seeing an old guy wearing a speedo on the beach...come on man there are kids around, no1 wants to see that.
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Free? Last I checked you first need to buy the games before being able to earn cards.
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And you buy games just for trading cards?Of course you buy games, but the cards are a free bonus :P
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Than thing of it as you get some money back from purchasing the game ;)
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You're essentially getting money without having to do anything to get it, which is free. The only time it wouldn't be free money is if you purchased a game just to get the cards to sell them, which is silly.
"Oh man, thanks for just randomly giving me all your spare change, but just so you know : You didn't really just give me free money, because I had to buy these shoes and I was walking past you when you offered~"
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No. You are not getting money without having to do anything. You first have to buy the game. Even if you are not purchasing the game exclusively for cards, you are still not getting free money. The only two cases in which it'd be free money are:
a) You got the game for free.
b) You made more money from selling the cards than what you paid for the game. Which barely ever happens.
Your analogy doesn't apply. It's more like buying $30 shoes and finding $2 inside of one them.
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Intolerance and the inability to think critically/for one own's opinions.
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"Reviews are meant to be objective!"
No really, that winds me up far more than it should. That and people who don't read the first post of a thread but feel compelled to leave their opinion on matters anyway. Oh and homophobia.
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I'm a straight man who dislikes intolerance and ignorance.
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but if they're subjective that means they're talking about a subject in general, objective is about the object being reviewed which is what a review should be. I don't want to read a review about the history of the auto industry, I want a review of the new toyota.
and gay people are scary, they can suck your soul out your butthole like that oriental vampire duck does. (its favorite foods are cucumbers and human children and if you bow its forced to bow back, spilling the cup of water on its head draining it of lifeforce and killing it.)
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Damn you, I could feel my blood pressure rising with each word of that first paragraph haha!
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"And that's Harry Potter. He has a lightning scar on his forehead from..."
"I KNOW WHO HARRY POTTER IS! NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME WATCH THE GOD DAMN MOVIE! IF I HAVE A QUESTION, I'LL ASK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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I just really hate people who talk during TV shows/movies, especially those who commentate. It's hard enough to hear the characters half the time, your yabbering isn't helping me understand the plot!
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+1. Mother does this to me all the time, which is why I hate watching movies with her
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When people drive and blast their music with their windows down like they're hot shit.
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People who try to shove their beliefs - religious or otherwise - down others' throats and don't take no for an answer
Trash talking, overtly loud and rude, underdressed preteen girls being a public nuisance.
There are so many more, like blatant liars and hypocrites but I think they're things that annoy everybody, haha.
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I hate that so much.I especially hate when stupid people(really stupid :P) try to convince me of something that isn't true and believe they are better then me on things they don't even know to pronounce......and the sad part is that my mother also does this :P
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I have a pet peeve. His name is Woodroe. He's cool.
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people over-hyping/making up shit when storytelling, too stupid to remember that you were there when the "story" happened and they're over-hyping/making up shit just to feel somewhat superior by telling an overhyped/made up shit ( like a friend telling you about his camping trip and then OMFG A FUCKING BEAR, and he wanted to wrestle it and blabla. No you didn't wanna wrestle shit, you faggot, I WAS THERE! you were the first one to leg it :| )
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I guess one of them would be when you get test/exam results. You feel pretty satisfied with them, then a friend comes along and asks how you went. You tell them and they say not bad. Moments later they start complaining/whining about how they didn't get the top mark, in the process making you feel like shit.
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"Whats your pet peeve?"
People listing Humble Deep Silver Bundle's as one of the individual games instead of the pack.
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People that say "could care less".
Haha, this! Saw someone arguing once that because the phrase is now common it's acceptable - sure, technically he was right, but it bugged me even more that the only way that phrase could ever be "correct" for the purpose it's often used is from everyone being incorrect in the first place. Gah!
Apparently I could care less about this subject.
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+1, especially when it's like a walkthrough of a game, and people are arguing about religion or something equally unrelated.
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People who chew with their mouth open is a gigantic peeve of mine.
Then I discovered what misophonia was. The anger reflex is often diminished or absent if I don't believe the sound is coming from something chewwing. If it was from somebody stirring a bowl of badly made soupy mashed potato for instance, I'm totally chill with that. Then again, it goes further. I get disoriented and cloudy-headed when I hear certain kinds of short, repeating noises like a metronome or somebody running their fingernail back and forth over a zipper, nearly always accompanied by a spike in tinnitus.
Weird, eh?
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People that complain about contribution value or offer "brilliant" (yet completely impractical) solutions to said problem.
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My top two:
These annoy me to no end. Heads up to you apple users, buy a decent pair of earphones, the stock apple ones bleed sound everywhere.
What are yours?
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