Rambo vs Crocodile Dundee
Dundee. Definetly dundee.
This is a scientific fact- you can analyse the data and reach the same conclusions.
Rambo is badass. No doubt about it. Hes also motivated, skilled and experienced...
...as a multi-skilled soldier/killing machine. Soldier- someone who trained and practice for life in a a range of skills- guns, parachuting, tactics and for some reason bow as a bonus.He even diversifies- someone who divesifies can't be the best in every single skill. He gets close but he isn't legolas for example.
On top of that you have to put Rambos major and ultimate skill on top of every badass thing you saw him do: his SURVIVAL N REVENGE BADASS BOOST.
Rambo can beat anyone we know on a slow sunday morning alright. But the extent and badass level of things and kills he gets are propotional- to his motives, anger and survival needs. It also builds up. He would probably kill a chopper pilot with an arrow in a sunday morning but not blow the choppa.
Now... Dundee.
This dude didn't just learned and got experienced with his skills. He grew doing his shit. He grew alongside wide life and leaning survival and hunting and taming skills. We're not talking about jus any ocker australian who casually manhandles crocodiles- the guy is as wild and native animal as any he dealt with. Hes a predator- with charisma on top.
Now thats also important: theres one big difference between Rambo's and Dundees performance. Rambo is extra badass when duty, need and emotions call. Dundee is badass drinking, just waltzing, hes a walking bag of badass and suave with ill fashion choices.
Of notice- he is badass in a city. Outside his element.
Rambo would beat Dundee in most skills. Gunfights, driving, you name it. Perhaps a fistfight dundee could win IF he got the drop on Rambo neck-grapling from behind, the particular move of a crocodile hunter's expertise that not even the nastiest crocodile can escape. If Dundee couldn't get that drop then Rambo would beat him.
But there are 2 skills that Rambo is a bit behind from Dundee: stealth in the wild and Knifing.
We see Rambo's stealth in detail and hes good at it (not just in savage areas) but hes good at improvising it (from need- he would rather face you face to face- he does it being smart for maximum output) - but he gets the drop of meager humans who aren't good at spotting badassery hiding in bushes. Dundee is certainly good at stealth, if better then Rambo unclear, but definetly better then him at spotting and tracking. The guy does it better with 2 eyes closed just from smelling the wind and licking a leaf.
Now stealth is also a factor in our analysis- because both would probably use it if context have given then the chance. Dundee would probably get the drop on Rambo if he didn't insisted in always using that hat, so Rambo would notice him. Dundee would definetly see Rambo at his best in stealth a mile away. Probably from his smell alone, that much testosterone always dirty on the screen certainly have a scent.
So no one gets the drop on anyone. Its then a face to face knife duel.
I can say Dundee is more skilled at knifing but even if you doubt it you gotta admit that they're at least equals.
Now theres a thing about equal skilled/mastery confontation: Its decided not by what they know the most- but from what they don't know or expect and any little extra- even the dumb ones. After all for every good move from one the other knows a counter and they're at least equal on those.
Where they differ? Familiarity and extent. Even Rambos creativity/improvisation doesn't help him on this one because the most knife creative you get is throwing it when not expected but Dundee throw knifes for sport. If Dundee throwed a knife Rambo would grap it mid air or ignore te damage and being tactically smart would simply go ahead gut Dundee. Dundee isn't smart but he wouldn't ever ditch his knife in a knife fight. Its a manly duel, its different for him.
So it bogs down to the said extras and differences- when we look at any skill closely it have layers. Sub-skills. Every single one.
Broadly talking about knife skills Rambo is good in the fighting ones. From defending to stabbing, throwing, gutting... but fighting is only a small range in the broad world of knife skills. For every 1 knife skill mastery Rambo has Dundee mastered that but also another 2 or 3 on top: from carving (different materials, each a sub-skill on its own) to skinning to sun-reflecting aiming(distraction tool) to even bar tricks. Each one of these, except perhaps for knife-compassing, involves a lot of fine hand coordination that Dundee is mastering and doing without thinking from even before he saw his first panties. So we have bigger extent and bigger familiarity... For every tied attack between then Dundee have the higher odds of turning then 180 in ways Ramboo simply never saw. Lets remember Rambo kills by the pound regular fighters, not masters. Lets also remember Dundee isn't just a master- being the best crocodile hunter and overall wild life hero isn't just about skill. Theres talent involved but most of all a strong animal instinct yourself. From the inside.
We can argue Rambo have a good animal instinct too- heck everyone have as we're deep down animals. We're talking strenght here. Rambos instincts are definetly sharp and strong. A lot. BUT
1) they're more guided by his smarts - not that this matter and
2) Dundees specialty is beating oponents with the strongest animal instincts. Animals themselves. So hes used to that while Rambo is used to beating humans with coward instincts. Chickens at best. Chickens.
Chickens... Crocodiles... its all too obvious.
Rambo COULD beat Dundee in a knife fight. Perhaps. But that depends on a very specific context: if Dundee have wronged him too badly, someone he loves or America; Or if Dundee was the last obstacle threatening his life after hours or days of intense killing and survival. Revenge, survival, build-up- with those stocked on Rambos side NO FUCKING ONE IN THE KNOW UNIVERSE WOULD WIN. No matter what.
But that big if context wouldn't ever happen...
...Because Dundee is simply one of the nicest guys there is. He wouldn't wrong Rambo, someone he loves or America. He wouldn't ever be sided with a enemy army- heck Dundee hunts by himself.
Truth is an actual knife duel between the two would only belieavable happen as a amicable sparring or as some kind of bar competition; In both cases Dundee would vastly outmatch Rambo, both would laught of it and drink.
Plus: The Knifes
A military knife have some perks to it but none of the extra stuff makes a difference in an actual knife battle. Much less against motherfucking Dundee. If we were talking swords then blades would clash enought for the serrated side to perhaps be used in advantage albeit unlikely. But knife fights aren't about clashing blades and those don't even happen by aciddent/need as with swords parries.
And a bowie fucking knife is bigger and more tested and proven by time.
So bowie wins. Bowie always wins.
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462 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by lav29
So I was watching both movies again on tv recently and I got to wondering. Who's knife would fare better in a fight? Rambo's or Crocodile Dundee's?
You can also debate who would win in a general fight between the two as well. :P
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