Okay so Im going to keep this about xboxes and not playstations, as I have already made my mind up about the company of the generation of consoles I am interested in.

As we all know the xbox one is out, and everyone is that is buying one now is getting rid of their xbox 360's. Do you think it will be a good idea to pick one up second hand? I played an xbox 360 at friends houses and really enjoyed the console and games he had. I was an avid gamer and not so much these days, but I think every now and then sitting on the couch with a controller not a bad way to chill out. I'm not wanting to spend a ton of money and that's why I'm not really thinking of going for the new gen consoles.

So about the consoles themselves, what version or model would be the best and perhaps most reliable? I have been looking and from what I have seen the xbox 360 slim 250GB sounds good? If I'm not mistaken if its the new model it would have integrated wireless and a better, updated chip of some sort.. Also is 250GB required for such a machine or would you recommend a smaller HDD?

I also read about the xbox live account, is it true that people can get blocked? If its blocked does it mean you cant play online with the console anymore? How can I see if a console is blocked and what can I do to prevent buying a dodgy console.

I have never owned anything xbox, so any advice, hints or good places to buy second hand consoles would be much appreciated, at the moment I am browsing gumtree.

Thank you, much love, no homo.

11 years ago*

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After only reading the title of the post, yes.

11 years ago

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I agree, if u don't have one u should get one now, with the new generation of consoles, 360 and ps3 consoles/games will only get cheaper

11 years ago

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After reading the whole post, make sure it's the XBOX 360 "S" model you get, not the "E" (which has one less USB port and no optical audio).

In terms of testing whether or not the console has been blocked from live, you can always try signing up for a new Xbox Live Gold account with a 1-month or shorter time period pass (many are given away with games or found free online).

To generally feel safer about buying one used, you could get it from GameStop (shudder), as I'm guessing they'll have a better return policy and check for issues.

11 years ago

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as a former owner of a xbox 360, I advise you not to get it. Why? Because for the last 3 years there has been no 360 exclusives that I found interesting and yet I envied and even looked forward to going to my friend's place that has a PS3 so that I can play uncharted, heavy rain, infamous, and journey. You like Halo? Cool, but Destiny will also be released on PS3!!! Due to my current unstable housing condition, I have not yet acquired a TV and a PS3 (probably wait 'till this year holiday sale) but I sure won't regret that I don't have a 360 no more. (ok I do miss it but all the good games I have played on it can also be played on PS3.)

Edit: also this, this, this and this

2nd edit: ok, the kinect's Just Dance series and Kinect Sport are good party games. I and my friends did have a lot of fun playing them and I cannot recall any good party game for the PS3 right now. I Don't Know Jack is one good game but it's available on both consoles.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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After only reading the title of the post, no.
But in all seriousness, that's just my recomendation, moved from console to pc gaming about a year ago, do not regret (though youre probably a multi platform gamer). But i digress, if you want the exclusive games go for it but you pretty much only have halo and i don't know about ps4 but last of us, uncharted and many others where there for sony (also little big planet but i dont know if thats your game style) on ps3. The decision is yours my friend go for it if you have the money and desire. Best regards from me and the guards!... damn it that was corny

11 years ago

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Yeah, why not. It'll be cheap as well as all the games. I don't think you'll have to worry about the console bans as well. Most likely everyone that is selling them have moved to next gen and just looking to get rid of it.

11 years ago

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I first thought this is a troll post again, with a 'Skyrim' GA insight ;-). Srsly don't buy this piece of crap, even it's around 170€ now i think. Get a good PC and just buy a XBOX360 Controller if you're into this. I meen for what do you want this thing?, you can get a good toaster's nowdays for like 35€.

11 years ago

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Since you seem to not know that much about x360, do you know that Xbox Live Gold (required for any online play) is a paid service?

Harddisk size, I would go for at least 120GB. Unless you plan on only playing 1 or 2 particular games, in which case it could be less.
There are some modguides out there that show how to flash certain harddisk to be recognized as microsoft harddisks by the xbox (the only advantage to that is that they are cheaper that way, you won't get banned from live or be able to run copies of games or anything like that). I did that for my 2nd hand bought x360, meant a 40 euro 250GB replacement hardrive. Although nowadays you'd probably best look for a second hand one that already includes a larger harddisk.

To see whether or not a x360 is banned: third hit on Google.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by 1Lion.