also enjoyed quite some hours killing zombies in killing floor with my gf :D
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My partner plays the same games as I do. It's not like my hands have a choice, really.
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This. Not like my right hand can complain. I am getting her a new mouse soon, so she'll probably be happy.
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Wish my fiancée was any interested in games at all. All she would be willing to play on a good day would be The Sims. She did watch me play FFXIII two years ago though and she seemed interested, but that was about it. When I play TF2 she just looks confused and bothered. :/
Though now that I'm finally moving in with her I might entice her to playing some inoffensive coop with me, and gradually kick things up a notch as we go. devious smile
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try a casuel game in the ps3 it will be more to her likes and you can play as 2 players in a multiplayer, and as you play in the multi, she can even try the single and go on to other casuels until she will like video games and try a game of your likes
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My girl and I are both gamers. I'm much more into skill-based games, and she's more inclined toward games that are easy to play (do not read as Casual), but we overlap in a lot of areas. Playing together is a huge boon to our relationship.
But we'll happily sit and watch each other play games as well. For example, I've played games such as Dead Space and Metroid Prime, and then she'll play Metroid Prime 2 or Monster Hunter. There's really so many things we've enjoyed together, I can't possibly point them all out, but basically we can easily enjoy playing together or entirely separate games at the same time.
I'll try and highlight some we have actually played together: L4D, AvP, Borderlands, Portal 2, Killing Floor, Minecraft, FFXI, SWtOR, Monster Hunter Unite, Beat Hazard, Shatter, Hoard, Terraria, Magic: The Gathering ... umm.. we played the Diablo III beta together and that was awesome.
And yes, I agree playing video games together makes you good in bed. x3
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Inclined, as in, gravitates toward more easily. Not as in, solely plays games that are easy.
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Yeah, I would say so. . .
Beginner is too easy, but it takes quite awhile to even be good enough to win on Normal most of the time. Really fun, but incredibly hard if you ask me. I'm sure there are people who will say this isn't true and I just suck, but that's just my opinion xD
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Well, "right now" implies that this won't be a permanent state ;) Best of luck to you two.
She was a fan of horror movies and books so I also got her Left 4 Dead 2 later down the road and we played some coop in that game. Protecting her as the more experienced FPS-player ;)
If your girl is into horror or just FPS in general, this would definitely be a recommendation :>
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i'm more a gamer than her. but we play toghether games like super meat boy, ilomilo (xbox360), and so on on this types. where basically it's a lot of fun (and screaming too) :D she loves sims but i dont, so i got her sims 3 so she can play it when i'm not at home if she is bored ;D she got me forza motorsport 4 and mortal kombat... so i'm lucky :)
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My girlfriend and I are (more or less) hardcore gamers. She racks up more time in League of Legends per week than I'd ever care to, and we've both been playing Tribes Ascend as of late. Usually together, but the stupid shitty matchmaking service makes it a total gamble as to whether or not we'll get to be on the same team. If we aren't, well, she's told me multiple times she's had sights on me and just sort of walked away, and I've actively fled to avoid shooting her in the face. LOVE KNOWS NO BULLETS
We co-op through games if it's at all possible, and we've played lots of games online together, mostly MMOs and tower defense sort of games. We also roleplay together through games, if that counts. Failing that, we do a fair bit of gaming separately. She's more into strategy games and jRPGs, while I'm an avid shooter fan, along with retro games and any game with RPG elements that involve heavy statistics/numbers/level ups/etc. Math fetish? You be the judge. We still play pretty much every genre of game there is under the sun, save maybe racing games and puzzlers. (I do play Lucid to burn ten minute chunks of time, though.)
tl;dr sharing a hobby like that is a fantastic thing, seeing as you have a billion different options and teamwork makes you better in bed. [citation needed]
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Probably not, actually. x: Not unless I had no idea it was her, anyway. That and she'd probably kill me before I killed her, even if I got the drop on her.
Unless I had a spinfusor. They are her mortal enemy.
Anyway, as far as Mario Party goes, consider it a vigorous training exercise!
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My partner and I play quite a lot. I prefer RPGs, Point&Click Adeventures and some Simulations. He prefers Shooters, Racing Games, (partly) RPGs.. so we don't really like the same games, there are only very few we are actually playing together. We played Wow some time ago together (for ~2 years). Atm we're only enjoying Trine 2 together. Maybe I'm gonna buy him Portal 2, as we both enjoyed Portal. As you can see: If we're playing our video games we'd do it mostly on our own or with other friends. If we wanna play something together we play card or board games :p
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My partner's not nearly as much of a gamer as I am. She owns a NDS (because I bought it for her, haha) and enjoys playing Clubhouse Games on it. She's more into browser games, like Pogo, etc. I'm more into shooters, puzzle games, some strategy, the fun stuff, y'know. ;-)
I keep trying to get her to play CoD or something with me, but she's content with just watching me play, and she tends to participate by calling things out and helping me spot stuff I might have missed. <3
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Noticed this comment just now. I assume you know some bahasa or did you google everyone's name? And just now did I noticed I replied to Toast, which is a bread too.
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Previous girlfriends havent minded playing some old school playstation with me, then I got two of them into online flash games that they enjoyed a lot and still play today I think? Ummm last girl I was with didn't care what I was doing, even went as far as saying she would suck me off while I game (was pretty win/win :D). Current interest plays co-op boarderlands with me a few hours every night when she doesn't have homework, also a bit of terraria and killing floor, and she'll get back into tf2/l4d once she gets a better pc
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Well my significant other got me the GW2 preorder for my birthday. I'll do the same for her once she gets a decent PC to play it on :D
We used to play a lot of Allods back in the day. Thats kind of how she got an interest for mmorpg's. I like mmorpg's too but my real passion is le FPS.
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My girlfriend and I are both very eager gamers. Just some of the stuff we've played together: Left 4 Dead (1 and 2), Borderlands, Minecraft, Mabinogi, Fable II and III, Halo (all but Wars), Portal 2, Killing Floor, Gears of War and dozens of single-player games together, sharing stories and cheering each other on. Without a doubt, I am going to marry this woman.
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Long before. Both gamers since childhood. We met on a small forum about Oblivion, and just hit it off immediately as great friends. Apparently, we were the only ones to think we were only friends. Everyone else on the forum for about a year thought we were already dating. I wish they'd told us. Would have saved a lot of time for us trying to figure it out.
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We play more casual games on our Wii with friends. She likes some different games for computers that I do not enjoy. We have no strain due to gaming. I do my gaming on my computer, she watches her series, we both spend time together and keep things in order in our house, and everybody stays happy.
I would not be with someone that gets stressed because I am doing what I like to do.
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Minecraft (me her and friend play on a personnel server ), any online shooter caca dookie manily which she owns me at (xbox 360), she like hack and slash like dante's inferno and games like bioshock and I love both of those games, she doesnt really like free roam games and rpgs and I love them.
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My boyfriend of three years and I met in TF2, and we play everything together. TF2, Killing Floor, L4D2, Terraria, Alien Swarm, Dota 2, CS:S, Borderlands, Obsidian Conflict, Zombie Master, Portal 2...He's also introduced me to Assassin's Creed, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy, and all those other things I've never played because I'm not much of a console gamer. We even stream over Xfire so we can play single player games together like Fallout 3, New Vegas, Beat Hazard, Audiosurf, Rage, and other stuff.
He also always complains a lot about how I'm better than he is at FPSs because that's mainly all I play. Pretty much our whole relationship is based on bonding through video games, and it's effing awesome. Playing video games with the person you love every single day is pretty much the greatest thing ever.
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Well, various MMORPG's when we both have working computers, and then there's console gaming. Borderlands, Killzone 3, Little Big Planet, etc. We don't stick to one genre, if we can find a way to play it together (or watch each other play) we do it. We even spice it up with commentary. It's like watching a Lets Play on Youtube except I'm not waiting for the video to buffer.
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