Potential treasures to be found? πŸ˜‰

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2 months ago

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Oh ew spoiled food

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Spoiled Potato πŸ₯”πŸ€’
Spoiled Lemon πŸ‹πŸ€’

Behind a GameStop. Yes. Back in the day.
No chance of anything weird in there. Just old games, consoles, and game guides amongst cut up cardboard lol.

2 months ago

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Got in trouble years ago trying that with a friend, cop wasn't very happy. Fun experience though besides the cop lmao πŸ’™

2 months ago

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No doubt, lol.

2 months ago

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Did it once because I saw 3 bags full of books, got some cool ones from there and a bunch of those big Dragon Ball mangas

2 months ago

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That actually makes me so mad they'd just throw it away rather than giving it away or donating. At least you were able to save that stuff πŸ’™

2 months ago

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Ugh - I hate when people throw away stuff without second thought. My parents had neighbour that used to be a teacher. He was an old man living alone. After he died, his family just appeared one day and throw away a lot of his stuff.

Luckily I saw that and now I'm using his desk xD I also took home a lot (and I mean a LOT) of cool books that day.

2 months ago

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I'm in the UK and the nearest game shop is a few at the local supermarket so no I haven't - is it even legal here?

2 months ago

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Not sure if it is or not in the UK. I know it's illegal in some states in the US and just frowned upon in other states. I've always made the argument about why not donating all of those books, school supplies, etc. anything useful rather than throwing it all away? Just feels like such a waste and makes me sad :( πŸ’™

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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I did consider it, several times. I know some people who did and got some great hauls. I never did go through with it because I know my girlfriend would not eat meals prepared with dumped food, even if it is still wrapped and otherwise good to eat.

2 months ago

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Yeh idk how I'd feel about food unless it was obviously safe to eat, like throwing out a case of canned sodas because one busted in the case but the rest of them are perfectly fine. Stuff like that I'd grab so fast lol. πŸ’™

2 months ago

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If I had a bit of an idea where to find stuff worth anything, a big truck, proper medical care in case I get a nasty infection and most importantly space to store all the shit I'd probably try it just for fun.

Saw a few vids from that mike guy on youtube where he keeps running into containers full of companies throwing prototype products away in the hundreds. So maybe you could sell them on ebay for $5 each, and that's a month's income in a day. Thing is, by the time they sell you might have to give them to your grandchildren, you also gotta store all this somewhere so if you don't have a warehouse that costs nothing that's a problem, it's likely been pissed on and... #2 on and smells nasty af from all the other normal trash thrown in there, and it's not exactly the atmosphere I'm looking to hold in my garage or back yard or worse inside the house.

Sounds fun, but unless you're doing it for youtube channel views which would pay more anyways or you're in a desperate situation, I don't see why over anything else. Start an AI onlyfans.

2 months ago

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I've seen so many videos of people finding crazy stuff that it's almost made me go dive so many times, but some of the crazy hauls are probably staged lol. Some ik are real, like stores just throwing out overstock and barely damaged goods. (Bath & Body Works is a big one at this) πŸ’™

2 months ago

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Depends on where it is. Electronics store? Video game store? Hardware store? Sure, you can find some really nice stuff sometimes.

Restaurant? Grocery store? Nope. If food is thrown out it's usually for a good reason and I'm not going to roll the dice that it wasn't dropped on the floor or something.

2 months ago

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Definitely would recommend avoiding restaurant dumpsters lmao πŸ’™

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Good for the money purse, good for the world.
Results, good if you eat the stuff soon after collecting.

2 months ago*

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Definitely would help with this current economy lol πŸ’™

2 months ago

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Have gotten kids books from the grade school paper recycle. Lots of pencil erasers. Some snap circuit stuff. A nice lamp. Since I live in a college town, a lot of good things are left next to dumpsters for others to take, so you can 'dive' without actually climbing on a trash can. College students often move away and don't want to bring things with them.

2 months ago

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I've considered it so many times in the past behind office depot, best buy, gamestop, etc. Only ever checked gamestop years ago with my best friend and a cop drove up while he was in the dumpster and told us if we didn't leave we'd get in trouble :/

2 months ago

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The paper recycle for the school was by the classrooms. Waiting there every day for 2 years made it easy to notice books on top. Usually the bin was so full of average common books that it wouldn't close, when they were clearing things. (These were books already offered free to kids, but sometimes something good would sneak in.)

The furniture stuff is usually accepted that people can take it or leave it. Apartments around here usually block off a few car parking spots for it during move out week. So we don't get suspicious cop drive bys.

2 months ago

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bump, thank you!

2 months ago

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Hey Flame, I've found your picture :P

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2 months ago

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Looking good flame! Dapper tie.

2 months ago

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Fancy :) πŸ’™

2 months ago

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He sure does :)

2 months ago

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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love this, welcome to my whitelist! :D πŸ’™

2 months ago

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I guess I'm a dumpster :D
Thanks. <3

2 months ago

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Yes, you can honestly find some decent electronics or furniture

2 months ago

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nope, only a few stores it would be worth doing it at... and simply put its not worth the time on average... or the risks... this is Texas after all. Heat stroke is a concern most of the year, not just summer.

2 months ago

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Yeah I'd probably try it in evenings or early mornings when it's cooler to avoid that, or in cooler seasons. If only I wasn't so nervous about trying it and potentially getting in trouble :( πŸ’™

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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thanks for the trash :D

2 months ago

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Anytime lmao πŸ’™

2 months ago

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I heard about this idea in the 90s and thought it was disgusting!

But years ago i was homeless and bored. I got food stamps from the state, and extra's from the food bank.

Then one night on my way back to my camp, i was walking by Grocery Outlet, and figured they were getting a delivery the next day, because their dumpster was just about overflowing. Looking inside i saw a lot of what i'd been buying that week, so i figured i'd snag some of it.

I mainly got things that would rot easily, so avoided raw meat, eggs and dairy. But if you know the day a store gets their delivery, just know the night before they're dumping a ton of food that is still perfectly edible, and still packaged.

Many stores like Safeway have stopped people from raiding their trash by now using trash compactors. While countries like France passed a law stating stores had to offer the food to local food banks, shelters and others in need, before throwing it away.

Random rant over...

Thx for the giveaway! o/

2 months ago

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Considered yes. Didn't actually do it though. Yet.

2 months ago

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I would never consider it, becz i belong to a developing country and considering our standards what i find might even be fatal to me!
I dont think ill even consider it even if im elsewhere , but I hope the future is kind to me and i dont land in such a position. Same goes for everyone else here, I hope life is kind/kinder to all of us!

But i dont think dumpster diving is about survival anymore, considering places like this subreddit. Reading some posts there, DD almost seems like a treasure hunt!!🀯
But still, better options would be yard sales, thrift shops and food banks. There could be a good reason for why someone decided to trash something, gambling with your health isnt wise.

2 months ago*

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The smell stopped me from thinking about doing it.

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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smells like me


2 months ago

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Yes, but only here.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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All the fucking time xD I mean - I have work and stuff, but old habits die hard xD
I just can't stop myself from picking up things that can have some value.

Books - must take. Any book. Will browse later - some ended up on shelf of my private library, some were sold, some were sold on wastepaper collection point.
Some electronics? Same.
Broken stuff with metal? Sold on scrapyard.

Lately I brought home bag filled with old magnetic tapes. I was listening to them for about month and those that were in good shape were sold separately and those with bad state were sold in bulk for people who want to use them for artistic purposes... Earned about 20$ in total xD

Totally not worth time and effort but it's weirdly satisfying xD

PIC related: Me when I see dumpster.

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2 months ago

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Totally not worth time and effort but it's weirdly satisfying xD

Kind of same with steam cards and gems πŸ˜‚

2 months ago

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Off topic: That pic is just perfect. XD

Oh, wait, I can just say that this is a bump and then it wouldn't be off-topic.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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