alita looks indeed interesting, I re-started to watch movies these years after many years of no cinema/movies at all so I don't really even know which movies are supposed to premiere in 2019.. definitely, Alita looks awesome! I wanna see as many new movies as I can, maybe even in 3d =)
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well, I definitely went through a looong period totally relatable to yours.. I couldn't watch a single movie for years, I had no attention and I could only watch series like Family Guy that 1. are funny 2. are less than 20 minutes long.. fortunately after so many years I managed to re-start watching movies and now I couldn't spend a week without watching some of them.. I even have a huge desire to go back to the cinema, which was one of my biggest passion as a teenager.. but it took so many years, and this means that I have no clues at all for what concerns all the new movies.. I just saw Alita that looks great and it's advertised everywhere, but I don't really know which movies will come out in 2019 so I'm gonna browse this topic a bit =P
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I've watched Alita last week and I absolutely recommend it. It's nothing short of amazing. The visuals are great and the world is so detailed it really feels alive. At first I was a bit worried, because it seems to be based on some anime/manga (and I really dislike anime) but the story is really intriguing and drew me right in.
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thank you so much, and well - it's quite the same for me. I never read manga, and I liked some anime but it was back when I was a teenager, it's been 10+ years that I don't watch anime of any kind.. I saw a video in which some guy talked about the manga upon which the Alita movie is based (some '90s manga if I remember well) and yeah he praised the movie too, it should definitely be great and I'm gonna see it in the next days for sure, thanks a lot for the recommendation =)
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Let me know, what you think of it, after you've watched it. ;-) I can definitely say, the last time I was so immersed with a movie, was back then with Avatar and I just realized that's 10 years ago already. I did watch Avatar 4 times in cinema, the 2D version, the 3D version, the original English version (it's a really bad habit over here in Germany they hardly show any original language versions in cinemas) and the extended special edition half a year later. I'd definitely watch Alita a second or even third time as well, but I fear it's not been very successful over here in Germany, as they already moved it to a smaller screen and a bad timeslot after 3 weeks.
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wow, here in Italy on the other hand it seems that it's quite successful, I see it promoted everywhere and we've got lots of cinemas =P thanks a lot for your feedback, I won't miss this one! and I'd love to see some 3D movies too, I missed so many things in these years =P
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I'm still looking forward to watching Spiderverse with my little son.
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Looking forward to movies that nobody is hyping.
I found that the most hype there is, the more disappointing the result is, usually.
I am, however, looking forward to Marvel getting their hands back on the X-verse and wiping that horrendous slate of a franchise clean and starting over. Dark Phoenix is yet another stain on my beloved X-men universe. One of the best comic book in the Marvel universe and they have managed to screw with it twice.
Of course it's a hard one to bring to life when you invest only 4 minutes in every movie to characterization since what makes Claremont's writing stand out in anything is the character story, and Jean Grey at this point is a Sansa Stark cameo and nothing more, her relationship with McAXavier is non-existent, as is her relationship with Scott Sommers, Wolverine or any other character.
You cannot tell a good Dark Phoenix story without any humanity going into it. Not to mention they've been stuck in their little corner of a little planet in the entire X Galaxy so far so expanding the story in one movie beyond Earth is going to feel completely tacked on.
I'm not sure about Avengers Endgame either. They're either going to spend the whole movie canceling the previous one in the least surprising twist in cinema history, or cancel everything in the first 10 minutes, in the most anti-climactic twist in cinema history. Either way it's a lose lose situation. Should have been one movie.
I'm looking forward to Captain Marvel though, as it could be the first step of reintegrating the X-verse into the Marvelverse, Carol Danvers being a big part of both.
Beyond that,
Blood Moon (if you haven't seen A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night and The Bad Batch, you are missing out)
The Trial of the Chicago 7
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot just because of Clerks nostalgia and because it looks like it's going to be skewering Hollywood trends but I think it might be a 2020 movie
Machete Kills in Space
What? I'm eclectic :P
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Yeah, I've always felt I could do as good a job writing X stuff, and I've never been a big fan, just a casual reader. I loved the love triangles, forbidden loves, and impossible relationships, blended with deadly powers :P
People used to ridicule (and enjoy) Michael Bay, but suddenly the same kind of movies are at the highest echelons of entertainment, just because its got a marvel coating, and its hip to be a marvel fan. :)
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This is a good thread cause I was checking the upcoming films in my area from march to august and I couldn´t find a damn thing...
I´m hoping something good gets added to that list next months. If not, I think It´s gonna be the worst movie theater year for me.
It´s not like I was going that much anyway. The last movies were Blade Runner 2049 and Sicario: Soldado, this last one was very bad imo.
Any good Sci-Fi film for this year? I watched Prospect 2018 and despite being a low budget film It keeps you on the couch.
[Edit] John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum. Totally forgot It.
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HELLBOY!!!!! did you know the guy who voices Johnny Gat is gonna be in the new Hellboy movie?? SAINTS ROW AND HELLBOY ARE SET IN THE SAME UNIVERSE NOW, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES.
and uh the 3rd John Wick movie just because Keanu Reeves is precious and must be supported at all costs.
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Looking forward to seeing US and The Beach Bum this month. Later down the year Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,Midsommar and The Irishman.
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I don't watch TV or commercials anywhere, so I don't know what is coming out until I do some research after they have been released. So far I am only aware of 3 movies being released in 2019 that I want to see and they are:
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it was released already in some countries this year but not in my country yet so...
Iron Sky 2
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Now that the awards are over and the REAL 2019 movie season has started, what upcoming 2019 movies are you looking forward to seeing?
At the moment, I can't wait to see
Avengers Endgame
Dark Phoenix
Godzilla 2 King of the Monsters
All that I can think of at the moment.
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