Look at statistics. People with a gun at home are most likely to end up dead or injured than being a hero on Fox News.
It's not gun paranoia rhetoric. I own guns. I have been using them and trained on them since I was 10. I've seen people handle guns with no training. It never ends well.
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You are more likely to shoot yourself or someone you care about than to be a victim of terrorism, domestic or foreign.
Care to give an example to the rise of domestic terrorism? Are you eluding to the right wing paramilitary groups trying to start a race war, or something else perhaps?
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Yeah man, those left wing groups sure are known for their penchant for firearms.
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As I said elsewhere ITT, it's rather telling how defenders will say that it's unfair to judge all cops for the actions of a few, and then go ahead and blame all protesters for isolated incidents of rioting.
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Terrorist: I have my gun. Where's yours?
Gullible Homeowner: Urthemiel told me not to get one.
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In Brazil we have 60k of murders every year with a very rigid gun control (known more as gun denial).
Isn't United States murder numbers 4 times lower than Brazil?
Let's also consider that United States has almost the double of Brazil's population?
This gives us an even higher murders rate in Brazil with our*
splendid gun control "statistics based".
Any of these statistics goes better for you? Would you like to distort them?
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Who's distorting statistics? Did you see me distorting statistics?
You do quote some local statistics. I'm not exactly sure what you're saying with them though. What do you think they mean? Or are you just quoting from a website?
I think numbers may confuse you a little. 212 millions is not "almost" half of 328 millions, it's two thirds but whatever;
Are you actually saying the US have less murders than Brazil... because they have more guns?
Talk about post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
Yeah I'm sure gun ownership is the only difference between the US and Brazil...
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Would you like to distort them?
The "statistics" became "local statistics". Your example of actions doesn't matter anymore. Numbers was attenuated in detriment of conclusions. Cherry picking arguments that doesn't lean towards your narrative. I must include the one I love most: Brazil is a whole different planet. NICE BRO, but same old bullshit.
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The "statistics" became "local statistics"
I'm confused. Aren't Brazil statistics only relating to Brazil? That makes them local as opposed to global. It's not an insult.
Cherry picking arguments that doesn't lean towards your narrative.
Where did I do that?
I must include the one I love most: Brazil is a whole different planet.
You must be quoting from another post and i'm not your "bro".
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I'm confused. Aren't Brazil statistics only relating to Brazil? That makes them local as opposed to global. It's not an insult.
You brought the criteria. You ignored the criteria you brought. Plain simple.
Where did I do that?
C'mon, there's only one comment before mine.
You must be quoting from another post and i'm not your "bro".
You are not and you'll never be. You just failed to digest irony TWICE in a single row.
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nope, i live in europe
we dont have shootings on daily basis
BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE GUNS IN EVERY SHOP that anyone can buy in infinite quantity
by guns i mean assault rifles
let me guess - lets make america great again ?
guns manufacturers approves your post, give them all your money
oh dear thats sth beyond my imaginary
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okay thanks for sharing, its good to see the thing from other point of view
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There are no facts in this video. Just a different angle on the same event. What you think of as "facts" are your opinions as in your own personal interpretation of the events. There is no magic bullet or big reveal in this video that exonerates the officers responsible.
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Where didn't he cooperate?
Right from the start of the video when he was told to show his hands.
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Not denying any of that but the whole way hough the video he was clearly refusing to co-operate.
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He was not refusing to co-operate at all though. Not instantly obeying every single order is not the same as not co-operating.
He didn't swing, he didn't throw his weight, he didn't mouth off even. But, since he did not raise his hands the very second he was told, he is not co-operating?
I mean come the fuck on. If someone put a gun to your head, you think you are going to be calm, collected, and able to instantly comprehend and obey everything spoken to you? It's a very normal response to react the way he did.
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Sugar is a recreational drug that kills more people than heroin. Coffee (caffeine) has killed more people than marijuana.
Many medical drugs are lethal, and highly addictive.
You need to be more informed.
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And the footage is supposed to show us it wasn't racially motivated. Right.
Can we see footage of white guys being arrested just for laughs and giggles? Just to see how many get a gun in their faces just for... what was it? Oh yeah suspicion of using a fake bill.
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Its not racially motivated, police are just weird over the other side of the ocean
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I have to ask. Is that standard procedure in the US? Cops just walk into a suspect aiming a gun at them even when they're not acting violently but instead just sitting inside a car?
If this is an everyday thing it's kind of a miracle that people dying from heart attacks due to police "interaction" isn't a common ocurrence.
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I for one am not surprised cops are always eager to get their guns out..... Americans have some real serious problems with gun, drug and alcohol control, and when you can't be sure which car will have a drugged up trigger happy moron inside it, you kind of want to be safe. There are obvious police brutality issues in US - no doubt. But dont badmouth only cops - there are tons of other problems that only exacerbate (alleviate - thanks for correcting) the problem.
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I'm not a native speaker so I might be wrong - but don't both of these words basically mean making something more severe.. As in increasing the problem even further ?
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Oh damn, you're right :D Thanks. Rahul as well for pointing it out
Got to visit dictionary more often
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You could also have been thinking of "Escalate" or "Elevate", both of which sound similar to "alleviate", but imply an increase.
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and when you can't be sure which car will have a drugged up trigger happy moron inside it,
Look, I get it. Cops have a hard job and sometimes they are scared shitless. In this case, however, there was no reason for them to be scared. He was not armed. He was on drugs, yes, but he was not freaking out until they started restraining him, which is also understandable since black guys are also scared shitless by cops and there were 3 officers. Then he was subdued and they turned a blind eye and kept kneeling on his neck.
My point is you wouldn't see me just assume the cops are dirty and bad and violent. But in this case, they were negligent at best. Anybody who says they followed procedure is just covering up.
There will be less police brutality when cops are being held accountable for their actions. The solution is not to cancel police. They need to try and solve those issues. Someone who is acting like a cowboy, or who is beating up people with no cause, or who is scared shitless just because a black guy is in front of them, has no place in any law enforcement capacity.
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That was meant more or less in general as Axelflox was asking about cops being gun friendly. I totally agree about Floyds situation - police went too far and should be held accountable for using excessive force.
Police should hire decent people, train them and monitor them. And as you said - hateful and aggressive people shouldnt be part of law enforcement. But there are many underlying problems that has created the situation that US is in right now. BLM is doing absolutely nothing in favor of fixing this and it has all turned out into a race war instead of actually trying to fix anything.
So now more criminals are on streets with even more guns. How does this help the police ? Situation is escalating and focusing on police wont fix that. Whats wrong are the people. BLM because they are calling for eradication of police and white people. And all the freedom fighters who think their rights involve having a fucking death machine with them at all times. Having drugged out and drunk unpredictable low lifes roaming around without anyone monitoring them certainly doesnt help as well.
All in all I dont hold it against cops for being a little too much trigger friendly with the shitshow thats going on. But if police kill someone out of thin air - definitely hold them accountable. I just cant stand blaming only the police while pretending that everything else is as good as can be and even protecting actual criminals, just to make police look bad
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But there are many underlying problems that has created the situation that US is in right now. BLM is doing absolutely nothing in favor of fixing this and it has all turned out into a race war instead of actually trying to fix anything.
I think it was already a race war. It was just not in the news as much.
BLM because they are calling for eradication of police and white people
I haven't read any actual representative for the movement calling for a genocide on white people but if you mean white people feel threatened now, I guess they always were. If they weren't there wouldn't be so much racism and fear mongering in politics.
And all the freedom fighters who think their rights involve having a fucking death machine with them at all times.
And they truly believe that it will protect them if someone shoots at them. That's how much of their lives is lived through television
But if police kill someone out of thin air - definitely hold them accountable.
Out of thin air is where it gets tricky because for some people if you have been arrested in the past or if you have neck tattoos, that means you're fair game.
I don't blame the cops for being scared and I think people calling for an abolition of the police are playing into the hands of the radical right (conveniently) but if cops can't hold their shit together and be the calmest person in the room, they shouldn't be cops.
When a cop starts firing in a parking lot at a guy who is running away with a taser, this cop should be fired and prosecuted for endangering the lives of the civilians in the parking lot, regardless of who the guy he was firing at is.
And other cops should welcome it. Because guys like that are giving all cops a bad name, and escalating issues. So yes blaming all cops is ridiculous but the bad ones, the scared ones, the violent ones, should be prosecuted and fired.
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It's magical thinking. Most people in the US just assume that guns are magical tools of protection.
It's a cultural thing, largely promoted by movies ofc (which makes me LOL every time I hear a celebrity making their money in action movies talking about gun control) but it's not just movies, it's rooted in the culture.
Look at every first pictures after a shooting. You can see cops and ATF agents on the scene with HUGE guns. Perp blew his own head off. There's no reason for these guys to be armed to the teeth. But they're doing that to show the public that it's safe now, "good guys" with big guns are on the scene. It's highly ironic.
If I was a black guy and the cops were shoving me in the back of a car, drugged or not, I would freak out.
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it's racial profiling-- cops don't get their guns out unless a Black person or a dark-skinned Mexican is behind the wheel. white people, light-skinned east Asians, etc, don't get a gun unless t hey draw one first. i've have multiple interactions with police as a white woman and i would never have even known that they had guns on them if the holsters weren't so visible.
so i guess the answer to your question is yes, it's procedure.
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Kinda wierd that he was yelling about how he's claustrophobic when getting into the back of the police vehicle when just a few minutes before he was sitting in the driver seat of a vehicle with all the windows up...and 'ten seconds' for the police to show their weapon when his right hand was hidden from view? All it takes is 2 seconds to draw a concealed weapon and attack...that's 8 seconds of amazing restraint on the part of the police
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Claustrophobia isn't really like that, not every small space triggers it, as it has a lot to do with a person's anxiety and stress level. Judging by the video, the guy was high on something and that's probably the reason he was acting a bit erratic.
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I'm claustrophobic and I have no problem with cars. As long as my view of the outside is no obstructed, I'm breathing fine.
Of course I'm working on it. A couple of decades ago, I even had a problem with tight hugs so I can't even look at the footage of the arrest after he's on the ground.
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I guess it varies for everyone. My FIL is claustrophobic as well. He's not very happy when travelling in a car and prefers to keep the windows open when inside the car. He feels even more stressed when travelling on an intercity bus as the windows can't be opened. My wife told me that once he made the bus stop three times (besides the usual stop) on a 4 hour journey.
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It definitely varies and I'm guessing he must be crazy about elevators.
Here, I prefer riding a bike even though it's not the safest because tbh, just thinking about riding the subway makes it hard to breathe. I can control it when I can look out, even if it's just tunnels, but when it's crowded and I can see through the windows, I have to get out.
I'm not surprised he reacted that way to the tainted windows and bars.
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What happened between so much patient from the officers to knee on the neck until you die? i didn't get it.
I don't get it either. I think the more people around were crowding up and telling them to let off, the more that cop felt like he had to show them who was the boss. I don't know.
They called an ambulance but then proceed to stay on the guy's neck for I don't know how long. Makes no sense. That's definitely an abuse of power of some kind. Racially motivated? I don't know. But it's not what was justified from Floyd's actions.
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25 seconds in and the policeman is already pointing the gun like a real gangsta. And here I was, thinking gta was satirical. Besides, I don't see Floyd as being drunk. His mistake was being so outraged when he realized what was going on. Being held at gun point while doing nothing wrong because of racism can do that, I suppose.
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It's very common in America for cops to pull guns. Many people have guns here so it's kinda a defensive problem. I'm not defending ANYONE here just saying. Also the training in the US is bad for cops, they mostly trained to shoot to kill suspects if they draw a weapon so.... having your weapon out when someone isn't complying kinda comes with that training. We have a police training problem I believe, we need to overhaul that system.
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he pulled his gun away, as he saw the hands on the wheel.
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"People go out in the streets to hunt white people".
Holy shit the white fragility leaking out of this dude.
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Heh I thought the same. I mean, I haven't been keeping up with the news and I don't watch Fox News so I am not up to date on the white people hunt but sounds like a bit of an overstatement.
Somehow I'm sure OP is the kind of person who says Black people have a sweet deal and are being snowflakes for complaining they are being mistreated though. Irony.
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Please cite your sources.
You are being purposely vague and framing unspecified generalities.
you'll not see that on the mainstream media
You also aren't seeing the countless protests that are occurring daily without incident. We all know what drives ratings.
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As for me bodycam shows, that Mr. Floyd has absolutely inadequate behavior (drug or not). So, imho, policemen do everything right.
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I don't see a man resisting arrest or even necessarily being drunk or high; you can clearly see he didn't do anything violent towards the police. What I see is a man freaking out because the police suddenly show up at his car and he doesn't seem to understand why-- nor does the police explain, at least in the video.
In addition, and as the whole thing develops, he begins to have a panic attack and the police were most definitely not equipped to deal with it. Finally, why would you put your knee on a man's neck when he's shouting he can't breathe? This is baffling to me!
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It's not an act if he's having a panic attack, which he clearly is from pretty much 0:01. He freaks out as soon as he sees the police. I would too, if the police randomly just approaches my car when all I'm doing is being parked out on the street. And I'd proceed to continue to freak out if they ask me step out of my own car and offer no explanation whatsoever while doing so-- which was definitely the case here. Furthermore, you can hear the people that were with him tell the police officer that Floyd has problems and the police do not take that into account as they proceed to escort him to their car, which only exacerbates the panic attack. Imagine being taken out of your car and into a police car without being told so much as why.
But even if you're 100% right on what you said, even if that were the case, why is there a knee on a man's neck who is down on the ground, his hands are handcuffed behind his back and has no way of doing anything dangerous at that point? Explain that to me. Whichever way you look at this, it's still murder.
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How exactly was he resisting?
Do you understand what is and is not a lawful command, and what constitutes a good faith effort to obey?
Simply not understanding, or not instantly obeying an officers command is not the same as resisting arrest.
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Because our mentality is different, in Europe police is supposed to de-escalate violence or resistance and you don't even question that, it's a dogma, meanwhile in America this is completely different, I've seen people justify civilians using a gun for the most stupid reasons
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oh, you can't breathe? here is a knee to the neck.
there is no discussion here, just by comparison to European standards, its quite obvious that US police are much more willing to use excessive force at any given situation
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Here is a copy of Floyd's autopsy report if you haven't read it yet.
Dude was on a lethal cocktail of drugs, he had severe heart disease, and there is no evidence he suffocated.
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Why don't you post his final report, from one week later?
Maybe because that one "classified Floyd's death as a homicide caused by a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by officers who had subjected Floyd to neck compression"?
Besides, just because they found indication of drug consumption in his body, doesn't mean that he had consumed all of them lately. The report only mentions a recent Methamphetamine use. But I guess that would mess with your lovely interpretation that the "Dude was on a lethal cocktail of drugs", which isn't supported by the report at all.
Edit: Funny how the people above liked all their facts and official document. And suddenly ... silence.
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Thanks. I was coming to write all that.
The firs report was obviously the "uh oh I work with police all the time, please don't ask me what killed this guy please" report.
It was avoiding SO HARD to give any actual cause of death it was almost funny. He died because... he died basically, and that was only complicated by the fact some grown up man was kneeling on his spine. What cause the "cardiopulmonary" failure though... was left to anyone's guess.
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There isn't much to say, he didn't cooperate, he was on drugs
Police footage include a drug test?
the police didn't killed him
Yeah he just died in his sleep while a grown man was kneeling on his neck for 10 mn. That's natural causes.
and hunt white people.
People have been hunted?
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I don't even know what that means but nobody is suppressing your free speech there, "my amigo". People are free to blacklist you because they think you're a jerk. Won't stop you from being able to post on the board. If you're crying because you thought you'd only get thumbs up with this thread, you're entitled in addition to very naive but just so you know, people who blacklisted you for it are also exercizing their freedom.
By the way, not that it matters but you were on my Dicklist way before I saw this thread. I don't really like to to give games away to people who don't participate in the site by making giveaways.
You're also free to blacklist people you don't like but of course, they won't be missing much considering how often you make giveaways. Oh well...
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Don’t be a hypocrite. We all have some skeletons in our gifting closet.
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lol oh Lugum, don't even get me started. You won't like me when you get me started :P
Seriously though, you want to check how many of your giveaways are invite only with less than 100 entries?
Is that elitist?
I give to a lot of groups, some of which have fewer users than others. Not that I need to defend my giveaways to anyone, least of all you. Most of these are groups that ask people to contribute in some way because yes the site wouldn't exist without people giving as well as winning. Is that elitist? I guess the site wouldn't exist if people were only taking and not giving.
Also, since you are not on my Dicklist, are you just running around defending leeches or only the ones you agree with?
Anyway, my point was nobody is suppressing the guy's freedom of speech. He's just now bitching because he's getting blacklisted, which is very funny to me. When I have something to say, I say it and I don't count my blacklist for saying it. And if OP is bitching because he'd rather win games than say what he wants to say, that's his problem.
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https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/doiWG/there-came-an-echo I am not gonna count but that's about 4 years worth of weeklies and end of the year jigidi's, not everyone likes jigidi's but can i be blamed for that? Atleast it was open for ANYone.
Also i posted many other others puzzles in all sorts of ways, birthday events, again open to ANYone here on the forum with a chance to enter something.
Doing it, as being an active part of a back then friendly community with many others that did puzzles too, i wanted to bring the weekly back, but aside the personal health issues, i don't think the way the forum is going i am longer in the mood for it.
I have never shared them secretly on some board. Plus i do public and whitelist (yes) only too, unlike your way.
So no if you ever wanna call that elitist? Then you should really scratch your head, and think twice, or changed your mind?
I have said the same thing to others too in the past about circle jerk giveaways, you are not the only one.
Would it even matter if i am on your list or not this way? You certainly getting close to mine (and no not because of this thread, but what i mentioned and if especially if you want to start something, which i hope we don't).
I don't think he is crying about the fact he is getting blacklists rather that if you don't agree these days, which i tried some discussions about, that you automatically get jumped on, and being a racist (someone actually made that remark here) while i haven't seen any comments from him having affirmed that (and that comment was made even before his edit, but how does posting a video make someone a racist or even his edit?
Anyone can disagree with OP absolutely fine with that, but what i tried discussing before on how we all just jump on eachother these days this forum just became very toxic and it's just growing and growing.
I (and probably many others have came to that wise conclusion) further found it better to remain to stay out of anything political, or in the end just walk away from this forum...
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So you agree, it's silly to judge the "elite-ness" of someone's giveaways.
Glad that we could all find some common ground.
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Uhm no? I can understand some are not willing to do level 0-2 giveaways anymore, that you want to give some to a group or whitelist, but solemnly? No, i don't find that silly in judging that when you judge someone else over not gifting much when you yourself only gift to <20 people, and then call me an eltitist too when my profile definitely shows i am not.
The site should be for everyone or atleast a majority be it giveaways, and even for discussions (which drove most away already).
I don't think we ever find common ground, if you only keep giving people hits and snarky remarks.
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So no if you ever wanna call that elitist? Then you should really scratch your head, and think twice, or changed your mind?
Dude, you were the one calling me an elitist. I wasn't calling anyone that.
It's my choice if I want to give away to people who give back and not to others. You don't have to approve but don't come and bug me about it on an unrelated thread when I wasn't even talking to you about anything in the first place, especially when you do the same. That's hypocritical.
I find it funny you mention jigidi though. Remember last Xmas when I was your pal enough to make half the Jigis for "your event"? Now cut me some slack and post about the thread if you have something to say about it.
And please don't threaten me with a blacklist. Do it if you want, bro, it makes no difference to me, you've been on my ignore list for weeks so I don't see any of your invite only threads anyway.
I don't think he is crying about the fact he is getting blacklists rather that if you don't agree these days, which i tried some discussions about that you automatically get jumped on,
Pal, I've been blacklisted for posting in the Pride Month thread so don't start this snowflake victim card like only the poor white dudes who are defending whitedom are getting targeted by the mean liberal people.
What he actually is saying is that people blacklisting him because they think he's a douche would make nazi Germany proud, which is both hilarious, hypocritical and seriously diminishing what Nazis were doing in Germany.
People who were oppressed in Germany weren't told "if you say things I don't like, you won't get free games from me", which is his only issue here, and nobody is suppressing his right of speech.
Just like I'm not suppressing yours or his, by having you on my Ignore List because I can't stand hypocrites who whine about how unfair life is all the while denigrating the real struggles of people who are oppressed for being different.
Now blacklist me please and forget I ever existed. I'll do the same. Have a nice life.
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See "I don't agree with you so talk to the hand, you right (facist)", typical.
And you aren't in a brotherhood where you stick up for eachother?
Be careful with who you are calling or making assumptions being alt right, racist etc, i might check the rules if they got something against slander, which is what you are doing here.
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For now still atleast. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/KxcAS/rename-blacklist
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I know it very well, is not what it used to be, I will say again, the people who started tooking down the forum is here without consequences.
Many users had been leaving for them. But popularity seems to fit on the "good guys" whatever they hypocritically do. Well, they are "funny" must be good people.
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So one good thing (the small jigidi help, which you bailed on halfway) erases something else? Also haven't you won several times from my events, even from myself if i remember correctly, i think so, thus you kindly benefited from it all too.
You started with the i am not on your dicklist (why even use that word when there can actually be children here man), which i really hope there aren't many left.
And again the way you are gifting what's the point does that even matter then if you blacklist me or not? It does absolutely nothing, so go ahead. Unless you suddenly start doing public and whitelist giveaways again tommorow, but i seriously doubt that.. How can i forget someone if they still keep hanging on the forums (and doesn't only go for you).
I have no clue about the pride month thread nor do i care, but be it about gender, sexuality, religion, racism again what i tried discussing, but noone is open to it, anyone or anything, those people already left, that we should jump a bit less on eachother, keep it civil, i have seen you constantly jumping all over this thread on things, so yeah you stuck out here.
With your snowflake victim card (such an easy word to use these days) Isn't that really true and not been the case here, on reddit, on twitter, in the entire world now what's happening you are either a left liberal or right facist, and whatever you say is automatically deemed wrong (thus the freedom of speech) by the other side. When there is absolutely nothing in between anymore?
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Also wrong. just as wrong also when people are just fighting like small kids on a forum in this way.
I don't know how many mods are even left (it looks and feels for the last few months 80% left), this topic should have been closed, people should have been warned.
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So what's wrong with finding everything wrong?
It's a terrible way to live.
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Swearing isn't against the rules.
Here I see mentions of "4. Threats, harassment, and slurs" but nothing about swearing. However, the video in the OP might qualify for "2. NSFW [...] real life images depicting severe injury, gore, or death" (might - I didn't actually watch it).
Mods have posted here but apparently they don't want to, or can't, do anything about this thread.
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Uhm there is still some logic left for mods to operate on, i don't think anyone calling someone a fucking idiot (keeping it mildly) and then goes on will be tolerated. Sure maybe not dicklist, but still is it mature?
You forget Personal attacks or hate speech.
Mods usually have closed these kind of threads, there was many with those several bombings f.e.
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The post itself was indeed a personal attack towards you, but what I wanted to emphasize was that mentioning children in regards to that particular swear, instead of pointing the ad hominem itself, was ridiculous.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop a silly one-liner, not to argue about semantics. The joke's all cold now, I'll leave you alone.
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Sorry. next time i won't spoil the joke for you. <3
And thanks for the try to keep it lightly what i am "fighting" for, the lightly stuff yet failed to have even seen it.
That's when you constantly keep getting attacked/counterattack, i guess that you then quickly see fault in everyone's response even though some are just meant to be lightly.
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So much is unclear. Did they already know about his history? If they already knew about his criminal past with holding a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach (House robbery), it might explain their behavior. The police didn't seem to have any issues with the other two passengers.
All the information isn't out yet so it's hard to truly say.
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I get your point but when they kneeled on his neck, he was restrained and had already been searched for a weapon so they were not in any danger, nor was anyone else. Force like that should only be used to protect civilians or the cops themselves from harm, not to prove a point, show people who's the boss or take some kind of revenge for past crimes.
He was not a threat. People who say he was "resisting arrest" like it justifies him getting killed... Come on. He was crying and pissing them off, ok, but he wasn't a threat to them or anyone. He was handcuffed. The worst he could do was run away. If they had sat him down on the curb and tried to calm him down when he started to have a panic attack instead of making it worse, it would have been over in 5 minutes.
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The autopsy report showed Floyd’s heart stopped while police were restraining him and pressing on his neck and while he had drug in his system. The autopsy report does not claim that he died of a heart attack, drugs, or pre-existing conditions.
Very often people die of combinations of factors, for Floyd's case, the drug and the compression on his neck are both complications leading to his death. If you can say that "if the police didn't put his knee on Floyd's neck, he likely wouldn't have died", then the neck compression is a cause of death.
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Stop white knighting for a criminal.
I don't speak internet so I don't know what "white knighting" means but having a criminal past or being a drug addict doesn't mean you can be mistreated by people who are sworn to serve and protect. I don't care if he was on drugs. I don't care if you would have invited him for dinner or not. The only question is: did he do something, anything, that justified a grow man kneeling on his neck for 10 mn and the answer, from the footage is no.
Autopsy showed he died from heart failure as a result of drugs overdose
No. It does not. It states the presence of drugs in his system, not enough drugs to cause an overdose, and concludes he died of "a cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression"
So basically he died of... his heart and his breathing stopping. And because the coroner is working with cops, his conclusions are that it was his heart stopping (for which he gives no medical cause) that "complicated" the kneeling on his neck, which is a laugh and a half.
So basically there is no consequence to someone kneeling on my neck because we all die from not breathing and our heart not beating anymore so it's totally ok for the cops to do it when they had no reason to? That's your conclusion?
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We always need to hear both sides of the story
The damage has already been done tho, its a little late for this.
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It's frightening to me that people can come to the conclusion that OP here did. So what if a person is on all the drugs in the world? Outside of self-defense situations where there's legit reason to believe it's your life or the attackers, people on the street should not be acting as judge, jury, and executioner. People in the police force especially should certainly try to avoid accidentally killing people, regardless of what they have in their system at the time. People working for the police should in fact be held to a high standard, and should be -- and finally might be, at least to a certain extent -- held accountable for repeatedly, demonstrably falling short of even the lowest standards of human decency and competency.
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The comments on the Youtube video are frankly even scarier than the video itself.
He was "resisting arrest"... by crying? Come on. Ok he started to freak out when they tried to put him in the police car. Sit him down with the handcuff on the curb and calm him down. Don't kneel on his neck for 10 mn.
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Why didn't they call in a police van. They could easily have put him in the back. Trying to get a terrified person of his size into a car was a really dumb thing to do.
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Because they didn't care. If he had been a white guy in a suit, they would have treated him differently but because he was a black guy, he was just some criminal faking. People are saying nothing racist is going on because if it's not a lynching, it's not racist.
The truth is behavior based on prejudices can be just as racist as lynching. And in the case of Floyd, it had the same result.
He only started hyper ventilating and freaking out when they tried to force him into the back of a car with black windows. He was obviously distressed. Before that he was crying and pleading but he wasn't freaked out so it had nothing to do with him being on drugs.
They just treated him like a second class citizen. Someone who was not worthy of their protection or service.
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Yeah, I was watching that part, and it made me so angry. I had to switch it off before the end. If that was here in Ireland, they'd call a van without question. I saw it happening outside a bus station years ago. There were two groups of Travellers beating each other up and the police were called. (Travellers are an Irish minority group that is often discriminated.) The bus company locked us inside to keep us in and them out because the fight was a bit crazy. When the police came, they broke up the fight and told them all to leave. They put one of the women in the back of their car when she refused to move on. Another woman was screaming up a riot, and hit the officer for arresting her friend. There is no way they'd have gotten her into one of the cars safely as she was kicking and screaming. They handcuffed her and a van arrived 5 minutes later. The rest of them were again told to leave.
But then when you say "if he was white," you look at the Tony Timpa case. He was a white man, schizophrenia, good job, drove a merc. They killed him too in a similar fashion and he pleaded for his life. On the body cam footage, they can be heard mocking his wealth and his merc, saying that they'd make him breakfast when he wakes up, among other things. They said he was on drugs and it was reported that he was. But, it said later that he was off his meds and paranoid, which is why he called the police for help in the first place. Sounds more likely. He was seen as a lesser human because of his illness.
"He was on drugs" is a fine excuse to kill someone, in both cases, and cover it up.
I'm not saying Flyod's death wasn't racially motivated, but there are cases of people getting discriminated against and treated like second class citizens for other reasons too. Just depends on whether the person making the arrest is an asshole. =(
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I'm not saying Flyod's death wasn't racially motivated, but there are cases of people getting discriminated against and treated like second class citizens for other reasons too. Just depends on whether the person making the arrest is an asshole. =(
I get your point. They treated him like a subhuman, that's a fact. What led them to do that is only left to interpretation.
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your comment reminds me of something i saw on twitter the other day: "Resisting Arrest is not a death penalty crime." so even if he were somehow resisting rather than freaking the fuck out of his mind because he was terrified, they still had no legal, moral, or ethical right to kill him.
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Totally agree. Even physically resisting didn't justify the brutality of kneeling on his neck and staying there.
Force should only be employed when there is an active threat. He wasn't a threat to anyone, even when he was "resisting" getting in the car. He was a big guy, he could have head butted them or pushed them. He was only resisting being forced into the car, not the arrest.
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There isn't much to say, he didn't cooperate, he was on drugs and the police didn't killed him, at the end of the video he asks to lay on the ground because he can't breathe.
And yet,people gone to the streets to riot and hunt white people.
Video footage:
You tell the truth, people hate you.
I'll call this thread the old new Germany, so many people blacklisting people who aren't a NPC here, you guys would make a german guy really proud if he was alive.
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