As @biboorton says it's to much... With 1.000$ I can buy a monster PC without any need to upgrade for the next 10 years... So the Steam Box can go to hell... And also, during the this and the next year the market will be FLOODED with ''SMALL PCs''. The prices will drop down so fast it will be a joy to lock and lough! ;)
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Yeah, the idea of future proofing is dead. Everything in technology and computers diminish over time. Not just by value due to new products but because they start to fall from their peak through the years.
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future proofing IS dead, however you can build a good PC for 600 and then use 100 each year after you build it to upgrade the graphics card and have a pc that is "future proof" for 4 years running everything at max. (this would require you to sell your old graphics card and then invest the extra hundred depending on how low the cards current prices are)
It's quite doable and I have done just that the last few years.
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Well, if Steam is pricing it at $1,000, maybe their specs will go the way of console gaming -- that is to say limited requirements as the console itself ages. I can imaging PC gamers will prefer to keep buying and building their own equipment to stay ahead of the curve.
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You're not going to fit a $150 256GB 2.5" SSD in there. Respectable 256GB mSATA SSDs like the m4 start above $200, but that might still be too big.
If mSATA is out, then we should hope it's M.2. If so, then a price premium is definitely in store. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 256GB M.2 SSD go for $300 at launch.
Worst case, it's NAND on the logic board. That kind of proprietary stuff requires R&D and drives the price up.
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Why spend $500 on a console when it will be garbage compared to pcs in 2 years just like this gen. Get a gaming rig going with that money.
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Actually nope, consoles ages better. Show me a 500$ 2005/2006 PC than can play what PS3 and Xbox360 can play today.
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flaw in your argument is that consoles don't "age". There tech is set for 7 years and holds the rest of the industry back. Even now most computers can get 1080 while consoles struggle to do that. Go look at the specs of the current gen. They were far from top of the line even when they came out. Fact is you will blow $500 on a piece of garbage that will cause the industry to stagnate for years like it has now. Or you could invest in a computer which can not only plat games better than consoles but be used for a HUGE variety of purposes. Not to mention that PC HAS THE WIDEST LIBRARY of games.
But hey go back to being a console pleb. Have fun if your won filth
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How it can hold the industry back when its the thing that fucking moves the industry? You wouldnt have half the games released today. Games on PC do not sell as well as console games. Not even close. So yah, maybe when people move completely to PC gaming that will change. But that will not happen. And my point still stands, a 7 year old 500$ PC cannot hold a candle to PS3/X360 gaming.
And hell, even without consoles, the industry would be pretty much the same. The percentage of people that upgrade their pc and such and that can play games at max settings are minimal. Funny of you to call me a console pleb when basically all my gaming today is on PC. But being a PC gamer does not give me the right to spew bullshit and lies on a forum, does it. Does it also qualifies me as superior human being or something? Because thats what you seem to be hinting at.
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I have to disagree with you. Technology varies between years. So the rapid development between those years of PC computing and when the PS3 and Xbox 360 came out is a huge difference and that's why. It's about when the technology arrives and how long they stay in the terms of relevancy.
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This is not really the Steam Box. Its one of the many prototypes, sure, but the official Steam Box is still in the making.
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+1. The steam box will be fairly low specs as well and designed to run TF2 and not much else graphics wise.
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Probably gonna be a good amount of F2P ones also.
Its going to be a mix, every game has to have a trial/demo though that goes up, one of the things I love about it actually.
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$99 for a system based around "free" games. The fact is that the system is Android based, so the "free" games will all be stuffed full of microtransactions and advertisements, and furthermore won't even be able to take full use of what little amount of hardware is actually in that tiny tiny box.
Admittedly Windows/Linux PCs can't take full advantage of their either, with everything having to go through an API like Direct3D or OpenGL before passing through to the drivers, but Android development is based around Java, making it an order of magnitude less efficient than Windows. The best you can hope for from the OUYA is shoddy SNES emulation.
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forget it. rather get badass PC and a TV cable = free TV screen sized games
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That's the Piston, not SteamBox. Valve still not said anything specific about the real SteamBox, just that they'll give out prototypes to testers in 3-4 months. Piston is a bad development, because it's too specific and uniqe and that's why it's so expensive.
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1000 dollars? If it does come out to that price what would the market be? PC gamers will be like "I can build/buy a computer for that price or less" and console gamers will be like "Wtf thats like 3 times the price of a PS4".
I don't see the market unless they lessen the price by about half, though this article looks pretty untrue plus its from Kotaku.....
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It's like what Apple, MS and Google did with the Retina Macbook Pro, Surface Pro, and Chromebook Pixel, respectively:
Do buckets of expensive R&D to get a kickass product before you expect to need it. Then technically release it, but charge a fuckload and don't expect anyone to get it. A year or two later, keep using that design (R&D is pricey!) but pump it with updated silicon, drop the price and let the games begin.
Valve is doing the same damn thing. Current IGPs can't get the job done, but next year's IGPs will just about kill off the <$100 dGPU market. The year after that the <$100 dGPU market will not exist. The only thing we're getting today is tomorrow's design.
The Piston sucks today, but Valve and Xi3 aren't batting for at least another year.
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1000 USD = FailBox. A 1000 USD PC better have an Intel Core i5-3570k and nVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
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it isnt an unofficial steam box, it isnt a steam box at all
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Yeah, I thought Piston was the same as Steambox up until I've seen this news on the Escapist today. Thankfully, they're not.
The pricing is kind of allright, seeing the horsepower behind it, and it only gets cheaper afterwards. IT's still not worth it for me though. Think I'll stick with either Ouya or Steam's more rectangular cousin.
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1000 USD at launch? PC gamers won't buy it. They have no reason to buy it in the first place, they probably already have a superior gaming pc.
This is for the console gamers who want a library of thousands and thousands on launch day. Also for rich grandparents who continue to buy the love of their grandchildren.
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''Also for rich grandparents who continue to buy the love of their grandchildren.''
I LOLd so hard on this. xD But +1
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Then maybe you should wait for the official one then.
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Seems like a flop already.
PC gamers won't buy it. (Maybe hardcore valve fans.)
And console fans will just buy a Ps4/720.
Though it's smallness is very nice. It's not worth the price.
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Hardcore Valve fans will not buy this because this is not Valve Steam Box.
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