Potential treasures to be found? 😉

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2 months ago

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Oh ew spoiled food

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Spoiled Potato 🥔🤢
Spoiled Lemon 🍋🤢

I've done it a couple times, my grandmother lives in an apartment complex so furniture gets regularly thrown out when people move out so when I visit she used to take me to go find "treasures." I think the nicest thing we ever found was a lovely large metal seahorse table with the glass top perfectly intact without a crack on it. You would be surprised how many functioning lamps and appliances get tossed out!

2 months ago

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Normally no, but my wife has spotted a few things left out for the garbage that we now own. In these few cases I am normally the ones that has to go and get the item that she wants picked up.

2 months ago

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Almost always trash people will not pick up anything that does not go in the trash receptacle and will leave anything else sitting there. Remember you are paying a certain amount of money for a certain amount of trash to be picked up, some people seem to think this is unlimited which it is not. So usually when something is set out on the curb it's with the intention of someone coming and picking it up for free. At least where I live.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Never dived into any actual dumpers (there have actually been a couple of people killed here accidentally in the past decade or so doing it ☹️) but I dare say when the council cleanups come round every 4 months I take a perusal of what everyone else in the area puts out for collection and have picked up a few of things over the years (no judgement please, it's actually encouraged by councils to help recycle and lessen the stuff taken to landfill, there are even some people who drive around with trucks in the collection week scooping up stuff, resellers I suspect mostly but DIY'ers in there certainly).

Cheers for the little dive and the treasures found within 😀, bump!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Yeah, I've gotten some great scores right after grocery stores dump stuff at the end of the night. Often times it's perfectly good and still in it's packaging.

2 months ago

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Before my time, when the economy in JP was booming people would put out perfectly working electronics, furniture in great shape and value for garbage collection... picking them is kind of grey zone (especially if tax sticker was put for oversized garbage). But economy is different place, reuse shops became popular, which is kind of reassuring. And many cities started to employ elderly people to renovate furniture, instruments and the like and resell it 👍 But putting stuff on curb and leaving note "please feel free to take" still happens.

2 months ago

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Haven't done that, but I do the next best thing which is hunting down foodstuffs near their expiry dates! Here in Finland there's one store chain that puts -30% on stuff that's either on or close to its sell by date, on the last opening hour those stickers turn to -60%!

A lot of the protein/meat that I buy I get that way and put in the freezer.

2 months ago

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People don't realize that canned and frozen stuff stays good for years past the date. It just loses flavor and texture but it's safe to eat! It's always good to keep stuff from going to waste. I go to food pantry's and get all my food for free. Sometimes they have milk, candy and even ice cream. Usually some fresh fruits and vegetables too. It's all stuff about to expire but that's ok in my book.

2 months ago

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Never considered, but considering supermarkets it should be legal in my country, alas it is not -.- People get arrested for saving good food which otherwise gets thrown away for profit

2 months ago

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Nope, thankfully I've never had to.

2 months ago

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I know it used to be popular years ago especially stores like gamestop. Sadly they realized what was happening and a lot of them started damaging the merchandise before tossing. I think a bunch of other stores do something similar.

2 months ago

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Nice dumpster you got there. Bump :)

2 months ago

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Never done it :)

2 months ago

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technically we done this at school ... we had container inside for old electronics they parked there before it went into the trash. i still to this day use a monitor i repaired out of 2 broken monitors ... 1st had a broken panel, second leaky caps

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Considering how expensive living is becoming, I don't discard it

2 months ago

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back in the gamestop days mabey

2 months ago

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Sure I guess but it's generally frowned upon and I think charges can actually be pressed. I live pretty remote though no prime dumpsters within 20 miles. Some people put things out at the curb though and you never know what you might find. Old tv's , mattresses and even bed frames, baby beds, dog houses, all kinds of stuff. A lot of times if it might be worthwhile people will post it on social media to just come pick it up. Old appliances that even if they don't run you can get some money scrapping them. Building materials, "fertilizer" sometimes you can get a whole truckload or more to spread or use for compost.

2 months ago

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Bump for dumpster diving!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Bump :)

2 months ago

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