I'm nuclear I'm wild...
cant remember exactly but i made like 2000€ worth of games/skins/wallet cards on that site.. sad when you did not have a chance to say thankyou, and i really hope that "Personal Issues" is nothing big.
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No! I have 210 coins left! I'm very sad about that, because over this recession time i'm passing through, the only way that i found to maintain my groups stats and my personal wishlist was using their site - even having all meaningful offers blocked in Brazil.
But i think it's time to be thankful, because what Tremor did through those years have no space in our world anymore. I mean, who more else would charge you honestly for interesting bundle games? I have nothing to complain about them, nothing!
Off: Look at the @vincentkaka post on the official announcement and you'll fell better - or not.
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This is sad news but btw i want to give you 1 council (as a brother) ,i think also if the actual will close , would be a good idea to use the domain for your personal use,you can use it for a blog where you talk about things u like or for your youtube channel or something like that,only because you decide to leave the content of it is not mean you must to waste the domain name too ;)
Me too 15 years ago decide to leave some famous groups in my country because i disagree something and fight them strong,but not because of this i waste the name of the page i create instead then i use it for a new youtube channel and personal blogs and i'm happy about that my choise.
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https://gamehag.com "nonref"
https://gamehag.com/r/1951572 "Ref"
-The only negative thing about the site, is the Broken Bot Misty.
-The slow support, you will eventually get verified but be patient and don't spam the forums or the discord with nonsence. Due to this, i try my best to help new people that arrive, feel free to join my discord if you have eny questions https://discord.gg/hxAx2G
-Don't use a VPN as it's just a waste of time and overflows the tickets, and you will get permanent banned for using a VPN.
"The shop don't have mutch interesting stuff, so i just save my points to buy Steam wallet cards instead."
The easiest way to earn points, is to play the Mobile/PC games, currently as i speak you can play War Thunder "Pc" and complete 3 task to get over 7k points, that is almoust 15€/$ worth of steam cards. No other site except Tremorgames allowed me to earn that kind of money in less then 1week.
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every time i requested a key my coin balance would be reduced to a value lower than the item value and say that i don't have enough funds
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i tried again today
i have 912 coins and i try to redeem a 900 coins game
it doesn't work
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sure, and i got GTA6, FarCry9, HalfLife3, a penthouse and a pony made of diamonds
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Doesn't seem to work. I deactivated my Ad block, and I'm not getting coins, even though I'm clicking the bubbles and stuff.
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Yeah, videos are working fine. I guess the bubbles are just a little tricky.
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Very strange to announce this just 4 days before the website is expected to shut down - could it be legal issues?
Either way, I stopped getting a lot of the more 'lucrative' offers about a year ago, haven't been on the website much since then.
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Have some coins left and i doubt they will send me a steam wallet code before the closure.
Tremor site was taking a heavy cut from your work, there sure to be better alternatives
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That seems shady. To suddenly close down in 3 days without any explanation? I wonder if they'll actually go through approving any of the orders that go through between now and then.
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Damn, I got a bunch of unused coins that I can not use up because I am abroad and wont let me sign in. Anyone knows of a free VPN that supports Slovenia?
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I just checked myself too and like Mihey3Z said, no Slovenia sadly. Thanks for the suggestion anyways! :)
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Worth a try since I will never be able to login into it once I am going back home anyways. But it doesn't seem like I will be able to find what I need so thought luck I guess, should have used them up 2 days ago, but who knew they would go down so quickly. Oh well...
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Damn that would work if not for this:
After signing up, you will be charged a small amount to verify your payment provider. Your 7 days of free trial will start counting immediately after the successful verification.
0 chance in hell I am giving them my Paypal info. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Must have changed it since then
Why do I need to provide my credit card information?
The 7-day free trial gives you full access to our servers and security features, which is a good chance for newbies to try NordVPN risk-free. However, some users use this freedom to abuse our service by creating fake accounts and signing up for multiple free trials. Therefore, we ask you to provide your credit card details and help us prevent fraud.
Shame, because it is the only one I can even find that has a trail. For everything else you have to straight up pay with no trails whats so ever.
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I use Hola VPN for Chrome when i need it and has served its purpose well. I just checked and Slovenia is listed in the drop down.
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TremorGames doesn't like it
You may not login through a proxy
but it indeed has Slovenia on the list. I will keep it in mind if I ever need it for anything else. Thank you so much! :)
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It was only a matter of time, can't say that I'm surprised. Got some really nice games from them back when they added bundles from Humble and Bundle Stars.
They started going downhill when the site was flooded with resellers buying the whole stock of good games as soon as they were added and the card bots got shut down. I had no reason to do offers anymore aside from the rare good IndieGala games. Guess I'm gonna have to get back into trading now.
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^ This.
Especially resellers snatching all copies instantly was rage-inducing. When I saw that getting the real good games were now nearly impossible, all that was left for me was mostly grabbing some IG games here and there and sometimes grinding to have enough coins for a csgo key or a $5 Steam wallet code.
Now you remind me that I should go check if I got my Death's Hangover key that I "ordered" yesterday... O_o
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I'm hot as fuck on the inside
breaking up on the inside
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i never did a tasks in tremorgames, but i was trading items for coins and buying coins with paypal
and if you say, that is short time, steam changed really big times in last few years, which make it almost impossible to run such kind of site
and i was able get more than 1 milion coins and more than 10k worth games.....good old times :(
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Earlier this year they went dark for a month or so, not adding any games or interacting, best paying offers disappeared because of cheaters. Seems like most of the offers stopped actually paying lately. So it seems like this was always going to happen at some point. I tried to use my points as soon as possible just in case. I just spent my last coins on "Toilet Tycoon" because of lulz. I don't expect they will fill the final orders, but you never know what could happen.
My personal scorecard is 193979 coins earned since July 2016, and over 1000 games added to my Steam library from Tremor. Plus a bunch more that I used for giveaways. R.I.P. it was fun while it lasted.
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But they condoned the cheaters for years (it's bringing Tremorgames income after all they aren't the ones getting cheated) could have been the offer companies that said wait a minute, and stopped doing business with tremorgames.
But even crowdflower itself got alot less offers, maybe it was just an era coming to an end.
Total Coins Earned: 989446, almost 1 million.
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Doing alot of surveys, in the US and Australia they get 1000 coin ones, i usually got 300-400 per survey, though lately they increased it to 600.
But most all of crowdflower at level 3, in which you had to click on some casino sites, you had fun tests done for universities, and testing websites through a bunch of step by step instructions, that was about 3 years ago i think, i had days i earned 3000 coins per day, since 1 1/2 year i am lucky to get a few surveys a week (since they run out and usually refreshed like every season).
Being in the US, Australia or Western Europe helped in getting better offers.
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For a while the Supersonic ones gave like 1000+ coins a day (without cheating) and before CrowdFlower banned me for no reason, I could make 10,000+ coins in one day on there transcribing medical forms or grocery receipts. And if you were in the top scores for the week you could get a bonus of thousands more. But the offers were all very different depending on your country.
My favorite task was transcribing people's Siri voice commands. One guy was yelling at his phone "why doesn't this fu..ing thing ever fu..ing work, stupid broken piece of sh.t" :P
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They basically "stole" around $30 in steam wallet from me... "refunding" in tremor coins... since there were no offers for them, yet they let them go through without immediately telling anyone so they could grab other things, before only garbage piles remained... 100% certain I will not get a response or get what I truly earned, based on how their system was set up.
So I'm happy to see them go, due to the short notice, and the chaos that ensued. I'd have grabbed my shit a long time ago if I had some notice...
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Bad blood with those blokes.
When I started there it was a great place to get some cheap games for free (well not free you're trading time for coins) but then the offer walls started to get iffy and shady. The moderation and owner turned a blind eye to cheating the system because it was revenue in their pockets as long as the offer wall providers didn't catch on. And they were super harsh on other indiscretion. I stopped trusting the site and didn't use it anymore.
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TremorGames.com will be shutting down on 25th November 2018. We have been compelled to do this due to some personal issues. We regret we won't be able to disclose more details about the reason for closure. The website will become inaccessible after 25th November. We cannot give the exact time but please finish off all activities on the website by 24th November. We are closing new registrations and offerwallls from today.
It has been a great experience running TremorGames. We thank all our members who have been supportive and helpful. We tried our best to give our users the best experience. We apologize for our shortfalls.
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