Well, there was a time when bad earthlings cheated on me about 20 years ago. (similar content)🤔
First, take a day, turn off your computer and phone, and take a break where your family is not.
Then it's not too late to think first.
Let's look at it from the opposite perspective. You can gather evidence to identify your wife's cheating partner who is transitioning and get alimony.
Consider a wife who does not value you and takes your contribution to the family lightly, a wife's cheating partner, these may be the factors that caused you to leave the company and may be the factors that prevent you from maintaining a family environment.
Next year could be a good year for you by finding a lawyer who is good at cheating and coming to you.
At least, I wouldn't blame you if that's what happens if you're in a situation where you can't admit to your children that your parents need to be a set of parents, the need to stay separated with the feeling that they might betray you again once you ask them to forgive you.
While it's important to counsel your mental health before you separate and find out, for example, that taxes in your name are being paid and not paid or that money in your bank account has been drained for several years, it's also right to try to cool off from a different aspect of the situation.
Perhaps you would be happier to legally reward them for their betrayal and dishonesty rather than shooting them with a gun or stabbing them to death with a knife. 🙅😭🔪🔫😈
The peak of humanity's anger is not that long, so unload your guns and seal them up.
Sometimes you don't cook and let them deliver 🍕😋🥤
If you believe in the human conscience and forgive in celebration of the Holy Night, then all you have to do is keep the evidence.
A healthier option than despairing when you are truly betrayed would be insurance.
...😞I feel that legal counseling and spiritual counseling, these two are necessary.
I wish I had never had to use that kind of insurance, or any situation where I needed to use it.For example, it's a scary story because there are troublesome situations where a child could be taken hostage.
As with the account deletion, do what you can to postpone it.
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P.S. I was so surprised that my translator made an error too.(Probably fixed but still iffy.)
I remember how heartbreaking it was for me too, but I'm alive. You, too, should just close for business for this year, without pushing what you can put off.
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Sad to see a user go even if were not acquainted
Id suggest not deleting the account- i went through a bad time (different reasons) and also tought of deleting SG- back then i also went through a phase of stopping with games. But since having the account doesnt equal using it i just stopped visiting the site... same logic i had with steam- i uninstalled all games, left steam installed but no more autostarting with windows
...and i went more or less 3 or so years rarely gaming and not really touching SG
But times change, moods change... btw the hiatus i did with gaming made it so i managed to find joy in games again. Im not sure how much it was from getting in a better mood/situation or the time away, likely both. Even today i dont indulge in SG like i used to (that could change still, if my income improves, my mood... we cant know the future)- in any case when i wanted to go back i had everything in place.
Its pretty much the same energy i had with steam- when i wanted to stop and tought of deleting the account i looked at steam and heck, i wouldnt delete my steam account... and im glad i didnt either
Take your time, you need it. Take your time from gaming, BS at work, heck even BS in the relationship- if you cant see an angle on mending things for now take a breath. Our state of mind is what most affect our chances at life- life throws us all kinds of #$@ and on that we have no control over, but we can control how we react and handle things wich have a major impact in the outcomes. The problem of being in a bad place is that its makes us worse reacting or thinking clearly, thus increasing the odds of making bad choices, reacting badly etc...
In my case it involves depression (wich i still handle btw, chronic in my case) but so many years living with that i learned that at my worst i keep doing worse- so i try to push problems away for awhile to create some breathing room... and take whatever time i need until i cool down or improve to then get to tackle things at a better position.
Any problems in the house we cant really get away but we can control how we react... You could try choosing what you care or get mad about- its hard at the begining but really trying its possible. And you could also open up a bit about it too- "Im not good right now, old job/new one, etc" and ask for some space, or some time until tackling any particular subject. Try getting better first
Theres one other thing wich idk how much it applies to you but its so common with everyone... when were in a bad place we tend to see things worse too. Seems to be human psyche 101, universal, we have a tendency to increase the size of problems, and under stress and a pile of them our brains go into a defensive-worried state, like its on high alert for more problems to avoid - or so its how i interpret it- where we can also see problems where theres none or misidentify the problem. And also that focus on the negative stops us from seeing positive or the most important part SOLUTIONS too... wich goes back to getting into a better headspace first.
I will throw some wild conjectures just as example because i dont know you, your family etc so im not saying its the case at all- but for example maybe its not that your kids dont care about dad but that theyre not caring about games as much. That i think have a high chance of being the case because of that phase in life- right now theyre likely super focused on social, friends and dating- and that will keep going for awhile... Relationship issues are also often side effects of other things so that issue could also be about something else...
Ofc that could not be the case and just be what it is anyway. Im just saying things arent always what it seem and theres a chance you may figure things differently- but if that is the case you probably wont see or get any of that right now because things piled on one another at a terrible time. You got the bad combo (problem in work AND personal life), its natural to feel that weight- try getting into a better headspace first and giving it some time. You may start noticing things differently or see solutions you cant right now.
And i know it can sound bad or tired saying 'look at the positive' (i have chronic depression, listened to that for most of my life)- heck i hated hearing it when i was younger, but so long in a bad place i came to realize that did make a difference, and in my case a key one- the difference between me making things worse or me getting better. Idk if it applies to you but its worth trying...
You got the middle finger from your old job but youre already lined for a new one. Focusing on that and trying to make a good start not expecting the worse could be helpful.
Youre in good health from what i gather (i mean serious problems, otherwise you wouldve mentioned then). You have a family, kids plural and issues or not a relationship that had its good times and could improve- heck we dont know the future, we cant know
I have chronic depression, some health issues, no family, kids and im currently broke. Im not saying that to compete or reduce your issues, not at all- im only saying that to illustrate... ive been in a bad spot for many years, i get some ups then downs again (way more downs then ups) and for me things like that - pushing away the negative toughts, trying to get into a better headspace, giving things time, thinking on the positives, focusing on solutions and doing what i can instead of focusing on what i cant control...- made a world of difference.
I hope you get better and can see a way through all this soon. End of years are also a bad time... try for awhile to not discuss, dont keep thinking about all the bad, put things on pause until the new year starts at a new job and until you dont feel as bad first. Just an idea- i dont think it will hurt trying. I insist on that beacuse your post was just doom and gloom as finite. Life goes on. Things do change - and i wager doing what we can in hopes it increase the odds of it changing for the better are worth considering. And just seeing the negatives and defeats at least for me have never helped.
I do mean everything i said here including hoping you get better. Heck the reason ive made this huge wall of text is because i care- ive also had my moments of venting online, sometimes i didnt even care what people said, sometimes what some people said made me worse... but i also found some support and people that helped me even if a little bit. Reason i talk so much about headspace is because my chronic depression got so bad i have 1 failed suicide attempt under my belt. Heck i didnt 'changed my mind'- i did it, by luck survived, but im glad i failed. Ironically i joke to myself thats one great example of things turning better unexpectedly and a good failure, whenever im back at focusing on all the failures i get
...my case is of course an extreme example that dont apply to you, but the headspace is a thing (i just ilustrate how bad it can get)
Wish you improvements, may things look brigther next year at the new job
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You need to find a new place to put your time and feel appreciated. What that is is based on you. Let the kids grow up start lawyering up the money you're wasting on the therapist would best be used there. You are right to leave this site you do not need video games right now or to be giving away you're gonna need that money for a ship if you do not want to sink. Best wishes I hope you become the man you need to be
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Man, I'm woefully unqualified to give life advice, not just because I'm no therapist but also because I have basically no experience with being married or having kids, I'm just that kinda guy that's still single in his mid thirties with not much interest in changing that fact. So I'm not gonna try to offer any sort of solution and assume that you know better about your own life than what I can guess from behind a screen, if you feel like leaving SG for good is the way to go then I'm not gonna question your thought process, it's just a bit sad whenever I see someone leaving.
What I might be able to talk about without having to do wild extrapolations is the bit about your therapist, if you think this one isn't working for you then get a new one. I myself had to go through a few at one point in my life because the first two just weren't helping much if at all, but I eventually did manage to find a guy that actually understood what was going on with me and helped me. So don't stay with a therapist if you feel like you're not making any progress, it will do you no good.
And to conclude, I can't remember if we interacted all that much throughout the years (this headache I currently have isn't helping) but I don't need to to tell you it's evident that you'll be missed around here. Best of luck with your current problems, remember that there will always be a new day and things can get better. See ya.
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Even if you stop playing games and stop giving or winning them, you can always lurk the discussions. There are lots of like minded people here and you might enjoy talking about something once in a while. I can't really comment on the other stuff since I don't have a job, wife, kids, friends, or pretty much anything resembling a life, but it might help to know that there are a lot of people going through similar things. Most people hide what their life is really like so that others don't see that they have problems.
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I can really empathize life losing it's flavor.
I hope you can find your joy.
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Wow, that's a hell of a lot of things to hit all at once.
Not every therapist is a good match, it may be worth considering looking for another, if they aren't helping to address the subjects in a helpful way.
Being strung along by a company is rough, but hopefully this change is what you need. Resentment is a poison that can only build, if the source doesn't provide an outlet when addressed. And 17 years is a hell of lot of grounding for resentment to set into. I suppose it's going to be hard to be optimistic about anything career-related after that. Being burned (or just burned-out) makes you numb to positive outlooks, and its only natural. The body (or at least the mental-emotional balance) interprets everything in a sense of your needs and the potential threats, and when you feel this way, that registers as a form of negativity akin to a threat. Perhaps not a physical threat but still a very notable blip on the radar of things that diminish your wellbeing, y'know? I imagine you'll need time to clear out that heaviness and the nagging feeling of lacking any closure.
Kids growing up can be a pretty harsh reality to get punched with. The bare emotional bonds that younger children provide without filter can be chaotic and hectic but it is at least a constant form of engagement and feedback. The teenage years with all its strife and their attempts to find their identity / boundaries by pushing at everything? Coupled with the escalation of drama / more adult-shaped negative emotional outbursts, and cold periods of non-communication? It can feel outright hostile, going from the 'hot' of young childhood to the 'cold' of an adult starting to form. It can feel outright combative, and in their clumsy growth they can really hurt you, often deeper than they realise.
And then your partner? Jesus, I can only imagine.
That is one massive cocktail of emotional blowback to be forced to sip on, and if the therapy isn't hitting the right wavelength (or if they're just not understanding what you're trying to convey) then that can just add an extra layer where it feels futile to even try push through. Like the gnarly whipped cream on a big shit-sundae. Nothing hurts worse than severed heartstrings or a bruised heart, but if therapy isn't working out it can feel incredibly invalidating and disillusioning...
But I have confidence you'll be okay eventually.
Like, genuinely okay, not "just surviving", but breathing easy, and finding things to look forward to and wake up for.
But until that comes around, there's no two ways about this, you're going to be treading water and wading through the mental-emotional mud of this oppressive swamp of a situation you're in. I do not have ANY envy for what you're going through. But you can outlive this. It might suck ass finding a way to pull yourself forwards day by day, but you're going to outlive this. And you'll find your peace of mind again. So long as you can nail the one golden rule, everything will pass. And the golden rule is to just keep breathing. Yeah, there's no lying about this, you'll have to fight through some of it, there are going to be days you're going to feel crushed.
But you're going to see it through.
And you'll look back and maybe wonder how you did it.
But you will make it.
Some days with clarity and energy and grit.
Some days with in a muddle, dragging your feet and feeling defeated.
I'm sorry if my rambling has sounded patronising or reductive. I'm just a random stranger on the internet, not trying to talk down to you or trivialise how you feel with catchphrases and buzzwords and whatnot. But as a random dude probably on the opposite side of the planet, I just want to say... something. Anything. You deserve happiness and connection. Recognition for your work. A partner who is truly present and engaged with you. And well, your kids will still be your kids, even if it can feel like they're drifting, distant, unappreciative or abrasive right now.
Hopefully for how rough you feel right now, this may be a period of renewal for you. Change can suck even on the best of days, but even change that seems to be thrust upon you can be a blessing in disguise. I hope that's the case here. I also hope you can compartmentalise each of these issues, because sometimes the weight and shock of one can have a domino effect on the others. Feeling so tender from one blow can make the other prickles in life feel that much more cutting.
If you feel that removing your steamgifts account will give you space to breathe, then do whatever you need to do. Though I worry you may regret that if you are doing this in a hurry, unless you find yourself gravitating here a lot when you need your mind to be clear. But if you do, please consider looking for another online space, one perhaps more suited for conversation than just a message forum. Being able to vent and get the weight off your chest is going to be a major part in staying sane through this!
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I haven't lived life enough to give u any insightful advice or reassurance.
I will only wish that 2025 is kinder to you. I hope you come back to SG, considering this place has been a significant presence in your life. And we're probably low maintenance. You don't need to go the 'all or nothing' route.
Take care of your health, take care of yourself. Your smile will surely return. Who knows...maybe life's problems won't be so annoying with time.
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That is super sad news, Gaffi. My heart hurts for your pain, and I don't really know what to say other than that I'll pray for the best outcome for your situation and that you can find joy again.
We love you and I have really enjoyed seeing you around here. I'll miss you and hope you decide to undelete your account. Even if you never give another item away on SG, you can at least drop in from time to time to say hi, or for us to say Hi to you! You are FAR more than the sum total of your giveaways, and we appreciate you for you
I went though a phase when I didn't need my parents help or advise. I grew out of it. I think most teens go through such a phase and 90% of them get over it. I'm sure yours will, and hope they will soon. No matter how much we think "I don't need my parent", when the opportunity to talk to them and lean on them is no longer a possibility, it hits just how much we need them. Knowing "Dad is there for me when I need him" is comforting, no matter how they may (or may not) show it.
I sincerely hope that stuff turns around for you, and soon. I'm always available on steam or discord if you need a listening ear.
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Hey Gaffi,
Sorry all these changes are upon you at the same time.
Could also be an opportunity for a re-birth!
A chance to re-imagine what you want for yourself from life for yourself and then go get it!
Blessings on your journey!
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Hey sorry to hear about this, I hope you're okay, life comes sometimes too fast, but please don't give up trying to be happy yourself, if your kids don't want to play games with you anymore you can always try finding other hobbies where you can be with them, or just try to watch a movie with them even just at home, and if they're on that teenager stage and just want to distance from their parents, let them be, that doesn't mean they don't love you anymore, there's also gaming communities out there where you can find people to spend time with, even if not just games if you are too burnt out from them. If your wife wants to see other men you also can find someone else too right? I understand it hurts, you loved her and she loved you for all those years but you can also find someone for yourself, it's only fair and you can and deserve to be happy again, life is not over and it's never too late to keep trying, someone will always love you. Deleting your accounts wont solve anything and it will only lead you to regret, heavier depression but most important isolation and even if the later is what you want it will lead you nowhere, please look out for yourself and be kind to you. In the end the choice is yours and this is a tough time you are going with but you can and will get out of this one even if it seems you are sinking in. I wish the best for you from now on Gaffi, take care and thank you for trusting us with this
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I am so sorry. I am here for you if you ever need to talk. Please don't ever forget that, my friend.
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Wow! Talk about some HUGE life changes and getting kicked in the balls by the wife at the same time.
I too ran into the problem that woman no longer view marriage as "for life," and instead forever dream of something better.
Sadly social media and simp's give them too much validation, and they have a hyperinflated view of themselves.
Sorry to hear of someone having soo many stressful issues happening at once.
PLEASE reach out to ANYONE and talk when you're feeling bad. Even AA will accept people who arent alcoholics but are struggling with depression(like me). Ignore the stigma, and enjoy the community.
Another good option for support is church. Generally non-judgemental, and just generally positive social vibes...
I'm curious... what's your new job? Any plans on starting anything else new, like maybe some kind of exercise group to get yourself nice and fit, and eventually ready for a new woman in your life?
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I'm talking about men's thirst driving them to simp for woman, and how that'd naturally gas them up and result in a hyperinflated perspective.
This is an idea classically told in "The Emperor Where's No Clothes." A story where everyone is incentivized to lie to the emperor, at the emperor's eventual detriment.
It's nice to have "yes-men" and some kind of emotional support system, but for one's own survival, you NEED someone to be blatant and honest. Men cant do that when they're mainly focused on their thirst, and thus simping.
Woman dont simp in the same way for men, so we dont have this problem. So i stand by generalization.
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Nuance goes into anecdotal and specifics, i'm talking about the generality of modern society at the moment. So OF COURSE it's not nuanced!
I love people regardless of the social and environmental pressures at hand. But denying gravity exists doesnt stop it from having an effect, nor help those subject to it, from coping with it. Thankfully the human race isnt in denial about gravity, and has created things like airplanes.
Woman pretending that getting validation with risque photos on social media is not the same as cheating, is not helping anyone. At the VERY least they should learn that it's feeding an internal narcissistic thing all us humans have.
Not trying to attack anyone, or want to make anyone to feel hurt from my statements. I'm just talking about tendencies. Such as the tendency for gravity to make a ball roll downhill. Doesnt mean it NEVER runs uphill, but that's the general tendency. Such as men being violent. Therefore we men are wary of eachother's violence, and warn young men about abusing their capacity for it.
I'm happy to debate the point if you have a counterpoint?
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Yeah, since you're gonna jump right into accusing me of misogyny, i dont know how we can have a civil debate. I'm just trying to refer to overall tendencies for the majority.
Woman are the one's that choose to end relationships and specifically this one, most of the time. I wish for her the best, but stats would suggest she's likely with a man who gassed her up and will play for awhile before moving on.
This is why i pointed out the flirting and validation from internet simps.
Instead of incentivizing people to build STRONG families and a middle class, we're inspiring to dream FOREVER, and not to simply work on building things with another person.
People arent perfect, and both men and woman have issues. In this situation i'm specifically talking to a man, about an issue with a woman, and trying to cherry pick some facts that may boost his spirit.
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How about neither of you keeps derailing this post?
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How about neither of you keeps derailing this post?
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When one door closes, another one opens. Stay vigilant!
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No matter what happens, never ignore the power of talking to someone. We are human and talking is what we do. It doesn't even have to be someone professional. It's a tough patch but it's part of the life experience. Sometimes embracing the change is the only way out. You can always find a new job, and who knows maybe you'll be happy there. If not the new one, maybe on another. Teens will be teens, they will grow and change, and your role as their father remains constant. It seems there is at least some damage has been done on your wife's account. It may lead to a divorce in the end and there is no way to know if this will be bad or good for you. Just never rush anything and talk with your wife too.
I wish everything turns out to be in favour of you Gaffi. Hope we'll see you here again, even if you decide to delete your account. Take care!
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I... dont know what to say. I want to say sorry for what happened to you but i think it will just give the opposite effect so i won't. I hope the future isn't as bleak as you said, and if it is, hopefully things will get better.
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About your kids, teenagers can be somewhat hmm this way, but for many it's a phase. When they will be adult, there's a chance that they'll come back to you in a different way, or be grateful for the affection you've shown them. Don't give up on that.
For the rest i just feel sorry for you, there are phases, don't get discouraged
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