I'm not sure which one you mean. Searched youtube and found a cello theme. Is that the one you meant?
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Nice puzzle.
Q4 is hard. You are cruel.
Q5 sound familiar, but I can't remember.
Never heard the music from Q7.
Some tracks for you.
Quiet versions of Chrono Trigger songs
The Brick of Time, Chrono Trigger jazz album
M.U.S.H.A. - Full Metal Fighter
Elemental Master - Stage 1
Ecco the Dolphin
Killer Instinct - Tooth & Claw
Samurai Shodown - Wanfu theme
Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience - Abreu Project Version
Diablo Tristram Village
Abreu Project has some awesome game music versions.
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We don't say Happy Birthday early where I come from so I'll wait till the day to say it. I solved some of the questions but not all, they do sound familiar so I'll get there eventually in the mean time a couple of the games I played recently had awesome soundtracks so I thought I'd share. Check out Hollow Knight and Masquerada
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Thanks for the suggestions, Hollow Knight has some good tracks.
Hope you can solve the quiz with the hints!
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hints? O.o
Do I have to have an account to get those?
The only one I didn't guess so far is no7 ):
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Hints automatically reveal on these "it's too hard" quizzes. There will be a little countdown timer on the right side of the screen. I set it to 24 hours, so check back tomorrow for the hints which should make it pretty easy!
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It might be useful to know that I am in fact the mighty pirate.
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I have no idea about 2 and 5, and 4 sounds really familiar. I got all the others.
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updated the main post here with all the hints, so you don't need to wait.
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I have to say, I don't know if I would've rolled over the answer to 4 if it weren't for the hint. Same goes for 2, and I hadn't even heard of 5 before.
Happy Birthday, and thanks for the giveaways!
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Only knew three of them. Loved number five. I still sing that to this day.
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Happy Birthday ! 🎂🎂
I only started now and I'm stuck at q5.
Could some plz display the hint (because I need to wait 24h and the puzzle finishes in 9h :P) .
Less than 24 hours left now, which means if you haven't tried the quiz yet, the hints won't reveal in time to help you (24-hour countdown for hints). If anyone needs a hint for a question, reply and maybe I'll give an extra hint. Cheers!
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3, 5, and 7 stump me. I'm too late to get any hints, either. That said, even with hints the only one I think I'd get is 5. I recognize the music, just can't place it.
Edit: I read your hint about 7 and google led me to the answer instantly. Never played it, but seems entertaining.
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Good work on Q7, and yes it's old but still worth playing.
updated the main post here with all the hints!
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wowie, your hints are super generous. I'm very surprised that I didn't recognize 3 considering that I own the game lol. I also think I mixed up my memories for music for 5...I don't think I've ever heard the game it's from, but it somehow clicked with the bust a move 99 soundtrack for me.
So anyways, completed the puzzle. Didn't enter anything because I'm trying to cut back on the amount of games that I have that I'll never get a chance to play, enjoyable puzzle nonetheless.
Side note: I really meet the requirements to see the lvl 6 giveaway? wut? My giveaways on this site have almost entirely been bundle dumps that I couldn't trade away.
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Yeah, I only set the entry ratio to 0.5, and you exceed that :-)
Your real CV sent is $67, while your won is $73. Not bad balance, keep it up!
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Giveaway time!
I'm almost level 9, so these giveaways should push me over.
All the giveaways end on my birthday, March 15th.
I want your input to add to my music playlist!
I've put together a playlist of my favourite video game music, currently 66 songs (now 75 songs, thanks to you guys!). Generally I've added music from games I've played and enjoyed, with just a few exceptions. I've made a pretty easy quiz with just 7 music questions. If you are able to identify what games the famous music is from, then you'll reach all the giveaways (31 in total, most bundled, some unbundled) and the link to my full playlist. Don't worry! If you can't answer the questions, some hints will appear a day later, and if you still can't answer the questions, I may add some easier hints in the thread next week. Once the giveaways are over, I will add the full playlist here in case anyone else wants to add their recommendations.
Q5 is very loud, sorry about that! Please lower your volume before listening ;-)
31 giveaways at the end of the puzzle, for level 2+. level 4+ and level 6+
Plus 1 extra whitelist giveaway.
397 players, and 129 solvers. Not bad!
Less than 24 hours left now, which means if you haven't tried the quiz yet, the hints won't reveal in time to help you (24-hour countdown for hints). If anyone needs a hint for a question, reply and maybe I'll give an extra hint. Cheers!
update 2
Ok in hindsight, perhaps setting the 24 hour hint thing was too long. Here's the hints for those late comers trying to solve now:
Q1. Come on... everyone knows this one! It's a classic from the SNES days. It's Super.
Q2. She died. We cried. Maybe we'll do so again when the remake is Finally released.
Q3. A bit of the old ultra violence. In Miami.
Q4. This is how I roll! Ok so not everyone knows this one, which is a shame. It's one of the best games from the PS2. Very unique and fun gameplay. Bright and colourful and crazy Japanese game (though released in English too).Still don't know it? Ask the King of All Cosmos.
Q5. Classic old arcade game, great for co-op. Bubbly.
Q6. The cake is a lie. Maybe.
Q7. A tale of a mighty pirate, known for his charm and good looks. Legend has it he still roams the Island today, searching for the finest rum. (the rum part of the hint has nothing to do with the game, but rather the person with the same name as the game's protagonist who has a slight rum addiction.
update 3
Giveaways over, thanks for taking part. If you'd like to listen to the youtube playlist anytime, feel free to make more suggestions so I can expand the playlist! Cheers!
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