I just managed to get a quite mean achievement in Despotism 3k I've been chasing for the last 2 or 3 weeks which took me almost 10 attempts I guess.

Top 1
Finish the campaign while always choosing the first answer in dialogues

Despotism 3k is sort of a worker placement / puzzle game with rogue-like elements where you play as a despotic A.I. trying to enslave humanity. It can be rather frustrating because it makes Dark Souls look like Hello Kitty Online but if you're into that sort of thing I can definitely recommend you give it a go since some of you probably picked it up when it was free directly via Steam a while ago.

The basic goal of the game is to balance energy production, breeding & food production and keep your labour camp going for 25 days and at the beginning of every day you get a random event with tons of references to stuff like Back to the Future, Star Gate, Blade Runner, Matrix, Spider-Man and many more...

Most of those events can be solved with both a positive or negative outcome but the achievement I was chasing requires you to always pick the first option which makes it mostly luck-based hoping you get events that don't screw you over too bad.

I was pretty close to getting it on my maybe 5th attempt but I had to punish those pesky humans for killing John Connor which I had sent to them as spy They didn't. by turning off the breeding tube for a day and forgot that an earlier event had turned all of them into ghouls who would only feed on recycled human flesh from the Bio-reactor. So no fresh meat ment I had to stop sending all my exhausted workers to the Bio-reactor switching them out and giving them rest periods instead. Forgetting that the Bio-reactor was the only thing that kept my little ghoul party going.

So long story long getting that achievement made me think it was probably the singular hardest / most annoying achievement I spent the most time to get I can think of - and made me wonder what were your White Whale achievements that were a real pain in the ass to get?

3 months ago

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If this post inspires you to try the game (which I really hope it will for 1 or 2) I have to warn you the game has a rather unfair difficulty spike around day 8 which might kill you a few days later without you even realizing what happened 😡 Once you've gotten past that point it's pretty smooth sailing ⛵

Maybe I was just being stupid but it took me a couple trys to identify the problem but once you know you can get past it pretty reliably.

3 months ago

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Game is now wishlisted!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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I honestly don't remember but it all pales in comparison to some of the things I accomplished in World of Warcraft. I had a knack for both surprising and aggravating people when I would go into mythic level dungeons(5 people) and pull all the trash up to each boss and burn everything down solo. I would usually tell people to just kick back and enjoy the ride but a lot of times they wouldn't listen and usually ended up taking dirt naps. I also had instances where I would be in a raid(10+ people) and the entire raid would die but the boss was low enough that I could finish it before whatever rage gimmick would kill me so I would just do my thing while impatient people would say things like "this isn't possible to solo" or "just die already so we can reset". I got bored of playing it because there was not much challenge outside of mythic 20+ dungeons and heroic+ raids or 2000+ pvp ratings and it's almost impossible to get into reliable teams doing those things and most of the people doing them are real assholes who shitlist you if you make even the smallest mistake. And like I said all the other people would usually complain when I tried to push myself at lower difficulties. Lose lose.

3 months ago

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What class and which expansion?

3 months ago

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Paladin in every expansions. I started soloing heroics in WotLK. Figured out I could solo mythics in Shadowlands. Just stopped playing last year even though you can now legally "sell gold" as long as you do it with tokens so blizzard gets their cut and you can play for free, even get other games for free. But I'm not much interested in the Blizzard store. I'm honestly not sure what my hardest solo is but I know Kil'Jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras was pretty tough due to mechanics. I know I solo'd some mythic +2's but it's just damage sponges which really sucks even though I prioritized dps over survivability. I usually out damaged about 3/4 of dps and out healed 3/4 of the healers I came across. Heh I remember vengeance stacking years ago just pulling lots of trash and watching my dps meter be 3x higher than any dps, was humorous.

3 months ago

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really hard to say, likely some of my stuff from the days before achievements/trophys... like beating Ocarina of Time without taking damage from anything, beating Halo 1/2 on Legendary solo, stuff like that.

3 months ago

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I didn't do many difficult or crazy ones, the hardest one must be Eternal God from the binding of Isaac

3 months ago

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I didn't do many difficult or crazy ones

I haven't played it yet but from I heard Binding of Isaac is pretty hardcore in general and that achievement is what we call a Platinum trophy on console so I'm pretty sure that qualifies 😄

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3 months ago

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my rarest that im most proud of is
Ultimate Rage-table top simulator
Flip the table over 1000 times.
Unlocked Jan 30, 2015 @ 11:28am
achievement i worked the hardest on was joining a server with Garry from Garry's mod.
he would play from time to time and i was part of a HUGE steam group of people just trying to help each other get that one achievement. i missed him so many times. when he was on you had to wait over an hour for your turn to join the server and sometimes no spots opened up

3 months ago*

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its been a decade since i did that....fucck im old

3 months ago

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Flip the table over 1000 times.

Hehe Despotism has one of those as well.
But in Despotism that's actually one of the easier ones with the main problem it being a hidden achievement which might you might not stumble over naturally.

Yes, I am the real garry!

I've heard about achievements like this but I don't think I have one yet 🤔
Guess they're a bit controversial among hunters because they might become unobtainable if the dev or everybody from the team stops playing when the game already is older but that only makes them feel more special when you actually manage to get them.
I've also seen games make those trophies infectious so basically playing with anybody who already has the achievement will grant it too you as well.

When I checked earlier if there already was such a thread I came across this. It's a really cute idea but I wonder how they handled that achievement. If the devs unlocked it manually?

Guess that achievement was removed at some point but apparently it did exist because there are guides and people asking about it on the Steam forums.

3 months ago

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I just checked an apparently I played with Garry back in 2014. Never queued up for it and honestly didn't play THAT much GMod.
Must've been on some random space build server

3 months ago

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ayy same year as me

3 months ago

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my is on ark survival is no that hard but proud to finely complete lol
Perfect Explorer
You've discovered 100% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

3 months ago

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Poly Bridge. Play it 6 years ago, but still remember the pain

3 months ago

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Finishing Dead Space 3 in Hardcore.

3 months ago

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Until steam achievement manager is not banned - steam achievements are almost waste of time for me. If you compare Sekiro platinum between Steam and PSN which one looks more powerful and true?

3 months ago

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There was no achievement, but beating the secret ending in Cave Story. "Welcome to Hell" indeed.

3 months ago

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Forged in Blood in Pathfinder Kingmaker. Unfair difficulty is stupid and annoying and you conquer it with reloading and hoping for luck and good dice rolls.

3 months ago*

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I have to say this as the author for the 100% Steam guide: the Let It Die achievement "Flirting Virtuoso". It is basically an asynchronous "PVP" mechanic where you have a random chance to capture a fighter/character from a player's base. The asynchronous part makes it so that the playerbase does not need to be large to have this "PVP" mechanic be live, but it is excruciating rare to get an opportunity to capture a fighter since the chance of a fighter getting KOed is significantly smaller than it getting killed when you finish it off.

It took me 1000 hours.

3 months ago

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Fallout Shelter - achievement Blast From The Past

3 months ago

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The Shadows Rushed Me from Max Payne 3, wow it's been 11 years already and I wouldn't have the energy to do it again anymore. Good times.

3 months ago

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Actually hard? Beating the Tower DLC in Metro Last Light
Artificially hard? All the grinding achievements in Q.U.B.E
Rarest? Snow Way from Plague Inc, in general it reflects how actually hard this game is to 100% due to RNG

3 months ago

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I believe snow way percentage was skewed becaue it was a paid dlc that was released later on. The base game has nastier achievements.

3 months ago

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Not sure, but 'Tau Efficiency' achievement in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution comes to mind.

3 months ago

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Still working on that one myself... having a lot of trouble haha. I boot the game up every now and again to attempt it.

3 months ago

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Probably easier if you somehow have a premade group, but yeah.

Great little game mode. I also boot it up every so often and get addicted for a bit.
Wish someone would have made a full game based on it by now.

3 months ago

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From the top of my head, beating the original Oulast + DLC on the hardest difficulty (so.. no saves and one-hit dead on pretty much everything) and doing the achievement in DBD where I had to do 1 full (or equivalent to a) generator and survive the trial with no perks or items equipped like 8 times.

3 months ago

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Platinum in NFS MW 2012, maybe not the hardest plat out there, but god damn, that last race needed for 100% made me want to rip all my hair out and throw the disc out the window.

3 months ago

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Professor Portal

After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn’t played before.

I wouldn't say it was the hardest, but it is an "honorable" mention for being the nastiest achievement. - Looking for people to buy the game just so I can get a fucking achievement.

3 months ago

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Looking for people to buy the game just so I can get a fucking achievement.

Yeah, that's a tough sell 😅 I believe that achievement was designed with Friend pass in mind. Back then when Portal 2 came out there was this cool Feature between Steam and Sony where you can invite 1 person who can then play the complete coop-campaign with you without having to buy the game.

I'm not sure if that feature still works but it might still be possible to do the same via Remote Play Together 🤔

Funnily enough just this week I finally started playing A Way Out which has the same feature. I wish more games that focus strongly on coop did that.

3 months ago

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Might be still available. 🤷‍♂️

I kind of knew that the achievement was made for a different time, and maybe they had pure intentions. But nowadays, if you're a completionist, this one is absurd and infuriating.

3 months ago

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I must be quite lucky for this then. I got someone to play a coop with me for this very achievement and i believe the other guy i cooped with got it afterwards too. I was just looking for coop partner in the discussion thread for this.

Not sure if it helps, but i also did help another people to get this achievement before starting the coop too. But if you are having trouble and willing to go through the length, you can ask someone who has a mule account and ask them to family share the game (and then you do the same for them).

3 months ago

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Nice idea. I already have the achievement. Thanks though!

3 months ago

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Funny this thread showed up now considering I been bashing my head in trying to do "Deadly Fishbowl - Complete Subduction on Survival Hell On Earth Difficulty" in Killing Floor 2 for the past few days and it is just not happening. Like it shouldn't be that hard and I have finished every other map (and have every other achievement) but this one is just not wanting to happen no matter what I do.

Just finished it, that wasn't pleasant.

From the ones I have the only thing I can think of from the top of my head right now is "Pathfinder - Discover 100% of the map" in Euro Truck Simulator 2 as that one took quite a few hours (especially if you do it with a bunch of DLC) but it is not actually hard.

There is probably more hard ones in there but having gotten 100% achievements in as many games as I have I think I am deleting the terrible parts of getting some those achievements out of my brain right after finishing the games.

Dishonorable mention for screw this game achievements: Poly Bridge. I am glad I don't have to look at that game ever again.

3 months ago*

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Just finished it, that wasn't pleasant.

Congratulations 😄 Wow... Platinum in a game with 307 achievements. That's pretty insane 👍

I'm just a casual Achievement hunter but I think for me my hardest Platinum was probably Assassins Creed Revelations or Black Flag which both also have multiplayer achievements but still only 60 - 70 in total.

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3 months ago*

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I wouldn't say it's a rare one but my funniest achievement feat happened in Baldur's Gate.
The end fight was so messy that I somehow managed to simultaneously unlock:

  • Finish the game without any party members dying.
  • Finish the game with a full party of dead allies.
3 months ago

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While its not the hardest achievement it is the one that sticks out to me the most as being a total pain. Dead rising 2 multiplayer was bad. Needed multiple people which basically forced me to ask in the thread as its a dead game. Based on what the group was telling me its pretty buggy as well so it required listening to the cues and it needs multiple go throughs to do every mini game and win them. I'm not a fan of multiplayer in general but I can handle needing 1 person, not 3 though

3 months ago

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Mine was from Bloons TD 6, I think it forced me to play the game for over a couple hundred hours. It mostly consisted of letting the game play in the background though.

  • Sapper (Pop 5,000,000 Fortified bloons)
3 months ago

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Beating Rabi-Ribi + post game on normal. Pretty much a pain with bosses. Second place was beating FFX-2 post game (tower).

3 months ago

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IDK what the hardest was, but the most satisfying was plat'ing Elden Ring.

3 months ago

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