Would you rather have a cookie or a cupcake? (You choose all the specifics)
A lot of people when they see the graphics and the genre will dismiss it as "another survival game". In fact this is not typical survival game. For the most parts it's a shooter with some RPG, strategy, light crafting and base building. I played before it was released on Steam for around 10 h. Then i lost my save file. When the game eventually got on Steam, i start playing it again, but now i know what to do and where to go and i reached the point where i was before for around 4 h. In the beginning it's a little bit hard (not sure if it's the right word) to know what is the best thing to do. Maybe you're just oversaturated with this type of games.
P.S. If you couldn't tell i really love the game. I even made 14 min review about Survivalist :D
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the game isnt hard it has a tiresome grindy experience (for my taste).
there is a thin balance between necessary action for survivability and just making it over grindy and tiresome.
for example the need to gather resources is acceptable, been able to gather 1-2 planks of wood for a run is not (same thing with ammo/food etc)
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I couldn't believe they made even a worst driving in IV than San Andreas. They change "something" in the "gravity center" of the cars or something like that. You can get used to it but... Holy shit, its really strange, specially at the beginning.
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You all just suck at driving. The driving in both games is fine, IV's being the best in the series.
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The driving in IV is good once you just learn how to drive. In san andreas was easy, although unrealistic. In IV they wanted to be more realistic and ended being weird and strange. You can drive well at the end, but the learning path... Ohhh boy, so many crashes!!!
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Just thought about another really dissappointing game for me: Skyrim. After really enjoying Oblivion (I put a lot of time in that one), I thought I would like Skyrim as well. I was never so wrong. The mechanics just didn't work for me and the menus (inventory etc) were just terrible to navigate through (way too focused on console, using mouse with is was a nightmare). And then there was the dissappearing companions (or whatever they are called), or them getting stuck all the time.
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I hear ya about the UI. I can't even play Skyrim without the SkyUI mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863). But even then, some design decisions are awful. You mean to use a quick-heal spell, I need to wade through menus to change my equipment loadout, then cast it real time, then go back to the menus to put back what I had been using in combat? Why is there no hotkey to heal?
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GTA IV drives quite well. Actually a pretty good improvement over San Andreas and Vice City. Also, GTA IV has one of the best protagonists in video game history. You wanna talk sand-box action games with bad driving? Red faction Guerrilla and Just Cause are both pretty fucking dreadful in that aspect, but the crown of shittiness has to go Saints Row 2. That game is virtually unplayable on the PC with mouse and keyboard.
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And yet I love Saints Row 2 above all others of that genera... admittedly because of the Topher van.
I'll suffer through bad driving with my aged keyboard for its sake.
Now the helicopter controls for racing - those killed me.
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Day One : Garry's Incident.
It's not the game that's broken, it's the devs. I just wrote "You should focus on fixing bugs." on their FB page and they banned me. I'd never touch that piece of garbage ever again.
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The devs from that game must be realy stupid to ban you just for reaching them everyone knows this game is crap and unplayable and if someone doesnt know already most poeple before they buy they check a video , If a dev once make a bad videogame i dont judge him forever but they desroyed with their attitude any chance of ever anyone playing anything from them again
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Rabbit hole was nice. It turned into totally wrong in the middle - when everything started to rotate xD That and all those changing colours made my head hurt after couple of minutes.
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If this was Reddit I'd be downvoted into oblivion, but I really, really disliked The Walking Dead Season 1. The story of that game just annoyed me, and I didn't think the gameplay was particularly interesting either
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Blacklisted + downvoted.
Just kidding, I loved that game to be honest. I loved the story. The gameplay was rather simple, but I enjoyed every single second of the game. The only thing that was a major letdown for me was that the choices you made didn't really have a big impact on the story.
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Yeah, I know, I'm weird. I don't know what it was. Just couldn't like it no matter what I did
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At least you'd be upvoted by me. I can't stand Telltale's games. Feels like those choose-your-adventure books. Not fun at all.
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Don't know if the even counts as a game it was a TRAP made by some DICKS
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I've only got a handful of games in my "Bullshit" category, but Journey of the Light has the place of honor.
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I have like 80 crap games hidden on my account. This happened a few years ago when I started buying bundles and didn't know about SG yet, so I assumed I should just activate the crap.
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Humanity Asset is one of the worst, properly working game I've played with. The free to play online Plazma Burst is actually much better...
Shadows: Price for our sins is a hidden object game, with one essential item actually missing from a scene, making the game unfinishable. They broke of the easiest genre...
And I think about removing Damnation: city of dead of whatsitsname from my account, for some reason I thought it could be a decent game...
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Metro 2033. I bought both Metro Redux game off GOG a few weeks before Fallout 4 came out to get into that post apocalyptic mind set and I'd heard only good things. Played for about 3 hours before pausing the game to do something and realising what a terrible boring time I was having. Maybe I'll give it another shot some time but only if I am very bored.
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Ouch, really? I loved them personally. Different strokes for different folks i guess.
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Oh no, that game is great, awesome, atmospheric. Especially if you are looking for a post-apocalyptic setting. No idea why you found it boring.
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On the multiplayer. Hide & Seek and Prop Hunt are really fun
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well, the game is a sandbox which allows players to make and share stuff in the workshop. Addons like Gbomb are really fun to mess around with. Trouble in terrorist town is also fun to play with a group of friends and there is a lot more to do, you just have to do some research. but i get your point because when i started out i had the same problem :)
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The game itself is a mod (obviously) meant to be used to create and make use of custom player content. While your statement can be made for most games this is not in the same category as those. Garry's Mod is only as fun as the community allows it to be and if you do not find any of the many many many different ways to play it fun then you can literally make something from the ground up to help fill your one specific niche.
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I never really looked into it. I got, since everybody seemed to like it. I jumped in, had no clue what was going on, quit (while thinking to look into it on the internet) and never really thought about it anymore. But now after your comment I kind of want to try it again :D
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The fun is in your imagination. Make movies, build scenes, play with addons and gamemodes and, if you're a good coder, you can make your own singleplayer or multiplayer experience with parkour, ability to kick down doors and objects, making races with twists and turns etc. It's simply a "go nuts" game.
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I don't even classify Garrys Mod as a game by itself, I see it as more of a tool.
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Moonbase 332.
theres a sequence where you walk outside the space station. through space. without a suit. and the space station looks like a middle school. like, i can suspend my disbelief pretty far, but that was just unbelievable.
theres other awful games ive played as well (voxelized, despair, grass simulator), but thats one that really stands out in my mind.
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Ampu-Tea. Literally just a bunch of assets thrown on a table. The controls are broken and it runs like crap. The only reason this game is hard is because the developers don't know how to make a proper game.
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Well there are a lot of junk games floating around that can easily qualify. But I'll throw out Dungeon Siege 1. It was a total snoozefest. It's either a bad Diablo clone or a bad Baldur's Gate clone, I can't decide which.
Halo 1. Now I'm a big fan of the 1990s style shooters where you just run from point to point and kill everything in the way. But Halo 1 has horribly linear design and half the rooms look identical..
Now for some junk games that nobody's ever heard of:
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle for the NES. The game looks abysmal for a game made in 1992. It's only fifteen minutes long in theory, but the controls are so busted and the hit detection so awkward it'll take a miracle to get past level 2.
Home Alone 2 for the NES is another stinking pike for generally the same reason.
Mad Max for the NES. It's a bad driving game and a bad overhead style game, with a hideous color palette and two songs that loop continuously.
Operation Body Count is a really awful Wolfenstein 3D clone. It's set in the UN Buildings where these terrorists take over and you have to clear them out. The first seven or so levels take place in the sewers underground where you shoot rats and swamp monsters.
Shadow: War of Succession is a Mortal Kombat wannabe on the 3DO. Miserable controls and hit detection. When you finish a match, the words "FINISH HIM" appear on screen as in Mortal Kombat...only there are no finishing moves.
Technocop for the Genesis is a bad Roadblasters clone and bad platformer all in one. The only thing remotely techno about this cop is that his gun can shoot a net.
Virtuoso is an awful third person shooter, on both PC and 3DO. For a game called Virtuoso and featuring a musician, the music sure is awful.
Remember that movie Beethoven back from the mid 1990s about that dog? There was an SNES game and DOS game based on it. Don't play either of them.
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Funny story - you dislike Dungeon Siege 1? 3 is even worse.
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I enjoyed them up until modern warfare. Especially CoD and CoD 2 are pretty fun (although very linear and no replay value at all). After CoD 4 they just seemed all the same, with just some different guns (in some cases a lot of the same guns though) and maps.
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King's Bounty is a game series I've played a bit of so far and can't get into. Why? It has a garbage gameplay mechanics which is an issue because you need gold to buy units, units can die very easily in any battle you get into and gold isn't infinite. This makes the game have an effective "loser" scenario without telling you it because there is no game over screen/scenario. I won't go into detail since I'm kind of tired and it's a bore to write paragraphs about how bad the "permanent punishment" mechanic is. Gameplay is kind of the only technical purpose in this game. You can't progress the game with music.
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Wow. I've been playing King's Bounty since the original one back on my Apple II. I have that version on GOG, and the new version on DVD and later rebought it on Steam.
It's one of my absolute favorites. I don't find it has an effective loser scenario at all. It's an RPG and turn based strategy game, and I find it to be pretty well balanced.
Interesting to hear other perspectives.
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I find that amazing to hear as I consider myself a mediocre player but not one that loses at many games on easier difficulties without understanding why. I got around 75% through King's Bounty : The Legend and I was at the point where I had nearly no gold left and I couldn't win any of the battles so... I effectively lost. I haven't tried the older ones but from what I understand, they are way harder than the modern ones. The later games haven't really changed so when you get into that situation, all you can do is restart. I personally don't like to do the exact same stuff over and over so restarting is below giving up on my list of options.
EDIT: Also, if you lose or even surrender a battle, you lose all of your units and some gold. So, y'know, that quite an issue, especially if you don't want to save-scum the game. Somebody in the steam forums had even said they restarted a total of 3 times before they got a "good" grasp on the game.
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Well, I can certainly understand why you hate it after an experience like that. :/ Maybe I've been lucky. It's been ages since I've played, but I am in total agreement. As you've described it, I'd want to throw the damned thing out the window let alone get it off my computer.
How do you find the HOMM series? Is there a fantasy themed turn based strategy game you like? I'm always willing to try something new to me.
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Might&Magic is just pure skill and I'm not very good at it. It takes a lot of practice and it has similar mechanics to King's Bounty. The way units work in battles, 6 spots for unit each, you buy and upgrade stuff in your fortresses(e.g. you can upgrade the defenses which add more towers in defense battles). Heroes work different in that you choose an upgrade when you level up, you don't have a skill-tree. The world is littered with items and enemies(that don't chase you) just like King's Bounty. I'd say try it but make sure to remember that you have to get used to it and, well, practice. The AI, even on easy modes, likes to rush like crazy. I don't have the patience to deal with that BS.
Do note that I am talking about the older ones, specifically HOMM 3.
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well you have to carefully build your avatar and pay attention for losses and artifacts purchases, it is hard at first, but you learn over time..
few advice:
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Yeah, see, that's a case of "Play like this or don't play at all" and I hate it. I'd rather play as I like, supposedly "suck" and then complain about it.
Also, in The Legend there was a skill in the Mind path that allowed you to have undead/demon alongside others without morale loss. Made for some great combos but they removed that for some reason. Makes the game harder to play since pure undead is specifically a horrible idea.
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well its not "Play like this or don't play at all" you can go with several approaches but you should go with one way and not mix ways (most strategic/tactical games are like this) if you chose warrior path the stick to it same as mage same as melee army vs ranged one.
it is possible to build a hybrid hero but it will be harder as you have army limits and spell limits so...
well it did made the game unbalanced, living dont coup with the undead :-P
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Well, tell that to the Steam Forums. Lots of people think that hybrid is the way to go since it gives warriors attack/defense bonuses as well as debilitation spells.
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lots also think that pure build is better :-)
that is not the point, i didnt say not to use other skills from the other trees on specific build, i said stick to your path, no point to go for spells as warrior as it requires a lot of investment from the mage tree and on int, same thing for mage no point on going for focusing on the might tree and att, for that kind of build you have the paladin which is a mix~
so warrior can have spells but it aint his strong suit, same as army might aint one of the mage.
and about difficulties
warrior is the easiest to play and mage is the hardest, so think what you want the most and go with it :-)
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Yeah, but it's not fun for me. 99% of the time, you WILL get losses. You don't get to choose what units spawn, as well as scrolls, so you don't get to say "Oh, yeah, I want the slow spell!" Lots of people have said in the Steam Forums of the newer games that the game is built around managing your army and making sure you don't suffer too much and that apparently means micro-managing your hero to include a healthy mix of army buffs & spells, even if it's a warrior (which is difficult since you waste a lot of mind runes on intelligence skills).
These types of games are just a monotonous rinse-and-repeat to me. I'd rather be able to beat a game in one go than have to restart several times.
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i dont recall those thing, yea its has some random mechanics, but i dont recall to it making me start over (and i usally play on the highest difficulties on mage so...).
but if this is your experience with the game...i can understand why you dont like it :-)
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It's not even a case of "having to", it's a case of "You should if you suck" since it's one of those games people tell you to do over and over until you understand it.
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I'm curious as to what your experience was because you clearly already had a vast amount of experience with these types of games prior to play the games, is what I'm assuming. If that's the case, that's unfair. It's similar to the "Noob FPS player vs. Pro FPS player in TF2" bs.
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i played a lot of slimier games but thats aint the point, it isnt the same as a "Noob FPS player vs. Pro FPS player in TF2".
its not a reflex subject, nor your pc rig/ping, its how you think and plan :-)
turn base strategy games are slow pasted, you need to think tword the end of your goal not just the next "fight", its the same with RPG games or any type of management game (not necessary war type).
dont play those games as you play FPS games, chose your character, see the possibilities you have to develop it, see what fits you the most and then plan it, think how you are going to fight is your center of strategy is brute army force or destructive magic, or a mix (army with support spells).
and take the time to experiment save a game and do a fight few time with different strategy's, learn what way is best for you...
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...Which is exactly my point. To experiment and get a grasp of the game, you need to start over and over. The game doesn't allow you to re-do battles and saving constantly is asinine and pointless in how the game is (e.g. no repeating battles, no choice making, etc.)
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in every game you need to experiment so i dont see your point, every game has a different mechanics, and in every game you need to start over at the beginning to grasp them especially on RPG based games (even on FPS) unless you pick the very easy option.
and i dont understand, you can save at any time so what is the problem? (you also have auto and quick save)
e.g. no repeating battles, no choice making, etc
use saves. and do the buttle as many time you want.
and when did choices got into here :-D, are you sure we are talking on the same game?
it looks like you really hate this game...not every game have "choices" that really impact the story development, but there are choices to make here as, which avatar to take, how to develop him, what type of army, use rage or not,get marry or not small quest option etc
but if "choices" is your cup of tea why did you get into this game in the first place, this game is about character and army development - and the tactical fights (the story is quit good as well) :-)
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It was just an example, choices can be in any game. There ARE choices in terms of who to side with for different rewards, too.
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To like Kings bounty means you like reading long texts to get into the story and like having turn based battles and pick your army and enemies carefully i like that but i understand why someone wouldnt find it interesting
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The borderlands games. shit story, ugly graphics, repetitive uninspired gameplay.
The transformers games for being... ugh... its like the epitome to me of generic gaming. Whenever I think of them I ACTUALLY start feeling depressed. They're such beige games... so utterly devoid of heart or creativity, to see them is to feel all joy sapped from my life... you know, like seeing a picture of kristen stewart. I think the transformers games are my most HATED of all games. I can't think of a game or set of games I hate more... I dislike borderlands franchise LESS than I do the transformers games... that's how much I hate these. A really BAD game you can at least laugh at or find its shitiness hilarious... but soulless, bland, generic, homogenised shit like transformers just... ugh... cant do it.
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I see you have 50 hours in Borderlands 2 - I wanted to say it has awesome story with great characters, but then you really already had your impressions and made your choice. I'm a little sad to hear that, but people's taste aren't the same - at least RPG-wise we seem to like/respect the game games :D
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Yep, couldn't agree with you more. I had to force myself through the first one. The quests are repetitive, all the areas are the same, boring and dull (except the last one).
I don't see why anyone would play this game a second time because once you see it you've seen all the game has to offer.
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You ever played Borderlands coop? It's way more fun that way in my opinion.
I also like the graphics, but I can see where opinions could differ.
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It is a very fun series with friends though and the larger DLC is a must have. The biggest problem is to not play them out of order. Borderlands 2 kicks it predecessor's proverbial butt so Borderlands will feel bland if you play it afterwards and the Pre-sequel is so much of a let down you might not want to play the others.
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FO1 is pretty under-developed compared to FO2 and that's me being nice. There's not a lot overall in FO1 compared to what it could have been. It's still "alright". Honestly, it seems like a demo to FO2 for me.
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FO1 seemed for me as well as a try, if they could se successful with that. They made a lot of money, so they made the second game, with much more content and nore developed world - though hands-down, story-wise the first one was also perfect. Later Fallouts couldn't create such a powerful and really intresting enemy as the Master, and I will always respect the first game for that :)
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That not a reason to hate it, games are meant to be hard to challenge you & super meat boy is a game that is meant to be really really hard
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hmm yeah some games just fluff about "entertaining" other games like Pong, Pacman, Super meat boy are challenging, games use to always be challenging so good to see games like Super meat boy come out these days
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+1 Played it for over 7 hours and got tired of it.
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I have not played Fez yet but from what I have seen/heard of it it's great
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Well the first part of Fez IS great, I have to admit. The part with the switching sides of a cube to figure out how to get to the exit. There are some very clever puzzles done with that. But it's later on that you discover you can't get to certain places without using a code. And that's when the B.S. shows up. Let me just say that it took a team of people to solve it. And the solution is something that a non-English speaking person would never get. There's no way the average gamer is going to beat this game without a FAQ, unless he's a Mensa high IQ person. And that is why I hate this game. It tricks us into thinking it's a cute puzzle platformer with a unique gimmick. But that's not all it is. The clock tower thing is total BS. The astronomy thing is total BS. The bell tower is total BS. It just ruins the game. IT would have been great if the Dev had just stuck with the original puzzles.
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Dump every game you can think of that you utterly hate. Or that you wont even play because they look like garbo. Like this one. BUT, you can't name games that are just broken.
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