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I've won a Tomb Raider GOTY recently on SG, really enjoying it now, if the next game is at least as good as a Tomb Raider it's "yay!!".

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Unfortunately, no. In the firts one, after exploring everything and getting all the artifacts you're done. The multiplayer sucks. Luckily, completing it at 100% adds some play time and is enjoyable.

They've added several new game plus modes in this new episode, you can read details about them on the internet. There are score-based modes and time attack modes, also you can customize your session by using cards that act as modifiers.

9 years ago

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The most recent one is very linear in my opinion, but it's a long enough game that you won't mind that very much. Definitely not much replayability, though.

If you can get it for $10, I recommend it. You don't need any of the DLC to enjoy the game, either, which is a checkmark in the "plus" column.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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who preorders now, gets a copy of TR 2013 for free. so expect a flood of cheap copies in some days. ;)

9 years ago*

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Grammar Nazi Mode expect*

9 years ago

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If you need Tomb Raider 1,2 or 3 let me know, I have a copy with me.

9 years ago

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He needs Tomb Raider 2013 ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Tomb Raider got rebooted 2 times: First with the Legend series - Second with 2013's Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider 1 to Angel of Darkness are very, VERY different than Legend, Anniversary and Underworld as they are very difficult and "old school". Anniversary is a remake of the first Tomb Raider game.

They are VERY linear games as this is how Lara roll. Though TR2013 has multiplayer, it definitely isn't necessary; I never touched it.

Btw, why did you pass The Last Revelation? It's one of the better games of the old franchise; after that, it went downhill though. (: Still, NO Tomb Raider game can get worse than Angel of Darkness. Or Underworld. (:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Tomb Raider 2013 was amazing. So much hype for this!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No fan of pre-purchases, as you don't know that you get what you expect from it. So i'll wait to see how it looks after release, as this is always the best thing to do with games.

9 years ago

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not true. you know what you will get. the game is already out on XOne. it got excellent reviews and the players like it a lot. also, since valve introduced the refund system, there really is no good reason not to preorder. you can refund at any time until 2 weeks after release, as long as you stay under 2 hours playtime. which means, if you see reports about a bad port, for instance (which would be the only way this game can turn out to be "bad"), you can refund. if you want to try for yourself, you can do that for <2 hours and then refund. no risk involved here, but you get the preorder bonuses. the typical "don't ever preorder" statement really doesn't apply anymore.

9 years ago

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Is this one still as gory and "matured-up" as the last one?

9 years ago

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I think it is, I've watched some bits of gameplay and it looks like so.

9 years ago

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Sad, the first one was a little over the top for me. There were lots of things I liked about it, but it ended up being too much

9 years ago

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What do you mean by that?

9 years ago

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Well, the older Tomb Raider games had a much different feel to them. They heavily sexualized Lara but had less gore, less brutality, less swearing, etc.

In the new one, I was excited to see that they'd made Lara less sexualized and looking more like a human being, but when I played it I was disappointed that they'd felt the need to include so much gore and brutality. It gave the game a much darker tone that I didn't particularly enjoy.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Cool gif
Reminded me some good memories

9 years ago

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I still haven't played TR 2013 but it looks nice, looking forward to this one too :)

9 years ago

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Pay day needs to come sooner! :3

9 years ago

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and it come with NVDIA bundle when purchase gtx970 or more

9 years ago

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really? where?

9 years ago

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Starts tomorrow the 7th, I assume everywhere.

You'll probably be able to buy the code on ebay for 30ish for anyone interested.

9 years ago

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but where the claim code? NVIDIA site page?

9 years ago

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Thats what I used for MGS5. You then link your steam account and it activates the game onto your account.

9 years ago

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and what do I have to do?

9 years ago

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Well if you have the code you would just put it in and follow the directions. It'll ask you to link your steam account and it activates the game for you. Pretty much it.

9 years ago

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I do not have the code ... but a GTX 970 new yes.
¿I have to use the serial of the graphic card or wut?

9 years ago

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No you wont get it. The promotion starts tomorrow...You have to buy the 970 starting tomorrow until the promotion ends.

9 years ago

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or simple you could try to buy some one has just bought NVDIA card but dont want the game,my friend buy new gtx card and i buy the MGS5 from him like 20$

9 years ago*

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It depends on when did you purchase the card and whether or which promotion was running during that time period.
There would either be a claim code card in the box for running promotion or, you need to register or Nvidia website with the details and a scan copy of your invoice. Once you do that, you will receive a claim code in your email with the instructions on how to use it.
If you have a code, you can redeem it here, then you need to login with your used Id and Password for whichever client the game is
For example when I redeemed MGS Phontom Pain, I had to login to steam. I also had a code for Assasin creed Syndicate for that I had to login with my Uplay Credentials.

9 years ago

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Or someone might put a GA here as well for the same :-)

9 years ago

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Do. Not. Preorder. Ever.

Nothing good comes of it...

9 years ago

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My region is priced at $29.89 and I fear that it'll go higher when they realize it (other Square Enix games like Hitman and Deus Ex are priced almost as twice) so I immediately pre-ordered it. Also Square uses Nixxes to port their games and they work better than most so, that's a plus too.

I know that pre-ordering is bad for business and the consumer alike but where I stand now, (and if you're interested in this game (as in "I'll buy this game eventually")) it may be bad to pass this opportunity. Still, do not preorder anything (unless it's a Kojima game on PC and/or there is a price error for your benefit (: ).

9 years ago

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So? What if it goes higher on release? What goes up must go down. Just wait six months and wou will be able to pick it up for under 30 bucks again. Wait a year and it will pop up in sales for under $10.

9 years ago

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not everybody wants to wait a year. if everybody did that, we would not have - well, any games. you can consider yourself lucky that there are people who enjoy playing new games, and support the industry. no more day-1 buyers, no more games. at all. ^^

9 years ago

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I do buy games at full price if I think they're worth it.

But preordering because the game is oh so cheap now is pointless. The publisher doesn't make more money from the $30 preorder than from the six-months-after-release-$30 "postorder".

9 years ago

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i don't understand what you mean. why is it pointless to buy the game cheap now, if you fear the price might increase? you argue it doesn't make sense to buy for 30$ now, because it will be at 30$ again in 6 months. how does that make any sense? what is the benefit of waiting 6 months? as i see it, all you achieve is that you have to wait 6 months for the game, while others already play it. ^^

9 years ago

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Because preordering is bad. By waiting six months until the price drops to preorder level again, you don't lose any money but make sure that you do not contribute to the bad practices preordering propagates.

9 years ago

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that's just not really true anymore. we have steam refunds now. this completely changes the game. you don't need to accept bad release version anymore. you can get your money back.

i would even argue, that it is better for the industry, if you preorder and then refund, in case the game turns out to be bad. this is a real financial impact you are creating in such a case! if you just don't buy the game, the publisher barely even notices that. but if you give him money, and take it away if the game is in a bad state - that is something they will notice. something that will end up in statistics, and maybe change something for future releases. if you just don't buy the game, there is no difference between you (interested in the game, but not willing to accept games that are broken on release) and someone who doesn't even have any interest in the game.

and regarding shady preorder practices - i don't see anything like that happening here. you get some free garbage no one cares about anyway, and TR2013. there is not real content cut out and sold as preorder bonus (like for example in Total War Warhammer 40k). and you get a free game. so you actually get something out of it. it's so simple to say preordering in general is bad. the whole internet doesn't get tired of repeating that over and over again. and i bet most of those people don't even think 5 minutes about it. it can be a beneficial trade-off. if they offer me free games, i benefit from the preorder aswell, not only the publisher. i remember the bioshock infinite preorder. i got 30% cashback and 3 valuable games out of it. it would have been stupid not to preorder, lol. ;)

so yeah, while i agree that publishers try to abuse the players trust in many cases, and we should boycott the games in these cases, not all preorders are necessarily bad. sometimes it just means you buy the game you want anyway a few weeks earlier, and get something nice in return. and if the game turns out to be bad in some way (like bugs or performance issues) - just refund! refund and let the publisher know you wanted to buy the game, but didn't because of the bad quality he delivered. i am sure this will accomplish more than just not buying the game in the first place. Arkham Knight is probably a good example of that.

whatever, it's my cake day today. so please come in, grab some cake and a game! ^^

9 years ago

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A wild train appears!

9 years ago

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Enjoyed Tomb Raider very much, but at this price I'm not seeing myself buying it soon. When it drops in price and gets a good discount in a year or so I'll definitely play it :)

9 years ago

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never played a TR game, not gonna start with a $60 preorder -.-

9 years ago

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You may start with Tomb Raider Legend or Anniversary but keep in mind that these are very different from Tomb Raider (2013) and its direct sequel Rise of the Tomb Raider. Older games are very very difficult compared to Legend and latter games. And skip Underworld. Just don't play it.

9 years ago

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One of the rare occurences of me, loving the regional pricing: Got (Pre-ordered) the game for $29.89 (:

Nixxes is doing the PC port (as was the case with TR 2013) so I'm expecting a good port. Especially after the Arkham Knight disaster, companies need to care about this more. Or we'll refund the **** out of it. (:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good game but expensive pricing. Worth... pirating for.

9 years ago

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If I can't get a cheap Nvidia code from trading, I'll wait until it's $15 or less on Steam.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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profits of being india hahaha

9 years ago

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I am India.

9 years ago

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I miss cross-region trading :(

9 years ago

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LOL, I love my India :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Definitely yay~

9 years ago

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I'm excited for the game but this is pretty expensive right now. Last time around I got a physical copy with a Steam key off Amazon for €25 and it arrived the day of release. I'm not really willing to pay more than that, to be honest.

9 years ago

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After the last TR definitely nope.

9 years ago

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So 'spensive. Gon' wait for sales.

9 years ago

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YES, definitely

9 years ago

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yay!!! to game.
meh... to pre-order.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by MrGSkull.