So what is your relationship with achievements?
It depends on the game. For example in Dishonored i went for the achievement with no kills/only stealth. It was very difficult (save, load, save, load) but i liked it. Sometimes tho the achievements feel as they exist just to spite you and make you waste hours.
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You wouldn't think it is, but the DLC one-time achievements are notoriously terrible (one especially, where you are in a shootout against an army base and you have to snipe three drivers in a row before they hit the break – by the way, did I ever tell you that it was originally advertised as a realistic police drama?), and the one where you have to drive every vehicle at least once eventually ends up in an RNG roulette where you are waiting for that one last vehicle that only spawns randomly near one intersection to finally show up…
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From a person who actually 100% that game i will agree with you. The achievemenets which concern the DLC's are not that bad i can't even remember to had a problem with them. BUT the stupid vehicles that was so god damn hard that leave a mark on my brain and ever since i can remember the exact method which i gather all cars. Tha last 5 cars so much pain i even dream some of them (for real). Also the achievement which you need to kill atleast 1 guy with every weapon is pain in the ass especially the flamethrower. I have 64 hours in that game and despite some not so well created achievements i really enjoy that game.
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Remember the achievement when you have to kill two people with a fallen engine block in the large chop shop shootout? The one that requires you to somehow get to the side door without your partner starting the shooting, and somehow fire off a shot while being detected and hoping the enemies will stay in place when it falls? I had at least 20 retries on that because somebody always rolled out of the way.
But for me the the one taking the cake was the last DLC mission, the spy mission, where you have to kill the army base MPs, and the achievement wants to kill all drivers while they are driving. And while at least three soldier is shooting at you. With a roughly 2-second window per car, with a weapon that either has massive spread or one with gigantic recoil. I spent over 90 minutes with that one alone. It is an infamous achievement that has rage messages all over the internet. An achievement that I swear was never play tested.
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I'm addicted to getting them on Xbox, but for steam I don't care as much. On Xbox I get gamerscore for the achievements I can do, but on steam the only goal is to complete all the achievements which is usually undoable for me, still I do occasionally set out to get them on Steam. The are good for my steam profile though.
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On Xbox achievements are worth a certain amount of points, usually totaling 1,000 for a whole game. It's completely worthless but I have 22,181 and want to get more.
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Not really, It's mostly a status thing, but I think it can or could be used in Xbox live rewards, which gives you some money back on purchases and some exclusive items(Which I'm actually not sure they do anymore), but it's negligible. Also a few times some companies have done something cool with achievements, like the Vidmaster challenge, but they're pretty much as useless as achievements on steam, just with the added vanity of a number
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I've never really bothered with them but when in my last game (Sword Coast Legends) it was nice to see them pop up occasionally as it felt like progress was being made on what was a long game for me to finish. I wouldn't ever bother going back and replaying a game a specific achievement I've missed. Its rare I even finish a game let alone pick up a reasonable number of achievements. I recently did finish Among the Sleep and managed only a single achievement - the one for completing the game ;)
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It's complicated, they deserve an attention I'm not able to provide, and I understand that absence makes the hearth wonder, so I wouldn't cross out they be cheating on me.
Now seriously, I really don't have time to get every single achievement, specially when some of them are grindy as fuck. Having said that back in the day I think I completed like a couple of games 100% (3 exactly, I think it was two deponias and Thomas Was alonesa. Now I have like 1,4k and 25% completion rate.
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I like to think some developers include them to showcase areas and quests they want you to experience, there were a few in Skyrim I probably would have missed if I hadn't known they existed. But games that use achievements to make the game a chore aren't so fun...
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I am addicted of getting achievements. Being a so called "achievement hunter", I don't get the games which have achievements that require a huge amount of time and grinding. There are a lot of great games out there in this category. So I believe I am missing a lot, but whatever.
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Love achievements! I'm definitely one of those achievement hunters. :) Just cannot resist. But I don't like to get spoiled, so I don't check out achievement names, or guides etc beforehand. Mostly at least.
Stats: 5241 achievements | 163 perfect games | 68% average game completion rate!
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Look at this guy :)
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The get-all-jobs-to-99 one in FFIII I think is even longer. There are two totally bullshit achievements on the FFs: that and the 10k kills in FFVIII (a full 100% play through may get you to 800-1000, and that's 35-50 hours in itself).
Well, the FFVI 100% too, but only because it is completely RNG-dependent.
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Well, it can still very much be impressive :D depends on the games though. There are lots of my 100%'s that can be hard or / and time consuming. But most of them are easy / quick games. :) and with my backlog I focus on those the most to feel better and like I accomplished something. :P
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Yea, I'm an achievement hunter as well. I try to get them all or atleast most of them. I check which of them seem out of my skill level and don't bother with them. Also I try to have atleast perfected half of the games in my Steam Library.
So far I have 3,086 achievements and 70 perfect games. For the moment I have an average completion rate of 92 %. But I'll start two or three new games today/this week so it is bound to drop a bit.
Also a bit with mrt39. I'm checking achievement stats and achievements before buying the game. If developers can't be bothered to make fair and good achievements (or some at alI) I can't be bothered to buy the game. There are enough games out there so I can skip those few without worrying.
EDIT: But I never bought a game just for getting an easy perfect game or some easy achievements.
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I do occasionally pay attention for one of two reasons:
1) something I haven't thought about, or something to look out for
Examples include the different ways to romance someone in a bioware game
2) challenges in sandbox / rogue like games
As an example, it took enough attempts to get to the end of FTL; trying to match a challenge along the way (eg crew of 6 different races) makes it more interesting on the umpteenth replay
Don't care about the achievements
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Do you like them? or do they destroy your life? :-P
And how much did you already achieved on STEAM? (at the moment im on 1682)
Edit 1: i will try to answer all comments (i do read them all), if i miss few dont be doing my best here ^_^
Edit 2: i read in a lot of the comments about bugs and achievement synchronizing problem...any way you can use Steam Achievement Manager to delete/open achievement on steam ( just dont abuse it ^_^
ohh and dont use it on multi games with servers (like TF2 or CSGO) you will probably get vac for it... it should be safe on normal single player games (with no multiplayer)
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