wow that's quite crazy, I'm Northern Italian and here if you just cross with your bike on a pedestrian crossing without dismounting they call the police and fine you xD if you drive a motorbike where you aren't supposed to you can get some really high fines and you're risking your driver license.. not to talk about driving without helmet, I didn't know France was in such a bad condition XD
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ca va pas non? le bruit est la pour prévenir de l'arrivée, une moto non bruyante tu l'entends pas. Mais y a bien que les citadins pour se plaindre... Puis vous en avez pas marre de demander des lois pour tout? En en parle des caisseux qui zig zaguent pour eviter de se faire doubler? on en parle des abrutis de piétons qui trouvent trop kawaî de se mettre en plein milieu de la route pour faire un selfie? Je pense que les motards sont nettement moins débiles que les autres sur la route. A part évidemment les jean-casquettes mais eux en général n'ont même pas de permis.
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Je ne generalise pas en disant que tout les 2 roues motorisés sont debiles.
Les erreurs et betises des uns n'excusent pas les conneries des autres.
Merci de ne pas dire que les pietons sont des abrutis. De plus il y a aussi des handicapés et des enfants qui prennent cher.
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C'est sur que griller le feu en loupant de peu d'ecraser les gens c'est super.
On.demande pas de lois en plus, juste l'applixation de la loi.
A ce jour la loi n'authorise pas les 2 roues motorisé à rouler sur les a griller les feux en mettant la vue des autres en jeu.
Mais dans les faits il y a une sorte d'impunité avec oa complaisance de la police.
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Et la différence, c'est que les voitures peuvent pas vraiment "zigzagger" en ville. Alors que les motards et les scooters ne font que ça. Quand ça roule, quand ça bloque, bref tout le temps. Et si il faut monter sur le trottoir pour pas avoir à attendre 2 minutes au feu et pouvoir griller, ben pourquoi pas. Après tout ils peuvent le faire donc ça veut dire que c'est normal. C'est aux piétons de se mettre sur la route pour leur faire la place.
Typique réaction des 2 roues, ce mec.
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Le seul moment où moi, piétonne et handicapée je me retrouve sur la route en dehors des clous, c'est pas pour prendre des selfie, c'est parce qu'un connard pose sa voiture de merde sur le trottoir ou qu'un scooter / une moto décide que le trottoir c'est la nouvelle route.
Et quand je bouge pas et je demande au type d'aller sur la route ? Je me fais insulter parce qu’apparemment moi "j'ai tout mon temps y compris celui de faire chier ceux qui bossent et doivent aller au boulot / faire leurs livraisons". Tu veux qu'on en parle aussi de ça ?
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Yeah bikes and even bicycles and those damn motorized scooters have gone from a nuisance to a downright hazard.
I had to pull my girlfriend from the sidewalk to the street just last week before one of those a-holes ran her over. Isn't that ironic? You're safer walking in the the middle of the street than on the sidewalk now because at least you can hear and see cars coming.
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Riding down the sidewalk is how professional purse-snatchers do their thing.
There are sometimes consequences, however, if they get caught.
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Heh that was very satisfying.
I remember when I first came to Paris, some guys on a bike grabbed by backpack and tried to get away with it. I guess I am stronger than I look because I snatched it back, pulled hard and twisted the guy's arm and sent them and their bike skidding into a parked bus. They still managed to get away but damn, that felt good.
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that's nothing
in my country, they WILL KILL YOU...for real. even if give them your stuff. they try to kill first, ask later
there's a lot of victim these 2-3 year now
no joke here, and that happens in public road not narrow one. usually in midnight or somewhere quiet
the thing is the one who does usually just kids, about 14-20, sometimes older. mostly motor gang member
i dont even know how the police work or how these kid "minds" works
for those who wonders, they called "begal", it's a shame for my country
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i'm from indonesia, we are usually friendly bunch. if you ever been to bali or anywhere else in our country, you should know that we are very friendly.
that's why it's baffling me, why are those motor gang or begal in this term are always savage person.
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Tu vis dans la région parisienne? J'y suis allé plusieurs jours et c'est vrai que c'était souvent le bordel avec les 2 roues, surtout les scooters mais je trouve que dans le reste de la France ce genre de problème est plutôt rare. En tout cas je déteste Paris personnellement, je ne comprends pas comment on peut aimer y vivre x)
Vivant à la campagne et me déplaçant souvent dans la région lyonnaise je trouve justement qu'il y a un grand respect entre les motobilistes et tous les autres utilisateurs de la route, ainsi que les piétons
Il y a toujours des dangers sur la route, surtout en ville et il y en a d'autres tout aussi importants comme par exemple les +50% d'utilisateurs d'autoroutes qui ne savent pas y conduire, qui restent au milieu en roulant bien en dessous de la limite, qui ne se rabattent jamais à droite et qui peuvent obliger certains utilisateurs à doubler par la droite
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What i find a hazard is those electric bikes (as in bicycles, maybe cars too but dont notice them as much) that suddenly get past you (sometimes when you look behind you, thinking they are still meters away) and you can't bloody hear them.
Not to mention all those people using their smartphones while biking (though finally people now have to pay a fine).
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What i find a hazard is those electric bikes (as in bicycles, maybe cars too but dont notice them as much) that suddenly get past you (sometimes when you look behind you, thinking they are still meters away) and you can't bloody hear them.
Yep. It's electric scooters here. And the worst part is that most people using them are tourists so they are also checking their maps while zig zagging on the sidewalk, driving through lights and being general nuisances. And the city hall's answer to that? They are cutting regular lanes on all the big streets inside the city (including bus lanes!) to get those idiots more lanes they will not use! But hey I'm sure city hall is getting all kinds of kickbacks from the companies tearing the city apart to build lanes that nobody will use, as well as from the three companies renting the damn scooters in the first place to idiots.
Phones have definitely become a large part of the problem. My girlfriend took a cab because her train had a technical problem and she couldn't be late to work. The driver actually had his phone on his wheel and was texting while driving. Well, she told him off and took the bus. If people who make a living driving are not more prudent, imagine everyone else.
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For electic cars, there's a new law that give an artificial sound for new cars when they move.
I don't noticied if it's mandatory too for motos and scooters but by experience it's unprobable.
And for phones. Wait 10 or 15 years to see how they will decrease cause of lack of ressources. I haven't any other idea for that. The law is to not use it on cars, bikes and moto/scooters but who cares law if police don't control it?
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First you need to carry a baseball glove and a baseball. These should make it legal for you to also carry a baseball bat. Use the bat to dismount any rude cyclists. ;)
If that is too cumbersome for you, a short metal pipe should be enough to slip into the spokes for a sudden stop. XD
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So people in traffic are being assholes in France as well. Good to hear us Germans aren't alone.
Us Germans have the Asshat-Traffic-SUPER PACK!
It consists of:
Now for FREE!
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So, you are saying the French cannot drive and disregard the road rules.
In related news, water is wet and the Sun is a large gas giant in the sky. French being bad drivers is a trope that pre-dates motorised vehicles. It is almost as old as the adage that Italians are biologically incapable of comprehending the notion of a speed limit.
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Once more, think of Historical situations where stereotypes led to dramatic situation. There were more than one examples I'm sure you know a few of them.
Beside, if you never lived in France or Italy you have no experience regarding what actually happens. You speak only about what you heard and cliché which is causing a LOT of problems and tensions still nowadays.
For Having studied and spending hours discussing cultural differences and social psychology with friends living all around the world since tropes, stereotypes and cliché are something that greatly interesting me ; I can tell you that most of them are only related to cultural, education, History, beliefs, prejudices and are generally in the way of a good relationship or positive change when the prior point of view is already negative.
That's how they are born, not thin air, but cultural differences, History, beliefs, education, media and so on. I honestly discourage spreading stereotypes, especially when those are harmful. It can only lead to negativity and never add anything constructive to any kind of discussion.
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First Neofoxy is sharing a petition of course he/she is going to have a biased opinion, his/her aim seems to be to collect signatures (if it wasn't why would he/she share the petition?) so he/she will emphases things. What is this petition exactly? It is asking for 2500 signatures and directing it to the "candidates of the municipal in the region of Paris and its surroundings" so it's really focussed. It's a French problem and it is written in French, I think people who has to sign it should be French or at least living in France, not sure if the petition has its place on this website. The discussion maybe but it's an other point.
Secondly the discussion, it shouldn't be scooter drivers vs other French people. Some drivers are like that yes and some are respectful of the law. You are opposing "they" against "we" as if "they" were the bad guys vs "we" were the good guys. For the rest it's your opinion and as I said it's normal that you are putting an emphases on things also your experience is shaping your vision, as you stated you had to protect your son making you more sensitive to this issue.
Personnally, as an old law student, I would say that being convicted of murder, motocycle involved or not, is more than a 2 years sentence generally (of course there can be exceptions). There is a difference between what is written in the law and it's application/ enforcement, there is an adaptation, murderwise but also for the enforcement of this petition.
Thirdly, you are focusing on this issue but if you're talking about Paris where there is this concentration of people don't forget the context. It's a city where everybody is stressed and "late" "j'ai pas le temps, je suis pressé", they don't have time to sympathise for a fellow human. Paris is also a city where street harassment is normal, touching, grabbing, following, making sounds of appreciation and not solicited verbal contact, it can happen to underage girls in good districts too, I know it from experience. It's also a city where some people are depressed and kill themselves in the subway, and the users of the subway are just grumbling/ "râlent" about it because they are going to be late as usual and this incident is kind of common. It's also a city where people are often striking because they have a right to do it and they are not happy, they are never happy, and then the people who are not striking are grumbling because streets are closed.
Of course it's only a side of Paris, there is a way to live there, a way to survive in this beautiful human jungle. I just provided a context for your message. This petition is "une goutte d'eau dans la mer". You want to see a real change? Change the way of thinking of Parisian people.
Who am I to say all those things? I am a 24 years old woman. I grow up and lived 12 years in Paris. I also lived in Singapore, Hungary and Belgium providing me material to compare my experiences. I studied in university some law, communication and am currently starting psychology (focusing on emotions, manipulation and high potential/gifted people). I also almost got hit by a taxi, cars (even when I was crossing on a pedestrian crossing), a bus but never that I can recall of by a motocycle.
I hope that you will find peace on this topic some day.
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Yeah, you're mostly right in theory.
In the beginning it wasn't with the petition. It was to create a thread like woman harsellement in the street. I think there's some comparaisons. I wanted to have some experiences from other people in other countries.
I add the petition after when I reread my topic.
I think that is also a warning for people who comes in France as tourists so that's why petition can interressed them.
It's not only a topic against all moto and scooters. But against the ones who do real mistakes and also a way of thinking that you said like "I'm late". There's also "I do what I want" "Go fuck yourself" and "I'm working"
For the one who want to know the petition ask for a parking paid for moto and scooter not as expensive as cars and a protection of the pedestrians walking side.
And to finish: A people killed on circulation is considered as an accident (as the max an onvolontary murder so with bigs attenuations) not a murder althrout it's a mega mistake of the driver.
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Hello, I come here to speak about something that you could also have.
In my country (France) for some years we have a danger who is worse and worse that politics and police don't care.
This danger is motorbike circulation on the pavement and by extension of this invulnerability : no respect of the street crosing for walkers (also works wirh car drivers that don't care too)
I warn you in you come some day. Be very carefull and push you to the wall if you see a motorbike on the pavement.
They can literally do what they want. And don't try to argument with them cause a part of them can agress you (vocally of physicly)
From my side my son really have luck 2 times with a motorbike that pass at less than 20 cm at high speed at a street crossing with a red light for vehicules. Them motorbikes had pass behing 2 cars that were stopped and we can't seen them before they were on us.
You can put here yours experiencies.
You can also participate at this warn for candidates for towns elections: lvl 2
Edit :For lot of us police says that do respect the law to moto or scooter are " not the consignes" so they let do....
Videos to see exemple of what I'm saying:
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