An automatic metal polisher. So you take, for example, a silver spoon, and put it in a box, and like, jets or something spray polish at high speeds. Then they rinse the silver with water and dry it. Boom! Polished spoon. Yes, it's basically pressure washer + dishwasher.
failing that, a auto-cleaning cat box that doesn't piss off the cat or cause a sanitary issue. Perhaps it could have a false bottom that falls out, dropping it down to a sifter, then using a vacuum to take the clean litter back above the false bottom. It could detect when a cat was in the box and know not to drop the bottom/close the door. The end of the week, you take out the sifting tray and trash it for a new one.
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This one is one that is commonly used. It starts to clean once the cat leaves the box, but it also makes noise at that point so the cat tends to get annoyed or scared and may end up not using it and instead go take a dump in the bathtub to show its anger. Cats get weirded out enough when a human touches their box to clean it, yet they get mad if it stays dirty. Seriously, cats are weird.
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I'm seriously thinking about it.. I guess currently it is my number one option, since I haven't come up with a better one.. I do not know the "market" since I do not have a cat, so what would be the main improvement? Noise and territorial invasion free so it doesn't scare the cat away for next usages?
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Cats tend to be very territorial, that's the main issue with most of the auto cleaning cat boxes. They make noise and have stuff moving that the cat can see and get bothered by.
Cats can hear more than we can, so eliminating noise is likely an impossible feat, but reducing it can help or making the noise sound like something the cat need not be concerned by. Cats tend to be bothered by the sounds of motors since they know motors tend to be attached to things to be scared of (like cars, vacuums, etc.).
Then the other potential idea is something to make it so the cat cannot see what it does. Either a delay to ensure the cat isn't around or to have what it does be removed from sight, like the false bottom angruss suggested.
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That's an interesting twist on the tired old "stick on a rope" formula.
+1 for thinking outside the box.
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A robot mechanic for my car. I really just fail with cars and often it costs a fortune to get them fixed when the parts don't cost all that much. That and it could do all the basic maintenance and even clean the car as well.
That or a machine that can pick up the trash and take it out. Ugh, I so hate doing that and walking out to the dumpster.
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Well if it were me a hardcore programmer that has lived there life with a computer engineer and mechani -
Fuck it build a birdhouse that's what I always did for school projects, when they ask for the presentation present them with a second birdhouse then if asked for more work continue with the regime and give them more bird houses.
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*Digitally registered license plates that allow for a closer inspection of cars, as well as their state (last maintenance date, etc).
*Dynamic traction system on cars, enabling the car to get out of tricky situations on the go (snow, rain, dirt, mud, etc).
*LAN-like integrated system on cars, allowing them to interact between each other and giving data to one another (therefore allowing to analyze the speed of the car in front of and enabling the driver or on board computer to react to those variables) - like a mobile hotspot, if you may.
If i can think of some more, i'll post them here. I'll try to focus on car-related stuff, but there might be something more.
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Car related idea: Magnets on the edge of cars that automatically turn on when a car comes to close to repel the car. (Maybe not stop but at least slow down)
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I thought of that as well, biggest problem i found with it was the amount of variables that could interfiere with the magnets, hence i went with the LAN-like idea instead, it is cheaper and easier to implement though, i like it.
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Well that's the thing, what's to improve on something that has been analyzed and reinvented for over hundreds of years? If i had some knowledge in engines i would happily help, but coming from a computer programmer, my suggestions will be mostly based on digital integration and automation.
I thought of a "way" to improve the usage of gasoil in cars a few years back, just to realize later on that stuff like that was already implemented in F1 racing cars D:
I do hope whatever we write here can give you an idea though, good luck!
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Stick to something with few parts since you have to design them all and decide on manufacturing methods. Maybe redesign a center punch. Maybe make it spring loaded with a push button/plunger release (no need to put force onto the load spring). Be sure to keep the spring compression variable instead of a static load. And/or you could make the handle more ergonomic. It should be pretty simple and does not require electronics.
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Why don't you try one of Leonardo da vinci's designs? with some 21th century materials?
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that was one of my options for this subject last semester (I did not fail. this subject is 1 year long).
The requirements are a bit different, but now my main concern is that it has to be something usefull.
I'm guessing there aren't many who woulb buy a war tank because they NEED it. I think of it more as art and unfortunately probably won't be accepted by my teacher. Will, however, take some serious thinking of it, since it has been done a few times.
Thanks for the idea
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first of all your English is quite good :D
Second of all I'm probably thinking on the last one. But my main problem is, does it really affect the material if it is leveled to earth's surface?? If so in what way(s) and what kind of material are you thinking about?
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Hey guys,
I'm a first year student in Mechanichal Enginering in Lisbon, Portugal.
I have an assignment but first I need to choose a "topic" lets say.
It's for a subject of Technical Drawing, and I need to design/think and come up with a sort of "Machine".
The main requirements is that It should meet people's needs. I will then have to come up with the design and manufacturing options. I'm just wondering if you ever thought, "oh it would be nice if we had like a machine that did X", or it can also be upgrades to certain already existent machines, car etc
Since I have no ideas about it and I have to make the first presentation about it Tuesday, I decided to ask you guys.
Can you help me with that??
Ask me some questions about it if you need.
P.S. Sorry about not having giveways, I will consider though making some of bundle leftovers If you somehow manage to help me out.
Thank you so much in Advance
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