In the russian store it's 75% off from the $3 original price..:P
Source: some other thread I saw about it the other day
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They spend exactly 75% in their own price. Don't try to slap everyone with the US prices just because you feel you have been unfairly treated.
While we see them as spending 96% less, they see it as a 75% less on their end.
So like I said in the reply to him, the statement is not exactly true.
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Yeah but like I said it isn't exactly wrong either, it's just poorly worded and can be interpreted both ways. It's not me trying to "slap everyone with US prices", it's this site that uses the US prices to calculate the contributor value. Because of this they can be seen as always getting a discount, instead of their usual 84% discount it's now a 96% discount.
This has absolutely nothing to do with me, it doesn't matter to me how much they spend to get their contributor value. As I don't live in the US either I don't pay the same amount as I get given in contributor value for the games I buy to giveaway.
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Yeah, the site uses the US prices just to normalize/standardize whichever one you call it. Still, to be comparing two different price regions is like trying to compare the same apple being priced differently like I said somewhere, thus it's not feasible to do, neither is it practical.
I also don't for sure, and pay more just because Steam refuses to actually make regional prices for the country.
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Haha be glad you don't have regional prices, I'm in Australia so I do have regional prices - everything is quite a bit more expensive.
Economically speaking this is an odd problem, CV isn't like any other commodity, you don't just pay for what you get. However, it is still true that Russians permanently pay less than most (or maybe all) others, and can therefore be regarded as having their discount increased while products are on sale in their country. It's basically text book economics, the kind that really isn't worth knowing because it very rarely applies to a real world situation.
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Yeah but there's no telling which way steam would adjust the prices, if they introduced regional prices for Singapore they may end up just putting the price up. What currently costs you SG$13 may still cost you SG$13, the difference being a game at that value is currently marked as US$10 and would then be marked as SG$13. It's quite possible steam doesn't want to introduce regional pricing to your area because if they continue to advertise in USD, people may feel like they are spending less while steam makes the same amount as it otherwise could. If they were to drop all the prices from their current USD value to the same numerical value in SGD it would be great for you but I doubt they would. And if they were to change the currency from USD to SGD they might end up rounding all the SGD prices up so you would pay more.
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And it's not bundled, so you can giveaway even for 1000$ CV and you spend only 35$ on that...
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There's something weird in prices, look here:
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Yes that makes sense.. another site holds this argument: that it's because of piracy over there. So they try to combat it by lowering game prices.
props to Russians though.. may be a poor country economically, but they Know how to turn a dollar :P. Also some tough sob's
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Don't listen to CHT - average monthly wage in russian cities is about 900-1100$
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I don't know in what villages there's 500$ - in our city even ordinary clerk has 15k minimum (not Moscow or St Psg)
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job in Novosibirsk
12000-18000 is 375-562$ (that's the most easiest work, don't need any high education). You're incompetent as always, CHT.
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"Ordinary clerk", yeah right.
"Contact Center (C-Chemskiy f / m)
Vocational education, no experience, full-time
12 000 - 17 000 rubles.
Database Associate (operator PC)
Vocational education, no experience, full-time
from 12 000 rubles.
Administrator Commercial Department
Sibakademstroy real estate company Real Estate
Work experience of 1 year, full time
15 000 - 18 000 rubles.
Office Manager (Receptionist)
Sibakademstroy real estate company Real Estate
Full employment
15 600 - 17 600 rubles.
Specialist NHS Information Centre
NTS Group
Full employment"
According to this Google translated info, doesn't seem quite an ordinary clerk to me.
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I surely know that is an ordinary clerk job with simple calls and papers (in our corporation and city)
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Fyi, phone operators have to remember every single detail about the company just to be able to hold on to the job. Furthermore, clerks have it easier than them. And to top it off, phone calls are not simple at all. Sure talking to a friend or relative is pretty easy, but try talking to strangers for most if not all of your work time, and having to answer questions or such. So what's so simple about this?
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(Sure talking to a friend or relative is pretty easy, but try talking to strangers for most if not all of your work time, and having to answer questions or such. So what's so simple about this?)
It counts as one of the easiest jobs in Russia (even street cleaner has more wages).
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You can argue with your iron arguments to our bosses and business owners to make all operators happier
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Not all of course, because if that exploit was in Australia - then someone from Australia could easily giveaway that game too
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Ofc many people buy games from russian traders or special russian friends...
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But now admins think that issue is different - regional price errors don't count :(
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I've explained you so much times - it's a regional price error. While ordinary 20$ games cost about 299-499 rubles, Kane's Wrath cost only 99 rubles.
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It's not a pricing error, you see in the chart at the bottom that it's 99 RUB since last year
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I agree it's not common, but what can we do, or the russians users do, ask Steam to raise prices? :P
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It's not a price error if it's been the same price since it was added to Steam.
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And I've explained this to you so many times - it's not a price error. It's always been 99 rubles regular price in Russia. Just because you don't like the price doesn't make it a price error.
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It's a price error, doesn't matter in what - rubles, franks, gold, yens - doesn't matter. Price can be not only in dollars, right? Other case, that all CV in Steamgifts in $, not in rubles - but every game gift (russian or brasilian) could be easily transfered to Steamgifts.
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Just because you can exploit something does not make it a price error.
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But compared to similar products (and other countries) it's a price error. We aren't living in a vacuum.
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All I'm going to say is that you really don't know what a price error is. Please look up the definition if you don't believe me.
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So euro gifters would receive more as the euro have more value than dollar. I'm ok with this, bad for us good for them but it happens all the time.
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Especially when there are no price error, but just a regular 75% sale. A price error wouldn't have lasted for over a year.
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Only some russians and other exploiters say that isn't a price error and don't needed to be bundled
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99 RUB since last year
And no I'm not creating any giveaways for this DLC/game.
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I'm not a Russian, or an exploiter. I just know how to use my brain. 99 RUB is the regular Russian store price for the game, period. No matter how much you try to twist the facts to fit your crazy theory, it won't change.
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I'm a russian and sitting every day in russian Steam store. 99 rubles is lowest price for 20$ game or DLC (same price exploit also has Spore DLC).
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So you finally snapped. I was thinking when you would.
As for your rebuttal, so what even if it's lowest price seen? Still doesn't change the fact that the price has been like that for close to a year if not 1. Trying to make it bundled just because it's way cheaper to the US prices will not work.
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Well, I'm happy that you don't argue that I'm russian and more competent in russian prices and wages than you ;)
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The discussion was never about Russian prices and wages. It was about the price difference between the US and Russian stores. No need to be a Russian to click on this link and see that it's been like that for over a year. So the point about the game being only 75% off still applies.
Yes, the price paid / CV ratio is quite deep and admins could very well bundle it, it's their prerogative. It won't change the fact that there are no pricing error at play here.
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Yeah, I agree it's very cheap, but exploit? It's a regular price isn't it? We don't see Spore DLC in the bundle list or anyone arguing about it. Maybe we will in a sale haha.
I see the top contributors, yes, and I agree it's weird. Well, one user seems to be abusing it with the sole purpose of CV farming, maybe this raises a red flag and they add it to the bundle list. I don't know.
BTW I need a russian friend to trade cheap games, wanna be mine? :D
No!!! I don't want C&C Kane's Wrath! :D
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That's not the issue here. The real issue is it's really not a price error firstly, followed by people complaining(especially Valko) that it's unfair and boosts CV, when it's just a regular 75% sale as what was stated in every other Steam store region.
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It's not about losing CV, it's about the fact that there are no pricing error whatsoever.
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Yes, the people giving it away in large quantities are hoping for a CV boost. But the reason people are arguing against bundling it is not about the CV but about the fact that it's simply a regional price difference that's been there for over a year now. The admins may very well bundle it anyway, that's their prerogative. I'm just stating the fact that it's not a pricing error or an exploit. (And no, I'm not making any giveaway for it myself)
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Are you sure that 96% off (summary with 75% sale off) isn't a exploit?
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75%, not 96%... you should really learn basic math.
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Yeah, game costs 0,72$ and has 20$ CV. It's a 75% off, Einstein
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CV is based on US store price, not on regional pricing. The game is 75% off in every region. The price paid / CV ratio will be different in every region of course, but the game still has't been 96% off anywhere.
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Game is 75% off in US store and 96% off in Russian now (summary with world off and conversed to $).
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Game is both 75% off in the US store and the Russian one.
I just don't see the logic for trying to compare two different price regions. It's just like trying to compare a cheap brand apple, the fruit, and a "normal" priced apple you see every day. Both are the same inside, but you can't compare them side by side, else you would be having errors trying to do so. Same case here.
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That DLC already has conversion factor 6,66 even without sale. But with sale that factor is even more supernormal - 6,66 * 4 = 26,6!
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Your maths fails so much it deserves a Godzilla facepalm, but too bad Godzilla is right now busy.
The DLC has a conversion factor of 6.66 without sale if your conversion factor is even accurate, and still the same of 6.66 with a sale again if your conversion factor is accurate.
So in the end, what are you trying to prove here?
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So, do you gain 5$ of CV (if a game on 75% off sale), as you said?
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All I'm just stating is you can't compare a sale price and a base price of the same game in different regions.
As to how much CV you gain, it will always be fixed at the base price of the game itself, which would be USD $19.99 since SG uses that price just for normality.
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Regular price 99 RUB, sale price 24 RUB.... no it's still just 75% off.
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And 100% in Russia would be 85% off in the US. So what's your point exactly? Every game should be bundled for fear of a sale?
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First, it's not 96%.
Second, it's actually 75%.
Third, the base price in the Russian store has been 99 rubs and no changes has been done to it for quite a while already, thus this is not really an exploit or sales, but rather just people wanting to catch up in the CV race.
If the CV system wasn't around, SG will be different from now. As to whether it's good or bad, that remains uncertain for now or eternally.
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Maybe without 75% off it's a ordinary price in Russian store. But with 75% off it costs only 0.72$ and can be easily exploited.
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If that was an ordinary price for all russian games - then we wouldn't watch so much giveaways of shitty useless DLC for most SG users from russians or exploiters...
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Without the 75% off, it's ordinary price, with the 75% off it's ordinary sale.
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SG+ doesn't hide DLC for the games you don't own. It's up to you to filter them.
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Requires one click :P.
Some DLCs are simply not recognized, I guess. That's not the 1st time it happened.
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So...maybe it's price error if that price significantly differs from other 20$ games or DLC? Or it's okay for you too?
Skyrim for 150 rubles, AC3 for 180 rubles - all will be OK for you? -)
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But people of Russia are very poor and pirates!
russian pirates
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We need lower prices in our store for MOAR games, CHT!
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Personally I do think it's kind of a bullshit advantage that if not bundling it, it needs something to control it. I hope it gets bundled soon just so that it can be officially bundle listed here without argument :p
You can spend ... what like $30 USD in Rubles, and have a $200 CV? That's kinda bullshit imo, similar to the Just Cause explosion, and that was only for like 8hrs, which was enough to say "Yup we're slapping it with a bundle marker."
You're telling me that anybody with access to the Russian Steam market can spend about $30 USD and get $200 CV out? And this is year-round? That's kinda bullshit. It's a perm ~ 85% discount.
And yeah I'll agree that doing the same thing with Steam Sales 85% or more discount = exploitation as well, to a degree. But at least that's spread out....
You telling me someone could buy 50 Kane's Wrath for ~ $150 and get $1,000 CV? Kinda silly IMO.... Yet my point about the steam sales is also part of why I think that CV is just broken on SG anyways.
I want to give away more on SG, but it's hard to care to do so when CV is so broken by exploitation that if I want to be giving away real non-exploitation based stuff to boost my CV to get a better chance at contributor GAs, I'd have to give away a lot more than these others who purchase as low as possible and flood SG with GAs of something that's either free or highly discounted just for more CV.
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Write to support your tickets, not to us - we're regular SG members
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Unfortunately, this is a regional pricing, which will not be bundled considering the base price of the game there is just a mere USD $3.
Also, most Russians earn pretty little in income after taxes and payments for stuff like housing, utilitles and food.
Since you mention the Just Cause case, I'll tell you why that got bundled and why this won't. Just Cause was further discounted by a bad move by the publisher, which made it so cheap. Therefore, it hit the 95% needed throughout to be on the list. On the other hand, this game is 75% worldwide, which does not warrant a bundle list inclusion compared to Just Cause.
Everyone wants to giveaway more, but everyone loves complaining about CV when the system is in fact already broken a long time ago.
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Of course it was broken a long time ago, that's why I stated my reasons moreso as to why I think CV is broken than this should be bundled at it's current state. I did say that I hope it gets bundled in an actual bundle, so that it actually gets bundled here, but that wouldn't magically remove the CV people have already gained from it.
CV system is a joke and it makes me thing SG isn't as good as it could be if the CV system were different. It's all about "what's the cheapest way I can get thousands of CV?" not actually giving away stuff.
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Apparently you're mis-reading what I'm saying.
I'm saying that I hope for the game to ACTUALLY BE IN A BUNDLE soon.
As in..... for example: Humble Weekly Tiberium Bundle! Having a bunch of C&C games including this one.
Or any of the bundle sites.
In the case that any of the bundle sites, have a bundle, with this in it, this'd make it bundled here, and would eliminate the issue.
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Meh, again, they'll come to realize that there's rarely that many decent high cv public giveaways and most of them are in group/private giveaways. Their cv exploitation won't win any friends whatsoever, if not outright land them on a few blacklists, so really, they're actually hurting themselves in the long run.
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I think I finally understand. You don't actually know what the word "error" means and hence have no idea what a price error is. An error is a gaffe, something that was done but was unintended. So a price error on Steam would be something that was never intended to be sold at that price. This DLC has been sold at 99 rubles ever since it was released. If it were a price error, it would have been fixed a long time ago. Since it wasn't changed, it means the publisher set that price on purpose.
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And if they even doesn't care of this error? For EA it's OK, but Steamgifts is messed.
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If EA says it's okay, it's not a price error. So what some other company or this website doesn't like the price? It's up to the publisher to set the price and if they set it at some cheap price and fully intend to do so by definition it is not a price error
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But we must reason by our brains, not EA's (: It's an error with regional factors.
Logically, Skyrim can't costs 4$ permanently in regional stores (with 75% off it will be 1$ only) - because it would be full mess in Steamgifts economic system
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Okay, apparently steamgifts somehow determines Steam store pricing. I honestly don't know why you're trying to argue against a definition.
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He's not a troll. English just isn't his first language.
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No offense, but that's what you were doing as well during the Fortix bundle debate. It tends to happen when the argument gets a bit heated and both sides aren't thinking straight.
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Your reading comprehension isn't too good is it? You said you're Russian, right? Based on your posts, English was obviously not your first language. Perhaps you should trust a native US English speaker when he says your interpretation of what a word means is wrong.
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That's a 100% offtopic. So, what can you say to the point of my question?
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Please reread my post. You are the one that implied that steamgifts should be able to control steam prices because otherwise "it would be full mess in Steamgifts economic system."
I never said that steam prices are determined by steamgifts. Once again, I think our debate may have something to do with a language barrier.
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Quote jatan11t:
"Okay, apparently steamgifts somehow determines Steam store pricing."
Are you sure that you never said that phrase?
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If you were a native English speaker you would understand that the statement was made sarcastically at the post I was replying to.
Would it make more sense if I added "based on your twisted logic" at the end of the sentence? I am sarcastically implying that you think the steamgifts should determine steam pricing.
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Anyways, there's no point continuing this any further because I can't speak Russian, and you don't understand my posts in English.
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Ya,ya, that was so funny sarcasm...How's bundled Skyrim? ;)
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In the first place, SG has absolutely no economic system.
The definition of economic system is a system for producing, distributing and consuming goods and services, including the combination of the various institutions, agencies, consumers, entities (or even sectors as described by some authors) that comprise the economic structure of a given society or community as according to Wikipedia.
So do we produce any gifts(a.k.a the goods) in just using SG alone? No we don't.
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Producing is Steam, distributing is Steamgifts and consumers are...?
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In which part of SG, which is a self contained system, is there producing? Also, distributing and consuming are directly in SG already in a sense.
Also, my rebuttal for you using Steam right now is that it's a self contained system just like SG, so don't drag it in cause SG and Steam are fundamentally different.
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Different, but they're directly linked as a factory and a sales office of dealer, for example.
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They are not directly linked. While there is a link, it's not of the kind you speak of.
SG is like the newspaper delivery boy, the reader is us while Steam is the newspaper maker. While the delivery boy needs the newspaper maker to survive, the newspaper maker doesn't need the delivery boy to do so.
While the reader may need or does need the paper, the delivery boy is not required as a medium completely. The reader can just either go to a store(steam keys) and buy one or get it directly from the maker.
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Yeah it is a price exploitation :p
It may not meet #1 in the definition below, but it certainly meets #2. It's not the "typical" use of the word for a gaming community, but it is a correct definition.
the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
"the exploitation of migrant workers"
synonyms: taking advantage, abuse, misuse, ill-treatment, unfair treatment, oppression More
the action of making use of and benefiting from resources.
"the Bronze Age saw exploitation of gold deposits"
synonyms: utilization, use, making use of, making the most of, capitalization on;
I would say that "making use of" the price being so stupidly low in Russia, and "benefiting" from it, is exploitation.
Sure, it's not "exploiting" in the sense of doing something you shouldn't. But it's certainly exploiting in the sense of making use of an extreme advantage.
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Well, I stand corrected. I don't use that feature and completely forgot about it's existence.
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how about marking all games as bundle games? they are going to be in one eventually
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In the bundle list
RU Price Exploit - C&C
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Sep 17, 2013)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (Sep 17, 2013)
Not sure if the date is correct though.
Didn't the sale start at Sep 15, 2013?
Or it got added with the date starting Sep 17, 2013 because that's when it started being abused?
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2,441 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Gamy7
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17,443 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by GeekDoesStuff
I realize that it's on sale at the moment on Steam, but this doesn't explain why there are so many copies of it being given away (half of the giveaways for it have 5 copies or more) when there are almost no copies of the base game, Tiberium Wars, being given away. Tiberium Wars is slightly less expensive than Kane's Wrath.
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