Just finished single-player on Mass Effect 3.

I am a huge fan of the Mass Effect saga. The story, the setting, the characters, the locations, the gameplay, the mechanics, all is great in this trilogy.

Mass Effect 3 was on my "to be played" list for a long time. Was hoping that it would get to Steam, but that wasn't the case. So, I took the opportunity with a recent promotion and bought the game to play on Origin.
Mass Effect 3 only confirmed my love for the Mass Effect saga. And was sure about this the first minute I stepped into the game, even if I knew there was a lot of negativity about the ending or its final moments. Couldn't care less. The trip towards that ending was... my God... what a journey.

As for the ending itself, well... can't tell what all the fuzz was about, at least, in its current state (don't know what it was missing at launch). IMO, the ending fits perfectly in the saga story wise, makes sense and is in synch with the path that lead to it. Maybe the choices you make through the make don't have a real impact on the available choices you have at the end, but I feel that this was like an inevitability (kinda like "Sheppard's destiny") and that it was a design choice. You still have options by the end, though.

Of course I have complaints about Mass Effect 3, nothing is perfect. But those are not about the ending. Well, one is: it ended.
My other complaint is mainly about the DLCs. Bought the game on promotion roughly 3 years after its release. I wish I could play all the content, but no, I will not, because I'm not paying what they are asking for the 3 DLCs I'd like to play. No way.

Then, there are some small details I’d like to be different, like (A BIT OF SPOILERS AHEAD) ...
Remember Mako on Mass Effect 1 and Hammerhead on Mass Effect 2, vehicles for planetary exploration? Missed one of these on Mass Effect 3, as there is none. This was a design choice I disliked.

As a final note, after finishing single-player, now I'm playing co-op multiplayer. I'm not really a multiplayer huge fan, having enjoyed few multiplayer experiences through my "player history" (Killing Floor and Bioshock 2 MP come to mind).
Well, adding Mass Effect 3 MP to this small list of multiplayer experiences worth my time.

8 years ago

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Did you enjoy Mass Effect 3?

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Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.
Never played it.
I will, some day.
I'll never, after all the negative feeling about the ending.

ME1 ME2 ME3 and FOR SURE ME Andromeda. yup. :3

8 years ago

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I like you girl

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If you're really a hugue fan you should really think about catching at least the citadel DLC
it's very good with a lot of fan services

8 years ago

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Yes, I'd like to play that, Leviathan and Omega, but not at the current price tag. Maybe one day they'll drop in price and then I will return to replay the single-player experience.

8 years ago

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Citadel is simply hilarious. The amount of roasting Shepard gets in it is beyond measurable.

8 years ago

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Also me got to do the final one :-)

8 years ago

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i played ME1 and ME2 and the third only 10 Hours. i don't know why but the third isn't good as the first and second. maybe i will try it another time

8 years ago

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I really need to do another playthrough at some time with all the DLC, haven't even seen the 'fixed' endings yet :S somehow I wound up with a social life (I have no idea how that happened) and then discovering steamgifts on top of that... not so much free time
part of me wants to replay the entire trilogy again but I'm not sure I'd ever find the time!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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ME3 is actually the only ME I've played so far pls don't kill me because my uncle sent me some PS3 games a few years ago and it was there so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I wasn't expecting to love it so much and I ended up buying the trilogy after finishing it 2 or 3 times and spending way too many hours in the multiplayer. But I never got to play the other two, mostly because I'm lazy and then because I switched to pc gaming and because I'm a really lucky person, my tv also broke, currently leaving me no way to play on my PS3 :D

8 years ago

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The original ending had only 3 colors (they were the main difference between them). Also, it had pretty huge plot holes, which created the (quite big) Indoctrination Theory. It even got as far as people looking into the game's files looking for clues (for example, the names of individual models).

8 years ago

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I liked the Indoctrination Theory. I wanted to believe that was it after all.
But no, they released the extended whatever and ruined it for me.

8 years ago

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I played and enjoyed all 3. Mostly, in regard to character development and great characters, like Tali. The first game was by far the best imo though, even with repetitive planet exploration and identical locations. The story was simply incredible and the ending was epic. Gave me goosebumps. There was this constant feeling of impeding doom and fighting against the odds to survive. The sequels simply couldn't measure up to this. The second game felt like an intermission, like let's do some chores while no one is attacking us. And the third simply didn't have that feeling like there is any danger. Shepard was killing Reapers left and right like they are just pests, where as in the first game it took combined forces of all Citadel races just to kill one. I still recommend all 3, just to talk to all the great characters in the game.

8 years ago

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I did like all the 3 in equal measure in terms of story. You do notice improvements from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3, when it comes to technical quality and gameplay (not all to my liking, true).
But I did felt the same "feeling of impending doom and fighting against the odds to survive" you talk about the first on the third Mass Effect, with all the recruitment going on while races and planets are being torn to bits. For me, it was equally epic, as it was the final confrontation with the Collectors on ME2.

8 years ago

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ME1: Here's a twisting chase, a mystery in need of a good detective. How do we interpret the visions? Where was the relay? What is the Conduit?

ME2: Here are some people who want favors. Help them out with personal problems. Oh, there's a bigger issue? Come back later for that, Jacob wants help.

ME3: Here are some people who want favors. Help them out with personal problems. Oh, their worlds are burning and species are dying? Too bad, help them out first with their problems before they will save the galaxy with you.

Plot wise, I'm sorry, but 2 and 3 were just frustrating for me. It's not to say there weren't some really good missions in there, but it all felt secondary when the literal fate of all life in the galaxy was in danger.

8 years ago

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There are some decent books written from the same author who wrote the story for the games. He has also written numerous star wars books if i recall. Revelation, Ascension, Retribution, Deception - Drew Karpyshyn & William C. Dietz

8 years ago

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So many poor souls that never played the series...

8 years ago

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I really wish EA would drop Bioware points and put the DLC for 2 and 3 on special. I really want to play them :(

8 years ago

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Yeah. I bought all the DLC for ME2, and mostly enjoyed it, but after ME3 put a bad taste in my mouth, I just never justified dropping that much money for the ME3 DLC. I would have liked to play Citadel, but it's been too long now and I really don't want to go back just for that sendoff.

8 years ago

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I still have yet to get to it.

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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Mass Effect is the only saga that I played in a row for a month, and god it was worth it.

Loved each of the games and possibility to carry on my save though all the three games. Mass Effect 2 is my favorite, but Mass Effect 3 had my favorite moments from all the saga.
The only think I disliked from the ending is that the only thng that matters is your final choice, making a little useless all my effort (I literally was able to get ALL the races and side characters on my side against the reapers), I would be awesome to get an ending with a final mission, like the suicide run, but with permadeath, having an advantage depending on how many armies and resources you got on your side, but at the end, the characters who would live or die would depend on how good you did on that mission, kind of like a mission on Xcom.

Other than that, I loved the game and the ending, and I recommend you ALL the dlcs, specially The Citadel (this one is a love letter for all Mass Effect fans)

8 years ago

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I only played the first and second ones. At that point, I was kind of done with it. It was a lot of fun, but there were other games that I enjoyed a bit more, so I never played the third one. Although I do own it (bought the franchise pack for it), I have no intention on playing it. I might enjoy it, but there are too many other games that I still want to play. Plus it's been too long since I played the first two and don't really remember much from it.

8 years ago

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ME3 plays a lot like ME2. Cover based shooter with a plot that's 90% doing favors for people (like ME2's loyalty missions) with a comparatively small amount actually advancing the core plot. Throw in tacked-on multiplayer. It wasn't BAD, but there are some valid complaints.

8 years ago

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People complain about ME3 ending, but they don't realize ME3 has several endings, and I'm not talking about the different color ones... I'm talking about Mordin's end, Legion's ending, Tali's ending, Thane's ending, Samara's ending... There are so many endings, some are good, others are better.

8 years ago

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The big issue is that in the end, the Reapers were killing all organic life so that organics would not create AIs, since AI will inevitably destroy all organic life. So the AI Reapers kill organics to prevent AI from killing organics. It makes no sense. And that would have been stupid on its own, but it contradicts every AI we've seen in the series.

  • The Geth were the baddies in ME1, but those were brainwashed by the Reapers. And even with the Reaper involvement, only a minority could be swayed. Reapers compelling other AI to kill doesn't count.
  • The Geth were later shown in ME2 and ME3 to want peace. They defend themselves, but never continue the fight after the Quarians stop killing. We learn that 100% of the time the Quarians made a treaty, they broke it. The Geth only want to live together. And the instant the Quarians call the war off, the Geth welcome them home and forgive them.
  • The uncontrolled AI from ME1 that you fight on the moon survives, and becomes EDI. EDI is not only friendly to humans, but enters into a romantic relationship with one. And when her controls are removed and she could do anything, she saves human lives.
  • The Prothean crewmate talks about the Zha'til, a hybrid race from his cycle that was part organic, part AI, but merged into a symbiotic cooperative peaceful society.

So tell me again, oh brilliant Star Child in control of the Reapers, why do organics need to die to prevent them from making AI? It sounds like the ONLY bad AI in the entire series is the Reapers themselves.

8 years ago

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Well, it may seem stupid, but it really depends on the way you look at it, enter, interpretation. So, the Reapers operate by their own distorted logic, kinda like a cult that firmly believes the stupidest thing and acts on it, only that this cult is galactic in size and strength (godly like).

8 years ago

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Maybe. But if the hook in game 1 is "they are beyond human understanding" and the twist in game 2 is "they are harvesting life" then the payoff in game 3 is "they're just insane and they have no actual logical reason" then it doesn't feel like some godly cult, it feels like bad writing.

8 years ago

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You forget the part where Reapers kill ONLY inteligent life forms, so dumb life forms can evolve and become inteligent enough to again harvest them to become new Reaper.
Whole idea wasn't just dumb "they kill life so life won't kill itself".

And now I defended Mass Effect 3, somewhat, kinda. Now I only have to defend playing FPS on pads and I can kill myself :)

8 years ago

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I can get behind the ME2 argument that they are creating new reapers, so really the "protect organics from AI" is an excuse for the reality of just wanting more intelligent species to harvest, but the writers bungled that. We see a human-form reaper half-formed, but then that kinda just goes away. In ME3, we never see a single reaper that isn't leviathan-form. If they're harvesting races from each cycle, there ought to be a few reapers that are formed from assorted races. As it stands, the reapers don't really appear to have much of a reason.

8 years ago

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That baby human reaper was just devs making sure dumb people would understand what is going on (because reading is hard).

8 years ago

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Wait, so Star Child is lying about the purpose of the reapers, and the writers are lying about the very nature of the reapers, and the actual story/art/writing of the series can lie about what happened, and the plot will take players to places that violate the plot itself in order to dumb things down by saying contradictory things, and that makes the game's writing good?

Complex is fine. Simple is fine. Hard to understand is fine. Easy to understand is fine. But a story that changes it's mind, introduces things only to pretend they didn't happen, and then come up with a big reason for it all in the end that doesn't line up with what happened so far... that's not "deep" or "clever". It's just half-assed writing with no planning ahead and a handwaved ending.

8 years ago

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Never said writing was good. Just that most people forget the part where Reapers only kill highly inteligent life, leaving dumb life to exist and evolve into intelligent life.

So, I guess I can agree with "actual art of the series can lie about what happened" - they created baby human reaper so dumb players will understand Reapers harvest people to create new Reaper, even if that will be only and unique Reaper that will not look like any other.

8 years ago

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I agree with you on Mako. Though almost everyone found it boring and I also found it annoying sometimes it gave the game a more open feeling and a sense of exploration.

8 years ago

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was hopping it would come to steam as well,i think the origin exclusives should be timed and eventually come to steam anything else is just bad business.

8 years ago

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Sorry I didn't play MassEffect, just wanted to say, that you can hide spoilers using code formatting (like this). If you are lazy to remember formatting or open the faq page LIKE ME, comment formatting user script might help you :3.

8 years ago

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Oooh im a mass effect shameless fangirl, my friends on steam are exhausted for how much i kept talking about it. Its my fav saga and always will, i think its also about the timing i played them, helped me to figure out a few things.
About mass effect 3 and the ending. Well the ending could have been much more imo, but being such a slut for mass effect i guess that an hour ending would barely satisfy me :3
Dlcs heh, im annoyed by dlcs in general but you cant miss the citadel and the leviathan really.. Or shadow broker from mass effect 2. All money that id spend ten times if i could have one more mass effect with shepard ;_; although, i'll buy andromeda on day one, because i cant hold myself. I cant wait for it.
TL;DR I loved all mass effect games , i see them as a whole game, and the ending could have been much more. But you dont choose what you love even if you know that its not perfect and hurt you.

8 years ago

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As it's been said a million times, it was really just this boiling salt during the development of the game / the supposed "mediocrity" of the game up to the end. It's the same case with Starbound at the moment, where people just don't understand how development works and expected the game to be completed very quickly and be a perfect game. ME3 wasn't perfect, but it was a damn good game and still is. The ending really was stupid and random, yeah, but it wasn't the worst thing ever worth the outrage the "fans" expressed.

8 years ago

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How full mp servers now? It use to be fun with new challenges and events every month after release.

8 years ago

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Not having any problem finding quick matches.

8 years ago

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Never played it

8 years ago

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I think we will see Mako again on Andromeda. I probably will have to wait a long time, i'll need money for the game and maybe a new pc.

8 years ago

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