Things are not looking too good for the Xbox One right now.

It started off with the rumors of games like Call Of Duty: Ghosts only running on 720p on the Xbox One, while 1080p on the PS4

I've recaped that story for you here

Now it seems like CBOAT (suspected NeoGaf insider with Microsoft) is saying that the 720p issue is no where near the top of the list of problems that will become apparent at launch.

More of that here

1 decade ago*

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Between bad publicity and these rumours of technical issues, the 'bone seems rooted before it's even been launched.

Not a good time to be buying Microsoft shares...

1 decade ago

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And not to mention its totally outdated b4 release lol

1 decade ago

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Indeed, bad PR will always hit hard. Eventually what will really make a difference will be early titles and their comparisons, and the number of pre-orders. Personally...whatever pushes the market forward will do.

1 decade ago

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Too bad most consumers don't keep up with stuff like this and will probably just buy it anyway.

The release of poor specs for the Xbone will affect sales some, sure, but not nearly as much as it probably should.

1 decade ago

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No doubt there will be hordes of "loyal" 'boner boys who would blindly buy this even if it was rocking a 533Mhz Cyrix processor, 32MB RAM, and a brown turd shaped case, but I suspect that those more discerning consumers who are simply looking for the best console experience of this generation would, at this point, have serious reservations about buying a 'bone.

While I have no interest whatsoever in buying a games console, in the current climate it's important for PC gamers that the consoles are as technically advanced as possible, since (as has been the case with the current generation) they will be the limiting factor for most PC games for several years to come.

1 decade ago

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I think you underestimate word of mouth. It's starting to look like this console is going to be a huge bomb. Those who actually do buy it and then realize the comparatively better experience on the PS4 are going to hold a grudge when the realization settles in. The xbone ha been a PR disaster from the start and it's only going to get worse from the looks of it.

Microsoft thought that they had a sure thing no matter what they did, and as result made a huge list of stupid decisions that is going to sink them in gaming for years to come. The good news is that they might shift their attention back over to the PC in order to make up their losses, but you can bet your ass that it's going to result in a resurgence of abusive DRM practices. So get ready for that.

1 decade ago

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Actually, It's an excellent time. As soon as Steve Bullmer is kicked out, the company will start to flourish again.

1 decade ago

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"Not a good time to be buying Microsoft shares..."

Not a good time to buy? But they can only go up from here! Do ho ho ho!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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True, but the lack of any official MS reply is worrying.

1 decade ago

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As if they need to respond to every little thing said about them. :P

1 decade ago

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Little? Wouldn't you consider something significantly harming their reputation and possibly directly influencing the sales of their console to be important? I would.

1 decade ago

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-Shrugs- I probably wont get any new hardware for a while. Gonna be stuck with this low-mid end laptop and this 360 with a 250 GB HDD and only like 8 games on it. Gotta love having no money and having no way to earn money

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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In the same boat as you mate. That being said, it sounds like a better boat to be in than the Xbox One is.

1 decade ago

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Sure is.

1 decade ago

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I only have four gigs on mine. Not really enough for anything at all.

1 decade ago

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Is it still going to have that NSA spyware?

1 decade ago

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More than likely

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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No matter. Took me 8 years to get myself a console (xbox 360), might as well take another 8 to purchase the PS4/Xbox One, if i ever get one at all. In the meantime, i might try AC Black Flag, just to get a hint at how WatchDogs will run, while waiting for The Witcher 3.

1 decade ago

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I'll never understand from a logically reasonable aspect why people didn't start boycotting Microsoft consoles with the 360's hideous failure rate and a premium-only internet that is still an ad-hell.

Hate to say it, but I kind of hope that the Xbox One flops just as a wake up slap to Microsoft that people are not happy with the direction and quality of W8 and this and need to remember what made them on top in the first place.

1 decade ago

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Hint: Most people are not logically reasonable. They are idiots.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just looking at Apple's stock price proves that.

1 decade ago

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Yes and worst of all that is true no matter how you look at it. The current price, the top price, how/when it goes up and how/when it goes down. Some know how to profit from this but that only means there are many more idiots who spend crazy $ investing in stocks only to lose it like that, predictably.

1 decade ago

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The only way to make the big names in videogaming pay attention is to talk with your wallet. Where they aren't making profits, they quickly re-evaluate. The trouble is that people are all too willing to hand out absurd amounts of cash for embarrassingly broken/half-assed products, and seem to care little for the terrible precedents that are being essentially +1'd by the purchases.

Then again, you'd need to keep a finger on the pulse of the gaming news at all times to really get a good scope for this kind of thing.

1 decade ago

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Then again, you'd need to keep a finger on the pulse of the gaming news at all times to really get a good scope for this kind of thing.

Which is exactly why the big names can get away with crap like this. They just need to damage control the situation enough that it stays under the radar for 80% of their customers. I think assuming that even 20% of Xbox consumers keep up with news/scandals/reviews is somewhat generous. And even if that (generous) 20% didn't buy an Xbox because of these rumors? Some percentage of them would probably give in and buy one eventually anyway, just because their friends have it.

1 decade ago

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You have to understand blind loyalty. A lot of fans from any brand have them.

1 decade ago

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Too expensive for me c:

1 decade ago

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Forget the hardware issues, the games are insulting. Over 15 years since the last Killer Instict game they announce a new one and it isn't being developed by even a single person that worked on the previous games? And they aren't even certain that all the fighters will be available at launch time and some may have to be downloaded later? And by all the the fighters I mean a grand total of 8!

In a world where fighting games have dozens of fighters they are releasing a game that there aren't even sure will have 8 characters ready when it launches. But don't worry. They intend to sell you the rest of the fighters one by one later. Oh, and all their costumes cost extra.

60 dollars for a fighting game with 8 characters that might not all be there. It sounds like a bad joke.

1 decade ago

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going by the number of SFIV DLC's i think theyre just following the lead at this point, as to none of the original team being involved well it happens when the company that made it doesnt exist anymore, i give em points for doing KI HD and at least attempting something new

1 decade ago

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Good thing I'm not interested in the next gen consoles, but thanks for the message, it reminded me that I want to get a hard drive case for my 360 to put the drive I took out of my wife's laptop (upgraded it to 1TB SSHD).

1 decade ago

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Wake me up when I have to pay less than $500 for Xbox 360 as it is.

1 decade ago

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Mmh you can get a 360 for way under 500$ already..

1 decade ago

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Hey, you're right. They're only $400 now, there has been a price drop...

1 decade ago

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you can get 360s for 140 bucks with 6 games if you get it refurbished from Gamestop.

1 decade ago

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Fun fact: the world currently has 7.05 billion people, of which 0.31 live in the USA.

That leaves 6.74 billion people who cannot get a refurbished Xbox from Gamestop. And even if they could, the shipping costs and taxes would double the price and leave them without a valid warranty.

1 decade ago

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well im in the uk and that figure is about right for here and you can probably add the irish republic in as they can literally walk over the border to buy one if they live close to ulster so id imagine similiar prices their

1 decade ago

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I don't care about those outdated hardware called "next-gen" consoles. What about "alread-two-years-old-but-sold-as-new-hardware" consoles?


1 decade ago

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PC Master Race FTW!

1 decade ago

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RETARD master race*


1 decade ago

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If you want to insult everyone on this forum, at least be creative about it.

1 decade ago

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not everyone on this forum is a stupid PC elitist/fanboy...

1 decade ago

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Being right doesn't make you elitist.

1 decade ago

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Too bad he isn't right...

1 decade ago

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Superior hardware, upgradeable, freedom, moddable vs. restricted platform with inferior hardware.

Of course he is wrong.

1 decade ago

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You forgot expensive, needs to be upgraded every 3 years and lots of annoying elitists... Yup, he's right...

1 decade ago

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I's only expensive if you're unemployed or a teenager without any way to get money.

Build it good once and you don't have to upgrade for many years.

Trying to explain facts is considered annoying elitist. Please stay away from me, you filthy peasant.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yeah sure... If that was true then there was no reason why the PS4 would be outdated....

So go back to your cave, filthy caveman.

1 decade ago

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Why the PS4 what?

1 decade ago

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Sorry, fixed the post.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Lol, Gaben tries to unite console and PC gamer togheter. Yet the PC fanboys are are trying to quaranteen them selfes from console games. Way to worship and follow the ways of your god...

1 decade ago

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I don't quarantine myself from consoles, and yet I'm a PC "fanboy".
And how is the Steambox supposed to actually unite the two together? You must be on crack for this one.

1 decade ago

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Valve brings own hardware in purpose to let people game in the livingroom without losing its functiality as PC so PC gamers also can get one.

"And how is the Steambox supposed to actually unite the two together? You must be on crack for this one."

You must have been asleep for a long time or must been very drunk to miss that....

BTw, from the 3 comments you made its obvious to see that you do quarantine yourself...

1 decade ago

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The Steambox is in the end a PC. I can just simply connect a gamepad on a PC and call it a console if we go by your logic there.
So how does it bring the two together again?

1 decade ago

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Simply putting a gamepad to a PC doesn't make it a console. In that logic I can put a KB+M on my PS3 and call it a PC....

@Xabax, Yes. EDIT: YUP.

1 decade ago

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It sure doesn't, so stop lumping the Steambox as a console, cause it's surprise not. It in the end is a PC with a modified Linux OS software.
Please stop arguing about it being a console.

1 decade ago

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A PCis a general-purpose computer while a consoleis a machine designed for consumers to use for playing video games on a separate television.

The latest consoles are trying to copy pc...but they're still far far behind it, try to compile something on a PS3 and tell me how it goes...or build a DB...or even some spreadsheet.

1 decade ago

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Maybe you should read all over again...

1 decade ago

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Just because they are bringing it to the living room does not make it a console for crying out loud.
My point still stands, it's a PC, can be used with either monitor or TV, has pretty decent to high specs, uses a modified Linux as the OS, able to play Linux ready ports on Steam and streams the Windows-only stuff from your main PC.

I have read that so many times I can just rebut what anyone says about it being a console, and I really mean that.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, and my point still stands it can be used as BOTH since its deigned to be used as BOTH.

1 decade ago

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No it can't be used as both, and stop shouting.
If it can be used as both, is there any exclusive feature about it that makes it so special compared to other PCs and/or consoles?
If trying against the console side, I highly doubt it can actually beat the pricing of the current consoles available with similar gaming performance.
On the other hand, it does not beat the PC side with any unique features exclusive to it only.
And if it is really designed to be used as both, then why does it have the modified OS only? It also can't play any console stuff as it is.

1 decade ago

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Sure, it cant be used as both. Thats why they wanted to bring it to the living room and designed a fucking controller for it. Ohh stupid of me to think that...

The specail of steam machines against PC is that the pre-build ones are designed with hardware to work just as good with each other as a console can do.

The special of steam machines against consoles are that the hardware is still replace-able to the owner's liking.

"If trying against the console side, I highly doubt it can actually beat the pricing of the current consoles available with similar gaming performance."
Wait, did I just missed something? Wasn't the biggest argument of PC gamers that you can get better hardware to reach better graphics then consoles buy spending about the same amount of money? Or did they just made a U-turn?

"And if it is really designed to be used as both, then why does it have the modified OS only?"
It still works as a PC, you can set windows on it if you want to, they only include SteamOS on it but you're not limited to SteamOS. Also PS3 and 360 have also their own OS. Does that turn them into something else then consoles?

"It also can't play any console stuff as it is."
Thx, captain, neither can PC play PS3 games or the otherway around since its not made for their OS.

1 decade ago

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Designing a controller for a PC has dated back a long way ago. This is no exception.

Until the reviews from the beta testers come out, I won't take your words yet.

That's not special. Any PC can replace certain parts, even those pre-made bitches.

The price of this machine is obviously bound to be pretty expensive(read Nvidia) thus my point is valid.

I didn't mean it like that. I meant in terms of functionality, it does not bring anything to the table that current consoles can do, like for say running games off a disc for a bad example.

I still can play my PS2, GBA, N64, Atari 2600 and more games on my regular PC. So what are you saying about PC not being able to play console stuff?

1 decade ago

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"Designing a controller for a PC has dated back a long way ago."

This wasn't designed for PC but for steambox. You know, the machine that can work as a console AND PC.

"Until the reviews from the beta testers come out, I won't take your words yet."

You don't have to take them, as long as you get my point.

"That's not special. Any PC can replace certain parts, even those pre-made bitches."

I said: COMPARED TO consoles ****.

"The price of this machine is obviously bound to be pretty expensive(read Nvidia) thus my point is valid."

Nope, AMD Steam Machines are also comming. And so far I know, AMD is a hell of a ton cheaper then Nvidea.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant in terms of functionality, it does not bring anything to the table that current consoles can do, like for say running games off a disc for a bad example."
Bad example and a bad argument, most consoles are in that way the same.

"I still can play my PS2, GBA, N64, Atari 2600 and more games on my regular PC. So what are you saying about PC not being able to play console stuff?"
Good for you, your PC can do exact the same thing as my PS3. I was speaking about of origin(not the webstore), and not with emulator crap. Also I'd like to see a PC running a PS3 game without lagging like shit (like that will happen within the next few years....)

1 decade ago

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Says you it's only designed for the Steambox. It will also work on the PC, so what's your point?

I get your point but it's mostly moot.

You mean you couldn't replace certain parts in them? gasp

Sure it is a hell ton cheaper, but can it stand up to the competition?

Sure it's a bad example, but it's not a bad argument. Steambox does not have anything unique about it at all. HDMI? Everyone has it. Streaming? SHIELD has that covered. The Steambox in fact gasp does not have a disc reader drive. That's a disadvantage there.

In a sense, the individual OSes for the consoles are emulators. And my PC is even better than your PS3. So what are you saying about emulator crap? Also, in case you didn't notice, the PS3 has a special cell CPU, which is the main issue here. Apart from that, it's not that hard to crack the first gen PS3 for the emulator.

1 decade ago

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DS4 is also designed for PS4, but it also works on PC. Is it now also a PC gamepad?

Learn to read.

Wgy shouldn't it? Ita a hybrid between PC and consoles that is also being able to replace parts. So its for every kind of gamer.

So? Neither does PC. And about it not having a Disc drive: I'd like the source of that one. Cuz i call it bullcrap.

Whats your point? In your logic windows is also a emulator, so? Alsi there are no 360 emulators that doesn't run like shit. And the first gen PS3 easy to crack? I'm talking about my PS3 slim... So yeah, what was your point of posting that?

1 decade ago

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Are you serious about bringing in a controller originally made for a console? On the other hand, the Stem controller is not only made with the Steambox in mind.

You learn to actually stop talking moot first.

How is it for every gamer? Mind telling me?

I really don't get your first point of this, but I can say that if it does have one, then it's going to have to be way bigger than what it can be without. Thus, it won't have one to save space.

Why the heck are you lumping the console OSes and PC OSes together? You don't make sense of that. Also, there's no real 360 emulator, mainly due to M$ closing the console. You mean the PS3 cannot use the same OS as the PS3 Slim? What's your point now?

1 decade ago

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Ahh, the good old "I don't know any arguments so I'm sprawling shit out" tactic. So yeah, I won't answer any of those 'questions' since I already done so, might want to read the posts I send you the last couple of day(s?).

1 decade ago

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You never specified how every gamer can actually use that machine, so your post is moot.

1 decade ago

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It is marketed everywhere, is easier to use, and the average console gamer is already familiar with the platform. There is also the myth that you have to upgrade every two years and pay more than 1000 dollars for a gaming PC.

As far as sheer power goes, even reasonably priced PCs surpass the next gen.

1 decade ago

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Easier to use? Nope. You have to check wether you can run the game, and replace the hardware n shit....

Reasonably priced PC surpass the next gen? I don't call €700- reasonable, also yes they are more powerfull in terms of raw power. But you need to spend more on a PC that can get the same graphics for the same game as a optimised PS4 then for the console itself.

A developer cant optimise a PC game just as good as on the console since almost every PC is different. While every console is the same.

1 decade ago

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Now I know you are just being a troll, and a true legend for dirty, dirty purist console peasants. Mad that the glorious PC master race is actually winning?

1 decade ago

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I'm glade that yourself mirroring is flawless. Also Retard master race is winning? You sure must have hitten your head when you was drunk.

1 decade ago

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Consoles vs PCs 101:
First up, image quality.
Second up, difference in looks quality between games.
Third up, upscaling.
Fourth up, stupid fanboys(like you).
Fifth up, resolution comparing.

Need more enlightening?

1 decade ago

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First up: You used a game made of a lazy company who used the current gen version and tried to hide their lazyness (which done really bad). Try to find and example from a TRUE next gen title. Or don't since this is my last message to you.

Nice current gen games comparison!

Its a common fact that 360 is crap, it was outdated before it was even announced. (Especially after the PS3 join up).

LOL, I come with arguments, facts AND experience of both console and PC which I like equally. So don't let me start about you, a kid who didn't even touch a console and stupid enough to believe what every fanboy tells him aslong as its praises a PC.

Good luck with getting €2000- to get a PC to run that. Not to mention the power bill. Are you sure your parents allow that?

So yeah good luck with throwing too much money for less.

1 decade ago

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You're the one clearly calling a particular race retarded, so I simply butted in. And I do have owned and used quite a few consoles.
And if not comparing something that is out to something that's not, what is there to compare about?

Ain't it? At least one of the images really features the PS4 against the PC, and one does all three side by side.

360 is crap, but it ain't as bad as the Xbox One, which is way worse.

You seem to like defending the consoles though, which is typical peasant behavior. So please do go on. It's just giving me laughs.

If you are talking about CoD: Ghosts, I can easy get the parts for up to €1500 max with being able to actually outspec the consoles. As for power bill, it's not much of a problem, since it's pretty decent saving that.

In the end, I'm saving myself money. Console games each cost way more than PC games, and you are trying to deny that. So what even if I spend more on my rig in the short while? I can actually use it for longer than your console.

1 decade ago

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Consoles are 'cheap' on purchase because they are sold at loss. The revenue is made from premium memberships, taking a cut game purchases (also the reason why console games cost more than PC) and ads on the dashboard.

It is easier to optimize a game for console, because there is going to be a set of hardware, and you don't have to take account parts from different manufacturers, drivers and all that fancy stuff.

1 decade ago

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Console games don't cost more then PC games if you lnow where to look...

And for the rest of your comment: Thx captain obvious.

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty sure the same can be said about PC games and they would still end up cheaper then console games.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I say to you to prove yourself also. I'm going to be looking at local game shops soon.

1 decade ago

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I said that consoles are easier to use.

Even with a modest PC, you will not have to worry about replacing hardware or not being able to run games for few years. You will start with being able to max most games and then start to go down from there as time goes on. Do note that the consoles start at quite low settings in the first place.

If you don't use Linux and aren't provided a Windows OS for free, you can still easily build a PC that can compete with the next generation consoles for less than those €700.

I would also like to note that PC games are cheaper and provide for the most part a free multiplayer experience. If you buy a fairly small amount of games and are lucky to get provided the exact games that you want for your subscription (PS+ f.ex), you have an argument that you'll be using less money than on a PC. This still comes with the downsides that you lose the games when your subscription runs out and they are eventually not carried over to the next generation system.

It is also worth taking into account that a PC will also provide the user with more than just a gaming machine. This isn't as needed by those who have, say, a laptop, but it is a factor.

1 decade ago

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Ah, my bad. I tought you ment PC.

I doubt you can run max settings for the most games if you only put €700 but ok.... Only consoles don't start at low setting, there is nothing low about native 1080P at 60FPS (well atleast the PS4 can do that, Xbone is just a fail).

Also I don't know how it is outside NL, but here you can get prebuild PC's cheaper by asking if they can give you a PC without Windows (which can be usefull if you alreadybhave a windows disc).

1 decade ago

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The price will not be as competitive if you buy a pre-built PC, no doubt about that. I am always assuming a self-built one. That might be a mistake by me since not every consumer is willing to put in the trouble. It is also one reason why I consider console gaming easier to pick up.

I also agree that the quality seems to be more of an issue with Xbox One. The PS4 is far more competitive with its price ratio. It is still noticeably behind to what a PC can do and will not provide a way to upgrade in order to get there.

1 decade ago

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Oh ok. Can't argue with that :P.

Yeah, but what the PC can do will cost again a lot of money to get there...

1 decade ago

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Check this out.

1 decade ago

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Yeah....1080P on PS4, good luck with that! :D

And here we can appreciate all the mighty of the PS4 in a game whose recomended settings require definitely less than 700€

1 decade ago

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Already done that, might want to get out of the rock you're living in and open your eyes. Lots of PS4 games will run at 60 FPS with 1080P.

Also your 'example' is from a lazy dev who just used the old gen version that tried to hide their lazyness. Good luck to try that with an actual next gen game.

Or don't, I'm done talking with you elitists.

1 decade ago

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Lots of PS4 games will run at 60 FPS with 1080P.

While the others...won't! Really nice, a next-gen that can't even handle current (pc)gen resolution.

It's been really fun talking with you :D

1 decade ago

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Umm.. If you build a decent, modern gaming machine, you can do so spending about 600/700 dollars (for the full PC, including its' case etc.), and use it for a good 3/4 years without having to upgrade.

The games are cheaper due to digital vs. physical distribution, incredible (amount of) sales going on all the time, and the option of trading for what you want.

In those 3/4 years, you'd most likely end up paying far far more buying a console and all the games you'd want to play, than you would building a PC - and you'd be left with less than half the games you'd own had you bought them on PC.

So, himihillo is more than right.

Anyway, your statement of "If that was true then there was no reason why the PS4 would be outdated..." makes 0 sense. Like, I don't even know how to deconstruct it to understand even a jot of what you're talking about.

1 decade ago

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If you didn't have to replace your PC parts every 3 or 4 years like you're claimimg, then it is just fucking bullcrap that the PS4 would be outdated already.

Yeah you MIGHT would be cheaper with all those ganes you bought. About €100- for every 50 games you bought. 150 games more and you finally paid of the difference (maybe)! Also PC games aren't that much cheaper (look at my other comment). Sometimes its even more expensive...

So, no he isn't.

1 decade ago

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Also PC games aren't that much cheaper

Steam summer sale would like to have a word with your console 'sales' Let's not forget humble bundle, a game for 20 something cents?

At the end of consoles life cycle, you've spent more money total than if you were to get a decent gaming machine and bought from sales. People truly can be short sighted and insist that consoles are cheaper.

I acknowledge the advantage of a console. Better portability, easier to play game, just pop a disc in and you're set. But now things aren't looking too good for them when they get more and more complicated without options to upgrade them when it is needed. I know there are bigger HDDs for them, but the prices are outrageous.

Do you know anything about technology? Tech advances at such speeds that few year old stuff is starting to get outdated by new hardware, more demanding software and build quality.

You don't have to upgrade / replace hardware every few years, they'll still be fine but don't expect them to perform at the same level as their stronger brothers. Time takes its toll even for the technology.

1 decade ago

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"Do you know anything about technology? Tech advances at such speeds that few year old stuff is starting to get outdated by new hardware, more demanding software and build quality.You don't have to upgrade / replace hardware every few years, they'll still be fine but don't expect them to perform at the same level as their stronger brothers. Time takes its toll even for the technology."

Thx for backing up my comment about that the fact about PS4 being outdated is bullcrap.

And for everything else you said, I already gave answers on the same arguments somewhere else in this topic, I don't feel like reay everything I said. So feel free to search the posts(or not, I don't really care).

1 decade ago

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Consoles use APUs and they're not good at all, outdated on release.

1 decade ago

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I don't see how the Radeon HD 7850 is outdated, especially after reading this. Unless I got the wrong understanding of APU....

1 decade ago

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You have the wrong understanding of an APU.

1 decade ago

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APU is CPU and GPU integrated into one chip. It runs so much hotter (thus people say they use their consoles as heaters during winter) and performance is lower on both sides. They can't use full sized GPUs in consoles, otherwise they would be so much bigger, fragile and lose the ease of portability.

1 decade ago

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No, there's no case of "you might be cheaper off" - if you buy a console, versus buying a PC, you will have spent a shit tonne of cash more over 3/4 years' time on that console, than on PC gaming. Period.

Next-gen will all but require a monthly subscription (if you want to do anything remotely interesting with your console) that costs a bunch every month.

And again, about the sales - I can, in a years' time, get around 20 or 30 fresh new games for my PC, for no more than perhaps between 200 - 400 bucks, depending on how many of those games are AAA, and that's not even considering bundles and ridiculous sales on game / franchise packs. On a console, that would translate to 4 - 8 games. And yet one more time, there's always some big-ass deals going on on Amazon, GMG, GOG, and Steam. You don't find 75% off sales on console games, unless they are either used copies, or games that are older than a year, and have had lower than expected sales figures - in other words, games that you'd want less, anyway.

Your logic is flawed, the facts are stacked up against you, and yet still you try to cling on, defending consoles, for some idiotic reason.

Now don't mind me, just going away to put a new GPU in my machine, get some extra performance out of my games, then maybe put a community made realistic graphics mod on GTAIV so the game looks 2x as good, adding incalculable extra value to my game for free. Maybe then, I'll go play some CSS on some custom-made game maps, or maybe I'll play some Fallout: New Vegas story mods that add a whole new game's worth of gameplay, weapons, items, characters and dialogue.

What's that? You can't do all that on your precious consoles? Aww :(

That's right, fool.

Sit down.

1 decade ago

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Great use of other people's arguments! I already responded to them. But from your behaviour I'm not even going to summarize them for you. You can scroll through the comments if you want to see them.

1 decade ago

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"If you didn't have to replace your PC parts every 3 or 4 years like you're claimimg, then it is just fucking bullcrap that the PS4 would be outdated already."

See and yet again, this makes 0 fucking sense. No one said anything about the PS4 being outdated anywhere, yet you raise the point as if responding to someone who did.. And even if someone had said that, your statement still makes as much sense as a squirrel in a tutu dancing on a polar bears' tummy. They don't even live in the same hemisphere (for starters). See where I'm going with this?

If you didn't have to replace PC parts every 3/4 years, then what is your proposed alternative situation? What are you implying by that statement? That if PC parts lasted far longer than those 3/4 years, somehow an unreleased console would not be outdated? Or do you mean that if PC parts were like components of consoles (so you'd never replace them), somehow a PS4 would be superior to <any PC>? Seriously, your entire statement makes absolutely no sense, at all, in any way I try to look at it. So please, spell out what you actually mean. Don't say "if this didn't happen" or "if this wasn't this way", explain what your proposed situation would look like.

Anyway, you don't have to replace your PC parts every 3/4 years, unless you want to keep playing all modern games on their higher / highest graphical settings, which is an unnecessary luxury. Also - just for fun - console games' graphics can usually be compared to about medium settings on their PC counterparts, meaning that if you're going to be talking about comparative performance / looks, your PC rig would last even longer using medium graphics settings - say, 5/6, perhaps even 7 years.

1 decade ago

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With electronics, you tend to get what you pay for. Consoles aren't as good as PC's, but they are cheaper in the very-short-term. This makes them a viable alternative for those who either don't have the patience to save up for a rig or don't want to deal with the additional education required to maintain one. It is precisely that last point which keeps the Apple market going--no more "running from Windows" (and who hasn't wanted to do just that, at one point or another?).

1 decade ago

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People really don't want to educate themselves about things they have to deal with pretty much on daily basis?

1 decade ago

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Does the price of the platform really matter when you can get games so much cheaper on PC?

1 decade ago

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So, you get 3 games a month for €50 each year? Sure....

Also I compared the sale's of PSN and Steam, steam isn't that much cheaper...

1 decade ago

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I was thinking about Humble Bundle. I can also get up to 20 games from Steam for €50.

1 decade ago

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Humble bundle isn't solely focused on PC, amd most of those games are either old or indie(with the exception of origin bundle).

And those games you cam buy on steam for €50- are also either old (2/3 years) or indies. Or are you telling me you can get Assissins Creed 3, Far Cry 3, Remember me and Kingdoms of Amulur with 16 other games for€50?

Also this discussion is rather pointless...

1 decade ago

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They are old and so what? I see older titles on the consoles don't drop below €20, unlike on the PC, where they drop to €5-20 without sales. I believe there's at least a €10 difference on new titles, where the PC is always the cheapest version. I also believe PC game sales are a lot more frequent and with bigger discounts.

1 decade ago

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Then the store you visit mist be shit.... For me the drop below €5- all the time, and no difference between the PC price from just released games (unless steam but thats just €5-).

1 decade ago

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No, most stores have the console versions more expensive than the PC ones, especially new releases. What are you on?

1 decade ago

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Then I'd like to know where you buy your games, since here its €5- difference on release (MAX).

1 decade ago

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Depends. I normally get them on Steam, but there's some occasions I like/need to get a boxed copy, which I would get from local stores.

1 decade ago

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Sounds like you are getting them from some really shady places to me. Or if it's a 2nd hand copy, you know that you are denying the developers money right? I feel that's not morally right.

1 decade ago

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Second hand? Nope, completely new and completely legal.

1 decade ago

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Umm, I got AC3 and FC3 free with a promo, Remember Me off SteamGifts, and Amalur (on launch) for $10. I'd say its plausible.

1 decade ago

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We're talking about sales, not "OMGOMGOMG LOOK WHAT I GOT FOR FREE". I also got free PS3 games outside PS+ or the PSN hack? But you dpn't hear me using that as argument why PC isn't that much better.

1 decade ago

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In terms of sales alone, I can trash your consoles just by saying and proving that consoles have more expensive games. Still want to argue, you dirty purist console peasant?

1 decade ago

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Well, prove it.... I can prove you wrong.

1 decade ago

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One fine example is XCOM:EU which has been in a pack on Amazon, which makes the lowest price seen when in that bundle a good $4 max. Without the bundle, it has been on a 75% sale leaving it at $9.99 USD. On the other hand, the Xbox 360 and PS3 counterparts have not even touched lower than $15 at all.

1 decade ago

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XCOM:EU is free on PS+ which chost less then €5- each month...

(Had to reply on this comment since we reached max chain).

1 decade ago

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PS+? You're seriously bringing that in?
Let's just say you only get PS+ for that game. So that's $60/yr just to keep the game and be able to play it any time you want.

On the other hand, I only have to pay one flat sum just to keep my PC copy like... forever.

1 decade ago

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implying some one would buy PS+ just fore one game....

Yeah sure, who wouldn't do that? Who would waste €50- for a service that grants free games each month, extra discount on sales and 1 hour free trail of full version games just for XCOM EU? Instead of paying the €20- base price....

Also its $50, not $60...

1 decade ago

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Still costs more than the PC one even then. All you have just done is correct the price and brought in some info which does not directly tackle my scenario head on.

1 decade ago

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Ohh, and XCOM:EU cheaper on PC then PS3? I don't think so....(well atleast the base price)

Here, have some dutch price comparsion and 100% legit sites to buy games as a dutchman:

PC prices
PS3 prices
Cheapest site for PC according to the sites above
And PS3

Also steam

1 decade ago

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I said sales alone, thus your entire frigging post is invalid.

1 decade ago

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Post still stands, if that site has a sale like 75% orr something it would still be cheaper on PS3.


1 decade ago

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I actually saved a rebuttal for your post you know. You decided to let me take it out of storage.
A PC retail box can be found cheaper than the sites you mentioned above without sales, so problem much?

1 decade ago

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Great out of storage! No prove or anything...
Also I got a site thay gives free retail copies of the PS3 version (if you don't know I'm being sarcastic).


1 decade ago

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You really want me to bring out the big guns? I can do so you know?

1 decade ago

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Then show me.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, the indie ones are the good ones. Totally love them (no sarcasm - AAA games suck most of the time).

1 decade ago

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This, between HB (et similar), and steam sales you can get tons of games for an awesome price.

1 decade ago

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1.i have seen people with 10 year old computers that still can run games from today (granted not at 60 fps with full everything)

  1. there is annoying fanboys for everything, "durr hurr pc and its elitist are ruining gaming" what about nintendo, or sony or microsoft fanboys, right they dont count because they dont make everyone else look bad.
1 decade ago

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I've never said the console fanboys are right... I hate EVERY fanboy.

1 decade ago

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Then hate yourself, because it's obvious from your comments you are a PS fanboy.

1 decade ago

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A PS fanboy with a PC that looka things from a realistic perspective and own experience... Wow I'm such a fanboy, thx for opening my eyes and widen my vieuw.

1 decade ago

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When you go around provoking people, knowing how they are going to react, then continuosly fueling the flame, using vulgar words while only mentioning PlayStation, trying desperately to prove that everybody else is wrong, yes, I believe you are a fanboy. Tell me, isn't that exactly how fanboys act and the reason why you hate them so much?

1 decade ago

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I have not updated my rig in 5 years and have yet to find a game I can't run at at least medium graphics quality.

1 decade ago

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That would be a kick ass Radeon HD 4000 series GPU, since I have the 5000 series and the list of games I can run atleast on medium is running short...

1 decade ago

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Everyone on here PC games. You replaced the PC with retard, implying that everyone who uses a pc is a retard. I wasn't even being serious in my post.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone claims to be from the "master race", everyone with brains know it wasn't against PC user but the elitists.

Way to read things wrong btw.

1 decade ago

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Dooder -> Retard Master Race
Dooder -> not everyone on this forum is a stupid PC elitist/fanboy...
What a way to provoke, go be a console fanboy somewhere else.

1 decade ago

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Did I ever said MOST people on the forum are elitists? NO! Not to mention everyone. EVERYONE.

And if you even read my posts you would see know I said exact the opposite of what you assume.

Quote: "not everyone on this forum is a stupid PC elitist/fanboy..."

Please read the discussion before jumping in will ya?

1 decade ago

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The discussion started with you saying thesse words, you sad that not everyone in this forum is a stupid Pc fanboy, insulting tartflavour.
If someone is in favour of a console/pc, it doesn't mean that the person is a fanboy.

1 decade ago

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So its not fanboy to call "PC MASTER RACE FTW" in a topic about a console because of someone favour? Ok, next time I see a topic of a game I got from PS+ I go yell "PS+ FTW" even tough it is complete off-topic...

1 decade ago

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Yes, it requires being a fanboy to say that, but you were the one that provoked by saying pc users are retarded.

1 decade ago

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Nope, I just called the Master Race retarded. If I said PC user retarded, I would call myself retarded. And that would mean that I was lying...

1 decade ago

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Let's just all agree that

**1. Consoles are empirically more expensive than PC gaming.

  1. You're retarded.
  2. See below -**


1 decade ago

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Your comment showed the "master race" in a nutshell!

Gz Retard! Can you go back to your cave now?

1 decade ago

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Nah, I'm fine here in the sunshine, enjoying watching you flounder for stinted, half-assed "arguments", if you can even call them that.

Anyway, the point of my comment was to piss you off and show that you have no sense of humour whatsoever, which is how this whole thing got started in the first place. Saying "PC MASTER RACE", 99% of the time means the person saying it is trying to make a joke. That's entirely aside from all the overwhelming logic to seeing PC gaming as superior, for a host of different reasons.

Thanks for taking the bait, though.

1 decade ago

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Yeah and welcome to my ignore list. Fucking moron.

1 decade ago

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If you havent figured it out yet, PC gamers hate console gamers because of the crappy console ports we get and dumbing down of some game genres in order for the games to "appeal to a wider audience" and to make them work on the game controllers that have fewer buttons and less precision then a mouse and a keyboard. That "wider audience" is casual gamers, most of which I believe play on a console (because if you only buy a few games, it's obvious you are going to get one of the cheaper consoles). We also hate it when the PC version is delayed and released after the console versions, that is, if there even is a PC version, because there have been games that release only on multiple consoles.

1 decade ago

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Now I'm pretty sure this might go over your heads, but someone needs to tell you guys the truth. The truth is... you're all the same. PC gamers, console gamers, board gamers, mobile gamers, etc. These artificial divisions you created are nothing more than just that... artificial divisions. Just like Black, white, etc. There is only ONE race. HUMAN. There is only ONE kind of gamer. GAMERS. I'm done.

1 decade ago

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Thx captain obvious, you completely missed the point why I said that.

1 decade ago

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No I didn't miss the point. You called out a "PC gaming elitist" on their obnoxious behavior, which is a stupid thing to do in the first place. This is the internet. You should have known that this person wouldn't just take it lying down, thus causing an internet argument. All that leads to is popcorn entertainment for the masses. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong in an internet argument. Everyone just throws facts and opinions at each other with insults added in from time to time and everyone involved just comes off as children. That is why I said why I said. If it was so obvious, then this argument wouldn't have happened in the first place. Stop arguing and insulting each other over differences in facts and opinions and just enjoy the platforms for what they are.

1 decade ago

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"just enjoy the platforms for what they are."
This is the internet, things don't work like that. Also I'm enjoyig the platforms i have (PC and PS3).

And I only tried to show people PC isn't that glorious, well I gues its time to end this...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes, my brother. We are constantly winning.

1 decade ago

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I'm glad that I wont buy a Xbone. I'll keep it on my PS3, PC and soon the PS4.

1 decade ago

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Sticking with my xbox 360 and a pc :/

Maybe PS4 or xBone, when they get dirt cheap.

1 decade ago

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thats hilarious. Except that we'll be getting 720p ports from xbone for pc -_-

1 decade ago

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We have been able to change the resolution in games from console ports this all generation lol

1 decade ago

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yeah but then you get things like dark souls where you "change the res" and the textures still look awful

1 decade ago

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Really really odd for that to happen, thats one of the only games like that and its because the company had no clue what it was doing.

1 decade ago

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So happy that they're putting a lot more effort into the PC release this time around.

1 decade ago

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Don't forget the 720p cutscenes.

1 decade ago

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Yup, I am interested in the next-gen consoles. Already got my Wii U.

1 decade ago

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I feel like--between my PC and my Wii U--there are very few releases that I'm going to really miss out on. The really popular Xbox exclusives often end up on PC eventually, and as for Playstation exclusives? I'm sure I'm missing some stuff, but not nearly as much as I would without a Nintendo console.

1 decade ago

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I would only miss the Skate series...nothing more...i played trough red dead redemption one time, thats enough...but skate...skate i would really miss, playing it min one time per week...

1 decade ago

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I gave in and bought a 360 mostly for Red Dead Redemption, and because my friends had them, wish I'd gone PS3 instead as want The Last of Us now.

1 decade ago

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Big deal, i like all platforms regardless

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Those shoes are fancy as fuck.

1 decade ago

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Nice shoes Noddy.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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One console to rule them all... (spoiler: It's PS4)

1 decade ago

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i bet on steam box though

1 decade ago

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Thats not really a console though....

1 decade ago

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define "console"

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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10/10, would laugh again.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I would define it as a computer that you can play on a TV and directly play on it with a controller from a distance.

INB4 thats exactly what steambox can do! True, but it also can be used as PC. So its more of a hybrid then just a console.

1 decade ago

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Steam box is nothing more than a computer with linux on it!

1 decade ago

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That can be used as console and PC...

1 decade ago

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You can even call your pc a console then but that would probably insult it :)

1 decade ago

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If you mean with "it" the Consoles, then yes. That would be a big insult to them.

But yes, a PC can serve as console, but who would drag his desktop to the living room to play videogames for a far when he want to and then drag the desktop back to his desk? Also PC aren't solely made for entertainment, consoles and steambox are.

1 decade ago

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Steam box is probably just a pc in a tiny mini-itx case besides you dont have to drag your desktop pc to tv in fact if I recall correctly then you can just buy a video transmitter/receiver and hook it up to your tv and pc. Or if you want a cheap steam box you can just build a pc to your liking and they probably will release a exact linux modification that they are using as a freeware.

1 decade ago

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Probably just a PC, yes maybe. Yet its presentated by Valve as a livingroom console/PC.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone's PC is the size of a mini fridge, I built my cousin a pc that's a little smaller then a shoe box and it plays most games maxed.

1 decade ago

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Any pics of that? I'd like to see it.

1 decade ago

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which pretty much describes earlier firmware ps3's and hacked original xboxes hell the few ps2's with the hard drive and linux distro's, hardware on consoles varies tremendously its about the company that makes the machine more than anything

1 decade ago

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True, very true.

1 decade ago

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Pretty much like "next-gen" consoles...

1 decade ago

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Any console is nothing more than a custom-designed computer with a custom OS and input interface. Heck, some Dreamcast games even ran on Windows CE. There were also Linux distros than ran on PS2 & PS3 (before Sony blocked it with a firmware update)

A console is basically a castrated PC, so by installing SteamOS you can effectively turn your PC into a console.

1 decade ago

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Who the shit is CBOAT and why should I care, when he can't even spell.

1 decade ago

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He does that to avoid google search and stuff like that, iirc

1 decade ago

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That wont work if he;s talking shit that gets mediocre-even attention

1 decade ago

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Bet no ones getting an Xboner over this.

1 decade ago

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Get a Retron 5.

1 decade ago

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More fumbles from the company that decided at first that it'd be a good idea to sell a region-limited, online-only, kinect-mandatory device and focus their marketing during the announcement on its non-videogame capabilities. And to butcher its OS lines into MS-cloud dependent, tablet-oriented, feature-nerfed catastrophes.

Microsoft is not a smart company. Microsoft has never been a particularly smart company. You can at least point to Apple and say that when Jobs was around and they ripped off the ideas of others that they improved and polished on those ideas and made concepts like digital music and touchscreen devices mainstream. Whereas what is Microsoft doing at the moment? Because to me it looks like they're operating on a "me too, me too!" mentality, instead of taking their own initiative or bothering to do any actual market research. Hence bungled tablet and cloud-storage features in Win8, hence Sportsbox One.

Nintendo can't build momentum for the WiiU. The Ouya is designed for a virtually non-existent market. Microsoft keeps shooting itself in the foot. Sony is playing it safe with more of the same. Is it any wonder that Valve has decided that now is their chance to break into the console market?

1 decade ago

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Ouya was disappointing, I feel the WiiU even though I am not to interested still is a console, to me the 360 and PS3(and xobone/PS4) are just shitty closed off consoles. At least with Nintendo you are getting something different from the PC/SONY/MS spectrum of games. I remember when systems like Genesis/SNES/N64/PS1/PS2/Gamecube/etc...felt like a different thing, now consoles feel like bad PC's.

1 decade ago

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PS4 all the way sorry

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Things haven't been looking good for xbox one since Microsoft's initial press conference about it. I'm a PC gamer and currently do not see any reason to get a console this generation, but if I did, I'd get a PS4.

1 decade ago

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Enough with the console wars! Can't we all just accept that PC is supreme?!

1 decade ago

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PC master race!

1 decade ago

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Retard master race*

FFS people how many times do I have to correct you?!?!

1 decade ago

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Thank you so much for correcting us instead of leaving idiots to be idiots and jokers to be jokers. I don't know what would happen if you didn't say something. Your efforts were sorely needed and I for one am truly grateful. I also applaud your implementation of ad hominem. I can't see how anyone could not agree with you.

1 decade ago

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You're welcome, peasant.

1 decade ago

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Yeah PC FTW!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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More clicky

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Oh! So you wanna bring out the big guns uh?
Super Clicky!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LoudHawk.