Make a private giveaway, set the rules on "if you didn't play for x hour last y days, I'll have it rerolled". Other than that oyu can't do much and the site really has other update priorities than that.
That said, I haven't played a lot of the games I've won here, for the simple fact that I didn't have the time for it because of all the exams and house choirs. I do intend to, when I manage it.
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If you're prepared to give a game to some random person you've never met and probably never will meet, you shouldn't care what happens after it leaves your ownership.
Trying to police game time on gifts won is taking this too far. There could be thousands of reasons why someone doesn't play a game after they win.
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Exactly. For example, I usually play games in the order I receive them (with some exceptions, of course). There's stuff from december's sale I haven't play yet, becsuse I always try to beat my games before uninstalling them
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Sure, go ahead if you want contributors like me to go bye bye! Be an excellent way to shrink the giveaways overnight.
You have no right to tell people when to play a game they've won.
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Yeah I agree. I for example, won mirrors edge a while back, but on account of my busyness with my final school exams wont have time to play it for a few months yet. There are countless (actually infinite) other reasons why people may not have time to play a game they have won even within the first 6 months, and it would really suck if they then couldn't enter on steamgifts.
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Its a give and take no pun intended..
Some also rely on "feedback" so they can enter contrib'd drawings which they have earned.
If this process could be fixed somehow w/o the player needing to play it that there really wouldnt be a prob.
So maybe its more about how can an automated system track that the user obtained/recv'd game and voila?
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Thats just it, system relies on "played" rather than "recv'd"
I would think this process (tracking) would be easier for system to generate via confirmed winner = game recieved..
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When Steamgifts auto-syncs once a week you it has the ability to check your game playtime on any of your games, not just those you've won. Or at least, I think so. So it's very possible for it to see that you've won, say, Dwarfs and then to put a mark on your profile indicating that you have won a game and never bothered to load it up within the 30 day grace period.
Personally I don't think "People should be expected to install the game and load it at least once if they're prepared to enter a raffle for it" is very unreasonable. Every time I look at a new game that's on the front page I actually go to the Steam store and see whether my computer can run it and if I would play it.
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I fail to see your point, Whispers. Just because you look up to see if your computer can run a game doesn't mean you're going to load the game up as soon as it's attached to your account permanently. Hell, I PAID for Alan Wake and I'm probably not going to play it until December because the semester starts in a couple of weeks and I have other games I've given a higher priority to, like finally beating Fallout: New Vegas or Jade Empire.
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I won SEGA collection recently and some few other games. I also bought few during sale. You seriously expect me to spend like 40-50 hours just to get all of them to 1 hour playtime? I really prefer to start one game and finish it before beginning next one.
To your idea: there should be something that at least checks if gift is activated. Time condition: yes but way more than month (half year or so), because some people work, some people travel (I had a little one week trip in July) and some have life...
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Well, I have games in my library i havent played yet for a number of reasons. I also have games i played like 3 minutes, then figured out it wasnt what i expected. Now the ones foolish enough to post on the forum, saying they dont like the game they won - they deserve to get the game removed (yeh not possible i know).
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ive got a problem straight of the mark. ok i have a download allowance each month, if i go over the amounts then we get charged insane amounts so i can only download 2,3 games a month. so my problem would be that i cant download the game until the next month starts and then im getting bad ratings when i actually want to play the game. its still a good idea but its not fare for people who have a genuine excuse.
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What does it MATTER? You give away a game, you've done your part. The winner can do whatever he likes with it.
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M'kay. Never won anything so didn't know. And I don't remember the rules. But if he plays it, he plays it. It still doesn't really matter :D
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While I agree that there are people who enter lots of giveaways, even if they are not really interested in that specific game, I don't think you as a contributor should tell someone when and how much to play it. I won games I didn't play yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in them. I like to give proper playin' time to a game and enjoy it, being busy, it's harder. I also have games I bought and didn't play yet, obviously that doesn't mean I'm not interested. As a contributor, when you give away a game you always have the chance to give the game to a "collector". You either don't give away a game or just don't care.
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I don't think it's fair. For instance, my only win has been Warlock and I'm not planning to play it in a while just because I'm kinda busy atm and still have stock from last steam sales, but it's a game I definitely want to play when I've got the time. If your idea was put on practice I'd be blacklisted just because I'm busy, seems unfair.
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Terrible idea. If i win something then it's mine. I get to decide when or even if i'm going to play it.
If games go to waste because someone actually doesn't play a game he won, ever. Then so be it. Curse your own luck for not winning that game.
People have backlogs, real life and personal preference.. i bought 100 games in the Summer sale and i won't even touch half of them this year.. no one should be able to force me to play certain things just because i won them at a certain point in time.
Luckily everyone with power here understands that. I really don't see how anyone could think that it is a good idea..
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I haven't read all comments. Apart from the obvious objections, e.g. that not everyone has the time to play their won game right away, you've neglected to account for the fact that anyone could just start the game up, go off to school/work/sleep and as far as Steam knows, they've just logged 8 hours of play-time.
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14 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by pb1
65 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by yush88
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17 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gilgamash
3,685 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by FluffyKittenChan
A big problem seems to be that people will enter anything and everything regardless of whether or not they actually intend on playing it. I've seen a few more "I won a game I didn't want" comments around than should exist, people really shouldn't be entering to win games just to fill up their library.
Could there possibly be a way add to people's profiles whether they played an hour (or even a minute) of a game minimum within a month of actually winning it, or just that they bothered to launch it at all? That way people could create contests that exclude people who have a mark on their profile indicating they've won a game and had 0 hours playtime of it within 30 days of winning it, ensuring that the only people who enter their contest will be people who genuinely want to play the game.
Edit: Collections filled with multiple games excluded, of course.
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