show up in the intended recipient's reply feed, and also makes one's comment actually appear at the very bottom for experienced users who are using the plugin with new comments first, never mind getting left behind as the topic expands to new pages. Anyone with any sense will just make their own comment instead of looking like a vain, self-important prat screaming for attention by 'hijacking' someone else's comment.
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Not to mention what would happen if I feel like deleting my post :3
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Except apperently you have the right to treat people like shit? Fucking hypocrite.
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"Somebody". Makes it sound like begging (I know he wasn't begging, just sayin').
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+1. "is somebody giving away Restaurant Empire 2?" - this does sound like begging.
"a lot of them showed up on steamgifts today" - but this shows he doesn't intend to beg, just inquiry.
Together, I'm surely did not think it's a begging.
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I'd have worded it in the lines of Is X being given away somewhere? That sounds a lot less like begging.
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That wording can only be considered begging if you want to play cop (and jury and executioner), which seems to be a popular game here and elsewhere. In the real world no one would misunderstand the meaning of the sentence.
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It's the way you said it that's the issue. It sounds like you're interested in entering a giveaway rather than understanding where all the copies came from. And you have to understand, there are a LOT of beggars on this site, so that's usually the first assumption if you're asking that sort of question.
Steamgifts has it's own group on Steam.
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Thanks guys, yes I can see how there could be some confusion in my question, I still prefer the benefit of the doubt....
It looks like S. Gifts and steamgifts are two different groups, are they both official or are one of you mistaken, or what?
Thanks again.
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I see, it has two names, also there is a 2 year old player account named steamgifts, weird.
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Had you not come into the chat with a shitty and childish manner, you may have just walked away with the kick:
7:02 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: That shit was not funny
7:02 AM - TenDot11: Read the rules of this chat
7:02 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: TenDot11 FUCK YOU, I was NOT FUCKING BEGGING
7:02 AM - TenDot11: Your begging is not funny
7:02 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: I WAS NOT
7:03 AM - TenDot11: Go define the word beg
7:03 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: YOU FUCKING IDIOT
7:03 AM - TenDot11: Please
7:03 AM - TenDot11: Go google "beg"
7:03 AM - TenDot11: GO
7:03 AM - TenDot11: GOOGLE
7:03 AM - TenDot11: BEG
7:03 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: I will be talking to the owner of this group
7:03 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1 was banned by chronicdiscord.
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I am a hard man, but fair, and he was pending a bending.
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I was told to Fuck off, get a job, and called a beggar, it was incredibly rude and incendiary, it was shocking and I did not expect it, and I fought back. You think my response to being told to fuck off and get a job somehow makes it all better or justified, it does not. Perhaps S.Gifts chat is also not the best place for me. Moderators have a job, an often thankless job, to keep the peace, treat people fairly, ya know, basically not trip over their own ego. I moved on, to the official chat of this channel, and look who is there.
I came here to contribute and be a part of this community, I'm not a rich man but I paid for JC Collection to contribute as a joke about the pricing issue, I've never begged for anything from another mortal. So anyone who wants me to "Fuck off" should take their own advice.
I already admitted on this thread my wording could've been better, but the ongoing actions tell me I'd prefer to not talk to you.
Your entire reasoning is entirely beneath me:
Had you not come into the chat with a shitty and childish manner, you may have just walked away with the kick:
OK Judge Dredd, OK.....
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You don't really need to justify yourself to anyone. There's no way a reasonable person could misconstrue your post as begging
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So if someone tells you to fuck off you simply tell them to fuck off too? That's childish because what does that actually achieve?
The way you posted this thread is an attempt to villanize chronic instead of putting the full chat log up and showing everyone how you couldn't control your own behaviour. Come on.............that's low.
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The actions speak for themselves, vilification is not required.
My reaction is a moot point, did not happen to be in the now-closed chat window, but a moot point nonetheless.
Now I know why Traders Guild is so much more popular to chat and hang out.
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It's not about anyone going on a power trip (lol, mod in a chat that has like 10 regulars, I guess he's not going on the cover of Time magazine once this gets out). You were banned because nobody wanted you there. It's not a civil injustice, it's just keeping the chat in a state that the members want it in. That is without caps and namecalling. I assure you, nobody objected to chronic banning you. Nobody.
That chat is not a trade hub, it's not the official reddit chat (wrong group bro), and it has no affiliation with steamgifts (although a lot of people in it also hang out here). Creating a thread here seeking confirmation from internet people because someone hurt your precious ego points to some serious insecurities.
I mean seriously, this is a chat that has AT MOST 15 people online at any one time. Why do you even care.
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Obviously Healthire, because I am a monster who eats babies, he just wants the whole of some other community to know it, rather than have to suffer my baby-eating ways.
It has nothing to do with being upset, nothing what so ever.
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It seems that many here already know you're incapable of admitting when you are in the wrong, and this is a very bad and self-serving mindset for a moderator to have. This is the only affirmation I need, there are like-minded people here, it isn't just me.
You're very sarcastic and working hard to fight on your own behalf in this thread, in the future perhaps you will consider the possibility that the problem isn't everyone else, it is you and the "Fuck off" troupe, that handful of people who have not been turned off by your self-serving style.
The "butthurt" comment below by the way was hilarious, it seems you may have more than one chip on your shoulder, bro.
If you take anything from this, I would hope that you realize in the few days I've known about that channel, almost no one ever talks, it has a very small population, and there were more confrontations among people than anyone else... what is even the point of its existence? I would hope that you realize in the future, that there are other human beings out there that just want to network, find friends, get along - and these people are quite capable of being overcome with righteous indignation. :)
I've never understood the whole "lose face" mindset, you were certainly in the wrong to kick me without warning, you don't have to admit it, but doing so makes you a more honorable person. That's really the only thing on the line here, because I will certainly never in my life return there.
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"Shitty and childish manner"
Are all Redditors big babies?
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if it's true, this is quite embarrassing for this considered calling out?
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Nah, stupid is as stupid does, he really should have posted the full log instead of trying to villainize me, but he's mad for being punished after making a few infractions of the chat in question's rules.
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I see, it's just that I don't think he deserves a public shaming like this, maybe a private message to him first about him better posting the whole story than just a fraction it...but again, not everyone has the time to do that.
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Someone give this man a prize for pointing out what needs adressing.
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I cant speak for the reddit chat group but the sgift if you so much as hint at spamming or begging you are autokick(assuming a mod is avail - which 95% of the time there is) .. usually a ban comes from it
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Wanna stop being a homophobe yet? Feel free to make an appeal in support, I'll ban you again and just as fast if you pull it again.
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I'm not an homophobe! How the hell can you say that about me based on 2 lines I've written?
Dude, just fyi, I don't have any gay friend, and even if I had I would made those jokes with him, just as I do black jokes with my black friends. I feel comfortable with it because I'm not racist/homophobe/xenophobe/ whatever.
Making assumptions based on 2 lines, not even 1 little "hey, want to stop that?" ? Just banned. you're the only person ever that banned me from somewhere. Congratulations.
And I submitted a support ticket, didn't even get an answer, and I was polite as I could.
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You have to understand that using anti-gay insults permeates and spreads homophobic culture. The only reason most people hate gays is because everyone else do. It's hivemind behaviour.
By not using them, you're helping to change the world for the better. Even if slightly.
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The only time you should find something gay is a cock up another man's arse. That's pretty much all someone should find "gay".
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That's pretty homophobic. Assuming only men can be gay.
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Duh, everyone knows women are only ever bisexual. Porn has told society so much about ourselves.
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Meh. Different strokes for different folks. Some people think puns are the worst form of comedy, others don't find jokes about quantum physics funny. I'll stick to my own sense of any humour, let others stick to their's without commenting about "credibility", whatever that was even supposed to mean.
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Sarcasm doesn't automatically translate to poor manners, patronising or ironically pitying anyone. But like my post said, who are you to comment about a form of humour? It's subjective, one of the most subjective things out there. I'm not going to apologise for it any more than you would apologise to me for saying "1/10 le epic ruseman".
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I know you owe me nothing. My point was that I owe you the same.
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I find Neil Patrick Harris gay, I find Alan Turing gay... nothing wrong with that.
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Then I hope for your sake TheMightyCreep never wins, because we haven't approved anything for you. As you've been told.
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You're being told by support you don't have a legitimate blacklist, and I know you're utilising the fact that I have a slim chance of winning anything you give away (implying you even give stuff away) but I'm glad you want a ban so much that you're willing to risk it.
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Because there is nothing to find "gay" about trivia. That implies the trivia is or is about homosexuality. I can't understand why that simple concept that maybe using gay in a negative concept can be harmful.
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I think your dictionary is defective. Mine has a description of homosexuality which leaves little room for any sort of "perspective thing"...
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What TheMightyCreep said. I'm pretty sure there was nothing gay about it. There was some asexual reproduction, but nothing gay.
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If you refer to a black person as "black", does that make you racist?
Just because I used the word "gay", instead of other, does that make me an homophobe? Jesus.. I'm gonna stop talking about this now, because I realized, 5 minutes ago, that I'm not a well known person in this community, so, I'll just have people making fun of me. Forget about this.
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Yeah. Just so you know, I was at Orc Trivia night. It was not advertised as GAY orc trivia night, because it WASN'T. So don't give me that "You were being descriptive" shit. And stop changing your fucking excuse. Minute ago it was "It means happy", then "English not my first language", now you're giving this shit? Just accept it for fucks sake, you were being homophobic.
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Who are you trying to manipulate here? Where do you see me making excuses? I've said what the word really means in a dictionary, but also said what the word was used for, and I said English wasn't my first language because of the bad adjective I've made.
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Well you are judging him for 1 sentence and calling him 'fucking ignorant homophobe',now go think if you have used a word in any bad way in your life and tell us ,so we can tell you what you are ,anyways, aren't you taking it too personally?
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If you're the kind of person that uses a slur, a great deal can be inferred from it's use.
Language conveys thoughts from one person to another, not always the kinds of thoughts you may want to.
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A) If you use a word as an insult, it means you think it's something bad.
B) You used the word 'gay' as an insult.
C) Therefore, you think there's something wrong with being gay, as demonstrated by your speech.
Does that make it clear why people are unhappy with you?
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It sounds like you need to be more careful with your choice of words. Imagine if people commonly referred to things by your nationality/ethnicity/religion/what-have-you when they disliked them or felt they were of inferior quality. If you extrapolate from that, you'll understand how using 'gay' as a generic insult is genuinely hurtful, and why people get upset about it.
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"If you refer to a black person as "black", does that make you racist?"
No, but if you described something that sucked as being "black", suggesting that to be black is somehow second-rate, I would consider you a racist (or at the very least, supremely ignorant).
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They are all Latin based. All of my languages are from different lingual families.
Finnish is ugric, Swedish is North Germanic/Nordic and English is West Germanic with Latin influences. I also understand Norwegian and Danish because I speak fluent Swedish (it's actually my native language but I'm perfectly fluent in Finnish, too).
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Also was in Trivia blathering this homophobic slur, which is not a recipe for a good time, there are extra moderators in chat during Trivia.
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Don't be sexist, racist, or homophobic in your actions, and no one will tell you off for being a douchebag.
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Unless it's very tongue in cheek I will assume the liberty of interpreting it in the worst possible connotation, it amuses me greatly and serves a purpose for people who are actually sensitive.
Not everyone has spent as many days on the internet and become desensitised to everything, though I agree that public media and a major part of the public is too quick to jump on the case and call it racist/homophobic.
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I can understand that, but using "gay" as a synonym to "stupid" has become so commonplace that I wouldn't think many people would be offended by it. I, of course, wouldn't know, since I'm not gay and I'm not really offended by anything anyways but that's what I would guess.
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Then try imagine yourself something like this. I see u're from US, so let's imagine that for whatever reason dudebros and other kiddo idiots start using "american", "murican" etc as synonyhm to "retarded". Someones umps in and comment your post "lol dude, ur post it tatallu murican!". Even if you get the context (like in case we're discussing here I don't think anyone understood that OP was saying that Orcs are homosexual ;P) it doesn't mean that you will not feel offended as someone uses your nationality as an offensive adjective.
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I'm sorry for being a part of this hating thread, if an admin thinks it's best to delete my post, go for it, this is turning out to be way more problematic than it should be.
And, I'm sorry if I offended any gay person, it wasn't my intention to do so.
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It's okay, OP, you don't need Reddit anyway. It's the worst place on the internet. Go find better and less idiotic people to hang around.
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I heard 4chan is a fun place for people to discuss everything.
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I went there once, still traumatized by this day.
is there an add-on where it only shows the boards or threads that I can go in without having my childhood or my mind ruined? cuz my friend said that some people on there are not so bad, especially in dota threads
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LOL what is this shit? No one can play a game while they are doing something?
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He's just damnedably confused is all, the MASSIVE Reddit giveaway group, which has no association to either groups previously discussed, has a rule of, "when an activity is ongoing, only those actively part of the activity can be within games and talking so their names are green, otherwise, fucking shut up or get out of your games." They kick people from chat for breaking the rule.
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Well, I think your original question was misunderstood, it looks like "Beg beg, can somebody please give me a free game" instead of "I would like to purchase a copy, where are these coming from?" People make mistakes...
But for future reference, swearing at people and insulting them, even if they were wrong, even if "they started it" doesn't lead them to say "Ahh, I made a mistake, I have seen the light, please forgive me for kicking you!" but rather "Yep, gone."
We do but flatter ourselves, if we hope ever to be governed without an arbitrary power. :)
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Best time to do it, prevents sun damage to upturned and damaged plants.
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It's just bad wording. He didn't come into chat saying "Can someone give me a copy of Resto Empire 2 plz"; he was just asking if someone in general was giving them away to the public as he saw many on SG.
I don't think he was expecting someone from chat to give him the game, but rather the source of the free/cheap copies.
While this is speculation; I do know that I would not have told him to "fuck off and get a job" and insta-kicked him.
The correct response from anyone with moderation duties would have been to tell him calmly and politely "please don't beg for games"; where he would have then stated that he was not looking for a handout but simply the source of the free/cheap games. You get what you dish out - tell someone to "fuck off" for asking a question and expect a retaliation. I know I would never grant mod powers to anyone with such an itchy trigger finger just looking for an excuse to power trip.
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I definitely wouldn't bother. There is at least one mod already monitoring this thread.
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"Do not call out submitters in giveaways. Please click the report button or submit a ticket, do not comment on the giveaway claiming the giveaway to be fake." Not sure how I see this rule applies here.
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"Please limit the amount of NSFW links in the forum and chat, and always warn when you do link to NSFW material."
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Threads don't go away here, ones from a year or more ago are still around, though if you want an easy bookmark, you could make a giveaway with a link to this thread, maybe a private one no one ever enters to make it easy to spot.
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Well, that certainly escalated quickly, good thread everybody, come around again some time, we'll have Trivia, and prizes!
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I noticed a bunch of restaurant empire 2 on this site, so I was asking a question in chat.
6:58 AM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: is somebody giving away Restaurant Empire 2? a lot of them showed up on steamgifts today
6:59 AM - TenDot11: Fuck off beggar
6:59 AM - TenDot11: Go get a job
6:59 AM - You have been kicked from the chat by chronicdiscord.
It's almost like they were on autopilot and didn't understand the question, later a friend PMed me about the bundlestars bundle being the reason, and I was grateful.
I cannot help but get a little ticked off when I feel there was an abuse of power, but I'm over it now...
Does this website( have an official steam group/chat?
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