So, this just happened in the past 2 hrs or so.

In the top right corner of SG's website, there's an envelope button for your messages, right? Mine now shows one unread message but I can't find anything unread after clicking on the button.

I even clicked on all three categories on the left and of course none of them contains unread messages. Is this a bug with the website or did I just receive a ghost message some time in the past two hours?

3 days ago

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Someone deleted their reply to you.

3 days ago

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Well that was a confusing design I'd say! I think the messages screen should just show a message with its content saying "Message deleted by the author" or something. Y'know, just like what it looks like in the duscissions after someone deleted their comment.

3 days ago

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Or the message was deleted perhaps?

3 days ago

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Mystery solved! I didn't think of that possibility at all :p

3 days ago

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I suppose it could be a reply someone left you, but then deleted, we can test it.

3 days ago

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Yeah that's most likely what happened. We should test it for science!

3 days ago

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This comment was deleted 3 days ago.

3 days ago

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Yup! Now my inbox shows five unread messages even though I can only see three (all from this thread) :p Theory verified! happy GLaDOS noises

3 days ago

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Closed 3 days ago by xurc.