I have to say that i LOLed at the knife part. It was a so sudden and trashy moment, like a dumb slasher movie.
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I generally recommend people play it, as it does some interesting things for a vn (you'll hear subversion of expectations a lot). But for you, as an individual, I say you could leave it alone and not need to feel like you're missing out. There's no need to force yourself through the game.
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I liked it, and about its effect on my emotions it was only like 1 hour and thing and its gone.
(Usually I am a cold heart person like the crocodiles :3 )
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If it had that effect on you, don't play any further. It's going to get more twisted as you progress.
Did you like it?
Yes, but i must admit that the first half of the game was very tedious with that "kawaii konnichiwa" visual novel style and the poem minigames. I know that it was mocking the classic VN clichés, but it just drag on and on. Like, i get it what you're trying to say, just get to the point already.
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I agree it took me a long time to get through the "boring" part of the game, i feel like they could have shortened that a bit.
But as for the question of playing the game if it makes you feel depressed. I wouldn't. The game is interesting but its not worth feeling bad over. Go play some stardew valley and cheer up, OP!
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I didn't find that part boring (I actually find it better than the rest), but I think it takes too long considering it's not the point of the game and the game is so short
And once it gets to the second part, I felt like there just wasn't much more to it and the build up wasn't really worth it, there are other games that did this sort of thing better.
I always lower my expectations when a game is very hyped but even then I found this one underwhelming.
I would have preferred if it sticked to a classic format like the first part to have a story exploring mental illness, or started deviating from that earlier in the game.
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I'm open about discovering similar short but shocking or otherwise subversive games. Any valid suggestions that might not be as long and tedious as Doki Doki?
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Hmm I'm not sure what you are looking for exactly.
If you want something that might not be what it appears to be at first glance, I recently finished Hatoful Boyfriend and I really liked it, but there is a lot of building up before you really get to the plot, so if you don't like VNs in general you might not like it.
Or if you like dark humour, I'd suggest Kindergarten.
Otherwise for games that deconstruct the medium, break the fourth wall and such, mainly Pony Island and The Stanley Parable come to mind.
Jazzpunk and The Beginner's Guide are worth mentioning as well. Undertale too, though that's also one I think is overhyped.
If you're interested in games that deal with mental illness, Hellblade does a great portrayal of it. I really liked The Cat Lady too (and Downfall, its sequel, is solid as well).
Finally if you want a game that deals with illness more generally and coming to terms with it, I'd recommend Rakuen. (edit: obligatory To The Moon & Finding Paradise, also great stories about coming to terms with things)
Some of those are longer than DDLR, but they're all fairly short games, you can check them on HLTB.
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Yeah, i was talking about deconstructive games, fourth wall breaking and such. I already played all your suggestions (Pony Island in fact was one of my favourite examples in the genre) and something more, like IMSCARED, Please Don't Touch Anything and the evergreen Eternal Darkness. I really dig that kind of games that rely on mindfuckery stuff, even though titles like Doki Doki and Undertale kinda spoiled the genre and it's hard to find new twists to it that haven't already been overused (putting files in the game directory is a prime example that does not really impress me anymore).
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The problem with it that it looks exactly like the usual dating sim games, so it can't attract new people by itself. And sadly, mindfuckery games work the best if you don't know they are doing the mindfuckery. So when people go around OMG IT'S AMAZING IT LOOKS LIKE A STANDARD VN BUT OHOHOHOHO IT'S SOMETHING ELSE, JUST WAIT FOR IT that takes away it's best quality, surprise.
But that's just my opinion. I wouldn't have played an otome, played this because of the tricks and stuff, but knowing even just the gist of them took away so much. Still a well designed and - made game, but not having real gameplay (it's a VN) makes it seriously rely on the often spoiled/hinted story elements.
I liked it, but I would have liked it a looot more if I would have find it by myself. But I would never find it by myself because of how niche the base genre is, and generally I don't like it. Quite a catch 22.
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I admit that if i didn't knew about the presence of a twist i would've dropped the game within 10 minutes. To be fair, the game does warn you before playing, so it kinda spoils itself.
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It's just against a hinted thing, a warning that could be fake vs dozens of people fanboying-girling around it. Which is fine, it just makes it absolutely sure that there will be something going on. It's a bit like seeing a list of movies with a plot twist, then trying to watch it while not thinking about that there will be a plot twist. The type of media that is best consumed by knowing its "apparent" genre, and someone recommending it as one should play it, because it is that good. Or something else, being vague as possible. Which is impossible to be held up by the internet :D
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What did you think about it? I liked that there's a weird atmosphere that makes you feel that something is off, but manages to stay fairly normal, at least until the sudden and abrupt ending which left me puzzled.
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I liked it in general. it was a bit weird but deliberate how the language barrier was presented. Things went really weird with the duckling and afterwards, it got the looming sense of doom. Then I got a feeling how it will end when I found things, and how the duckling was behaving. And the ending was pretty abrupt indeed
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Agreed, I played it without knowing what I was getting into. Amazing (and pretty shocking) experience, but I loved it.
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I liked it. I love any game that subverts my expectations
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It's really hard to say whether you should play it or not because we don't know you personally and we don't know how you will react to certain things. For that matter, you might not even know how you yourself will react unless you have experienced something similar in the past. Everyone is different. A game (or book, movie) like this could cause someone that is depressed to think about bad things and make them more depressed while another person with a similar level of depression could react a completely different way, it may even make them feel better. It all depends on what goes through your head, how you interpret things, and how you react to them. A game like The Cat Lady deals with depression and suicide, but if you play through till the end, it could actually help you develop a different view on life and possibly make you feel better.
I know what part of the game you are talking about and it hit me pretty hard as well. Trying not to spoil things, the game does bring similar feelings back again, maybe worse, maybe not as bad, but as the plot progressed and more was revealed, it didn't affect me as much. The game became more of a game and didn't have as much of an emotional impact on me. Other bad things happen that will affect each person that plays the game differently, but for me personally, that scene was the most emotional.
Only you can decide whether you can deal with those feeling or not and whether you should play it.
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The game doesn't hinge on that kind of emotional impact, however Sayori's depression really does hit a lot of people hard. There is a part to the story quite soon after where you stopped that may really hurt your personal mood badly, but then the game resumes as before, and begins to follow a whole different track of accumulating events that are less intensely emotional, but still fairly intense.
It's a good game if you can get past the more tedious early slice of life stuff, but ultimately your mental/emotional health is more important. To have something hit so close to home and effect you badly suggest it might be worth doing something else. When your personal life is rough, it's worth prioritising your own state of mind, y'know?
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Great game, but if the depresion of Sayori alredy affects you, you should stop.
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If you get that invested that early in the game you should definitely stop right now. Shit only gets worse.
I didn't think games would affect me that much because I've played that many but after finishing DDC I had depression for about 5 days and felt like shit.
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Havent been depreesed but felt REALY weird. Also unlocked true ending.
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Yeah... that part really hit me hard as well with Sayori. I restarted the game 8 times to see if I could get a different ending by playing that minigame so everyone could be happy. Why can't everyone be happy? Why can't my player character show more sympathy? I really wish there was a happy ending for her? D:
It's sad, but I think it really does a good job at representing depression. Trying to take care of a friend with depression can be very disheartening and it really made me mad at myself for not being able to fix it.
I forced myself to eventually move on the rest of the story with that image at the back of mind.
I eventually liked the rest of the game and respect the creator for making me despair like that, because it's better for it to happen in a game and give me a chance make a difference in real life if ever needed.
If you do decide to play it, I recommend playing it with a friend by your side.
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There's a VN with a similar gimmick that came out a few years earlier so I haven't bothered with this one.
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Extreme reactions from media isn't a new thing and it's not necessarily bad. I cried at the end of The Office, I cried at the end of Marley & Me and so on. I've felt a noticeable feeling of melancholy after watching American History X.
You have to realize what this means for you yourself. Have you had extreme reactions to media? What reactions were they (rage, melancholy, sadness, elation, etc.)? Have those reactions affected you negatively outside consuming that piece of media? Only you can know if it'll affect you. You got a taste of it. How did it feel? Do you want to continue? Personally, if I have to ask, then I probably don't want to really continue. But I'm not you. You might be more cautious about even minor decisions. So overall, you know yourself the best and so you'll have to make that decision. Excited to continue? Then continue. Excited to continue but you know that you've been emotionally wrecked by media before? Then maybe don't take the risk. Don't want to continue? Then don't continue.
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Belated boarding on a hype-train.
I don't think that such stories can worth your time if you don't like VN's.
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The game is not for everyone.
I liked it a lot, but its has actually pretty heavy stuff like Sayori and Yuri. You shouldn't play it if it affect you so much.
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Disclaimer: I will be discussing the theme of the game in this comment - I'll try to avoid spoilers, but I will mention key elements of the game which may be seen as spoiler-ish.
It depends, but I would advise against doing so if you are heavily affected emotionally, or more importantly, don't react well with shocking events/scenes. I do believe that the game has lost most of its charm once it gained popularity because the whole point was to surprise and shock the player (which it doesn't do anymore because everyone's spoiling it) and therefore isn't as emotionally impactful as it once was - However, the shock value is still there nevertheless, and if you aren't emotionally stable enough to deal with this kind of thing then you should avoid playing the game.
With that said, the rest of the game isn't too heavy on the topic of depression past that point. It's a necessary plot point, but after that it's mostly attempting to disturb/shock the player with a series of twists, and, major spoiler alert (don't hover if you don't want to know), there are deaths, and yes, it's probably what you think.
This means that if it's just the topic of suicide that affects you, and anything else that will attempt to shock you is not a problem (or at the very least, you are ready for what's to come), then you should be fine. It's fair to note however that the game is intended to mess with your emotions and your thoughts - It's a fun experience but not something I'd advice to anyone who doesn't feel they have a great emotional strength or is dealing with trauma regarding the theme of the game.
It's kind of hard to give you advice without spoiling the game too much and without knowing your exact situation, but I hope this may help you nevertheless.
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If You feel depressed, don't play it yet till You feel stable enough, or even having a unpenetrable depression barrier for the first 3 route
for the last true route (heck, maybe even after every first 3 route), You might want to disable your Antivirus first before playing because some AV detect it as malicious behavior, and behold the frightening route of.... IDK, Deadpool (or Gintoki for weebs approach) themed route?
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I do like Doki Doki and I think Sayori's story is the best part of the game, so if you're not enjoying yourself at this point in the game, I don't recommend playing further.
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For you personally, I don't think Doki Doki Literature Club is a good enough game that I can recommend bringing yourself out of your comfort zone to play it. That warning at the start of the game was there for a reason, and if it's bothering you, I wholeheartedly recommend stopping.
My problem with the game is that it reads like the author has just discovered the word "foreshadowing" and decided to use as much as possible. There's even a part where the characters stop and discuss that the situation they're in seems like foreshadowing. In some cases, the lines don't even make sense in the current context at all, because they're only there to hint at what comes later. It's so excessive that, as a few other people have already mentioned, it's a "boring part." And the reason why it's boring is that the plot is sacrificed to cram in as much of that foreshadowing as possible. If you're new to the genre or looking for something free, I can understand why people enjoy it. But if you've seen a few games like it before, you can probably tell that subtlety is out the window before the title screen even pops up.
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If you suffer from actual depression, and not just faux depression like so many people do, then I don't recommend it.
I also don't recommend it to people who take things too seriously, and get offended or get emotionally attached.
I would also not recommend it to normal people, cos if you're normal, you won't be playing it anyway XD
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I know it has a warning at the beginning, but I didn't think it would affect me. I started to play and it got to a point where a girl was talking about her depression and I started crying, seeing things I constantly think about being put there on the screen, and so I closed the game. My question is, is the game's story worth it to play or should I leave it alone? I don't wanna miss out on a good game, but I don't know if I can go through it.
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