We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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Here's an interesting proposal for an alternative CV system. All bundled games should give you only 10% CV.
Galastore bundles should be included. IG and HiBs will net you at best $10 per $1 spent much like a 90% Death Rally etc. These weekly HB sales would net you only roughly $4 per $1 spent which would be your typical 75% Steam sale.

1 decade ago

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This might work you know. I'd be curious to see cg trying out different types of calculations and allowing us to see the end results on our individual profiles. It helps figure out what has the least negative effect on people's accounts.

1 decade ago

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Kinda like the /revised and /updated (or whatever the url was) when trying out the value options.

1 decade ago

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Voted the upper one.

1 decade ago

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I think the thought behind the contributor system is a solid one, it's just the execution that's slightly off. It gives the gifters the chance to essentially say who deserves to win it. If you don't/can't contribute much, or are new/rarely online, you have no chance to win contributor only giveaways, and that decision shouldn't be down to the gifters. It's like one person saying to two others, "you are allowed to have a chance at winning this game, but since you haven't paid enough, you can't". Which is not right. It should be down to someone else (mods? admins?) to choose, but I understand the issues associated with that too, so it can't be a viable solution.

Another option that should definitely not be considered is the idea of making the value of the gift a factor in deciding if it's a contributor giveaway. There's no reason why people who have not contributed should not be allowed an attempt to win a new or expensive game, it's simply unfair.

Ultimately, regardless of how many people enter a giveaway, you as a person will always have one single chance to win, if you get what I mean. Of course I understand the maths with ratios and such, where you're one in a hundred or one in a thousand, but in the end it's still just one. Random is random, which is why anyone can win any number of times or seemingly never. Following that logic, you've got the same "odds" of winning a contributor giveaway as a public one with the same number of entries, so why make it exclusive?

This whole site is about generosity and luck, so I don't think it's right to give some users the power to decide who should be allowed to attempt to win their gift. That's kind of a backhanded generosity, don't you think?

TL;DR allow ALL users to choose if their giveaway is public or contributor, or reserve that decision for a higher power. Leechers won't make their giveaways contributor only because they likewise couldn't enter it themselves.

1 decade ago

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I disagree. Only the creator of the giveaway, and him/her only, should decide whom he/she wishes to enter the giveaway. If I want to give Tomb Raider x 5 with contribution requirement $4000, it should my decision. Not admin's, not support's and not any other member's.

Value of the gift has nothing to do with contribution requirement. One can place $5000 requirement for Fortix or $0.01 for Tomb Raider. There is upper limit that each member can put and it is your current contribution doubled.

1 decade ago

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I think the CV should stay, but the way bundles are handled need to be reworked a bit. That's the biggest issue that people are having right now.

It's good to have an incentive to get people to give more, and when the bundle value was added it was at a time where bundle keys weren't yet allowed so of course some changes along the way are inevitable.

1 decade ago

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Things were more peaceful on the forum when they weren't allowed. Just really busier/more difficult on support.

1 decade ago

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I really like the idea behind the contributor system, but it really does have a ton of flaws. Certainly not impossible to fix, but it would take a ton of time and effort, and not many people would be happy about it while any changes were going on. As it is, there's too many easy ways to bump up your contributor value, so people who want to weed out "leechers" (although anyone who does any sort of giveaway, even for some cheap bundle game, is still contributing SOMETHING) have to set their giveaways to super high contributor values, which just punishes people who don't want to play the system to their advantage. So I voted for removing it, since I'm aware how much of a painful process fixing it would be, even if it could certainly be fixed and I would like to see it fixed. Not that I have much of any idea how to myself.

1 decade ago

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I'm totally against Contributor system. We can keep the contribution value - just to let ppl <flex> and grow their e-pen, but as long as there are contributor giveaways, people will try to cheat the system. No matter what restrictions and sollutions staff develops - someone will always find another way to exploit it and get unfair advantage.

Sure - we will get less GAs than now, but honestly - what's more important? Quality or Quantity? I'd prefer 5 GAs for good games than 50 for Crazy Machines.

And another thing is that because we have bundle system it actually discourages ppl from making GAs for games once bundled - even if they're great titles and/or were bundled a long time ago. We don't get Super Meat Boy, because it was bundled long time ago. We will no longer be getting KF or DS2 - both great games. The list goes on and on. Instead we get hundreds of Crazy MAchines, because ppl want to boost their contrib.

If people want bigger chance to win - they can get it in other ways, not causing so many problems and exploitation. We have private GAs and groups. Group can manage to keep track of what games the user give away on their own - and they do, people who actually give away will be gladly invited in private groups, the only ones who will loose on removing Contributor Giveaways are the ones who cheat the system, because even with their hundreds of contri got from CMs noone will accept them into group anyway.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There seems to be some merit to both sides of the argument. More merit than there is to being an abusive simpleton anyway, it would appear.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hey now! I'm only trying to grow my E-pen for the ladies, can you blame a guy? :/

1 decade ago

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I'm totally against you.

1 decade ago

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it's your choice - we're in this topic to discuss our personal opinions on the topic.

1 decade ago

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Keep it; change it. I've said before that the CV system should be based upon supply and demand. When a giveaway is made, an algorithm could calculate a custom value based upon how many entrants (demand) other like giveaways received and scale up for games that people entered, and down for games people didn't. This would of course only take from public giveaway (puzzles and the like would screw with the statistics) but the value could apply for group and private giveaways as well.

IMO, if enough people want a bundle game then I'm fine with people making bundle game giveaways because it still provides a purpose. Now, I haven't seen a bundle game with very high entries.

This is a very possible system, many people forget computers run websites and statistics are quite a powerful tool. Please voice your opinion.

1 decade ago

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Removing the Contributor system will allow people not contributing to the community. By keeping it people will need to giveaway games to earn games. Simple KEEP IT!

1 decade ago

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In case your to lasy to copy and paste, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

1 decade ago

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ha suspended

1 decade ago

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The contributor only giveaways are fine in all honesty, even though I can't enter the majority. It doesn't bother me if I don't win honestly. More power to the people who give away a lot of games.

1 decade ago

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Typical argument of someone supporting adding Humble Bundle Weekly to Bundle List:
"I like what the mods did. Those leechers were exploiting the system. I don't care if that means less people will give games and less people will receive games. People shouldn't be giving to get contributor value anyways, it should be out of the kindness of their heart."

Typical argument of that same person NOW: "I am against getting rid of the CV because less people will give games. The CV gives people incentives to give, and without this the site will die."

O_o ... say whaaaaat?

1 decade ago

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Check my arguments in both threads. And please, don't generalize.

1 decade ago

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Someone has a guilty conscious. I can read other people's comments (not just yours) and make my own points, ya know?

1 decade ago

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Not me.

I was just saying that generalising is bad. And people can have the views they want on every single matters, is not yours to judge.

1 decade ago

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I am saying what a lot of people are saying. If you don't believe me, then go read for yourself. There are several threads on this very issue, you know?

1 decade ago

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I know, I still like your half-truths and bendings of reality to suit your arguments.

1 decade ago

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And where did I say they aren't free to have their own views?

1 decade ago

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You are implying as if that opinions where somewhat bad.

1 decade ago

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Not really bad. Just contradictory. On one foot, some people were saying give out of the kindness of your heart (when it comes to bundles) and don't worry about CV, or there being less giveaways in the community.

But on the other foot, they say we need the CV or else there will be less giveaways (implying that the whole "giving from the heart" argument only works when things are going their way).

It's not a big deal, I just thought it was funny.

1 decade ago

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You watch too much Caillouo. In realworlld, most of the People donate to institutions to get tax credits

1 decade ago

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Thank god for the 4th season. PBS was about to piss me off.

1 decade ago

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lol I don't really watch it, I just saw it from time to time when my baby cousins gets the TV for themselves and watch it

1 decade ago

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That, dragon tales, arthur, and clifford the big red dog are all we watched. Everything else was considered sinful, even the simpsons.

1 decade ago

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The only people who seem to complain about it, are people who are not in it for the giving. EG bundlers, and people who are upset when they lost $10 worth of contrib value when a game drops in price.

The vast majority of people, and especially the "true" contributors don't have any issues with it.

Keep it as-is IMO.

1 decade ago

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But if you are in it for giving, then you don't need it! It is coming from the kindness of your heart!

1 decade ago

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Honestly I feel like "true" contributors have an issue with it because the "fake" contributors abuse the system. Why would "fake" contributors dislike the system? They can try to abuse it as much as they can to profit.
Heavily discounted games cheapen the value of CV. For example I'd hate to do a $1000 CV giveaway that someone could enter by spending only $50 on crazy machines or the likes whereas a person who gave away 20 copies of Bioshock Infinite couldn't. The more consistent the value of CV to real contribution, the more meaningful it is.
But as previously stated by some of the "true" contributors, most people are straying further and further away from public CV giveaways.

1 decade ago

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In other words, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

1 decade ago

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Didn't check your link, so not quite sure what you're getting at. I see you're suspended though so I presume the mods didn't agree with your way of expressing yourself. :p

1 decade ago

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I don't like contrib value.

1 decade ago

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It's very simple,

the CV should be changed following this simple equation: X: Bundle Games, Y: Full Price Games and Z: Sale Games.
X + Z / Y = CV, being X + Z = 0 when the game have never gone on sale/bundle/BTA and when the planets allign with Nibiru the overall prices should be taken to Orion and sacrificed to CG by overpriest Wyatt. Who in all his glory will

throw the CV into OBLIVION

1 decade ago

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Keep it, but split the "bundled" games from the non-bundled games altogether - Have a system that keeps track of them both separately.
Ex: If someone gives away 100$ worth of bundled games, and 10$ worth of non-bundled games, instead of having a CV of about 42$ (under the current system), they would have 10$ CV and 100$ BCV (bundled CV). Then, for contributor-giveaways, bundled games would look at BCV, while non-bundled games would look at regular CV. This way, if all you give away are bundled games, the only Contributor giveaways you would be able to enter would be for other bundle games.

The only real issue with this, is that there could be some conflicts with which value to look at depending on how quickly a game is added to the bundle-list.

1 decade ago

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I support this!

1 decade ago

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Problem would still be what goes in the list and what doesn't.

Thanks for the input though.

1 decade ago

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all non contributors are voting no xD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Shocking, isn't it? The people benefiting from the system want to keep it, and the people hurt by it want to get rid of it.

1 decade ago

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you are not hurt by it,even with the contributor system up there are plenty of non CV giveaways.

1 decade ago

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I'm not saying I'm personally hurt by it. I'm just pointing out that it's not exactly a new thing for people who benefit from something to want to keep it, and people who don't to not.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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all abusers vote "keep it".......................

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I voted no. I don't think if I could be considered a contributor though.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Im sorry sir, but that is physicaly impossible

1 decade ago

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CGs edit just disproved you

1 decade ago

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dont keep it, fix it!

1 decade ago

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I think the contributor system is fine. What we should do is lobby the UN to ban sales, indie bundles, regional price variations, etc. Yeah.

1 decade ago

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Keep it!!!!!!!! i like it!!!

1 decade ago

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Keep it -- How many giveaways are there even that are at high contributor values? Aside from CG (thanks by the way for all of those! =D), I very rarely see any giveaways for over $100, which is very easily obtainable.

Are people mad that it puts a ton of crappy games on the giveaway list? Just ignore them. Are people mad that they can't enter some giveaways because they don't have the contributor value? Contribute more. How about everybody stops whining about aspects of a site they don't like and just deal with it? Whether you like it or not, it encourages giveaways. I don't care what the game is, more giveaways makes the site more fun.

1 decade ago

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People are mad because the system is fundamentally unfair. CV is removed just because the price on Steam dropped. Games from bundles released years ago still don't get full CV. And people who buy games at a normal price to give away are screwed because it gets released in a bundle before they can put their giveaway up. The CV system simply cannot adapt to all the various sources and prices of games. It is an unfixable system, and an unfixable system is generally better off gone.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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My CV has never dropped when the price of a game drops on Steam. I don't know how it's happening to other people?

I agree about the bundle games but oh well, I'm not too concerned about it. I remember I bought Blocks That Matter on Steam and didn't get CV for it because it was in a bundle much earlier but I didn't care. I bought it because I really enjoyed the game and wanted to share it with somebody else so they could enjoy it too.

As for buying a game at normal price and then going in a bundle later, I never had that issue but I feel that is a very rare case that it shouldn't matter too much. If you worry that much about buying a game that will eventually be in a bundle, buy it and immediately put it on SG or shorten the length of it.

My main concern is people complain about it saying it's unfair and that it should go back to no CV and that the site worked just fine without it. Most of the complaints you just mentioned wouldn't make a difference if CV was gone, so why care about it with CV? I just don't understand how the complaints are basically, "I get screwed in this one particular instance and since I'm upset it should be gone." I've bought games and didn't get full CV for it, I don't care because the point is to gift the games to other people, just like it would be without CV.

1 decade ago

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"My CV has never dropped when the price of a game drops on Steam. I don't know how it's happening to other people?"

CV is tied to the price of games. Personally, my CV has dropped over $300 because of steam price drops

1 decade ago

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I voted to remove it, merely because there's not much I'm missing out on.

Certainly the few giveaways every once in a while with actual high contributor value? lol.

1 decade ago

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That's like an extra 3 games per year you could leech! So important~!

1 decade ago

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What is it with people and overusing that word. "Leech". Everyone's a leecher if they don't like CV?

1 decade ago

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Actually a leech could be seen as someone who only takes and does not give back, a parasite. Anyways it's really overused and in many cases (Such this one) used with humouristic purposes.

1 decade ago

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But a leech only leeches until it has slaked its thirst and falls off.
Steamgifts leechers are always hungry and never satisfied. They feed of its host until it shrivels up and dies or until a better host emerges.

1 decade ago

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It indeed is!

1 decade ago

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Predictions on the outcomes!? (some lighthearted speculation here!)

I predict that the initial pro-CV vote will keep it's lead for a few hours, but over the course of the last day and half of this 2-day poll, the remove-it vote will gain ground and maybe even catch the lead!

1 decade ago

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How's the wheather forecast?

1 decade ago

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I'm mostly positive that there will be wheather today, tune back in at news at 10:00 to see whether my predictions came true

1 decade ago

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I trust in your boobs. They've never let me down.

1 decade ago

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They are just ... so ... perky.

1 decade ago

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As soon as the remove it vote is winning we will see a mass of whiners on the forums about how all they gave away no longer means anything

1 decade ago

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Honestly, i couldn't care less. I gave away a bunch of games before the contributor system was introduced and im still doing that regardless of my value going up or down. You can even reset my value 0$ if you want, i'll still continue to make them cause that's why i registered in the first place. I don't need anything in return, just the idea of making someone's day slightly better is fine by me

1 decade ago

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People tend to forget the main purpose of this site, it's called Steamgifts not Steambusiness I assume that people contribute to get some out of this. I'm not saying that people that contribute should not have an advantage but by reading everything here it look like people take this website as a business rather than offering people gifts...

1 decade ago

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that's the sad truth, it started out as a reward system but inevitably turned into an incentivizing system, I agree that people have lost site of the goal of this site

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm sort of torn. I mean, it IS an incentive for some to give. Also, people who already have astronomical contributor values shouldn't be put at the same level of the common man. But at the same time it can be sort of annoying.

1 decade ago

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That's the problem: It's an incentive. But if you go on the forums and admit that you just want to get CV, half of the users go nuts on you, claiming you're "missing the point".

1 decade ago

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I voted to remove the contribution system, since I think the negatives outweigh the positives. However, I do have mixed feelings about it, since I can see both sides of the story to some degree.

There is no perfect solution, since the problem stems not only from contribution value giveaways but also from what is classified as a bundle game. No matter where you draw the line, there will be people who think it's unfair. No matter how you structure the contribution value system, there will always be people who look to abuse it for their own selfish gains. I've made my peace with the system as it is, and at the very least it does encourage people to contribute to the site. I tend to buy all those really cheap bundles myself, so perhaps I simply don't see all the spam and don't concern myself with what other people want to do with their own money.

From a completely unselfish and altruistic point of view, if you only had a few dollars, you could either spend that on 1 game that is on sale or you could buy a few bundles of good games and thus make more people happy. I still buy a few multiples of each good bundle that comes out, and sometimes I do key drops for friends, or sometimes I throw them up on SG because I prefer the randomness of a lottery system. It makes plenty of sense to stretch your dollar whenever you can, and I think it's easy to get carried away when you get too concerned about what other people are doing.

Personally, I just don't care about contribution value. It's not why I choose to give away games on this site. Ultimately high contribution giveaways are fairly rare, and whether the entire system stays or is removed, it would only really affect a handful of giveaways each week. Hardly worth causing an uproar over in my opinion. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. I apologize for anybody who actually sat through my wall of text, I've been typing essays all day and I'm not sure why. Perhaps I'm just in one of those moods.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"Personally, I just don't care about contribution value. It's not why I choose to give away games on this site."
"and whether the entire system stays or is removed ... I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing."

This is exactly how I feel.

1 decade ago

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You made it sound like it would be much longer than this. Disappoint. I'll be waiting for the rest.

1 decade ago

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Voted keep it, just rework it.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.