Only thing I can really add is to whomever does start to make the threads, whatever the community decides there im okay with whether it be devotee or a group of people is to maybe just add some kind of highlighting border around their avatar('s).. not suggesting anyone actually change their avatar, but just make it stand out a little bit more.. the real life photo's tended to catch peoples eye more then others, but i think a highlighting border trick would be just as effective..
(like just a bright orange or yellow rim around avatar)
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TM default is 24 hours and user can modify it as he wants, but GM default is 1 week and user can't modify it the update frequency.
That's why I prefer TM over GM.
Or you can make the blacklist on a database server so the script just need to get data from there?? it'll make the list up to date whether the script updated or not.
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Only my opinion, but I don't think a blacklist would be a good idea. You see a lot of new users everyday making newbie mistakes (obviously). And sometimes you also see accounts that seem to have been created with the only purpose to do something, usually bad. Or just to screw around. You can't have Sighery changing the script to include new users in the blacklist, and updates to the script might not be pushed to users immediately.
I'd go for whitelist all users, restrict script to discussions (@match*) and warn people that the script configuration will be only available under Discussions (it's not a bug, it's a feature!). This might also eliminate the need to run the script site-wide when it's only need while in the discussions section (I would even restrict it further to deals category, but I don't think that it can be done). It shouldn't be a big deal on the computer resources, but if it isn't expected to work outside the discussions, let's not run it just to have the script menu available site-wide.
If someone does something to exploit the script just report him to the staff (why blacklist a user when you can have staff ban him forever, if needed?). And blacklist the user yourself. In fact, instead of using a blacklist in Sighery's script, it just could avoid parsing the thread if it detects the OP is in your SG blacklist.
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Yeah, but how many newbies are going to intentionally make a troll bundle thread that triggers the script? And then not apologize for it?
It seems unlikely to me that anyone will abuse it at all. A short blacklist should be all that's needed. I expect maybe five names on it at the very most.
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I vote for Devotee. Their posts have been the most accurate, and they have been timely. If they are willing to keep up with it... then cool.
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Add a check for the title of the thread - it should start or end with a constant tag (with preference to end - for the humans). If someone abuses this priviledge, keep a blacklist disabling script for threads created by abuser.
This should keep script overhead on minimal level or not, I remember too little about js )
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The tag would be excellent if browser could use page matched property of the script in the form "*/*tag" - idk if it can work that way, not really my field of expertise. It would be neat, because browser already lags sometimes with all the enhancer scripts running. And I don't have a potato machine.
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This is partly why I think a group may work, since it has a group chat. Or just a Discord server, which is probably even better as it doesn't force you to run Steam client (or even Discord client, as it works through the web site). This way someone can just drop a "I'm doing this new Bundle X" message as the easiest way to prevent double-posting.
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I don't really think it matters who posts a bundle thread, as long as the information in it is accurate and redundancy is avoided (having multiple threads with the same info). Happy to go with either one person or a dedicated group on that count, or the whole of SG, if the job gets done properly. OP identity is irrelevant.
If no consensus on the matter can be reached and the threads become free for all (note the if), I agree with prus666 it would probably help keep things in order if titles of bundle threads carried a searchable something (like the hearts were) unique enough to help avoid duplication.
I don't know the system that Rachel used to get notified / keep track of bundles, but we have a lot of users and bundle threads certainly provide value, so maybe we could all help the person(s) doing the actual charting in that respect (unless there's already an efficient automated notification system in place, again, I'm clueless on this). Maybe we could have a thread titled something like "The Hive" where people could drop in and just post links of new bundles. No bundle (or other) discussions in that thread, no charts, no replies, no other words, if possible, nothing, kind of like a mute thread, just a notification grounds that anyone could contribute to, provided that they search/check the last page or so to make sure the bundle they're reporting isn't already there. The people/person/lifeform actually doing the heavy chart lifting would have a community-run notification board, covering all time zones and anyone not interested in charts (personally, I like them) could just get their bundle news raw there. The Master list had this in a way, with people dropping links, but it was noisier, with different comments. If someone just wants to report a new bundle (without chart/data), it's cleaner to do it in a comment in a dedicated thread, then by making a thread about it, but that's just my opinion.
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Master thread: turn it into a Google docs or Excel online spreadsheet. Multiple people can have writing permissions.
Chart makers and coordination + Enhancer list: Create a Steam group for it. Since Steam reports who is a member of a group, you can try to create not a specific list but just anyone who is a member of the group to be whitelisted in the script.
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To my knowledge, it takes considerably more time to do a new wiki article or even update it than to just copy some text to an online spreadsheet. As a format, it would be probably nicer, but a) there is already a bundle game wiki that wasn't really used, then abandoned; and b) I think that would be overdoing it as a simple chart should work for most anyone, hopefully. ^^'
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considerably more time
never really tried on wikia, but just a list of the bundles+links on one page is quick and easy. Ever edited Wikipedia?
no need for
a new wiki article
each time
wasn't really used, then abandoned
was in the early years, but those in charge switched to their own website, and ended up losing interest. Considering here is an active consuming community that is unlikely to repeat imo ;-)
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that's the problem that should be discussed and solved here. rather than having 1 person, multiple users should take care of things.
at least that's what i think after seeing so many discussions over bundle threads and angry people on both sides.
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While I agree that we got along okay before Rachel stepped up and standardized the whole thing, many people either do not bother to search before posting a duplicate of something or are simply blind. We see this all the time with the free game announcements.
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Are you just looking to 'fight' with everyone here or what? I wasn't trying to make anyone's argument one way or the other. I was merely pointing out the inaccuracy of your statement below that "By now nearly noone post extra threads anymore anyway" or that in reality you can rely on or expect people to actually do the sensible or smart thing. Perhaps in a more idealistic world, but unfortunately this is not the case. I don't think it is a huge deal though, because as you said we got along fine before Rachel started doing her thing.
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100% wrong.
As Sighery already pointed out, you were 100% wrong when you said that the duplicate threads always happened. It has not happened for a long, long time.
Your example of the latest bundle exactly shows the problem. Rachart is not a necessarity, and should not be a requirement.
Read the comments.
The discrimination against user who dont fullfill specifik requirements when doing x or y is just getting out of hand.
The discrimination against users who want to create another thread because they feel it is more informative is just getting out of hand.
I don't care if someone already made a thread about a bundle with only the list of games as plain text on it. If I create another thread and I do all the Rachart stuff, maintain it with users suggestions/corrections, etc. and there's an script who automatically colors the chart according to your Steam library and wishlist with a cherry on top, please leave me alone and don't go in it just to comment I'm "duplicating" things.
The only thong that people decide here lately is who to discriminate or bash onto...
I don't think you understood what Sighery is proposing. I didn't discriminate or bash anyone by creating a second thread for the Indiegala Monday bundle. I didn't even comment on the other thread. No one is saying that. It's just the opposite, people are discriminating a user because he wasn't fast enough to create a thread, and bash him if he decides to create a second, more complete thread. I think you're getting it all wrong.
Speed is another way to monopolize things, by the way, if you leave the content and its quality aside.
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The problem with that is that before Rachel pretty much monopolised it, a lot of bundles had several threads about them. And when I mean several, i mean some HB packs had an ridiculous amount of new threads. With some organising, all relevant info can still end up in a single thread per bundle.
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do you use racharts script? i think if you did you would understand the importance of the way it currently functions.. i think what you would vote for if you understood it, was a whitlisting of all users to be able to use it.. no monopolization at all, then add blacklist just incase someone makes fake bundle threads.. thats the better comprimise rather then just calling this thread dumb when it does have a valid point, i think the title just could of been a little bit more clear and said "bundle threads that use the RaCharts enhancement script".
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no i dont, i dont demand one poster, i said whoever the community decided, you want ALL of the community, so whitlisting ALL of the community.. only have the blacklisting as a backup in case the script starts getting abused. thats i think exactly what u want and i just presented it to you.. i said it would kill monopolization. idk how you got that backwards.
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or all, idc.. the important part i said was "whatever the community decides" im actually fine with the comment right below me too.. i think its a great idea and so did sighery. it would allow exactly what you want. all of the community to use the script freely. just having that one backup blacklist option in case some abuse started happening with it.. i agree with you on that. im just presenting it to you in a way you might understand this thread better is all.
@sighery instead of highlighting people its just highlighting the thread titles or something like that in script instead and my idea still works with the whitlisting removed idea.
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I dont care about the script ffs
and that's the problem when you dismiss everyone who does.
If you are ok with low to none info, fine. But plenty others prefer different. Denying them by making it a race for the first to win even if 0 effort gets put into it isn't any better.
either you get
a) a group(!) of people, where those who want to help can team up, posting threads with the charts and all info
or b) a lot of unorganized low effort threads that "won" for being fastest (and being fast due to low info amount)
or c) a mix of those with plenty multipostings, with either types
but whatever the result, some will always complain, sigh
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Check for thread, if none there, open thread with clicky and a nite that you update soon. Takes 20 seconds
How soon is soon? Are you suggesting that someone just call dibs on a bundle thread with the promise to update the information "soon"?
What happens if someone "call dibs" while I'm working on the thread. It takes longer to do the proper thread than to create a new discussion titled "new ig bundle" and write "will update soon" inside then click submit. Which one is considered duplicate? the one I was working on for half an hour, or the one that was just created 10 seconds before mine because it had no content?
Thread is open, noone posts duplicates, the one who opened can update the info.
I'll change a bit your algorithm here:
If thread is open and the information provided is insufficient compared to a RaChart, or if the user "called dibs" on it (as you suggested) but hasn't edited it hours/days, or if it has updated it with basic information but user has no intention to maintain the OP information, I'll create a new thread with all the relevant information I use to post on them. Call it duplicate if you wish.
Done, not complicated, not monopolized by a group who definitely will discriminate anyone who might "disturb" their work aka opens a thread as well
Done, we now have two threads, one that was useless to the community and one that tries to be useful to the community. I won't disturb the work of the original user with his "first" thread. I won't harass/bash him whatsoever, or ask him to close his thread. Of course I would appreciate if no one disturbs my work in the same way.
Hell, even if there's already a "RaChart compliant" thread and you create a new (duplicate) one, I won't care about it. I won't bash you for it. I'll just let the community participate in whichever of the two they prefer. But from experience, I can tell you which one that will be.
As I said in another comment, monopolize by speed vs monopolize by quality.
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That's one of the ways that Reddit GameDeals is better. They have active moderation where threads are merged and redundant topics are closed, which we don't do here.
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Anyone can post anything he wants. If they want to post a bundle thread today, then so be it. If they don't want to post a bundle thread tomorrow, then so be it. And I'm pretty sure that people can check for bundles for themselves, instead of waiting of a person's hard work.
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Oh, great idea. Which thread do you think have more relevant info, this one, this one or this one.
Aresda's style (which was intentional, since it was just a comment) is what we used to have on SG before the RaCharts™ and what we can expect from now on if people are okay with having a thread created as quickly as possible and not caring about the information on it. Surfpup was quick and made a chart, but I'd say that cards and bundled times are more relevant information than ratings (not to undervalue what he did, on the contrary, it's best than having just a list of the games). The RaChart™ format has been proven to have great information, and the table size is still good enough to be read easily (even on mobile devices). We just added more extra fancy cherries on top (links to ITAD and SCE) just because we could, and I think people appreciate it. It's something that has evolved over the years. If we want to go back to the caverns, hey, your choice.
I think there's a minimum a bundle thread should contain. And if not, making a new thread (even if it duplicates the "information") shouldn't be a problem.
Let me reassure you that the last thing I'd like on earth is to monopolize Rachel's work. I truly don't understand how she could do it, and how she put up with all the stress and negativity for so long. There's already comments hinting that what we want to achieve here is "fame". I'm sure it's not Sighery's case (I'd bet he would have rather not be mentioned at all regarding the subject of Rachel's threads), and I can say that it is definitely not the case for me.
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i agree with you. but we are a minority... people want their heroes apparently.
i foresee a quick burnout...
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Just having the info of "new bundle" is, well, not really. The GreenLightUpdates newsletter was often faster than even Rachel in that regard. It is more about the additional information that went in those things, that helped a lot to make a decision: prices, reviews, cards (not many bundle site has cards info).
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Unless you're using the Rachart enhancer script, then a post without the chart is half-useless.
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I'm ok with what you say if you're okay with what combatbeard says below.
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The cream will rise to the top. If a group of people want to continue with tradition then go for it. An extra thread won't hurt anyone.
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Someone will want to step in Rachel's footsteps anyway, for good or for fame or for whatever, so it's probably better to have an "official" stance about it.
I'm favorable to the group thing, as long as it's organized. I don't mind devotee doing "Rachel's work" for now, but what happened to Rachel might eventually also happen to them, so spreading the responsibility (and whatever social benefits and curses that comes with it) is probably the most sensible thing to do.
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If a 'group' of people dedicated to these threads is assembled, then I think having each person handle a specific bundle site would be a good idea. It would lighten the loads and allow each member to focus all their attention on one site. Plus, this would decrease the likelihood of any one person being 'overwhelmed' by a lot of new bundles to post at once, since one bundle site is unlikely to release multiple bundles within the same few days.
Just my 2 cents.
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Well... bundles don't end within an hour of being posted. I doubt many people would mind if a bundle threader posted a couple hours later than when the bundle goes live.
Besides, most if not all bundle sites send out email alerts for every new bundle. As long as the designated threader stays on top of those, they're never going to be very late to post a thread.
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I have once gotten a "new IndieGala" bundle alert mail from them when the initial 24-hour price was almost up. Groupees only sends out one mail a week, totally ignoring the pre-orders. I am on the Bundle Stars newlestter but am yet to receive one. Same with Humble Bundle: I only get the few-day alerts when a monthly payment period is almost up. No letters whatsoever from OtakuMaker, DIG.
There is a good alternative, the GreenlightUpdates newsletter, which alerts within an hour at most after a new bundle is posted, but despite the site owner's best efforts, it is still only good to let one know about a new bundle, not much more.
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Wow, when this got so complicated? I remember back when the first thread posted was the one that stayed and that was it.
Don't get me wrong, I really apriciate and like Rachel's work but maybe we should just leave it to self regulate like before and see what happens.
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The whole "fame" angle is stupid it's SG not YouTube but at the same time it's the internet so some people will take any kind of attention/popularity and it's labelled as fame and people want that for themselves, if people wanna do it then let em but yeah maybe some organization between those who wanna help. Have you numbnutseses actually been arguing over who gets to do free work? shieeeeeeeeeet.
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it was nice to have rachel with the tables and all and i bet it was a tone of work (with or without a script, it dosn't matter).
But now this all goes a bit crazy. ofc it's sad that she left steamgifts but she is not dead or anything (thank god) and we act like she is with memorial trains and all that stuff.
Also we don't need a "bundle police". I mean, rachel was fast and had the best layout but there was a time before rachel and we didn't needed the "bundlemaster"... I don't think we need it now either.
If op whant to make the tablescript free for all it's nice, if not it's totaly okay too.
If the "RaChart™ Enhancer" only works for some people also okay...
If someone else post infos about bundles without a table it's fine too...
I mean in the end it's just a service. It's not what the forum and the page is all about is it?
Now let's collect some blacklists :/
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I never said, that you are a douche or something. And I can totaly understand you and your point.
Also i didn't mean you with all that. Don't take this stuff personal.
I just don't understand all the drama in the bundle topics and in the topic from rachel today... And I don't think that rachel would find this whole mood right now good.
T.b.h. I don't get the whole point: you and many more like the features of the Enhancer and the tables. Also there are some people that (if I understand right) want to create topics like this... Well, then just do it.
If there is already a topic to the bundle it's not a big deal. I mean we have so much usless topics here, a bundle topic more or less would not kill the forum.
And if people see that your team create the bundletopics like rachel did they will wait for this and not create there own.
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Perhaps including an actual poll in the thread might be a wise idea Sighery, so that there exists concrete evidence of what the community actually decided. Just a thought ツ
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Before Rachel, it was like a competition who could make a bundle thread the fastest. That was fun too.
I don't understand though why anyone is against this idea... If the thread is up fast and has all possible info, what's to complain about? If you can do it better and faster, then go for it :)
Personally, I'm happy as long as there are links to the individual games...
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It may have been fun, but people also loved to point out that someone was faster. I don't know about you, but if random people continuously pointed out how my work is unneeded because somebody was 30 seconds faster, I'd rather choose to not do it ever again, instead of treating it like a race.
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I'm not sure what your point is... no offense :)
If you don't want to treat it like a race, don't post, and just let someone else do it.
I don't think I have ever made a bundle thread, but I reckon the people doing it do it because they like it - whether it being to win the race, gain some fame or just providing a service. If someone can't take the criticism of posting info that's already been posted, or becoming second or third in a race, they shouldn't post shrugs
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You also ended up having multiple threads because one person was faster, but another one had more info in it. some people bumped the first thread, others bumped the more complete one and we ended up having multiple threads about the same thing being bumped.
Same thing happened today, with someone being first then devotee making the more complete thread with the correctly formatted charts. That's the kind of thing we have to expect if everyone starts competing for first place. I prefer a quality thread a n hour late than a "I faw first" thread without enough info in it.
But that's one opinion, and others will prefer the early thread, no matter if the content is actually helpful or not.
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Is diversity and variety not a good thing anymore? Why not let anyone in whatever format with whatever information they wish post bundle threads? I mean it worked out before and it will work out again. Even if we get double or triple threads, where is the harm? Sure some additional information may be nice but we are all grown-ups and if we really need it, it isn't that hard to look up anyways. As for me, the only thing I would like to know is which games are in a bundle so I can check if they interest me. What else would I need?
So i vote for: Let the entropy live. In the end it is the only working system.
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Hm, I never bothered to read any comments in the bundle threads so I obviously can't say to much about it. But my guts feeling would say that "liking" may be a bit too strong. I think people are just accustomed to it, nothing more. But after some time and after the complaining has lessened you will notice that people are a rather flexible species in what they take and what not. So they would also accept any format.
As for the group matter: From experience I would say that it creates more trouble than it is worth in the end. Not because it is a bad thing. But a look at Steamgifts clearly portraits that Cg created this site with a rater free concept in mind. Moderating, support, rules, etc. are all reduced to a necessary minimum. I could draw a chemical comparison but it is rather abstract. If you played Dragonfall you could compare it to the flux state. What I mean is that as soon as something "organised" appears as small as it may be there will rise another group opposing it just because it exists. It is a rather absurd thought but in the end I would call it human nature -_-
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Well, i skimmed over that thread as it was rather fresh with only 200 comments. I would say they majority liked the person and the effort she poured into. How much the actual charts played a role in that is hard to say. But it is probably rather pointless to discuss it as there exists no dependable dataset. Also the thread is of course more or less one sided as I would assume that most (not all) people who didn't like the charts possess the courtesy to not post there.
As for the Enhancer, don't know what it does but it is obvious that it can't support every format. The workload would be stupendious for little to no gain.
And for the last part. You are right. Technically. I, for one, am sure that it will cause trouble solely because it exists. But I've also grown slighty cynical those last months. So I "dare" to prove me wrong in a good way. And I am a growing supporter of entropy (like said before already).
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As a scientist I would say it is bad in the moment when it is more than I can consume (for example a PP foil with a huge tabular which is presented for like one minute). In this case with the unlimited time and the really limited amount of information it can not be a bad thing obviously. But you know people can be complain about the silliest things. Maybe they just don't like the design? Or they were really looking for some more basic information?
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The enhancer highlight games you already have from the chart so you know with a quick glance how much of the bundle you already own. For someone like me with over 5k games, it's a invaluable tool.
To me , a bundle thread without the proper chart is half-useless. (Ok, it mostly means that I have to do a lot of manual checking that could have been done in an instant.)
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I don't understand how this is even an issue. I liked Rachel's threads and all, but the only thing that made them special compared to a simple post saying "There is a new bundle <link> here!" was the random facts she posted from time to time. Why are people complaining either way? All of this drama has been hilarious.
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Well I'm sure I'm not as avid a buyer of bundles as some people and I certainly don't have so many games that I would need that feature. Along with never actually using the script I'm sure other's will probably feel differently than I do about the whole situation. Still, it is funny to me that this is such a large deal to this community. Just strikes me as odd I suppose.
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Actually, what made it special was the charts (coupled with the enhancer script) and all the extra info she added like region-locks, etc.
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When I said special I meant to myself. As all of that was less interesting to myself and most of the time could be found with a bit of work. Though, as I realized above, I'm sure there are people that buy bundles at a much higher frequency than I even come close to and that stuff probably was more important to them. The intent of my main post was mostly just to poke fun at how silly I feel the entire situation is.
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If you look at the posting by Rachel and see the large well wishing by folks that admit they always used and loved her posts, but pretty much never comment on discussion I think it speaks for itself. (seriously, read them all if you doubt it)
It's my firm belief if someone that is dedicated enough, and uses the same format those will absolutely bury anyone's posts that don't. As with any product (usually) the cream will rise and the lesser will fall. (that said, I really see no reason to flame anyone else that's trying unless they are constantly self bumping their thread)
It's pretty evident that most of us liked Rachel's posts the way they were, I myself quit even searching anywhere else and just looked up her posts.
The two most important things in all of this are:
Dedication - (This should actually be 1-9 on a top 10) I'd love to say "I'll do it" but I know I can't (for one thing I'm at work during most of the release times, and also I'm Evil. And Moody.)
A standard easy to understand and informative format. - Say what you will, the RaCharts are brilliant.
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Wouldn't people naturally decide by selection, or am I too optimistic?
If some people want to organize a group to post info, and it is well done (organized, good info, easy to read, speed etc), more people will utilize it than others (or not). And as long as it isn't discriminatory there shouldn't be a problem?
I guess I always assumed, since I've only been around while it existed, Rachel charts were popular because of this and thus it was a semi-natural monopoly. (of course there might have been some "police" who bullied other people for posting bundle info... but I wouldn't think or at least I hope that wasn't the stance of the majority)
I guess there still could be drama, but feels like that would happen either way.
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