If you'll have an option of getting one of those games (and lets say you don't own them yet):
Assassin's Creed III or Far Cry 3,
which game will you choose, and why?

1 decade ago*

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Probably Far Cry 3, cause I play more games like it, and have played the previous ones, more than games like Assassins Creed.

1 decade ago

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I own both and Far Cry is way better.

1 decade ago

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Yeah Far Cry 3 is better imo, but they're two different kind of games.

1 decade ago

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Probably AC3, cause I really like this series.

1 decade ago

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i would prefer AC3, i prefer AC games over FC games (old ones)

1 decade ago

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Assassins creed 3, but i did also like Far Cry 3. Only played about two hours of FC 3.

Assassins creed 3 DLC is being released soon or it's already out. Not sure.

1 decade ago

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I'd pick FC3, I just prefer FPS games above all, also I've heard the story and coop is pretty cool. Also I've heard AC series just got worse after AC2. Well I haven't played any of these, so don't blame me :<

1 decade ago

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You can't compare these two games imho, totally different genres. But I'd choose FC3 over AC3, as I already own FC3 but haven't got AC3 :D

1 decade ago

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I'm not a fan of the assassins creed games, and FC3 is the best game of last year, so for me, it's a silly easy question :)

1 decade ago

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FC 3 is by far a more complete game.

1 decade ago

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AC3 just cause i can play with my friend and stab him xD

1 decade ago

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I'd choose FC 3. Looks like way more fun.

1 decade ago

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Far Cry 3 imo.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I loved the Ass Creed series but the latest isn't that good. Far Cry 3 is the better game.

1 decade ago

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Played both, liked FC3 more. The atmosphere is way better made, plus if you did not play all the AC's playing just the 3rd one is a waste of money.

1 decade ago

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they are very different in what they do, well not that different since both are rpg and free roam, however assasins creed was a bit more dissapointing than its predecesors, while far cry 3 did the opposit by being more awesome than 2.

so yeah get far cry 3 first

1 decade ago

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Mass Effect 3 vs Battlefield 3.Go

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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far cry 3

1 decade ago

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FC3, I've heard better stuff about FC3 than AC3. But then again, I prefer older warfare so that would make it AC3....

How about Assassin's Cry 3?


1 decade ago

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FC3, I hear AC3 is quite the disappointment and FC3 is not.

1 decade ago

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AC3 was a huge disappointment, and FC3 was pretty damn good.

1 decade ago

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FC3 kept me playing to the end. AC3, i barely finished the childhood part.

1 decade ago

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Easily Far Cry 3. I had high expectations of AC3, but the countless glitches and issues with the game turned me off. There were some nice twists (the story wasn't as bad as some may say), but overall, disappointing. Far Cry 3, however, was just an overall better experience - There was much more to do, and it didn't feel like a chore by the end of it.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by adi6g.