We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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Keep it, but treat bundles a bit differently.

For instance, I gave away Indie Game: The Movie when I was new here. The value of it was 10 dollars. Funny, cause I bought it in the HIB7 with 4 other games for a dollar, even better, I bought early, so I got three more games in week two.

So, it's retail price in the bundle is essentially the Steam minimum/# of Steam keys. For Indie Game: The Movie, this is .14 cents. I want the contributor value of bundle games to be calculated this way, not with an arbitrary cut-off level. My other giveaway, Dungeons: The Dark Lord, was in Be Mine Anniversary. This bundle included 8 Steam keys at 1 dollar, a retail price of about .12 cents.

So, I paid 0.26, and I get reputation for 29.98? This seems unfair. Why not give me a contributor value equal to the least possible price in bundle? BTA games could be calculated by assuming averages to about 5 dollars, as that's somewhere around the average "average" (bolded for when people inevitably question my math below). Here are some sample bundle values.

Humble THQ Weekly Sale
Non-BTA games- .50 value
BTA games - 1.25 value

Humble Tripwire Weekly Sale
Non-BTA games- .50 value
BTA game - 1.66 value

Humble Android 5
Non-BTA - .14 value
BTA - .55 value

1 decade ago

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Well those BTA values seem off to me. If the difference between a non-BTA and a BTA bundle is $4, wouldn't the BTA game be worth $4, since you would theoretically have to pay an extra $4 just for that one game? Why would the BTA cost be averaged out over all the games in the bundle?

1 decade ago

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The idea is that it's value is the minimum amount you could have paid. So, if you giveaway a non-BTA, we assume you spent a dollar. If you giveaway a BTA, it's assumed you spent 5 dollars, but you didn't spend 1 dollar on the non-BTA and 4 on the BTA, you spent 5 on the whole pack. If that means you spent 5 bucks and got 3 games, then they're each worth 1.66.

Yes, it would suck if you bought a 5 dollar BTA bundle and ended up with 2.25 contributor from it, but this is still more fair than spending .26 cents and ending up with 29.98 contrib.

1 decade ago

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That's horrible logic. What are the non-BTA games worth then? 50 cents or a 1.66 ea?

1 decade ago

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They're worth 50 cents. An equal slice of the minimum to receive that game.

Though I will concede that putting BTA games as it's slice of the additional 4 dollars is BETTER than my original concept, as it's probably the most fair way to handle BTA games in a bundle price/steam keys system.

Then you'd get 5 bucks if you gave a complete bundle. In the case of HIB7, you'd get 2 bucks for a BTA, and 14 cents for a non-BTA.

1 decade ago

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Wouldn't that kind of math only serve to discourage people from gifting the BTA? If you're just going to redesign the system, why would you stop at 'more fair'? Why wouldn't you just jump to the fairest solution? LOL

1 decade ago

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Personally, I don't really care about the CV system, I just gift games because I want to and it's a nice thing to do. I could care less about what my contributor value is.

1 decade ago

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/me gives many heartfelt thanks

1 decade ago

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I've never won a single giveaway that didn't require some contributor value. It's valid incentive. Period.

1 decade ago

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well and i never won a giveaway that did require cv ... :P

edit well okay one :)

1 decade ago

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Fair enough. Everybody's experience is different. But I feel like people should have the incentive of raising their odds of winning above that of a snowball's chance in hell, if they so choose. People winning contributor giveaways ARE contributors, and it's an even trade. The bundle system could use some work most likely, but as it stands at its core you do have to make some more legitimate contributions to even benefit from "abusing" bundles. If a guy wants to get $500 off the new Humble Bundle that's not going to get him anywhere until he's put up a significant amount of actual games.

1 decade ago

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How are bundle games not actual games? Someone wants them, someone wins them.

1 decade ago

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I meant more legitimate as in means of getting them. Letting people spend 9 bucks and get over $200 contributor value in return is less than ideal. That's why they have to contribute "more legitimate" games to sort of validate that they are willing to make non-bundle contributions.

But you're right. I'm a firm believer that as long as people are entering for them, and they are, they should be welcomed just as any other game.

1 decade ago

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Thing is, a lot of people may not have the money to spend on the bigger games, but still want to contribute to the site. So they buy bundle games for little money. I firmly believe that should be credited, if CV is to continue being used as it is now.

For those who go and grab 50 copies of a bundle to flood the site, you can put in checks and balances. Stagger the amount of CV you get for each subsequent copy. After 3 or 5 copies, CV is nil. Throttle the amount of copies one person can give away at the same time. The bundle list can be combined with this.

The point of these measures should be to weed out exploiters and farmers, while rewarding those who may have little means but still want to give and develop their profile.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is a poll. Not necessarily what will happen. Just saying.

1 decade ago

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Methinks the only people who would vote to get rid of contribution values are those who have no intention of ever contributing; leeches in other words.

1 decade ago

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You'd be dead wrong. Most of the biggest contributors to the site want it gone.

1 decade ago

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Think we could set contributor value requirement for various polls? Upper and lower limit.

Then again, people answering bundled polls might have trouble voting. Nevermind.

1 decade ago

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I voted to remove it and I've contributed plenty to the site. I'm just honestly tired of hearing all the drama regarding contribution value.

1 decade ago

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Reading the posts below, this is not the case.

Obviously a lot of leeches will vote against it, but there are also a number of significant contributors in favour of its removal.

1 decade ago

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What you don't realize is most of the contributors don't even use the CV system anymore because of contriboosting leechers.

1 decade ago

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I see there are lots of negative issues with it, but its the best solution available at the moment. If there were something better, then go with that sure :]

1 decade ago

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There have been many suggestions for other systems, but they all have the same issue: They are all unfair is some respect, just like CV is. There really is no way to fix this inherently broken system.

1 decade ago

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i may not be the biggest contributor, not even a big one, but I've given a little I believe. And yup - I voted for removing CV. Real contributors will still contribute - the ones that will stop are contrib boosters.

1 decade ago

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No voter demographic analysis?

EDIT - thanks for the extra info, cg :)

1 decade ago

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Contributor value is important, but not in the way that it is counted.

1 decade ago

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To all those people who voted yes, keep the system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssC77hapv0g

1 decade ago

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Don't remove it,if u do leechers can enter all public giveaways and there is no chance for people who contribute

1 decade ago

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You don't understand how probability works, do you?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Honestly just keep it because some people don't even give away games they are just here to get free games. I voted to keep the system and it seems as if more people are saying the same thing. Most of the people that voted against it are people that haven't gave anything way (just an guess.)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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suspended :D

1 decade ago

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I refer you to this. And are you really that surprised that people come to a free game giveaway site to get free games?

1 decade ago

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okay, but contributions do not grow much, give away a Darksiders and Red Faction Armageddon and my contribution level did not rise anything

1 decade ago

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Normal, they've been added to the bundles list. You can't go over $30 if you contribute only free/bundle games.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just get it right.

1 decade ago

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Please keep the contributor system. I love it because when you make a contributor giveaway you know its going to an active user.

1 decade ago

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Because non-active users don't deserve to play games?

1 decade ago

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It's not about that, it's about the fact that the people who give games away are the people that make this entire system possible. Without them, this site simply would not exist. We should be able to make giveaways specifically for those people to show our appreciation for what they do.

There's also the flip side of the coin, people making giveaways solely for contributor value. Sure, it at times lend itself to being exploited for CV, but also, removing the CV system would cause a lot of these people to stop giving away games because they're no longer getting anything in return for it. And less giveaways is always bad.

1 decade ago

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That's very true, removing CV will very likely drop the number of giveaways being made. But so does all the restrictions on bundles.

1 decade ago

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Yes, but if people stop giving away bundle games because they're getting little to no CV from it, much less is lost, since those games can be attained for so little money.

If people stop giving away big name titles because there's no reason for them to do so any more, much more is lost, since those games cost so much more to purchase.

1 decade ago

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Considering the general attitude I've seen on the forums towards people that give away games just for the CV, I'd think that would be considered a good thing. But I can see your point.

1 decade ago

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Previously, bundle games were simply not allowed. When they started accepting them they put rules in place so people wouldn't just flood the site with them to get CV. People who give them away because they have nothing better to do with the extra key or out of generosity will keep doing so. Generous people will also keep giving away bigger titles, but the ones after CV will either stop giving away or just give whatever leftover they have. I don't want to see the site flooded with only extra bundle keys like on GalaGiveaways.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes I don't want people who never go on steam to win $50 dollar games

1 decade ago

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the contributor value is great with this we can deal with the a lot of bundle games

1 decade ago

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SG should see the difference between keys and steam gifts and count different CV for both (full for gifts ofc).

1 decade ago

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I'll try to explain.
There is need to be an option with chosing of giveaway type: Steam key or Steam gift.

1 decade ago

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How can you tell the difference? Who would choose key?

1 decade ago

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Giveaway creator choosing type of it. Then same old thing - winner marking it as received or reporting if creator sending him a key instead of gift.

1 decade ago

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And you think people actually care if they get key or gift >_>. Just look at the forum and you can see something like half the people have never read the FAQ.

1 decade ago

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That works fine on another giveaway resouce. For SG it may solve the problem with bundle games and CV of Steam gifts for those games.

And people don't read FAQ cuz it's on the top of the forum when it should be in header of website.

1 decade ago

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It's on the header of the website. Please log out and see.

And thay system you purpose is sooo easily exploited.

1 decade ago

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Log out and you'll see FAQ. Okay.

Ok, then just give me the answer. Why should I gain no CV when I giving away steam gifts of Serious Sam 3: BFE (for example)?

1 decade ago

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Probably because you can get Serious Sam 3: BFE for 85% off (for example).

1 decade ago

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I bought mine 4-pack with discount on Steam's daily deal or something. That was just an example, bad one.

1 decade ago

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Because it was in a bundle and people used the 0.sth upgrade to exploit that?

1 decade ago

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That's the point. Bundles contain game keys and we turning back to my first comment.
And here may be some "report bundles" system when users leting know administration that some new bundle appear and they just make some update to bundle-list. End of story.

1 decade ago

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Having every giveaway need some kind of verification would be impossible. Most users wouldn't even realize they would need to check what they received.

1 decade ago

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I understand, for now it's kind of difficult to implement. Maybe in some near future. :)

1 decade ago

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I don't see CV having value. Most (almost all) of the giveaways with good odds come from groups or puzzles which generally don't require a high CV. Groups will choose members based on (among other things) the giveaways created and not by CV, this excludes people who exploit or abuse the system to get a high CV as well as leachers from most good giveaways anyway. I don't see many public giveaways with a high CV and those that I do still generally have a large number of participants. I'll probably get flamed for this but maybe instead of CV we could just track number of games given away?

1 decade ago

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Why would you get flamed? That suggestion is fine and thanks for your input.

1 decade ago

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I think things are just fine as they are now.

1 decade ago

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I believe it is a pretty cool feature, but it does create a lot of crap coming into the site. i feel it needs to be fine tuned. But keep it

1 decade ago

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I could write a wall of text about how pointless the contributor system is and that you should get rid of it forever, but I won't. I will just say that I never liked it and I never will.

1 decade ago

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I think it's good to have one, but the way it's going atm, don't like it, soon all games will be bundle games etc, like, there's far too much focus on that stuff

1 decade ago

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Keep it, as it is a useful reference point. Similar to how the Enhanced Steam extension tells me how much I've spent on steam, even though I'd probably rather not know that.

It would be more meaningful if the value didn't drop over time as the price of a game changes. Before anyone says, I know it is not representative of what the person actually paid (especially bundles), but it at least represents the RRP of the game at the time it was given away. Gifting Skyrim in late 2011 should be acknowledged as different to gifting it today.

As for bundle games, there are two options as I see it. Either get rid of the list (who cares if people end up with CVs of 1 million dollars - said like Dr Evil). Otherwise put an expiry date on the entries, and create an entry for each distinct bundling of the game. If it gets bundled twice in that period of x months, there'd be two entries each with their own date. After x months (6?, 9?, 12?) an entry drops off the list, if there are no other entries, the game is eligible for gifting at the going rate. If it gets rebundled, it goes back on the list with a new expiry date. I'm not sure how the bundle list is currently structured, but creating duplicate game entries with dates shouldn't be a stretch of resources.

As for exploited games, why stop them? The site's mission statement was to gift games away. That's what they are, and that's what people are doing. If nobody wants them, the giveaways will finish with no winner and therefore no CV will be granted. Meanwhile, people who were too slow, lazy, or respectful of the purpose for the source giveaway (which is being exploited) would have the opportunity to get a game they don't already have. If you really want to do something about it, make an exploited list that gives $0 CV for the game and let the giveaways run. If you set the value retrospectively like the bundle list, you'll still manage to nuke people's CV harvesting without having to manage the list in real-time. Less work for the support staff and more opportunities for people to get games they want. Everybody wins.

1 decade ago

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Mentioned something along those lines earlier in the thread. Problem with the date that a game's bundle status is removed would mainly be people hoarding and waiting till that happens, which will happen most likely. There can be multiple entries (I think) in the list so that shouldn't be the problem with that.

Thank you for the input.

1 decade ago

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what would removing the contributor system solve? It will only c ause more problems.

1 decade ago

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reduced whining in forums and possibly, reduced support tickets

1 decade ago

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according to this poll, people whining about CV only makes 34% of the users. disabling it would mean 66% of users will start whining to bring CV back, therefore disabling CV will create twice as much whining

1 decade ago

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How you could be sure that all those 66% will whine back? I personally couldn't care less if they remove CV or not, but for the sake of the site, I just want it reworked.

1 decade ago

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Flawed. Those who are whining all the time that they didnt get their contributor,that they want more and whatever are the ones that want to keep the system. Thats why get so much "Keep it,but change it",also they want a certain system. If that one gets not introduced,they will continue to complain.

1 decade ago

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Actually, I am pretty sure that the majority of those who complain have voted green and not red. Judging by comments and percentages.

1 decade ago

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Agreed. I'm one of those.

1 decade ago

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What is the CV stopping or denying?

The giveaway creator can himself consider if contributor value it's important or not, so HE can decide if the giveaway will need certain CV. CV it's not stopping private giveaways, CV is not stopping group giveaways nor open giveaways. CV is an option people can skip entirely if they want.

what is CV really stopping ? CV is actually making more giveaways. People only looking for CV won't even have that motivation if it's disabled, and disabling it doesn't mean they are magically going to make giveaways they were not doing anyway.

There has been posted many proposals or tweaks to the system to make it better. This is the natural next step, and will hopefully help to reduce the CV problems, and reduce the drama.

Surely the disadvantage i see is the extra work support and staff has to put on it. If most of the work is already done, i vote on keeping it. If they feel it's not worth, then i agree with killing it (plus i don't use it so i'm not really gonna miss it).

1 decade ago

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It encourages people to create giveaways so it's good. But also, it's so frustrating when i see 1000000000000000000000$ contributor giveaways.

1 decade ago

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I use SG+ so I don't see them at all. :P

1 decade ago

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Keep it, maybe revamp it so people don't treat it like an e-peen and maybe change it from being able to require double your CV to being able to require half or something. I'm sorry there will be a lot of negative responses to this and I'm also sure some of the people who have negative feedback to this will have a majority of their giveaways be games that were on big sales. Or maybe a cap on percentage of the value of game ie giving away fortix and requiring $1500 CV (if this encourages people to up their CV then they are silly since they could just buy the game for $1).

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.