Hey guys , today I bought these 2 games with all of their available feature ( Gold and Ultimate Editions ) on steam, and I thought why shouldn't I install one of them and play a bit ? xD So pls , help me decide !

5 years ago

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Which one should I play?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

View Results
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate Edition
Assassin's Creed Origins - Gold Edition

If you're at all bothered about the series ongoing story then Origins first, otherwise just pick whichever setting you prefer.

5 years ago

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Origins - just because Odyssey is better in almost every aspect, and Origin will feel like a downgrade after it. On the other hand, you can hunt crocodiles and hippos and raid Egyptian tombs in Origin, and it's hard to beat that :)

5 years ago*

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I would go for Origins first =) i bought both too with all content and i like the seetting in Egypt more but after Origin i will play Odessey too :D i heard Odessey its like Origin but with a shittone to do and it goes a little over top with that but thats ok you dont need to do everything in the game it is not a Witcher in the end :D both are great games and maybe this year the next one comes out ^^

5 years ago

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I like that the poll only allows those who owns the games to vote which I do but not that exact edition... ah well. :P

Anyway AC: Odyssey, I have 200+ hours in that game, it's absolutely a fun RPG (more than a assassin's creed game tbh) that makes you go "FOR SPARTA" like 50% of the time. A must play if you love Greek Mythology especially the Atlantis DLC.

5 years ago

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Start with Origins. Odyssey is better and more polished, and going Origins -> Odyssey you'll be able to appreciate the improvements while going backwards you'll have a harder time enjoying Origins as it will feel more limited and dated.

5 years ago

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You'll likely get tired of the ubification systems after playing either for long enough so choose carefully. You might only have the will to play the other one looong after.

5 years ago

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IMO Egypt is way more refreshing than the already overly recycled Greek Myths. Honestly we may just get a Norse assassin next

5 years ago

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go first with origins, i like that one more than the other.
in odyssey, for me, the story is weak, but it have goods DLCs

if you play the other assassin creed games, prepare yourself to find big changes.

5 years ago

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I like Origins better. I just can't get into Odyssey no matter how much I try; it feels less like a story and more like an Assassin's Creed sandbox.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Feels good to pick them both together, huh
Anyway you look at it > just start with Origins

Tbh the question would have made more sense if it was which one to buy.
Did you play the other installments in the series ?
What about Far Cry series ? or GR Wildlands ?

Ubi keeps bloating each game with more mindless fillers the famous "?s"
Odyssey feels way more mindlessly stretched/grindy, leveling up takes ages compared to other rpg games and you need to upgrade your gear a lot (or change it very often) unless ofc you play on the lowest difficulties.

About 200hrs in Origins against 450hrs in Odyssey

It is weird really Ubi games released in the last few years I find the game-play VERY addictive and at the same time the games are not satisfying.

5 years ago

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Can't vote because I own the games on Ubi but I'd go in chronological order because Origins is awesome but Odyssey is better so you'll be disappointed if you play Origins second, which is too bad because it's a cool game.

5 years ago

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If you enjoy games where you start with 10 dmg sword and end up with 200 000 dmg sword and other "joys" of that kind of level progression...

Oh and assassination is no longer one hit wonder, even when you put EVERYTHING into assassination

5 years ago

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Odyssey, ancient Greece is propably the most beautiful map i have ever seen in a videogame. Also its huge and its totally worth exploring even if you dont want to do any side missions.

5 years ago

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If you bought both games, there is no reason why you shouldn't play Origins first. It was the first game, Odyssey is the second and the better game.

5 years ago

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I have both games but only on Uplay so I can't vote but if you are going to play both, I'd say origins first then Odyssey. Odyssey is better overall though.

5 years ago

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Such a confusing topic. You bought both games and can't decide which one to play? Uhh, how about both in the order of release?

5 years ago

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You should clarify if you want to know wich one to play FIRST or if you really gonna play only one of them.

Both are great games, both have some unique strengths, but in most aspects, Odyssey is the better game by far IMHO. So if you gonna play them both, you should start with Origins, beacuse you will enjoy it a lot less if you´ve played Odyssey first. Also the overarching storyline is told in the order they got released, of course ;)

If you´re gonna play only one of them, Odyssey would be my choice. As I said, its just the better game in many ways, but it depends on what you personally like.. if historical acuracy and the serious/dark base-tone of the AC-Series are very important to you, I´d advice Origins over Odyssey for example. If you really cant descide, just take the one with the setting you like the most (Egypt or Greece). When it comes to graphics, theres not much difference, both games look equaly awesome!

5 years ago

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