Basically I don't have any friends willing or able to brave the outside world for me but I live outside the US so I'm fucked unless some really nice person is willing to help me out by getting one on my behalf. I guess I'll give you some of the games I have up for trade even though they're fairly meh-y idk. Sorta been waiting for Doom 4 for most of my life (since I never really wanted Doom 3) and pretty bummed the people I've asked were like eh i'm busy i guess why not.

8 years ago

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i got 12 of them gifted cant give

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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On steam?

8 years ago

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Same, looking for one aswell

8 years ago

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you can have mine, add me.

8 years ago

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I wonder why people want the beta MP keys so much. id's multiplayer gameplay was dated even a decade ago and didn't have the slightest chance to stand up to any contemporary MP shooters; it all pretty much stopped at Quake 1 & Quake III.
I got why Overwatch keys were so freakin' sought out, but Doom, a franchise known for its SP content…?

8 years ago

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Just cause there is a bandwagon for 1 game , and its considered better then the rest ... doesnt mean that other games doesnt have a fanbase that would love to play it.

Yeah most ppl would sell their houses and kids to get Overwatch beta keys atm , but in the same time there is small community of ppl who would still prefer to play Good old Doom instead of it .

8 years ago

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Oh, I get fandom, and despite its publisher and my general aversion to the FPS franchise, I probably will play Doom 4 (I'm among the few who liked Doom 3 back then). I just have a hard time to imagine waiting for a Doom game to play it in multiplayer-only. I mean Doom 3 was known for a few things (insane HW reqs, simple mechanics, reliance on jump scares), but enjoyable MP was not of them. (Heck, the thing I distinctly remember reading about it was how much flak the MP part got in the reviews, even among those that tried to praise the questionable SP decisions.)

8 years ago

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Thats you tho ...
I despide FPS as a genre , and will never understand why ppl even bother playing such games tbh.
Still that doesnt mean ppl should just not play FPS cause i cant figure out why they enjoy it:)

8 years ago

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Hummm... You do realize that the quake 3 fans love it and still play them nowadays, right?

Also, they don't really like modern shooters. Most of them could not give 2 fcks for graphics or items. Most of them play with almost no textures and hidden gun. It's all about the gameplay.

Doom will be MP focused and MAYBE we will have a recent game that we actually love.

8 years ago

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I know, this is why I said it stopped at that two. But when was the last time you saw anybody playing Doom 3 MP? Or heck, any Doom MP? :)
If it really switches to MP focus, despite its SP origins and letting Quake be the MP game, then I guess I can chalk it up to Bethesda really having zero knowledge in their own IPs. (Although after what the company did to Fallout – or, well, their own world –, I guess this was coming anyway.)

8 years ago

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I heard Doom 4's MP is going to be "awesome", at least that's what some people say. I didn't bother looking at its MP video teasers and what not.

What I'm more surprised about, is why all the rage about those keys when they'll expire anyway. They will right? Once the beta ends you wont be able to play anymore?

8 years ago

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That is the normal procedure, yes. Also, if the MP part had some sort of levelling/unlocking system, it gets reset or the user account deleted. Beta is more like learning the mechanics early if you plan to stick around (and hoping players will do as well).

Also, I think we also heard Titanfall's MP (which was practically the entire game anyway) was "awesome" as well, and we all know how it turned out in the end. I cannot really believe any marketing before the game is out or at least the beta can be streamed. (When the beta cannot be even streamed, this is where you can be suspicious that the publisher knows its product is anything but enjoyable. Again, just look at Overwatch: closed beta, yet Twitch has constant coverage on it.)

8 years ago

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In my case I'm just entirely hyped to play the game I've been waiting for since my friend said hey let's play this instead of Goldeneye today. It's a nostalgia thing I guess. That plus Overwatch looks pretty eh to me. If I want to play specified roles I'd play TF2. I'm just after a gratuitous amount of no frills kills.

8 years ago

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I really want one if someone. Anybody?

8 years ago

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