Will you subscribe for this monthly bundle, which goes live on FRIDAY, JULY 1st?
Honest question. The fuck is Hurtworld and why is it granted an early unlock spot, no offense meant, but either I'm spoiled with the lattest ones or it looks like crap. I mean, does it have anything to stand up to RL, Mad Max, SP:The Stick of Truth, or this War of Mine?
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This. I guess we were spoiled (or spoilt depending one where you live), but and abandoned Early Access game? Yikes.
[Edit: and multiplayer only to boot!]
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I don't understand you seriously... it's the first early unlock I like personally. I already had all of the last early unlocks and Hurtworld is a game I wanted and I don't already have. A BIG YES for me and for the first time with the pre-unlocked game.
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That's cool, but it might be worth looking at the recent / most popular reviews for Hurtworld.
It does look tempting but there are design choices and PvP issues that may be a major deciding factor.
I'll be unsubscribing for this month, personally. The bundles have been awesome up until now, but I can't justify a wonky early access.
Fingers crossed that it turns out to be awesome for you!
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Just as a warning, don't take this the wrong way. But the game seems to be dead, servers are unstable, hacking is rampant and devs seem to have abandoned it. Or so is what reviews say. Anyways, I unsuscribed for this one,
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http://hurtworld.com/ Idk but it looks like dev is posting every week dev blog about their progress
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idk but the comment is a month old and the situation might have changed. Not to mention that as I said I based my opinion on the steam reviews the game had at the moment. It might have revived with the bundle.
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74% positive review.. Byebye
Don't understand why HB chooses to unlock this game.
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I mean, for an early unlock game, HB should choose a better game. 74% is good, but not attractive. Or maybe just because I am not interested in open world game
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http://hurtworld.com/ Idk but it looks like dev is posting every week dev blog about their progress
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ffs, site I don't mind you double commenting, but please don't delete them :(
I still haven't even used half of my fireworks from last year. I think I barely used a quarter. Am I a bad American? Do I have to buy this to make up for it?
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haha i read that as "don't delete my comments" and i'm like ... but i don't have the power to delete double posts D: I don't even buy fireworks D:
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Oh wow...with that early unlock, this might be the day I finally cancel my sub. We'll see.
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I was wondering the same about some kind of 'surprise great bundle' but after reflexion, why would they shot themselves in the foot by putting the worse game in preview? They're gonna sell less bundles
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Maybe ?
In any case they're for sure not making me wanna give them my monies.
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Looks good, but already have lot of games that looks like that...
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I feel fine since I just started with Steam lately (only around 130 games, having ~300 games wishlisted) so I will keep my subscription.... if this month's bundle doesn't have what I want (good games to my standards/have trading cards) I'll will just make GAs. Win-win situation for everyone.
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That's a nice way to look at it. :3
Yeah, I mostly have my sub for giveaways. I do wish I'd find a game I want to activate a bit more often, though.
Good luck!
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It's either a trick and they gonna give out AAA games in rest of the bundle, or they ran out of good games and are gonna fill this month's bundle with crappy abandoned bundled games. I mean if Hurtworld's the best one, what are the rest going to be?
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They are going to keep this pattern with multiplayer bait because of how March bundle were sold, and that was only because of Ark. So, they figured that multiplayer is a way to involve even "not playing" audience, you know, those of your friends, who are only playing only dota or cs, I'm betting they have like just 2 or 3 games on their wishlist and those are multiplayer only. Humble is trying different things, it seems that Mad Max wasn't that much of a selling point, neither South Park and This War of Mine. So, guys, if July gonna hit the right sells amount, be ready to witness a multiplayer game in every bundle as an early unlock. Well, Rocket League was just another nail in coffin.
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It was Talos in Jan, Feb Alien, March Ark, April South Park and This War, May Mad Max, June Rocket League, July is Hurt. I would hardly call this a pattern.
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No, the point is, you can check even voting on steamgifts discussions and see, that Ark and Rocket League hit the most positive views, so I'm almost 100% sure, that they are also hit the most sells, and Humble can see that, so they are going to keep THIS multiplayer pattern obviously because it makes more money, and with other bundles they were just "testing" customers interest towards different offers.
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Okidoki buddy. There is no pattern from 2 games in a row being multiplayer when we have previously had 2 SP games right before it. December was also a MP game.
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You and me, we are not working in Humble, so we won't be able to know how much money does every monthly made, but I can tell from what I can see - my friends point of view, those who are NEVER bought anything even on sale (because they are playing just dota and cs), they bought both March and June bundles JUST because of early unlocks, so I can assume, that my case is not the only one like this, and there were A LOT new audience, which means more money. Can't you see the pattern here?
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No I can't I do because it's just based on assumptions. On my friends list. 12 own Ark, 21 own South Park, 12 own This War of Mine, 14 own Mad Max. But people seem more interested in the single player stuff. You also need to think of how immensely popular Rocket League and Ark are like DoTA and CS GO, not just because multiplayer, they are genuinely consistently selling games. If a bunch of people suddenly start adding Hurtworld on my list and we get another multiplayer game advertised next month I will agree that a pattern might be developing but right now it's simply impossible to tell.
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So what did it mean something when we got 2 Single Player games in a Row after Ark? Or 2 after PD2 in December?
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Because singleplayer game is nothing out of place, we are getting them all the time, while multiplayer games can get you a special audience, those who are playing games seldom, and multiplayer is a good way to have fun even for those who are not into games. Now, it's up to you to figure out which type of people more - players or non-players. The fact is singleplayer game doesn't generate NEW people - it's always the same audience, they've been buying monthly from the very start no matter of what game is "bait" (I mean it's roughly the same people, speaking in percents), while multiplayer games brought absolutely new audience, exactly those non-gamers. Once again, it's up for you to decide - couple of snobs or dozen of casuals (in terms of money - the answer is obvious).
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As of June 24th, if you are a current subscriber of this monthly bundle, you will have been autocharged $12, or $10.80 if you had a coupon (for new subscribers only) one week in advance.
Here is proof: 1 and 2
Remember, this bundle goes LIVE on July 1, at 10 AM PDT.
You may still purchase this bundle if you wish up until July 1, 10AM PDT. If you have been a subscriber and you were charged, you may/may not be eligible for a refund, (I've never requested one, so I am not sure), but you may try to contact support if you forgot you were subscribed and no longer want the July Monthly Bundle. After the bundle goes live, you CAN NOT ask for a refund.
(JUNE 30th) - JULY Humble Original Revealed - Copoka
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive HURTWORLD with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store! See more here
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF JULY, (JULY 1st) for $12* to receive the JULY bundle (8 games total)
*Note: Some people may have 10% off coupons for the monthly bundle. These coupons will apply to your purchase, and you will pay $10.80 instead of $12.
You will NOT receive the JUNE Bundle or JULY bundle - it is TOO LATE for that! ☹
Warning: The Red Solstice was free before!
Retail: $136.93
CV: $
View Previous Monthly Bundles
Q: How does this 10% off coupon work? Does it work for 1st time subscribers only? What about current subscribers?
Note: There are 2 types of coupons: one for new subscribers,
and one for current subscribersA: To
bothfirst time subscribersAND current subscribers: You CAN use the 10% off coupon (depending on which one you have ---> see ADDENDUM below). They autocharge you $10.80 (if you have the coupon) one week before the bundle goes live, or you can pay early to get the the featured unlock game and still get the bundle for $10.80, or if not subscribed, pay with the coupon anytime before the bundle goes live.ADDENDUM (June 3): As of recently, there are only coupons for NEW SUBSCRIBERS in circulation. I haven't seen any coupons for Existing Subscribers (yet).
Q: If i've subscribed before, maybe I can just unsubscribe and then resubscribe to use the NEW subscriber coupon?
Q: "When is the latest I can unsubscribe (if I am a [re]current subscriber) to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle (JULY) if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed. This means you will be autocharged JUNE 24th if you want the JULY MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle.
Q: BUT WAIT!! I decided that I do want the JULY bundle and it has passed JUNE 24th...! Can I still get it??
A: YES. JUNE 24th is the day they AUTOcharge you if you are a recurrent/current subscriber
HOWEVER, if you want JUST the JUNE bundle, subscribe for it NOW, PAY, and IMMEDIATELY UNSUBSCRIBE so that you DO NOT get charged for the JULY bundle.
Your LAST day to get the JULY bundle is JULY 1st BEFORE 10AM PDT.
Q: Can I unsubscribe right away if I just want the JULY Bundle?
A: YES, you can unsubscribe away if you just want the JULY bundle. You will get the featured game + Everything else that will be in the bundle once it goes live.
Q: What is the latest I can be "subscribed" to to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle? (AUGUST Bundle)
A: You MUST unsubscribe 1 week before the bundle goes live to avoid being charged for the JULY bundle. Otherwise, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed on JUNE 24th if you are getting the JULY MONTHLY BUNDLE.
Q: Will I get everything inside the bundle if I subscribe just for JUST the JULY monthly bundle, and then unsubscribe right away?
A: Yes, you get the entire JULY bundle and won't be charged for the next (AUGUST) bundle.
Q: Do they reveal games early?
A: NO. They do not provide hints. Sometimes they may, but this is very RARE. One or two days before, they will reveal a Humble "Original," which is an exclusive DRM-Free game provided only by Humble Bundle. However, they DO NOT REVEAL GAMES BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE.
Q: Will I still get the Early Unlock game(s) if I don't want to pay early for the bundle? Will I be able to get the game if i buy it NOW before the bundle goes live?
A: YES. ANYONE who buys the bundle, whether you pay early, have a current subscription and let HB autocharge you 1 week before the bundle goes live, or don't have a subscription but decide you want to purchase the bundle, AS LONG AS YOU PAY FOR THE BUNDLE ANYIME BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE, YOU WILL GET THE EARLY UNLOCK GAME.
Q: How do I subscribe again? Or... How the heck do I cancel my subscription? How do I view what kind of plan I have for Monthly Bundle Subscriptions?
A: go to your ACCOUNT SETTINGS and check to see if you are subscribed for the monthly bundle.
If you are subscribed, it should look like this on your account page: HB MONTHLY PLAN
Now, You will see TWO options
Q: After the monthly bundle goes live, can I get a refund for the bundle?
A: No, you will not be eligible for refunds after the games have been revealed. You can try to contact support and request a refund, but you probably won't get your money back after the bundle goes live.
If I'm not mistaken, you can only get a refund if you request one 1 WEEK BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE (June 24 for the July bundle, and May 27th for the June bundle).
Please read the
if you have questions regarding:
Also, again ... "When is the latest I can unsubscribe if i am a recurrent/current subscriber to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged. This means you will be autocharged JUNE 24th if you want the JULY MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle (AUGUST).
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤ ❤
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer, created by my friend and fellow SG member Sighery!
For more information and to Download, please click here for the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Subscribe before it's too late ... and HAVE NO RaGRETS
Celebrate July and Independence Day (July 4th) with this bundle .... HASHTAG #NORAGRETS
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! (July 4th for US residents)
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