Things are not looking too good for the Xbox One right now.

It started off with the rumors of games like Call Of Duty: Ghosts only running on 720p on the Xbox One, while 1080p on the PS4

I've recaped that story for you here

Now it seems like CBOAT (suspected NeoGaf insider with Microsoft) is saying that the 720p issue is no where near the top of the list of problems that will become apparent at launch.

More of that here

1 decade ago*

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The only one I would buy is Wii U, but not interested that much in that either.

1 decade ago

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who needs an xbox one or a ps4 when I have a fully functional comp and 360 :)

1 decade ago

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Obliviosly xbox one is a piece of shit.

1 decade ago

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Console is Cheaper for gaming = DAMN BIG LIE (especially with the pay to play multiplier crap subscription) a $600 PC can do it all for you and BETTER, only if you're interested in Console exclusive otherwise its not worth it

1 decade ago

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console has lower hardware cost pc has lower software costs, youll pay about the same in the end though

1 decade ago

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depends on how many games you buy a year.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If I'm gonna get a console (remember, IF) it's gonna be PS4.
Too many mistakes, M$. Dunno if you've seen the comercial where they promote Xbone by telling you that you can watch TV with it! Revolution indeed.

1 decade ago

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Now I'm pretty sure this might go over your heads, but someone needs to tell you guys the truth. The truth is... you're all the same. PC gamers, console gamers, board gamers, mobile gamers, etc. These artificial divisions you created are nothing more than just that... artificial divisions. Just like Black, white, etc. There is only ONE race. HUMAN. There is only ONE kind of gamer. GAMERS. I'm done.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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oh yes 720p is the new "next gen"

Do you remember Microsoft was saying something about their console playing games in 4k resolution in future? or they said it just for sarcasm?

1 decade ago

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Well, I was on the fence of getting an Xbone (I love Microsoft) but too many mistakes. I already preordered my PS4. Sorry MS

1 decade ago

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you already had more than enough reasons to not buy it, before knowing about 720p...

1 decade ago

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So, oops, turns out it's 720p on BOTH.

Also, turns out Sony had EXACT same DRM as Microsoft did and they disable it with Day-1 patch.

Sony fanboys look dumb yet again. Why I am not surprised? :P


1 decade ago

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Well that was interesting.

1 decade ago

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Mentioning 720p is like saying games will run at 30fps.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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When I get next gen. Will be a XboxOne. No doubt.

No point to get either right now. Not enough games at launch. Too much invested in my Steam Library and Xbox360.

Next system Ill be getting is a PS3 (to replace my broken one .. Yes PS3's break), Or a Nintendo 2DS.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LoudHawk.