Cries I have no wisdom left...

PS: Y u no solve my Puzzleception. There are more giveaways than people to enter them... ಠ_ಠ.

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9 years ago*

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Wisdom comes with age.

9 years ago

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Haven't had wisdom teeth removed yet but it does sound painful.

9 years ago

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Not so much painful as incredibly loud when he starts drilling and breaking them apart with his pliers. That snapping & crunching sound oO

9 years ago

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The ones that couldn't be directly pulled out were drilled into until they broke and then the bites were removed for me. Not too bad though.

9 years ago

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Mine were so impacted that thankfully they put me under to extract them. I woke up after it was all done. I was in major pain for weeks and didn't feel like doing much of anything for the first few days. I have a friend that had it done and they were out partying that night. Different experience for everyone.

9 years ago

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I wanted anesthesia, but my veins weren't cooperating so I instead got the laughing gas treatment. It was surprisingly not as unpleasant as I imagined, even with a couple of impacted teeth. Slicing open my gums, using an impact hammer to bust it into pieces and extracting them before suturing up my gums? SuuUUuuUrrRreEee.

My recovery was was like yours though. Was absolutely miserable and my whole face ached even with the painkillers.

9 years ago

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It's not really painful... If they haven't grown in yet, they have to cut your gums and do the above, so it may take a few days for you to be able to eat solid foods. The bottom is the worst because food gets trapped in there for months :x.

I'm a bit of a strange case, because I had them all removed at different times. The bottom two had to be drilled out, but I didn't get the the top ones out til they started digging into my cheeks. The dentist just used this lever to shove them out of place and then plier to extract... Some dentists let you keep the tooth :V.

Also, local anesthesia was just fine. General can cause complications (death) D:.

9 years ago

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Lucky for me mine don't have to be removed.

9 years ago

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I'm about to have problems with my wisdom teeth. They've been there since I was like 8. I just recently got my braces removed and now they've started to move and are threatening my finally straight teeth. Also a portion of one of them + a huge section of gum got ripped out of my mouth earlier this year.

9 years ago

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shudder Ripped? What happened?

9 years ago

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Ouuuuchhhh! Also, 8?! Those aren't supposed to grow out til you're in your late teens, no?! D:

9 years ago

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Yep, I was confused when people talked about them growing in so late, because for me they started growing in with the rest of my teeth.

9 years ago

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I honestly have no idea, a piece of my gum became loose and there was a hard foreign body in my mouth that caused it. I tried pulling this out but it was stuck to my gum, so i had to rip out more of my gum to get it out. When I got it out, I realized the foreign body wasn't actually foreign, it was a piece of tooth. I honestly don't know if it broke off, or whether it was a random growth.

9 years ago

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I recall removing a splinter of tooth from where my bottom right wisdom tooth was growing out (before it was removed)... I wonder what it was.

9 years ago

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still..happy cake day :D

9 years ago

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I actually made a cake for my cakeday, it came out looking poor, but still delicious. Eating it is defiantly not gonna help my teeth problems, but it's not like it'll hurt. Actually, it might hurt, but it's still worth it.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Had two removed some years ago. I guess that explains a lot.

9 years ago

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I'm in my 20's and I still haven't finished growing my wisdom teeth yet. Coming in late for me.

9 years ago

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That's where I keep my smart!

9 years ago

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Only had 2 out of 4, the bottom ones. I got them removed early around 15 years old before they were full grown. The first one wasn't painfull since he put the right amount of anesthesic in my gum, the second was painfull as hell since i could feel what he was doing. I raised my hand to show him it was painfull he told me, "no it's not painfull". And keep on taking it out. I'm glad the upper ones never grew.

9 years ago

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I still have 2, I'm wisdomer than you!

9 years ago

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but did you get hammered with the fun drugs that nice doc gave you?

9 years ago

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Eh, no... the dentist didn't give me anything, this time...

9 years ago

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that's terrible!

9 years ago

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come on, mecorx :3
you know you still have it!

9 years ago

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I just don't know how to solve that...

9 years ago

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In 1999 or 2000, I had my last two removed. I think it was the Spring of 2000.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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got mine removed the day after memorial day. went okay, except for the part where i hallucinated waking up in an alternate dimension wherein the only other living being besides myself was a hideous reptilian beast that launched itself through the window and clamped its jaws around my head. you know, normal stuff.

9 years ago

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tfw fell asleep and the last thing I remembered from my 4 wisdom teeth being removed was me thinking "I should totally pretend to mentally ill when wheel chaired off," then thought it would be rude, after that is black when I sit in the chair. The next morning I'm told I was doing exactly what I thought about all the way home, looking at every car next to us while doing it, etc. I also woke up on the floor with bloody rags on my cheek.

9 years ago

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2 years ago I believe. Was fine but my immune system shut down after the general anesthesia and I got an eye infection. Fun times.

9 years ago

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1 is removed, 3 are fine
I think your puzzles need sound. I have no sound at work and no bandwidth at home.

9 years ago

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I'm sorry :(, Yes, they need sound... Unless you are really, really smart...

9 years ago

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Still got all 4. Missing the molar next to one of them though.

9 years ago

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I had 2 taken out ... it ... sucked. I was high on drugs for at least a week and in pain for much longer than that.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by mecorx.