can I ask something what is this thread - I mean i Understand about LGBTQ and all but are these giveaways meant to be about/include themes on these subjects because I don't (and please tell me if I am wrong) these games are not on this subject or are they?
If so I would love to join (if I have a suitable game of course)
Pony you mean from MLP - Pinkie Pie if you include Equestria girls I'd say - Sci Twi/Sunset shimmer
(sorry again if I missed the point)
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but do they need to be themed on the subject of LGBTQ+ if so I don't fully understand some of the dded giveaways as they mention no tag for such
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No, you can use any game
I've marked LGBTQ+ games with a special icon 🌈
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I hope this ok and done correctly - it's not quite LGBTQ but it's the best I have right now
[Late photographer 3]( https: // ) | [ wigglenose ](https: // | June 30th | 4 lvl
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[All Walls Must Fall]( | [hbarkas]( | June 30th | 4 lvl +
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[Dead island: Definitive edition]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Catizens]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Sir Whoopass: Immortal death]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Soulstice]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Crime O'clock]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[State of mind]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Farabel]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Guardians of Holme]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[🌈The town of light]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Iron danger]( | [xxxka]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
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I don't have to discuss anything with people I don't see fit to talk to.
I left this thread in high spirits wishing everyone a happy Pride month and I'm going to continue to be gone from it in high spirits.
If what I have stated requires further explanation to you, or anyone else, I'd ask that you have someone else read it out and then answer your questions as it seems fairly straight forward to me and anyone with a basic grasp of comprehension.
Happy Pride month! 👍 🌈
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Oh look, you didn't actually leave in high spirits at all, and your sole purpose in responding here was to stir up shit and to try provoke?
Imagine my shock!
But I mean, feel free to keep showing your true colours. Its more convincing than anything a mere 'conspirator' could come up with.
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Yes sweetie. You keep on trying out those flexors and imagining that someone's reading what you think they are doing.
Keep on pooping up the thread that's trying to be nice with your vitriol. I'm sure somehow you'll try and say that it's in the spirit of the movement or something.
👍 🌈
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If you posting into the ether and knowing that it's not being read by me and that my replies are automated due to my experience with crybullies in the past, if this gives you glee then please continue to do so.
But there are other people here with bigger reasons to be in this thread and I ask you to respect their space and enjoyment of this time but you do you.
👍 🌈
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This whole jekyll and hyde routine where you flip between pointless snide remarks and then claim I'm being disrespectful to others is the stalest "my shit doesn't stink" act, and the comment chain isn't even so long that people can't literally blink back 2 seconds and see the root cause.
But if gaslighting rehearsals is your bag, well, nobody can stop you.
Either way I'm noping out of this sad floundering shit, I've fed your need for negative attention long enough.
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You are also on the internet and the term "tranvestite" is outdated, many people actually consider it derogatory so maybe you should educate yourself on that. The correct term would be "cross-dresser". If you're saying that you're not that aware of the situation, why are you talking about it?
Cross dressers aren't considered to be part of LGBTQ+ because it is not a gender or sexual identity. Clothes should be gender neutral anyway, but that's a different discussion. There are queer and gay cross-dressers, there are straight-cross dressers, as well as trans and cis cross-dressers. The queer ones are considered LGBTQ+ because well, they are queer. You wouldn't call a man wearing a dress gay or trans just because he's wearing a dress, would you? If you would, I'm sorry to say but that is pretty homophobic and maybe you should consider your views.
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"If you're saying that you're not that aware of the situation, why are you talking about it?"
I take it then that you consider yourself fully aware of the situation?
I don't consider anything about a person's gender or sexuality when I see them, regardless of the clothes they are wearing. That would all seem to be playing in a social construction and denying the inherent true nature of the person underneath all that it laid upon them by societal pressures and the expectations of living up to them. Both things which Pride was never about.
Also, the policing of language is not something which I think is useful beyond basic civility. Some people still consider "Queer"", "Gay", "Trans" and other terms as insulting and yet they seem to be in common parlance. Perhaps read up on the works of Noam Chomsky to see how important language is to groups and who and why are times when language can be considered positive and other times when it is considered negative.
Transvestites may not be an acceptable term in your social circles but there are others outside of that who hold it very dear and near.
The flag used to represent a one size fits all for love and celebration an with certain groups not allowed to walk under that flag, groups which helped cement it into the calendar year, it seems that the Saul Alinsky method of intersectionality is letting people down when it always promised them hope and acceptance.
Get back to me when they ban stiletto heels from marches because it upsets wheelchair users, and wheelchair users because they upset the ore able bodied.
Or, and this is the simple one, understand that Pride is about love for all and the celebration of marching together is showing the love that it is possible for everyone to feel welcomed.
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"Some people still consider "Queer"", "Gay", "Trans" and other terms as insulting and yet they seem to be in common parlance."
Some people use "woman" as an insult, doesn't mean that it actually is one. Trans and gay are just terms to describe ones sexuality or gender identity. Queer was a slur and some people such as myself reclaim it, but I understand people who don't and I won't shame them for it, or use that term to describe them.
"Transvestites may not be an acceptable term in your social circles but there are others outside of that who hold it very dear and near."
Regarding my previous point. If you know someone is okay with the term "transvestite", go ahead and use it, it's not a slur such as "dyke" or the N word where only the people in that community can use it. But as we already established, we are on the internet and you DON'T know if someone is okay with that word. As I said, I won't call someone queer if I don't know what they think of that word, and you shouldn't do that with the term "transvestite" either. Use it in your social circles when you know it is okay to use it.
"Get back to me when they ban stiletto heels from marches because it upsets wheelchair users, and wheelchair users because they upset the ore able bodied."
This is such an outlandish situation that will literally never happen, it's like when right wing people are crying "LGBTQ+ are letting pedophiles into their community!!!" which is just not true and never will be allowed. Stop reaching for something that doesn't exist.
"Or, and this is the simple one, understand that Pride is about love for all and the celebration of marching together is showing the love that it is possible for everyone to feel welcomed."
I understand that and others do as well, nobody is banning straight people or cross-dressers or anyone (as long as they're not hateful) from pride, allies are always welcome. The only thing we're saying is just because you're a cross-dresser, doesn't mean you're also LGBTQ+, it's awesome if you're an ally, but you're not IN the community itself, because LGBTQ+ is about gender and sexual identities, which cross-dressing is not. I already explained that.
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You silly goose.
You are still trying to police language which is not yours to police.
I can say any word I like, regardless.
Now "Regardless", what does that mean?
That means that the consequences from me saying any word I choose may not lead to an outcome that I would prefer for my comfort or well-being. Me getting to choose which words to say to whom and when are all my decisions. Policed language is when others think that they can control who I am and what I can say or think. That sounds exactly like the situation which many protested so hard for over the years to be accepted for who they are and how they think. Becoming the enemy does not denounce you of the ill doings of them. There are both bad tactics and bad targets.
Those who do not like the word "Queer" or the word "Gay" (Or any other words) can react to, or not, as they see fit and the law will generally keep people within the limits of being civil. If someone finds the terms "Transvestite" to be a problem then that problem is theirs and perhaps they shouldn't inhabit spaces were they can hear it liberally. This is why there were speakeasys in the past for people to be who they are openly and without prejudice. Now that people don't have to be it is incredibly confusing to insist that others conform to the same discrimination but in reverse - particularly when some of those were marching under the same flag and to the same ends years earlier.
"This is such an outlandish situation that will literally never happen, it's like when right wing people are crying "LGBTQ+ are letting pedophiles into their community!!!" which is just not true and never will be allowed. Stop reaching for something that doesn't exist."
Let's fix up that concept a little and see how well it sits. Let's swap out "LGBTQ+" for "heterosexual men" and alter "Pedophiles" for "Rapists". It's generally taken that almost all reported rapes have a heterosexual man (or men) as the violator. So much so that all men at colleges need to undergo rape training to teach them not to rape - as ridiculous as that notion is. So the idea that some bad people will get into groups which allow them access to vulnerable people and that entire group can bear the burden of the few mad actors among it already exists. None of my friends across our wide spectrum of sexualities and genders want children to be in harms way. But they accept that it is always possible in any situation, and shielding perpetrators from suspicion based on any approved behaviours, regardless of how new or outlandish they may seem at the time, is always a danger and to deny that itself is suspicious.
But back on track, Pride used to be about love and celebration. Those were its end goals beyond the acceptance and toleration which it achieved early on. Creating in-crowds and others came later and excluded people who were at the centre of the cause and lacks any sign of love and seems to be bullying to many, to us the silent majority who still believe that Pride will overcome this eventually.
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Any form of censorship is worse than any word/wording.
Anyone should be allowed to use all words and state any view (good or bad).
We can "judge" them based on it and try to show an error, if there is one.
Outright crossing out a word will only make more harm than good in the end for reasons that you are probably aware and those who aren't won't understand even I hit the word limit x10. It requires studying more than 1 academic field.
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Heterosexual men dressing up as women got excluded from Pride marches because it apparently upset some other people who identified as women who dress up as women.
I don't think excluding consenting adults from exploring their sexuality openly with other consenting adults doing the same is a good thing.
It's a tiered system of oppression and flies in the face of what Pride is about.
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When the individuals represent entire countries and are aligned with international groups who support them in return this reciprocity is at best cronyism and at worst a system of oppression.
You are clearly more well versed in all of this, as you have stated, and so finding examples wouldn't be above a mind as nimble as yours.
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I have never once said I am "more well versed in all of this". I only repeated your words where you said "simply asking people more aware of the situation than me". I have stated my opinions and you have stated yours.
I don't take kindly to you not so subtly trying to insult me, so I don't think I am willing to continue a conversation with someone who cannot be civilized.
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All I could find was an incident in Glasgow from last year. Has it happened elsewhere?
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I prefer not to use that word, so I will use cross-dressing instead. If you prefer that word to describe yourself, I don't have a problem with that. But I'm not sure if you are referring to yourself so I'll use the word I prefer.
First things first, cross dressing is just dressing. Clothes are not gendered. If anyone wants to wear any clothes, or makeup, or shoes, or anything. It's just fine by me. The worst thing that might happen to a straight cross dresser at pride is that they might get briefly misgendered.
I'm not trying to invalidate your experience, but what you are claiming so extortionary, that I must demand evidence.
And before you say "google it" like you said elsewhere else: You are the one making the claim, it's on you to back it up. Quick searches on my part didn't find anything valid.
I can share my first hand experience. I have been going to pride events since I was a child in the 80s. As a Straight ally, volunteer, counter protestor, and as a grandparent of of my Trans and Ace grandchildren. I can tell you, the only people not welcome at pride are protestors, agitators, and cops.
Anyone who deviates from sexual or gender norms, incl. cishet crossdressers, BDSM folks, cishet drag queens, etc, anyone who needs safe spaces and community away from the harsh gaze of the mainstream majority, is welcome.
If you yourself have been excluded for cross-dressing, Come to San Francisco, my family and I will march beside you. Love wins.
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[NEKO-GIRL PLAY]( https: // ) | [ wigglenose ](https: // | June 30th | 4 lvl
found one that has the LGBTQ+ tag
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as a queer person (b/t), i love pride but i'm excluded from most of the giveaways oops. rainbow capitalism is strong this year despite overwhelming negativity from loud voices.
but love to hear good queer games that aren't visual novels tho. finding good games that are written and created by queer peeps are my fav but trying to dodge the stereotypes/bury your gays trope is exhausting. edit: lol @ the pride hb being mostly vns xD
edit: tell me why and dream daddy have trans masc leads; also me posting im trans and suddenly my addition to block lists has increased 600% rofl
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well what sort of game would you expect to see outside a VN unless it is a fighting game with heavy sex involved or like my first giveaway just some bland looking pictures I can't see how a game could be LGBTQ otherwise
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The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - Pay attention to this game ʢᵕᴗᵕʡ
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Yeah, that's true. I hope my rec didn't rub you in the wrong way, it is an amazing game but I totally understand it can be uncomfortable for you. FtM/transmasc rep in games (or anywhere really) is rare tho, I can't even think of a single one off the top of my head.
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Oh hey it's june again! Thank you for hosting the event again MeowMilkyWay :3
I currently have exactly zero keys in my inventory to give away, but I'll make sure to contribute a few (hopefully pride-themed) carts to the train later this month. As for now… rainbow bump, with a gentle self-care reminder to whoever is reading this, myself included.
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[🌈Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp]( | [Extraterrestrial]( | June 30th | 3 lvl
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[Songbird Symphony]( | [swordoffury]( | June 30th | 0 lvl
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I've got some blacklists too , so let's say it's our contribution for the pride :D
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[🌈Arcade Spirits]( | [Kyog]( | June 30th | 3 lvl
[Havsala: Into the Soul Palace]( | [Kyog]( | June 30th | 4 lvl
[Songbird Symphony]( | [Kyog]( | June 30th | 3 lvl
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[Eternal Edge+]( | [PoeticKatana]( | June 30th | 3 lvl + sgtools
[Forgotten Fields]( | [PoeticKatana]( | June 30th | 4 lvl + sgtools
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🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ I hope that one day you care for yourself the way that you care for other people.
You matter, and the world is better with you in it.🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
For those who want to know a little more.
Here's an events calendar 🗓
Please remember to take care of each other, and if you are an ally, please remember to support your queer friends.
We’re all just trying to figure ourselves out.
🌈 - Rainbow mark LGBTQ+ games (=⌒‿‿⌒=)
Giveaways formatting (copy and paste, replace with your info):
which pony is your favorite? ㅇㅅㅇ
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