If you'll have an option of getting one of those games (and lets say you don't own them yet):
Assassin's Creed III or Far Cry 3,
which game will you choose, and why?

1 decade ago*

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If I didnt own either I would probably choose AC3 because I have enjoyed the franchise more than the far cry series. However I do own FC3 and vouch for its awesome-ness I would highly recommend it yet at the same time i dont own nor played AC3 so i wouldnt like to compare.

...i hope that helped :/

1 decade ago

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FC3 without a doubt

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Have to go with the majority here and choose FC3 as well. I've played both, albeit not extensively, but I definitely enjoyed FC3 a lot more than AC3. Dunno how much time I wasted hunting, haha.

1 decade ago

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I have AC3, and i'd say AC3, because i love the series :P

1 decade ago

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Old school Bomber/Transports ftw!!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I own both, and love the AC series (though it frustrates me sometimes) and had no relation to Far Cry before a friend bought me FC3. I haven't actually played AC3 yet though, as I still haven't finished Revelations. I really like FC3, but if I hadn't played it I would have chosen AC3 first because of my history with the series. But I got that one for 'free' too, complimentary with the graphics card in my new PC.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I haven't played FC3 but I can definitely recommend AC3, I may be a little more impressed than most people because I jumped straight from AC2 to AC3 and then later bought Brotherhood and Revelations on sale (still haven't really gotten around to playing them).

Imo what AC3 lacked in setting (Colonial America isn't much to look at) it completely makes up for in graphical prowess, general fluidity, and in my opinion much more interesting characters (Haytham needs his own game).

1 decade ago

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Far Cry 3, for sure.

1 decade ago

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AC3, Didn't really hear good things about FC3 so far.

1 decade ago

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AC3 :)

1 decade ago

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farcry 3, you'll probably get more playtime out of it.

1 decade ago

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I own both, I say get FC3

You will get performance disappointment with AC3, fps tanks, sucks, horrible. Stuttering is bad as hell, you'll get annoyed playing it even fraps is saying your running it with 40fps

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by adi6g.