I think it's fun to just play it without thinking of it as being competitive. I don't know if I really want to play the game more enough to play with random people, though.
On an unrelated note, do you have any idea how long it took you to finish SpaceChem the first time? I have a programmer friend and he said it took him maybe two weeks just to finish the last level, I think. Did it take you roughly the same? As much as I enjoy it, it took me a while to understand even though he was helping me here and there. Though it was because I just continued where I left off and mostly forgot the mechanics at that point. It'd still be a challenging game for me to finish, though.
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The time you see in my profile is pretty much the time it took me to 100% the base game and the DLC (59 hours according to my library, 60 according to my profile). I think I finished just the base game in around 50, though I had stopped to redo a few levels along the way. And yes, I don't think it took me two weeks, but the last level was a real hurdle. I felt accomplished solving that thing.
Like your friend, I have some background in programming. That probably helps. It's a great game, in my opinion. One of the most satisfying puzzle games I've ever tackled. 'Infinifactory', from the same developer, is quite good too, though noticeably easier.
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Hey there, Overwatch has been my most played game lately and I am really enjoying it. Although my PC's power supply stopped working so I am not going to be able to play again untill a week. You can add me if you want, will understand if you don't want to. :)
Note: Don't have a mic, I am ~lvl 90
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Sounds like a good time, anyhow. I haven't really tried that mode yet.
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I play when I have some time, I try my hardest to at least get my daily victory, I've reached level 25 these days. I can check my gamer tag when I get back home. :)
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Sure, let me know. (I'm in North America, by the way. I probably should have said that in the initial post.)
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I'm in South America, so we shouldn't have a problem with that (I guess).
My gamer tag is Rozen#11384.
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I play on the EU server, but don't mind playing on the US server (so far, never a problem). I don't play competitive though. I am not a very competitive person ^^ I am not sure if players get really salty in competitive; I play games to relax, not to experience high-strung individuals (though I do understand that competitive is more "serious" than quick, of course) ;)
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The worse part of competitive is that players leave the game so often and you can't get a replace.
I've been busy so didn't play in the last two weeks, but today got back to start winning the halloween loot and went to competitive... In the first game, we had 3 rounds, at the end of first round my team had 2 players against 6... We stayed both until the end since i never quit but ffs is horrible and for relax ofc forget competitive xD
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In that case, I will avoid competitive :S I dislike it when players go into rage mode. Everyone can get frustrated (such as a Tracer or Genji successfully harassing you when you are the healer/sniper/etc.), but at the end of the day it is a game.
But I guess it is mildly amusing but also a bit sad that for some players sitting in their home, hitting buttons, is enough to feel triggered or superior towards random strangers doing the exact same thing.
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People who have OW are unlikely to play Pala. There's a small subset of OW players leaving for Pala, but it's too small to be mentioned.
Lack of servers is the main reason for me. 300 ms ping (Pala) vs 60 ms ping (OW) :))
Besides, OW's quality is downright staggering.
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Even SEA server? I play because they made a server in Brazil
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How are you enjoying it? It's largely sucked me away from Steam games for the passed bunch of months (that and my new baby takes up a lot of my time).
Who are you playing a lot of?
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Luckily for me it hasn't sucked me away from steam games completely yet. Although it has that potential to do so in the near future.
Congratz on the new baby btw :D
Mostly I have been playing according to my stats as Mercy and Hanzo.
I tried Tracer but found it hard to get any kills, maybe I am just using her wrong.
I love being Mercy when you are in a team that knows how to play.
How about you?
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I like tanks, especially Rein, Dva, and Winston; Ana for healers; Soldier and Junkrat for DPS. But I'm trying to learn almost everything. The variety is part of what I like so much.
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It's not a very fun game anymore. Played since release and it's just... It's worse than release, and that's saying something. Roadhog is still the bad-mechanic-1HKO, Ana is still a jack-of-all-trades(not a good thing), and D.Va is still ironically called OP. It's ironic because realistically she's one of the weakest characters in the game right now and people don't want her to even exist simply because... They haven't had to actually learn and understand her influence in the game? People still complain about her ult for god's sake. Roadhog is basically an ult every, what is it now, 8 seconds?
It's a very flawed game and, no, not everyone has the skill to bypass BS. I've had moments where I've rapid-fire tapped the mouse as Lucio to boop Roadhog away and it did nothing while I've seen countless people use mobility abilities after the hook with no problem, even though there's no real difference between the timing of the shots and the ability being used. Long story short, Roadhog is probably one of the biggest(no pun intended) problems in the game right now.
Other than that, the matchmaking is still terrible and just straight up BS / terrible, and Tracer/Genji players that are too good for you(as in you personally in a match facing someone objectively better than you skill-wise) just ruin the game. Trying to hit a tracer/genji that clearly have an overall better skill than you is just a day wrecker Too many times I've just straight up left because the impossible-to-hit Tracer is just ruining the match for me.
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Solo ult the pro tracer/genji. Boom, problem solved. c; Or use Sombra who can literally stop abilities from being used...
As for your roadhog problem, most of his kills are made with his hook, or his ult, and are usually done against people who are over extending or not with their team. I usually see high level players counter RH with Zarya who can bubble herself or others who get hooked, or a decent reaper who can take his down rather quickly. Other characters can play it smart by trying to bait out the hook before trying to take him out. Or have someone on your team counter roadhog with another roadhog: Allows you to potentially get a 1 person pick as well or pull the other roadhog into your team as he most likely will overextend trying to get a hook (as you are obviously playing it smart in this case and not giving him an easy target). No team coordination at lower skill levels? Widowmaker. Then there is the idea of using that 600-regular-hp-huge-hitbox-slab-of-meat to build your team's ultimates rather quicjkly, but that's just me.
Think smarter, not harder :)
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solo ulting being a solution isn't a solution, just like 2v1 being a tactic against somebody is not a good thing. It shouldn't be "the norm" for a single hero to require two or more heroes to counter them, that's bad design. He's a normal character like everyone else, not a boss.
Zarya only counters RH hook and that's it, he can still out damage Zarya, outheal her damage to delay for another hook, and his kit is just more damaging than Zarya overall. If you're playing Zarya even with the new matching cooldowns for bubble vs. hook, she still requires other characters to take down Roadhog alone. Reaper isn't even in the question - he's one of the weakest characters in the game right now with except for his misleadingly longer-range shotguns. As lower HP characters, I get gunned down at Mid-range all the time.
Baiting the hook is a terrible argument and the Overwatch forums are rampant with terrible arguments like these. Ignoring the obvious hit detection / hit box issues the game has, Lucio is still easily hookable, easily taken down due to delay caused by hook nulling the boop/RMB. Same thing with Genji(he can still be pulled by hooking the location he dashed from, not to, as it's a misleading hitbox system), Tracer, McCree, Zarya, Mei is just easy peasy to hook from the iceblock. Reinhardt is nullified by Roadhog because Roadhog's benefit over Reinhardt is hook combo to reduce HP by at least half, and the fact that all of Reinhardt's abilities have a delay on them because I guess he's meant to be a clunky and slow character. His charge has an obvious delay upon use, his firestrike has a slight build-up delay, his hammer's hit is slow and delayed (AKA you need to attack before you actually land the hit because it's not instant, precognition essentially) and his shield has a delay because of the animation of him taking it out / deploying it. Roadhog can also bear-hug Reinhardt's face and he can't do anything about it because Roadhog can kill Reinhardt VERY quickly with his available shots, and Reinhardt's charge is easily avoided, even at close-range(charge is so clunky that it can randomly bounce people when you clearly charged them directly, happens to me all the time). Also, again, his hammer is slow and a delayed hit, so he's at a disadvantage offensively and requires other teammates to actually match up against him.
Having to counter a hero by "fighting fire with fire" isn't a counter. That's a match-for-match aka... fighting fire with fire. It really just doesn't need to be said or explained. This is one of the worst arguments and can be compared to a classic model, in that it's not as good as, such as Warrior>Sorceror>Tank>Warrior - This model essentially meaning that a single character would have benefits and disadvantages that another character can abuse, which Roadhog's only realistic disadvantages are movement speed(more or less negated because of HP heal ability and the fact that teams tend to stick around the powerhouse), hitbox(hit boxes are just bad in the game, his head hitbox is small but his body hitbox is big, he still has huge survivability) and his 1-target limit with low ammo which, again, he has sustainability on himself and his team will tend to be close by. He's a powerhouse. Most Roadhog's don't even really need to try.
Also, 1HKO mechanics are just naturally bad by design, but adding a stun/delay to characters is even worse. The hook is more or less an instant pull, you have a delay / stun of abilities after being hooked meaning only a slower-acting Roadhog(unlikely since people can just tap the attack button and they get actions available sooner than you) will be slightly disadvantaged, but actually dying is something that will happen seconds after the hook, and most roadhogs just save the heal for after the hook, or before if they know they'll get the kill anyways, so they'll either be at full HP or heal up afterwards anyways.
Mei is probably the only true counter in a 1v1 since she can at least get an instant iceblock activate and she has some seriously ridiculous stunlock capabilities, and her icicle is actually really damaging. Only issue is that anything beyond 1v1 and she's not in a good situation. She's still a character limited to a 1-person focus.
All of this said, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're in some possible categories :
1)Higher skill level and so you presumably don't understand lower skill level situations in comparison to your own.
2)You're talking about the game as-is, as the game changing frequently and in large quantities is unlikely.
3)You're just repeating other stuff that's already been said a million times over and over by others... Which is fine and something I won't nitpick over unless it became an issue. Some people are just ignorant in that they repeat popular arguments and think they have "won"(this isn't a competition, it's a discussion).
The game just isn't in a great state if you don't have the skills to negate the BS, which is the standard of anything. Absolutely hate the "but top level players can teleport across the map and kill everyone in 5 seconds! Why can't you? You suck, that's why!" Also, the game is one of the most toxic I've ever played, and lots of people agree on this matter within the community itself. It's horrible because people are horrible.
This is all I can write up at the time of writing this because real life things.
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Most of what I've said is from experience or just using my brain to figure out a solution to a situation, not repeating something I've heard out of "Ignorance." I understand though it's pretty common to make personal attacks as a way of trying to prove one's point or discredit the other person, "I guess some people are just ignorant in that they make personal attacks to discredit someone and think that they 'won' (this isn't a fight, it's a discussion." You follow? :/
Overwatch is a team game requires a good amount of team coordination to get a priority target and to win. With some heroes being dps and others being support, defense, or tanks, certain heroes are better equip to win 1v1s or 1v2s while others can't. This isn't a bad design, it actually encourages tactical thinking to take down certain heroes. One reason this has been said a lot or been a popular opinion is because from experience people find it to be true. (that being said, I admit that the popular opinion can often be very biased and wrong, see anything dealing with the "meta")
That being said, most tanks are difficult to take down in a 1v1 or 2v1 simply because of their role on the battlefield: To take a lot of damage and still be standing. Roadhog is an interesting tank/offense hybrid which can take a decent amount of damage (but lacks the defense that armor gives w/ other tanks like rein or orisa or Dva) and deal potential high burst damage out.
As for the community toxic levels.... yeah... highly competitive games get that way, and that's one reason why I don't do comp modes. I'm a mid skill level player at most btw in most games. Once again, discrediting the other person is not a tactic that logical people use in a "discussion."
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I don't think we'll accomplish much trying to have a conversation that's a referendum on OW in general. I very much doubt that a person whose played much and did not enjoy it could be talked into liking it. So I'm not really going to try to do that. If you don't like it to this degree then you're probably better served to play something else.
That said, I don't think your complaints really represent glaring problems with the game, RobotDeathParty. Some people seem really bothered by heroes strong in 1v1 fights: Mei, Symetra, and your friend Roadhog. But I don't think this means they're broken, it just means you should avoid getting into 1v1 fights with them in many situations. It's a team game predicated on team tactics. Working in concert with five other players what seems like a huge threat changes somewhat. (As Gubertuber aptly points out.)
So yes, Hog's simple combo can KO a lot of heroes. But only if they're in front of him, his hook isn't on cooldown, they aren't behind a shield, Zarya doesn't bubble them, Symetra or Torb haven't raised their life total enough, nobody (Ana, McCree, Rein) stuns Hog, a friently Dva doesn't absorb the shotgun blast, and the hooked player can't respond with a counter (as Genji can). If all these things don't happen and the hooked player isn't a tank or too skinny then they will likely be KO-ed. (And one should expect them to be--being able to escape as Lucio should be unusual.)
Meanwhile Hog's weapons are fairly close range and he has a huge hitbox. Soldier and many others can poke at him from complete safety and do a lot of damage. A good Tracer can divebomb him and do a ton of damage and blink out before he can respond. And if the team sees him use his hook then they can quickly close on him. You don't usually need a special 1v1 counter to Roadhog--the counter is team tactics and positioning.
And yes, what appears to be a major threat changes at different levels of play. I don't have amazing technical skills myself. But my point is mainly that it isn't so much skill that's needed to deal with the threats, it's cooperation and situational awareness, even at lower levels. And if a situation is really punishing you for playing a certain hero that's a good reason to switch. That's part of what that mechanic is for. At worst, if Roadhog really dominates in the groups you play with then someone on your team should be Roadhog!
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Mei, Symmetra, and Roadhog are some of the worst problems in the game. Stunlock, quick damage ramp up, and 1HKO respectively, all bad mechanics in general(although the second works in risk vs. reward situations, but Symmetra isn't simply "easy" to kill, especially with her small hitbox and decently quick speed). It's not even a question of whether not you can avoid certain characters because realistically, yeah, you will face everyone on the battlefield. The maps aren't build to have tag battles and running around avoiding players, which is why tanks are crucial to the game(reinhardt 100%) as they act as formation anchors, so to speak. That's not to say you have to play this way, but it's the theoretically best and most sensible way to play. Or, y'know, you can have all of your DPS split off and try to 1v6 the whole team, like every stereotypical Genji main doing 20 flips every second and demanding heals.
Hog's weapon ranges are still ridiculously long. His RMB still kills at a range all too often, and his LMB's range is negligible with the hook and already does enough damage to scare away most players if they see him approaching, since he obviously doesn't die instantly and can heal anyways. His speed isn't really slow, either. Yeah, he has a huge hitbox but he's still one of the best tanks to pick and his 600 HP doesn't really differentiate him from the other tanks, he can still die just as quickly as an un-shielded Reinhardt or Zarya, or an unsupported D.Va. Only difference with recent patches is that Orisa is way weaker than Roadhog because of her critbox/head hitbox.
McCree stun isn't tweaked perfect, Ana stun dart is kind of iffy to land and requires good aim / mechanical skill, Rein requires the charge and separates him from his team, D.Va shield is a good idea but she's still very squishy as a character overall because of her critbox and using her as a DMbot is just insulting. Zarya's bubble is 1-use and is on the same cooldown as the hook and requires 100% focus on Roadhog, Symm/Torb combined maybe would prevent a single shot kill, but not two, and having both of them on a single(presumably defence) team wouldn't work too well. Genji's counter is the same as every other character - its activation comes after the stun, meaning Roadhog can act before the Genji does, but Genji's counter is a lot quicker of an activation so I guess if you're lucky you might get a single shot reflected.
All of those are explainable situations in how they commonly don't work, especially with Genji because he still has bugs that haven't been fixed and his dash works in that you hook the position he dashed from, not where he's dashing too, because it still hooks him from the previous position and then pulls him in after the dash(lots of videos on this). Same thing with Tracer and I would assume Junkrat too. I think it happens to Sombra, and it would definitely happen to Pharah as you can still hook her with the hook's vertical hitbox.
Switching is also an issue in the game because since release there have been specific picks for any team - Zen/Lucio, Reinhardt, Soldier or Genji, Hanzo for spammy medium-range sniper with RNG scatter arrow and ult. Most team comps consist of the "required" picks so if you want to be real, you can't just play how you want without getting reported, harassed, or just straight avoided(healers not healing you, tanks letting you die, etc. Griefing, basically).
Also, come on. Positioning? Really? Everyone knows the hook hitbox is still ridiculous. People are still getting hooked and pulled even when it's not an accurate hook, and the vertical hitbox(amazingly detailed youtube video on this, the hitbox still hasn't been fixed) is still BS. There's a reason why the "hooked from out of spawn" joke is still a thing.
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I'm just telling you that the way I play none of those characters ruin my experience the way you describe them ruining yours. None of them feel over-difficult to deal with, at least not when playing with a decent team. (Especially not Hog. I play a lot of soldier. Hog just doesn't scare me, for the reasons I already offered.)
You're very pessimistic about all mitigating conditions I listed. Overly pessimistic, I'd say. For example, a single armor pack or shield gen has often saved a thin character from the ol' Hook & Shoot. But my point is more that there are so many of them. On a team that's centralized and at least a bit coordinated, there are a ton of ways for somebody to have your back.
As for positioning, I think you may not have understood what I meant. As Soldier, I often stand just outside of the reach of Roadhog's hook. Perhaps a Mercy boosts me or a Rein shields me and then I can be even more effective. And I harass Hog. I hit him with shots constantly, and can usually land a helix rocket. Unless he gets behind cover this will chip him down to 1/2 or 1/3 health. Often he must either retreat or die. That's no fancy combo--that's just using simple positioning to put a problematic enemy at a disadvantage.
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I'm not personally attacking you if that what you're implying. I made it specifically clear that the implication was on other people. I'm getting the idea you think I'm trying to personally attack you, which is ridiculous. My 3 possible(out of others because I did say some) categories are the most common.
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I joined the discussion above in defense of the game. But I know you can't talk a person into liking something. However, for a more positive experience with someone who won't flame you and who, perhaps, can offer some pointers, maybe hit me up.
If you're interested let me know and I'll send you my info so we can add eachother. For a low-pressure/high-fun experience we can play arcade or something. (I'm partial to "mystery heroes" myself. It has chaos such that you shouldn't feel too bad about losing, but also some interesting added strategy over normal play.)
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I don't understand this interpretation. I'm not flaming anyone, and I am actually very offended that this assumption is being made. I'm just throwing out my views on the game as I've experienced it since release and for me, it hasn't been a good gaming experience at all, and coincidentally it's shared by many others as very reasonable and common concerns.
If I misunderstood then sorry but I'm not getting good vibes here.
EDIT: Not to say I'm playing the victim, but this just turned sour in my eyes really quickly. Unpopular opinions I guess?
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I didn't say you were flaming. Look again. You complained that people on the game were rude. I was just saying I wouldn't be rude so you should play with me. :)
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Oh, okay. I could play a little, I don't really play that much anymore. I'm too busy occupying myself with a FO2 playthrough :P
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Well, just thought I'd offer. I don't think I've ever in my life seen somebody argued into enjoying something. But since I don't seem bothered by a lot of the things that bother you, and since I won't be a jerk, it seemed like maybe playing together you'd have more fun.
I'm t0gaboy#1727. Add me if you're so inclined.
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Well, I'd love to play with you. But sadly I'm almost never on anymore. I got a new job and had a kid and between them they've pretty effectively cut out my regular online gaming time.
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overwatch is top fun i ever had in fps if i dont count military fps like arma 3 or redorchestra/rising storm or insurgency
very teamplay oriented, so many things you can do to help your team, lovely maps and heroes with strong story backgrounds and relationships
easy/medium/hard heroes to control, so everyone can find few that suits them
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Yeah, for an online competitive game it's at the top of my list. (Lacking single player content it can't compete with my favorite single player FPSs like Bioshock.)
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I play it a lot, but mostly Training mode because my internet is quite unstable, but I occasionally take part in quick games. No competitive though, not my thing.
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Hello, Everyone!
I bought Overwatch about a few months ago to play with my friends but they don't have the time and I'm totally new to this type of game. Cound anyone help a noob to develop some skill, or at least point me out where can I learn to play it properly? :)
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13 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Sooth
72 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by AKFalcon
74 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by paco7533
228 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DeliberateTaco
28 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Gramis
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11 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ExcelElmira
1 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by adam1224
17 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Gilgamash
3,685 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FluffyKittenChan
Well, I did it, I bought myself Overwatch for my birthday. I am but a frail human...
But I thought it might be fun to play with some SG-ers. Anybody else playing on PC?
(I should add that I've only ever been a casual FPS player. This is the first competitive one I've played much. So I'm definitely not at the competitive level yet. But I've been having a great time, and I'm getting better. Currently I'm level 41.)
Edit: I'm playing in North America, by the way.
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