Lost something and it was NOT stolen.
A few years back I was traveling in Vietnam, and I was taking a night bus to another city. I was really tired, and ready to sleep the whole way there. I gave the attendants my backpack to load under the bus, then climbed on and found my seat. Right as we were getting ready to leave, I realized I was on the wrong bus and I rushed off and found the right one before it left. I When I woke up the next morning I had the terrible realization that I had changed buses but my pack had not.
Sure enough, when they unloaded the luggage mine was not to be found. I was borderline panicking, sure that I'd be stuck in another country with nothing but the clothes on my back and my passport (at least I still had that on me). My laptop & phone with all my photos,and journals and contact info, my gear, clothes, souvenirs & gifts were all lost forever. I had no way to call the bus company (they dropped us off on a main street, not a terminal) but I did have a reservation at a hostel. With nothing else to do, I made my way there.
It was still early in the morning and the reception area was still closed, so I passed out on one of their sofas for a while. When the reception girl got there, I explained what had happened and she spent quite a while calling the bus companies to see if they had my bag. She was incredibly nice and helpful despite my incompetence. I had lost my ticket, didn't remember the name of the bus company or even the color of the bus... I could have sworn it was red (found out later it was orange). She had no success in finding my bag with the companies, and by that point I had pretty much accepted that all my stuff was gone, and that I would have to replace everything.
The receptionist was nice enough to let me check in without any cash on me, and I stayed there for the rest of the day. Later that evening, she told me they'd located my bag and were sending it back on another bus. The next morning I went back to the stop, and I felt an immense amount of happiness and relief when they finally pulled my bag out of the cargo bay. I always made sure to keep better track of it from that point, but I also stopped worrying about it as much having the realization that it's all just stuff that can be replaced. I did start backing up my photos on the cloud though. I never did thank that receptionist enough for her kindness, I really should have bought her a gift or something.
Anyhow that's my story, I'm glad your mom found her phone. Losing stuff can really be a bummer.
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Just the other day, we took my SO's mother out for dinner on Mother's Day. She'd been up to the salad bar there, and after a little time at the table she started freaking out thinking that she lost her wallet. Cue the whole family running around scouring the restaurant for her wallet. Peeking in the lettuce, scanning every counter, examining every corner, asking every server. No one found a thing. We all settle back in and tell her maybe somebody will turn it in, or one of the staff will find it and get back to her. We're trying to plan out how to deal with the whole situation, when suddenly... she realizes she never lost the wallet. It was on her person the entire time. We all had a little laugh and a collective sigh of relief, and went back to the meal.
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Years ago I was frantically trying to find my keycard for work (I had an hour and a half commute each way). I looked everywhere... then an online friend in a different state suggested I look in the fridge. I laughed, but he said "just do it." So to humor him, I did. And there, much to my shock and surprise, was my keycard -- stuck to the bottom of the milk! To this day, neither of us know how he knew that (or how it got there in the first place), but I'm sure glad he did!
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I was picking up a new suit after work one night, and when I got home, I was missing one glove from my jacket pocket. I really liked these gloves, so I called the store to have them check for it, but it wasn't there. I was also taking a week off from work, and it snowed a few inches that night too. When I got back to work the next week, the snow had been melted for a few days, and there was my glove, sitting on the grass in front of the building. Thankfully, no one had picked it up during my week's absence. The snow probably helped a little by covering it, but only for a couple of days.
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I left my phone at a diner once. I called it, trying to find it and another person picked it up. They were nice enough to wait for me to come and pick it up. Nice people are wonderful.
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I was taking in the laundry when I realised I lost a sock... common occurrence I know. What's surprising is that I actually found that sock a week later the next time I took in the laundry. It somehow flew into the clothespin basket. That was nice.
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I lost my phone once. I was really scared that I dropped it in the city, but then I found it in a weird corner of my car. I was very happy about that, because obviously smartphones now are really really expensive, but also because so far in my life I lost a luxury watch (gift from my dead grandma) and my wallet (as a kid) and neither of them ever returned. The worst part is that I left the watch at the gym in our school and it never showed up at the lost & found place. So I was really happy to finally have a good experience myself. :D
Thanks for all of your giveaways! The 200/200 is pretty cool, I would be hesitant to enter/make giveaways for a while. :D
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Well ... unless I win something in the next day I will be at 200/200 until this set ends tomorrow night. That is long enough. :)
My Dad lost his phone. They called me and I could tell from "find my friends" that it was in their house. They called it and could not hear it. Turns out it was in the car under the seat.
Not a luxury watch but a nice one that I wore to work years ago. It somehow came off and fell on the ground in my garage. Where I must have drove over it several times over the next few days as I was wondering where it was. :(
wait.... only happy stories.... Umm.... watch related....... I still have the very nice dress watch from my Grandpa. No lost and found related stories on that one but Its safe and sound in a drawer.
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Long time ago: My parents lost me ,when i was 6, in an airport in a foreign country. It was at baggage claim and my father let go of my hand and told me to stand still for a moment. He went and got the luggage, but then grabbed the hand of my older brother by mistake and moved on. My mother had my younger brother. A man found me all alone and called someone from security. They found my family very quick and my father had to come back to get me. It was the worst walk of shame of his life. I got lots of sweets later :)
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What is lost can be found including a soul. ^^
Thank you for the rides, Cals7 and it's nice to have such a good day, now and then.
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Almost 6-7 years ago, I lost my phone on a shuttle bus, since it slid out of my pocket when I was sitting. Luckily, where I stopped was quite close to where the bus looped around, so I only had to wait for a few minutes for the shuttle bus to arrive to find my phone intact.
Other than that, I think I had quite a few cases of lost and found, but the cases of lost and not found leaves a deeper scar in me, so I can't recall any of the good story now.
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25 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by tariko
189? My records must be wrong. SG says 200/200
lol. I went to went to get my normal title from my template and see 189 as next. But ...
Short Train.
I see I am at 200/200
A ratio of exactly 1 will just not do.
Level 4. Basic Rules. These are all HB Gift links and all come from the "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016"
Yep 2016.
Created as a test in ESGST. one at a time.
You can enter the little train Here.
Moving on... So how does this import work. Warning Trash Ahead..
OK. Had to do that twice. I forgot to change the rules. This short train just needs you to be Level 2.
Enter Here.
Hmm.. Lost my editing tools. Had to remember how to make a link manually.... Will have to check into that later.
Moving on.... Another import. Warning Still More Trash Ahead..
This is for my small White list & the group "Another Bundle Group 3.1"
If I don't get 5 for these. Well... so be it.
Note that They don't actually need a link since they might see it anyhow. But they can Start Here anyhow.
Oh. Ya...... The main reason for this.
My mom was shopping and joined me for supper tonight after work. The food was good. But afterwards she went to check something on her iPhone and realized she had forgot it at the last store she was at. She rushed back while I went to pay for supper and ............ Her phone was still there. Woohoo. A good day.
Tell me your good stories of lost and recovered items.
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