It said you use them yourself. You don't do that by trading them or doing giveaways.
****loads of people don't give a damn.
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and I specifically said gifting, not selling or trading.
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"Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user, using direct means, or using indirect means with intermediaries."
A giveaway is the opposite of this. You are not making it "available" for consumption by a group as you are only giving away one copy. If anything, you are denying consumption to over 99% of entrants. If I gave you a can of Coke, am I now a Coke distributor?
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That's not what distribution means. You need to be able to supply services or products to a consumer base, not to one/a few people.
If I buy you a hot dog I'm not a hot dog distributor. If I bring donuts to the office I'm not a donut distributor.
Steam can match demand and supply it's entire base with products; it is a distributor.
People on this site seem to think giving one gift turns you into a fully commercial-use distributor...
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If you buy any item as a gift that is a personal use.
Think about it, if I buy a book, wrap it it up and give it as a present; how is that anything but a personal use?
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If I buy a 12 pack of pop and give you 6 of them, is that not a personal use gift?
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People always bring up this "dual-copies" thing. I think most SG'ers like having their games on Steam. (Hence: "Steam"Gifts).
I would say 99% of gifters are giving away copies of games they likely already have on Steam or are games they have no interest in playing (and will never play the DRM-Free copy).
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Moral reasons? Humble Inc. is just a business selling games. They happen to bundle them together sometimes. If you own 1 or 2 from the bundle you think it would be morally wrong to give those copies to a friend to enjoy?
I mean, you already supported the dev by buying the game prior to the bundle, you did your part. Now you supported them again by buying the bundle. The least they could do is allow the duplicate to go to someone else who will play their game.
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No it is not. The whole reason the games are "personal use only" is because you receive DRM-free versions for most of the games as well. By gifting the Steam keys, the DRM-free versions are still yours and thus you essentially duped the game(s). There is an option to purchase the complete bundle as a gift, but you are not allowed to gift the individual keys.
But of course, nobody cares to listen.
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and if I already have the games, that point is completely moot.
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The Service is only for sales of products or product rights (collectively, "Products") to end user customers for their personal, non-commercial use.
"personal, non-commercial use"
Giving away a gift is a personal, non-commercial use.
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This, and its been discussed to death here already.
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its certainly noncommercial, but does it really count as personal? besides you can't really give a steam key away when you no matter what you try will always retain the drm free version. steam and drm free are meant to be two different options to download your single copy of the game not something to be split between two people.
Not that anybody who gifts them here is necessarily playing drm free copies, just that "how would they know" so its probably meant to be included in that statement too the way humble wrote it.
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I count buying a product for the purpose of giving a gift as a "personal" use, yes.
As for the whole "dual-copies" thing; I think most SG'ers like having their games on Steam. (Hence: "Steam"Gifts).
I would say 99% of gifters are giving away copies of games they likely already have on Steam or are games they have no interest in playing (and will never play the DRM-Free copy).
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Yep, I gave away Cave Story+ because I already bought it twice(Once on Steam, Once on Wii)for example.
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You can buy a bundle for gifting, Humble Bundle has no problem with that and even encourages that. They're just against breaking bundles and gifting part of a bundle.
People speculate about what the TOS means because they prefer to interpret it in a permissive way, but if they asked HB they'd get the simple answer.
As others have said, HB doesn't enforce this, so if you don't care about HB's wishes you can do what you want.
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Trading/selling would be considered commercial uses; but I didn't say anything about trading/selling.
Gifting is always a personal use. People buy gifts to give to anonymous kids at Christmas, I can buy a stranger a drink, etc. A gift is never a commercial use.
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Yes, gifts to family/friends are personal use. But gifting to random people isn't that clear, because it has elements of both personal and commercial use.
For example, personal gifts are based on relationships and are meant to improve them, while tons of SG gifts are just "type mail/chat and forget", which is something that happens with commercial deals (give money and forget). It's probably intent that would be important in this case.
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Commercial use implies Commerce (aka business). If I was a dev giving copies to promote my game, then sure, that's commercial use. If I was a website trying to get hits/fans by giving away games, that's commercial as well.
If I randomly want to give someone a game with no commercial benefit (CV is not a commercial benefit, it is a personal benefit), then the use can only be Personal.
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Err, could you point me to some definition of commercial benefit, because it sounds like it's something completely different then what you mean using it - for example wiki points to this great definition: commercial benefit is a concept that the board of directors [are] required to use their powers for the commercial benefit of the company and its members...
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Commercial benefit, as is, how it benefits the business. Just like in your example where a board's decisions must benefit the company.
So, if a business decided to give away games, it would be doing so for the benefit of the company (advertising, gaining fans, etc). This would make the giveaway Commercial use as the motive is business and not just "to be nice".
However, if you or I give away a game, we are not doing so in any Commercial or business way. We have no stake in the game or the business around it. We are doing it for Personal reasons (generosity, good standing in a community, etc).
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That is impossible, has humble bundle keys do not give full CV.
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That's still not commercial. CV is a personal benefit, not a business one.
Also, since we are clearly talking about bundles with the commercial vs personal thing, we know it's a moot point as you can't abuse bundles for massive CV.
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Commercial implies commerce (aka business). No one is basing their income or business on CV.
Not every reward for doing something is Commercial. If you helped a friend move and he bought you a pizza as thanks, that's a personal reward. CV works in this way; the website give you a token reward for contributing, but nothing "commercial".
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Outside that you don't help friend for pizza, you help him just because he's friend (which makes this example bad), I think I get what you mean.
I guess all those people writing "why no CV" or "lost CV" are the reason why it sounds closer to commercial (since they only invest in SG to be able to get more from SG)...
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Yes, you can trade your walking dead key on steamtrades.
You cannot trade it on steam community forums not because it being of a humble bundle, but because of it being a key. They only allow gift trades there.
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It is probably a violation of the Humble Indie Bundle terms of service. However, terms of service are not laws, and steamgifts doesn't have an obligation to enforce other sites' ToS, so it doesn't.
You could, in theory, get in trouble with the HiB people and they could ban you from future HiBs, but in practice they don't do that.
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If you're inside the EU, these TOS are irrelevant either way :P
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When a bundle is sold as a complete package, this means you are supposed to keep all keys and download links in the hands of the buyer or the person you gifted to. Give away one key, and the remaining keys and the bundle's download page should be turned over as well. If you claimed the download page, you are to use the keys for yourself as well.
This is how the TOS works. A bundle is a bundle. Giving one piece, however large or small, breaks the bundle and therefore the TOS.
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So yes, you can trade without worrying about nothing. There is not even a drm-free version to keep, so go ahead a trade the game if you want.
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Lol @ Humble Inc. being a "charity". They are an incorporated, for-profit business that gives a portion of it's income to charity.
While it's nice, please stop treating them as a charity.
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Well, the consumer does get to choose how much of their purchase goes to the charities. That said, they are for-profit.
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Humble is not the IP/rights holder to any of the games they sell... they're only a middleman. Therefore, once you've paid your money and the keys have been delivered they have no say in what you do with them. Their ToS means almost nothing to the consumer and is only there to protect them from legal action. If they were somehow able to prove that you violated their ToS (virtually impossible) then the worst they could do to you is refuse to sell to you in the future (also virtually impossible).
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I was going to trade my walking dead key for payday at steamtrades and the steam community forums, but when i went to the steam communitforums i came to a sticky that says you cant
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