What kind of giveaways does the community prefer?
In our house, we don't use the word "spoiled" when "well-taken care of" is an accurate description. Being part of any type of community where people contribute because they want to is not being spoiled, just taken care of by those around you.
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nice words... :)
topic: i would suggest mid tier indie gems... that's my way to support them... :P
Have a nice day...!
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I think there can always be more giveaways of Parkitect, Axiom Verge or Guacamelee! 2.
Edit: But no pressure. A copy of Fortix would be great too :D
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Oooh, Fortix looks cool! I will have to check the other games out (besides Guacamelee) as I'm not familiar. Thanks for the suggestions!
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Fortix has some history on Steamgifts. Try to find some old (4 years +) threads.
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I think I got on some santa's naughty list from my last giveaway thread where I pulled a bait-and-switch with Fortix and Bad Rats...
Here I thought Fortix/Bad Rats was just one big joke, but I guess it's taken very seriously at times...
Link edited to remove SGTools gate because I fudged up along the way! Ho Ho Ho!
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I think I've been a part of the community for about 5 years now and I still don't understand the joke. Too deep for me.
There was a thread with a laundry list of Bad Rats/Fortix giveaways for people who don't own the game. Some people make custom SGTOOL gated GA's that require a person to own either game (part of the joke).
Bad Rats, I thought was quite terrible. Fortix and Fortix 2 however I had some fun with! They were kind of like old school Jezzball on Windows 3 (3.1?)
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I see, so now I don't know if people actually want those game or are being silly.
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You can view the community wishlist here https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/wishlist
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Thank you! I know some people are bad about curating their wishlists, but that's a big help.
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The important thing is the /on the day/ part. The worst part of Christmas birthdays is feeling forgotten. Also, thanks for the WL info!
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I always liked when people do giveaway for they have played and like, it's always nice to give something you enjoyed.
As far as the amount of game, I think the middle option is the best IMO then it gives a couples GAs to choose from but is still quality giveaways.
But of course it's your choice, you very nice to give anything in the first place:)
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Sometime getting a really cool game that you aren't able to budget for can really bring a lot of joy. I am leaning towards games that I either have played or want myself though as I think the resonates well with everyone.
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Hey Bobisbadat, that's very thoughtful of you to host a giveaway on your birthday/Christmas. I find it meaningful when the giveaway creator picks something they themselves would like to play. It's always warming to see people putting others before themselves. On the other hand, if you're looking for giveaway suggestions here are some I'd pick:
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I do love Slay the Spire. Thanks for the suggestions!
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There's a handful of games that go for relatively cheap ($10 or less on sale) that many people want (such as Axiom Verge or Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon). Just remember to check that whatever you're buying isn't already on the bundle list.
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I'll keep those in mind, but even stuff on the bundle list will be okay because I'm not so worried about the CV as I am just having a good time. That said, that link is SUPER helpful and will be bookmarked for future reference.
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"A couple good mid-tier games"
You get more CV, we get more chances to win something good.
There are so many awesome games that aren't very expensive, I don't see any reason to buy a new AAA title if you don't want to have it for yourself and want to play it right now.
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Very reasonable and logical approach, though CV isn't the priority ^_^
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With one giveaway, you can make one person happy.
With various giveaways, you can make a lot of people happy.
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i belivie that you should gift something between 7 days, stellarisor pathfinder.
you have a lot of time on those games so probably they are the ones you like the most.
or one of the rpgs that you have that impresed you would be awesome too
the point is, that i belive that you should gift something that you enjoyed so you could share your joy to others
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this seems to be a major opinion, but also thanks for taking the time to look at my gameplay list, good thinking!
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Thanks, hopefully the descent into middle age isn't SO bad.
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Multiple mid-tiers is probably best, because if it's just one glorious gib, a fair few people might already have the game, and even if not, there's only one winner for so many entries D:
As someone said, the Community Wishlist is filled with 10-20p games, too. But anyhow, happy early birthday!
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Lucky I and my loved ones are already accounted for, and this is intentionally meant to be not about us. Thank you for our concern and a good reminder to take time for myself as well.
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You can just give us some of the best game like bad rat or bad rat the revenge, dont really need to be fancy and happy soon to be birthday .
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I will have to look those games up, I don't eve know about them lol.
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Makes sense, and looks like people are excited about multiple mid range games that I've played and would like to share so...that sounds fun.
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If you want to make the largest number of people happy, the "couple good mid-tier games" is most likely your best bet. Many people prefer particular games/genres/... over others, so everyone could find something they'd be interested in. You could either choose games that are on the community wishlist, or you opt for the ones that you prefer.
In any way, I guess people will appreciate your generosity.
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Ooh, good idea! Maybe I'll game from different genres each time!
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Yeah I find value in that as well, but mostly I wanted to understand how calculate value. Thanks fr the clarification.
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First of all, happy early birthday! I’ve known a few people who are bummed about December birthdays, but I think you win that contest :P
I would look at the community wishlist and pick one of the top games, or dig around the slightly less in demand games that are cheaper and do a train. I’m a fan of the idea from a few others, that is a game you’ve particularly enjoyed. Especially as the idea is to celebrate you, I think that would be very appropriate.
Also Bad Rats.
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Apparently I have t find out about bad rats lol. Also I suppose a train would be good since I've never made on lol
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Happy upcoming birthday. For me, give something you would like to play or something you wish for would usually be a good choice. If there is money left, buy the same game for yourself as a Christmas treat. Then its a win-win situation :-)
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Yeah I was considering exactly that when I grab my next couple games. Good plan!
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This seems to be a much more popular opinion that I realized. People seem excited to play things that other folks like.
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Emotionally accurate, but also everyone deserves a chance to get something just because we're all humans <3
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Personally, I think giving away something you have played and love is the best option. This way you get to share your love in addition to the game.
In any case, the main rule of steamgifts is to have fun! So just choose anything you want and go for it! :)
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Clearly a very popular opinion, but NOW the pressure's on to find my most beloved games to share hahaha
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Well my birthday is coming up on 12/25, and it's usually a drag. To cheer myself up, I'd like to do some giveaways for the community, but I'm curious what kinds of giveaways are most popular/exciting to everyone. For example, if I have $50 USD that I wanted to spend, how best to share that with all of you? Also, be sure to comment as well (a) so I can add you to my whitelist and (b) if you have any particular requests or suggestions for titles (otherwise I'll just pick something that I want to play or have played and love).
Edit: I just want to say how awesome everyone is, and also that as I have been whitelisting y'all, I'm both humbled and inspired to see how generous a lot of YOU ALL are. The numbers on your profiles show lots of time, money, and quality invested in this community <3
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