Is it Ok that this Ok-tober bundle is not as Ok as the previous months?
I agree the biggest crock of rubbish in one collection I have ever seen. Not even one game worth wasting 30 secs on
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So the leak was true... Fucking hell this is a new low for humble
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Well, the sunless bundle is the only reason i still getting it but that's a thought sale seeing the rest. At least 2 games were free on steam, most were bundled to death. And Tropico 6? Another tropico iteration with new dlcs to buy.... yayyyy
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paying so much money only for sunless sea? check history price, it was discounted many7 times+many sites offer it for very cheap
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A pretty damn good Tropico iteration. It is not as great as 4 was, but the new engine has some good possibilities, and the building selection and different options make it one of the most fun Tropico games to play. The monuments themselves are just plain ridiculous. :D
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Thats awesome I really liked 4, and kinda skipped over 5 so was gonna give 6 a shot
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LIMITED TIME: $4 off Humble Choice. Ends November 6, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM PST
Good news! Classic and Premium subscribers get all 12 games for this month only.
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early acces game in bundle xD
sheit bundle for me, skip for sure, no way i will buy early acces game+those re-bundles/low priced games...
only got shadows:awakening on WL, but this game was bundled+discounted much on every sale
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Of course, even HB knows that. That's why they're running a special thing for this bundle:
I'm a classical subscriber but I'll probably pause this one and just get the one single game I'm interested in from trades.
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If people are buying one month standalone, what can I say. It's just plain stupid. Not only it's cheaper that way, You can always give the leftover games away or sell them and You will even earn more money than the bundle itself. So saying bs like "no way someone is going to pay 20$ for that" doesn't even make sense.
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Stop acting like a little child.
First, You said someone. And I am someone too. So don't be mad that I replied. Not my fault people weren't smart enough to get Classic Plan. It's not even that much. You pay twice of standard price of AAA game to get like 150 of them. If somebody doesn't want that, it's their only fault.
Second, my statement is pretty much smarter than Yours. You are just salty.
Third, thousands of people are reselling the games. Just look at how many of them are giving it for free. So another half, that is probably bigger, is selling it. Or keeping.
Also no, it's not price for everyone. It's price for naive people who didn't buy Classic Plan. Sorry, no sorry for those people. They would get more profit buying annual sub that buy few months without Classic Plan. And with reselling... You even actually earn money by buying the subscription.
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Tropico 6 and Sunless Skies alone are worth the money.
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I really have no idea where you got your information from. The all-time peak active players for Tropico 6 came soon after its release. And it is higher than the peaks for Tropico 3, 4 and 5.
So people bought it full price, they played it and it was a greater success than the previous entries. You really shouldn't make such statements if all you have is your gut feeling.
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This also isn't true. It's true for the specific RTS subgenre, but not for the strategy genre in general.
I get that you aren't a strategy gamer and don't seem to have any among your friends either. So by your impression this might be true, but that's all.
The facts are different though, I already told you that Tropico 6 was (much) more successful than Tropico 3,4 or 5. Paradox Interactive is so successful that they keep buying one studio after another. And there are so many more examples of strategy games doing better than ever. It just isn't about Command & Conquer anymore. Though even Age of Empires is returning from the dead.
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This whole chat started because I stated that Tropico in particular or any other strategy game can't interest majority of people.
And no, this is true. I really like the concept of strategy games and I even preordered Civilization VI on Switch, but looking at all those strategy games that are getting released it can be easily noticed that their quality is only getting improved in graphics. Civilization V was 10x times more content-rich and interesting and same with any other series.
It is obvious that newly released strategy games are all just DLCfests and I bet that Tropico isn't an exception
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And once again you let your impressions lead you to false conclusions.
Civ V might have been the better game than Civ VI, but VI is the more successful game. Greater revenue, more owners and players. So much about strategy having less appeal to people these days, when a worse game is doing even better.
And regarding the bundle: While Tropico might not be the strongest leading title ever, the bundle has greater issues than that.
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Hopefully the next bundle will be better.
Absolutely no reason to buy this...for anyone
Poor choice of games.... Humble is just IGNorant novadays to what the real playesr want.
Poor timing, considering it's autumn and people will spend (even?) more time indoors, better games would sell a lot better.
You still think this worth it? With these jokes-for games?
Casual games maybe would enjoy this bundle, but not the hardcore, pro gamers who just deserve better.
Autonauts... looks like a pile of trash, after caught on fire, burned up, then caught on fire again.
Kool kids maybe play that minecraft ripoff, but as I previously said, pro gamers deserve better.
Episodec game... that was free... in a monthly?
Despicable, jsut the whole bundle.
And you still spent time trying to convince people that they are in the wrong? Who do you think you are?
You're just a simple user on this site, nothing special. So better take my advice and read the first letter of every row. >:(
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Laughting with my CC remastered day one Age of Empire 1, 2( 3 versions) and 3!
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If we are talking about "valid arguments", when why do people from developing countries have to pay the same 20$ as developed ones and moreover get region lock? You can put even 2 million price tag on a trash(I do not imply that these games are even nearly related to that), but do you think many people will buy that?
It's literally the same reason why debate among gamers started regarding standard game price rise from 60 euro to 70. Do you think there is no valid reason to say that it is nearly impossible for person from Eastern Europe to buy that?
Everything is extremely subjective and depends on ones current conditions. I can't imagine anyone in my country pay 4 hour work salary in order to play some indies and another strategy game.
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Poll is always the same LOL, IGN bad.
This bundle is meh for me except Tropico 6.
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nothing interesting in this bundle :( not interested in tropico
Iron danger and shadows awakening rebundled, and some were free is happening?
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Tropico 6 - Tropico 6 El Prez Edition (RU/CIS)
Fae Tactics - Fae Tactics (RU + CIS)
Shadows: Awakening - Shadows: Awakening RU
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Chart updated, thank you.
Maybe it was marked as 0 CV because of the Alienware giveaway? Not sure...
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Well, I HAVE been wanting Tropico 6 and Iron Danger so.....
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I liked last months bundle, but not this one. Skip.
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So question: I have 8 dollars for 6 months, and when trying to pause it gave me 2 dollars off. Would it be 2 dollars off that 8 dollars or 2 dollars off the regular price?
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okay I didn't actually go through with the pause and it still gives me 8 dollars for this month.
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As I said in leaks thread, It's hit or miss, depending on whatever you purchased earlear bundles or not. It looks good for me. Tropico 6, Iron Danger, Suicide of Rachel Foster, Shadows Awakening, Fae Tactics are all in my wishlist. (I skipped Daedalic and Killer bundles, as the former was too expensive and I owed half of later because of Torchlight I & II Pack on Stardeal a month earlier (still salty about it)). The Sunless bundle looks interesting too. Previously free Goat of Duty and The Uncertain is a major downside though. What a waste for 11th and 12th choice. The rest is meh tier for me, I take it as a filler.
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Indiegala is starting to have better bundles than overpriced humble bundle.
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sent Sunless Sea/Skies to my bestie, redeemed Lightmatter, the rest will be given away here over the next year i guess. not terribly impressed, especially since i personally got The Uncertain for free like three or four years ago on Steam itself.
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Looks like i'll have an extra $12 in my pocket this month.
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October 2020 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
📅 Important dates
💳 October 30th, 2020: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 November 6th 2020: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Friday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Tropico 6 - El Prez Edition
Fae Tactics
Shadows: Awakening
Notes & comments:
LIMITED TIME: $4 off Humble Choice. Ends November 6, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM PST
Good news! Classic and Premium subscribers get all 12 games for this month only.
Leak for next months: "The Beast Inside will be featured in one of the Humble Choice bundles this year." (source). Rover Mechanic Simulator might also be featured in the November Choice (source)
🎮 Games:
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
Humble Original / Extras:
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)
Note: There has been recent quiet changes to the non-Classic subscription costs for non-USD regions: regional pricing is now a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
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📖 Informative links
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Master thread of ongoing bundles!
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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