They made the classic city building sim/FPS FarmVille
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Haha, I used to be addicted to Farmville back then when I was on FB :D
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ahahah I used to loose a lot of time in Vampire Wars, Mafia Wars and Chefville :o3
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I dunno, I personally wasn't disappointed. This comment made me laugh. ^^
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Epic hippo is exactly how everyone on SG feels upon winning a giveaway.
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This might be off-topic, but I just watched The Postal Movie, I was expecting literally a live action South Park
I LOVED IT. It had that "Postal" feeling. What do you guys at RWS think about the movie? is there any chance for a reboot with a better director?
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All things considered, the movie didn't turn out that bad. I personally like the opening scene despite being a bit overly tasteless. As for a new one, UB has the movie rights, he attempted to make another, but that Kickstarter failed.
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Well to be honest, he actually made a good game and he is a loss to the community. In the end I don't care what he said but what he did.
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There's being a bit of a dick head Dev and there's being a Phil Fish. Circumstancially the former may be acceptable, the latter isn't
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Here I rechecked the Fish controverse. Here's a résumé :
“people telling me they’re going to pirate my game because they dont like me. gamers are the worst fucking people [sic].
Fish is passionate about what he does did.. (but)... his public character will always overshadow whatever he deigns to create
Marcus Beer called Fish (and to a lesser degree Braid developer and Fish’s Indie Game co-star Jonathan Blow) a “tosspot,” a “hipster,” a “wanker,” and a “fucking asshole” - (edit : because he refused to be interviewed)
Fish, in retaliation, tweeted that Beer is a “media leech,” a “middle-aged parasite,” an “inconsequential limey fuck,” and a “small commentator” who “ejaculate[s] vomit” and “sit[s] in judgement, masturbating.”
Edit : Fish told Beers to kill himself
Thats about it. Big whooping deal?
So where are the A holes? I can count three at lesat (part of gamers being one of them). Now the task is putting all of them in order of A- holeness. And then ask, what's the fuss about. My opion to you : "Don't blindly follow the shit hype, mate".
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Fish in response told Beers to kill himself which idls a significant point to miss out. He then had a prepubescent hiss fit and rage quit the Internet. There's also the part where he released a patch which wiped everyone's saves and then refused to issue another patch blaming Microsoft pricing policies even after they scrapped patch submission costs.
If someone can't handle the Internet they shouldn't be putting themselves out there. Sure people might have been harsh but he was giving at least as much as he was getting.
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Yep he's a jerk as a person. Too reactive for sure. But I still miss the developer. Passionate devs are so rare these days.
PS : It was a glaring omission, I should have pointed that out in the résumé.
My take : Beer > Fish > stupid gamers.
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And WC2 and Starcraft and Blackthorne and Diablo and Rock n' Roll Racing...
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The Warcraft series is overrated nowadays... The only reason it became successful is because of the ability to make great custom maps in WC3. Most people that say "WC1,WC2 were awesome" are people who never even played the game or watched gameplays on Youtube.
Diablo is a good game, though.
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A friend of mine used to play vampirism like crazy. He despised DotA and played that. lol I played it a few times but since I never owned the game, I never got to play it much. Everytime I was going to the internet cafe (ah sweet times...) I was only playing DotA, which was what made WC3 so famous, alongside with other custom maps. I still remember Pudge Wars and that AMAZING tower defense map that is still better than most dedicated tower defense games. Ah.. I should really buy WC3, but I doubt there are people still playing MP much, especially such old custom maps (not that I believe there are any newer ones, but oh well..).
But when it comes to the actual game, WC3 was heavily lacking. It wasn't a proper RTS game and just felt too weird. The campaigns were quite great, but that's as far as it goes, which is pretty much why we don't have a WC4 and we won't. I have to say, though, that WC1 and WC2's style was quite good for an RTS game, it just wasn't very good as people say. WC3 just looks too 3D-ish and kind of cartoonist, imo. Actually it's just like Empire Earth 3, but unlike EE, WC is a series backed up by a great MP experience in WC3 and, of course, WoW!
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You'd be surprised, the community is very much alive still, lobbies for vampirism fill up quite fast usually. Yes, it's not as active as it was back in the day, but if you're willing to wait anywhere between 1-10 minutes for a game than yes. :D
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I don't mind waiting for that long, so I might actually give it a try on an internet cafe and if I see I have the "mood" to play, I'll buy it! I just wish it was on Steam.
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Other than dumbing down their games and introducing rather annoying pay models, hefty price tags and security, Blizzard are up there for me too. I loved the hell out of Diablo, Warcraft II and Starcraft. Warcraft III was great, Starcraft II was engaging but i was not as pleased. Diablo 2 was decent but I preferred Diablo. Haven't played Diablo 3 yet. Didn't like Hearthstone much. Heroes of the Storm was tidy.
Their games usually take longer to come out because they ensure quality, so finding bugs is very rare. The content, stories and gameplay are quality. The company with the most quality games in the genres that i love.
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+1 they are pretty good, where can i find good deals for WC series & SC series thou???
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AAA titles with no DRM :) Finally somebody doesn't punish me for buying games :)
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Totally agreed. The W3 thing is overblown BS anyway. These guys make games with passion.
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W3 is full off bugs currently on PC and runs like crap for some people....but give it a few months game will be fixed and work well for 90% of PC users and yes when it's working it's a fine game very well done.
Just wish they would launch games more finished then they do I mean every witcher game has been a mess at launch.
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Open world games, especially of this scale are particularly difficult to test. The testers aren't always gamers and even in cases where they are the limited size of the group means they can only test so much. No matter how well you test your game the sheer number of people playing it means someone will always try something you didn't account for.
Every Bethesda release has the same issue yet personally I've only ever had a handful of minor bugs despite the thousands of hours I've spread across theor games.
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Yeah it's luck of the draw my copy of W3 broke with the 1.04 update and 1.05 and 1.06 didn't fix it so i started again after rolling back to 1.03 lol I had gotten about 100 hours game time in then i just started to CTD on fast travel from Skellige all the time nothing worked to fix so I waited for patches to fix it and they didn't.
I checked the crash logs and Red Engine is saying it's out of memeory when my RAM, CPU and GPU aren't even under load ...but it causes the game to crash all the same I just home 1.07 fixes it because 1.03 has some bugs but they aren't game breaking lol.
Fist 100+ hours were fine but yeah with big open world games it's luck of the draw for some I still like CDPR even if they are a little slow with fixes and the poor state of their games at launch but DRM free is always good.
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For me, Suda51 and Devolver, those are my favorites.
weirdly enough one of Suda´s favorite games is hotline miami
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Killer7 is one of my favorite games. i have to remember to buy Killer is Dead during the next sale, somehow i managed to overlook it during the SSS :(
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CDProject, Blizzard, Rockstar, Bungie, Naughty Dog,Bethesda,From Software, Ubisoft, Telltale and BioWare.
Top 10 Indie Behemoth, InXile, Way Forward, Larian Studios,Klei, Bohemia, Double Fine(except Spacebase DF 9), Runic Games, Dennaton, Amplitude
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Retro, Blizzard until 2008, Bethesda, Gearbox, Rocksteady.
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The year that destroyed my life :P
I lost friends and money(from work) back then, WOW nice memories.
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Used to be Irrational Games, but it's defunct now. 2K saw to that...
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CDProject and... well... Capcom has a special place in my heart too.
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FromSoftware, Firaxis, and Bethesda. Also CCP, I really like the way they interact with the community.
Iron Realms Entertainment is also in my top 5, but I doubt that many people here have played their games (not trying to be hipster, I would definitely love if people still played MUDs).
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LEVEL-5, because they created Inazuma Eleven, Little Battlers Experience, Fantasy Life and Professor Layton :).
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You are forgetting about the best series they ever made, the Dark Cloud Series!! :D
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My favourite is Bethesda just because of their epic RPG s that have over 100 game play hours per game. Who is your favourite game developer and why?
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