You will no longer be bothered by the [Ukraine Awareness Thread 💙💛]

@cg (Administrator)
Closing due to a recent addition to our community guidelines.
Sensitive subjects or events. Content regarding sensitive subjects (e.g. politics, religion, sexuality) or sensitive events with significant social, cultural, or political impact (e.g. public health emergencies, terrorism and related activities, conflict, or mass acts of violence) that we believe are facilitating a hostile and divisive environment throughout our community.
This discussion also contains countless videos of dead bodies and people being killed. These are found both in the comments and in the topic description.
Inappropriate content. If you are posting content that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others. Do not post pornography, or explicit content, such as real life images depicting severe injury, gore, or death.

Also, I'm coming back from a two-day ban for Inappropriate Behavior.

@Zomby (Ultra Moderator)
You are free to post informations about the ongoing conflict, but using slurs like "orcs" to describe Russian people is not acceptable.

According to Zomby (Ultra Moderator) I've used the slur "orcs" to describe Russian people.
I disagree with him, because I use "orcs" as a convenient slur in reference to the inhuman behavior of the Russian military invaders.
What can I say? By calling them orcs, have I offended the invading army of looters, convicts, rapists (sometimes pedophiles), murderers, kidnappers, torturers and terrorists? Am I hurting their feelings while they're trying to do a fucking genocide?
Meanwhile, in Russia, the West is often called Nazi and Satanist, and Ukrainians are continuously called Nazis and Hohols, a racist slur.
But yeah, it's important not to damage the image of the Russian invaders!


Maybe I owe apologies to people who dress up as orcs at comic cons and other heroic fantasy conventions for being compared to Russian invaders.

1 year ago

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At the end of september I was returning home from the dentist and passed by a funeral home, I saw 5 MB Sprinter minibuses with 6 coffins in each. I get death threats almost every month and I don’t care at all. In thread was terrible truth and now new rules of SG will begin to whiten the reputation of murderers and rapists.

1 year ago

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In thread was terrible truth and now new rules of SG will begin to whiten the reputation of murderers and rapists. Exactly same thing happened to my thread too....

1 year ago

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You can't be seriously justifying calling people orcs 🤦🤦

1 year ago

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Special with this words:

"..., have I offended the invading army of looters, convicts, rapists (sometimes pedophiles), murderers, kidnappers, torturers and terrorists"

1 year ago

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Closed my thread too for exposing israel..... its against new SG rules.... I realized your hardwork and dedication when i opened my own thread.

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Nothing on thread was my personally written info it was all collected from proper authentic sources but its ok if you still think i am extremist.....

1 year ago

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Yes. You are definitely an extremist. That fact isn't in doubt.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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"proper authentic sources" fucking lol man
read the wiki about TRT World and their fakes, a source you used regularly

1 year ago

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Nah, plenty of 'extremist' things were said by a number of people in that thread. Though I wouldn't actually call most of them extremist, just emotionally driven over tragedy, and then given the usual internet denizen brand of thoughtless bitterness and sniping.

Though there was that one ghoul that wrote something like "Palestinian = Hamas = ISIS = Terrorist" or some shit.
I wouldn't trust most random gamers with buttering a slice of toast, much less handling the pointy end of a subject like terrorism, warcrime, genocide and war propaganda. :P

1 year ago*

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It was more that the outrage combined poorly with not being a primary english speaker (and the crowd being gamers).

As the owner of the thread it put you in a key position, and while I agree with your outrage at what is happening in Palestine, an impoper handling of the subject (bias, hyperbole, ranting, etc) can heavily skew a thread. I found myself in general agreement with your sentiments but your (justified) outrage was overruling all else that you were providing, and it only gave others easy opportunity to add fuel to the fire, and the language barrier only added further space for misinterpretation without the subtler aspects of written language being available.

Its rough, but I think trying to get into subjects as grave as these in a gaming forum is a bad idea. Not because its an "inappropriate place", but more because gamers have this awful habit of, as Steph Sterling puts it : "Being fucking exhausting". There are some genuinely intelligent and nice people here and in the gaming community at large, but there's also there's that trend towards being impatient, insensitive, shortsighted and generally immature. That doesn't mix well with such an intense subject.

I mean, its an important subject, but one that is hard to stay calm and lucid on because of how emotional it is, much less change someones mind. Think of it this way, for all the criticisms I or anyone else might give you, you gave it an honest shot, and when your thread was closed it was in a policy change (that honestly I'm a bit surprised didn't happen sooner).

1 year ago

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While I don't doubt there are many war criminals among the Russian military, most of the conscripts are just random people from the poorer regions of Russia who enlisted because they feared being jailed or who needed quick money. Calling those guys "orcs" like the war criminals feels like propaganda at best, and racism at worst.

1 year ago

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Is it okay to kill people for a quick money?

1 year ago

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You're thinking of those who are professional soldiers, or are free'd from prison in exchange for military service.

The other persons point is it is hype to call them all rapists or whatever, and dehumanizing to "other" an entire country.

The same tactic was used to make cannabis illegal a century ago, and Trump used it as well to decry those coming across the Mexican border.

Are there rapists and murderers amongst these people? Probably. But the same could be said for any group of a hundred people. Even in a church. But this shouldnt be used as an excuse to hate all of them.

1 year ago

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you write delusions that you somehow believe to be true. come and see, then tell. and no other way.

1 year ago

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Kinda rude to label my perspective as "delusional"

It has been proven many times it is the poor that fill the military, not criminals. Who are usually intelligent enough to find other means to make money, than deal with the threat of imminent death.

Which is why i9 specified there are rapists and murderers, but they're a small percentage who are already part of a professional and private military, or released from prison in exchange for service.

But even amongst the professional soldiers and released convicts, there's going to be many who dont fit your label of rapists/murderers.

I am making some assumptions based off of historical data, so if you have proof otherwise, i'd be quite interested to see it, as i am always adding new data to my understanding of world events.

1 year ago

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how many of your acquaintances and relatives fell into the occupation so that you could understand the situation so well?

1 year ago

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Again, plz share with me some kind of study referencing the preponderance of rapists and murderers in the russian military.

I am going by historical data on who fills the ranks of the military, which is classically the poor.

Claiming they're all rapists/murderers is not helpful to the conversation.

Obviously positions of power attract those looking to abuse that power. So i'm not saying there are ZERO violent and abusive criminals in the military. But it is unfair and inhuman to label them all as animals that should be put to death.

As to your question, i've discussed some of these topics with people i know in the US military, and the Israel military, but stories from a few people does not equate to reality, and are just token points in a sea of data.

1 year ago

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it is very good that you want to prove that you can read, but it is better to be able to use your head. I KNOW because it happens to my relatives and friends, I know from their direct stories, I know because I have been to the de-occupied territories, I know because I tried for weeks to contact those who were occupied and all means of communication were destroyed, I know because I was in direct contact with those who tried to leave the occupied territories, I know because once every few days they shoot directly into my city. so if you are not able to offer data of the appropriate level, you can take all your "historical data" and stuff yourself somewhere deeper.

1 year ago

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Again with the rude attitude, but i'll just roll past it, and get to the point...

You "know" what you have seen, and you trust the few others who have shared stories... but this is FAR from proof that EVERY individual in the military is a rapist/murderer...

You do know they're conscripting regular civilians right?

Taking your point to the logical conclusion, it would mean EVERY person the military conscripts is a rapist/murderer. Which doesnt need much thought to realize it just isnt true.

Your perspective and stories are valid, but anecdotal compared to the whole.

The US military also has a serious problem with men raping woman, and the woman being silenced about it for the most part.

There are stories about lots of rape in prison.

There are stories about rape at college, and the college covering it up to keep from it affecting college applications.

Lots of stories about police abuse and rape.

But to your logic, this means that EVERYONE in college, the military, police force, and prison are rapists, due to the actions of a minority.

Seems like i'm not the one failing to "use my head" as you put it.

1 year ago*

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Well of course in a church, there's always a priest!

1 year ago

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No. That's not funny. It's disrespectful to the victims of clerical sex abuse, and to the majority of priests who did nothing wrong. You have probably half a million catholic priests in the world right now. That's a lot of people.

The evil fucks who abused kids are not priests now, they're convicts, or dead.

That's the issue. When bad things like this happen, there is generally a minority involved. Like when terrorists do something, everyone blames the entirety of that population.

And as for the main conversation: In war, there will be sections of a military organisation that will be worse than others, depending on who is giving the orders. And when in that situation (on the receiving end), you have no choice but to think of every enemy soldier as being the same, because you can't know which one is going to rape and murder you, or which one will let you pass by safely.

My grandmother told me stories about the "Black and Tans" in Ireland when she was a child. They were notorious because some of them did notorious things. One of them took a shot at her cousin when they were playing in a field. The bullet grazed his ear. And they were laughing, probably because they missed. Luckily the truck moved off and they didn't shoot again. She was only six years old then. Her father was shot dead around that time too, for no reason.

My great-grandmother told my mum that one came to the house asking for a cup of tea and something to eat. She brought him in and gave him tea and soda bread. He didn't say much, but he ate, thanked her, and went on his merry way. The entire time, she was scared because she didn't know what he would do. Usually, she would take my grandfather and his siblings and run into the fields when they'd hear the dogs barking along the road, but that day, she was caught off guard.

War is awful. And while I get what Melusca is trying to say, you can't really feel sorry for soldiers, drafted or not. They're the ones with the guns and they can choose to kill or rape civilians, or not. They have a choice in how badly they act.

1 year ago*

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Yeah, you caught part of my drift ;)

1 year ago

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I'm not trying to justify the murder of Ukrainians, just saying that it's usual for oppressive regimes to try enticing poor people to fight for them by promising them money (or by threatening to jail them if they refuse). They're killing because they think they have no choice to do otherwise, just like Ukrainians have no choice but to defend themselves. There are no "orcs" or "glorious soldiers" in there only people who die because Putin wanted to add a few territories to his map.

1 year ago

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Tell me, you are definitely not surprised by the logic of "going to kill people because you are afraid of going to jail"? Is this really the best option? Is this even an option? No, they are leaving because they think that they will quickly kill some people and will quickly return home to pay off their debts. Therefore, you should not look for logic or, even more so, humanity.

1 year ago

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I honestly don't know if they go to war with the intent of killing people. Maybe they just expect to do some odd jobs, repairing vehicles, digging fortifications, that sort of things, and would only expect to shoot to defend themselves if they're attacked. What I do know however, is that I've met some WW1/2 veterans who did end up killing their enemies at some point, because they were told to do so, and despite that unfortunate fact it didn't turn them into monsters.

But that's just my opinion as someone who's not directly affected by the conflict and, while I understand why Ukrainians would see the Russian soldiers as monsters given the amount of war crimes comitted by the Russian military, I just don't want to make blanket statements towards some people just because they were part of a war nobody but Putin wanted.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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The Hamas supporter got exactly what he wanted. He literally spammed for it and he got it. Sad stuff.

1 year ago

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Tottaly agree with you. I still can not understang how can people defend Palestine which is undivideble from HAMAS, like Russia from Putn

1 year ago

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the last thing I can say it's Schwarzenegger's quote from 2012

1 year ago

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So that's the level of "civil" discussion you people had there.

You brought that on yourselves. I don't think my thread was even necessary.

1 year ago

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Your work in the Ukraine thread has always been much appreciated!

1 year ago

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Just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your cordial and thoughtful reply on that other thread and that I thought you made some fair points. I was planning to reply to some of them today, but obviously that is not going to happen now.

1 year ago

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Thanks too but my thinking is hardly ever coherent.
You made some very good points as well.
I look forward to your reply.

1 year ago

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But... but... we're only supposed to talk about games here. Fun!
So I guess I'm going to mention This War of Mine for anyone wanting to get a taste of war in a game that's realistic and not about shooting people while superhuman

1 year ago

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TBH it was the first game that came to mind while people were being so mindlessly reductive of the bombings.
You know what? Fuck it. For all the lack of empathy and sobriety we've got going on, I think now's a good time to make a giveaway of that game.

It's been bundled so many times that most people here probably already have it, but its worth it.
(edit : Here it is! )

1 year ago*

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Coincidentally, put this up last night.

1 year ago

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Quite topical and early. You have foresight ;)

1 year ago

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Aww damn, beat me to it, haha.

1 year ago

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I hope it'll open some minds and you know... it's a game so it's all cool with SG right?
Thanks for sharing

1 year ago

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While I'm open to hearing about what's going on, I strongly believe that our discussions should primarily revolve around gaming-related topics. This is a subject I've been following since the beginning, and it serves as a valuable escape from the sad events in the world. I understand that our community may not always be entirely positive, but let's make an effort to treat each other with respect and kindness.

Gamers come from various nations, including Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. It's important to recognize that they have no involvement in the ongoing conflicts and are our brothers and sisters who have not caused or suffered from these events. I find it difficult to talk about such sensitive topics, and I can only hope and pray for the safety of everyone affected.

I genuinely care about each individual within this community and beyond. Please look after yourselves. Your life is just as important as everybody else's.

1 year ago

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well one thing is that thru those off-topic discussions I have blacklisted people. Without those discussions I would not have known that they have opinions I can not condone.

1 year ago

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That's not okay. Because it spreads division among us.

1 year ago

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So only their gaming opinions are relevant ? And what they do and think in real life is not relevant ?
Sorry I do not agree with you.

1 year ago

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It does, but when it creates division it breaks the community in two and makes people pick sides. I know that for some it looks like we don't have any freedom to express ourselves, but if topics that are negative creates division expect admins to push back and remove them. The website is called Steamgifts and I believe the main topic is Steam and Games and giveaways. Off topics are allowed, but shouldn't create hate, division or disputes.

Sorry I do not agree with you.

It's fine. I only share my opinion. You are free to disagree. 🙂

1 year ago*

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I have no problem witth other opinions and disagreements, thru disagreement one or both parties can learn. I only discussed some stuff to try to let them understand that they (in my opinion) have lost their grip on reality.

And for the extreme people (in my view) there is the blacklist, | do not want t their gifts and I will only give my opinion to fas as that is now allowed here.

1 year ago

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Unrelated to the two closed topics: I'm perfectly fine with some division between me and nazis, bigots and racists. Gaming is just a hobby, there are millions and millions of proper people to share it with, while would I want to get grouped with the scum?

1 year ago

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A lot of them are not scum unless they open their mouths and share their views of the world. Threads and topics pushes to show their true colors, so the less you know the less you fight over it.

Threads that portray subjects like the war pushes people in one side or the other, creating bigotry and/or racism. It's not that we should sympathise with evil or like evil, but focusing on it or standing for one ideology hurts and divides people that might have nothing to do with the war.

I personally ignore war threads here and that's probably I voiced my thoughts on this update. My opinion might not be something you or others agree with and that's fine. I just don't wanna mix politics with games as games are my area of relaxation, not getting more stressed, angry or negative.

1 year ago

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A lot of them are not scum unless they open their mouths and share their views of the world. Threads and topics pushes to show their true colors, so the less you know the less you fight over it.

That is a fancy way of saying that you have no issues with them, as long as they are not personally bothering you. That level of deliberate ignorance is not my jam.

1 year ago

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i always read your post, they were a window into a world i dare not tread... twitter.
i fallow the news but i always seen something i hadnt.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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According to Zomby (Ultra Moderator) I've used the slur "orcs" to describe Russian people.

And that's what you did. Over time, Ukraine thread turned "orc" into derogative term to describe russian people. Otherwise, people would not keep calling other SG users this term. You also used it against non-military personnel. Together with other users.

This here is about Ukraine, as the thread names say, and not about your accusations of misinformation and russophobia, but talking to an orc is like talking to a wall
Even if that were true, I bet the orcs' health is worse. - this is a message about potential conscripts, not soldiers
The two new clowns have been banned for 1 day each, so that's nice, at least. I wonder if the orcs just buy the accounts and then a rdandom ivan mans them, spewing as much bullshit as he can before the account is burned?
The RuZZians are the only ones who never recovered from the Homo Sovieticus syndrome. They still have the typical negative features of Homo Soveticus. The list:
Russian bots relentlessly spammed the phrase "An act of compassion to the enemy is now presented as genocide."
Orcs can't feel shame.

Only thread author in one of the posts (from what I saw) wrote that general Russian people should not be called orcs. Plus people forced into Russian army were not only Russians, but Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Tajiks etc.

I will close this thread. Guideline was not changed to close the Ukraine thread, it was made to tackle people getting more hostile and use off-topic discussions to spread their anger.

1 year ago*

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Closed 1 year ago by MSKOTOR.