Gathered that, I was just wondering if anyone had been hit already as the refunds already in the process of being completed. I was assuming as soon as the refund was with the bank they'd instantly revoke, because currently I've got a game that has also been refunded. Seems weird to let me keep it after that.
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Did they say around what time? Because it's the first of the month and it's still in my library.
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They are supposed to be US based so it is somewhere between 10am-1pm for them atm. Still very early in the day and plenty of time to bring the salt.
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They will eventually revoke the key, so do like Archi, and enjoy your free extended weekend :3
As a bonus, you will keep the cards if you get them, and all the achievements you get will be saved for when you get the game again (mind that they will be counted for your achievement rate, even after you lose the game).
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I'm 100% going to kick off when it gets revoked, see what happens about it. If it never gets revoked though we'll see,
Breaking their T's & C's is bad enough but yeah, consumer law is worse. I'd never be like "i'll sue you" but I can definitely pass it on to consumer watchdogs, which is what the threat would be.
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I think this website is only relevant for UK citizens. But it may contain some useful information on what to do next as a consumer.
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There was a price glitch on Games Republic last week where the digital deluxe edition was 80% off. They've refunded everyone and said that the keys will be revoked, but I don't know if anyone's had theirs revoked yet.
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Oooh, then it's cool, I bought from cdkeys for 40€ :p 80% off would be quite a good offer and so soon. That's pretty nice if everyone will be able to keep it. Although I like supporting 2K, because I like their games, on the other hand: more players, more custom content, more mods -> I likey likey even more :p
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In other words : get rekt :D
I guess they dont mind then older games get glitched like Shadow of Mordor but this is just too big of a loss for them.
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The publishers done the same with past releases in the same region and given how long it was available for there's a good change that was intentional.
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given how long it was available for there's a good change that was intentional.
You don't honestly believe that, do you?
Duration of the glitch is not really an indication of intent, as there have been cases in the past for products where the developers were aware of the glitch and stated as much, but for some reason it just took an awful long time to get it fixed (or not at all in extreme cases, culminating in the outright removal of the product from affected regions).
None of these anecdotal accounts are enough to draw a conclusion either way - and anecdotes are pretty much all we've got - but "intentional glitching" to promote sales has got to be a pretty idiotic way to promote your game or software. I don't believe for a second that any publisher or developer of repute would, in their right mind, pursue such a course of action on purpose.
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Maybe not on it's own but I also can't really believe that they'd make the "same" mistake repeatedly.
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Well that does sound odd, but you know Hanlon's razor and all that; it would surprise me less if it turned out that some people actually are that incompetent.
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I'd say it's pretty obvious that Hanlon's razor implies Occam's in this case.
I can't take this daft "conspiracy", nor anyone who entertains it, seriously. That would have to be one of the stupidest, most error-prone, needlessly risk-inducing and unpredictable sales tactics ever. Not to mention it would only take one link in the chain to leak it, jeopardizing any consumer goodwill and credibility you may have had and causing unforeseeable harm to your reputation and brand. The more you think about it, the more idiotic it gets.
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Wow.. Maybe just coincidence.
They will suffering from loss.
But you got point, if that what happen (loss) why didn't they revoke it ?
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If they're going to revoke it, I hops they do so soon. Family's asking for a Christmas list and I don't want to out Civ 6 on it if it's still in my library.
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Only as information for the discount voucher.
1 Mail:
Code is valid until 1 June 2017, and in case you would like to use it after this date we'll be able to extend its life anytime.
2 Mail after i complained about the expiration:
You're right - we have disable expiration date of the code, so now it's valid indefinitely.
So anyone who dont want to use the 25% now should ask support to extend the expire date.
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Wish I new about glitch. I would have rented game with a full refund. :)
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How the fuck does that work for European customers? Digital goods have been declared to get the same treatment as physical ones (down to a statement that they should be resellable). Revoking a key and refunding just because they wanted more money most likely goes against some regulation.
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Totally agree and if it gets revoked they will be reported to the financial ombudsman who investigate things like this, as people always make the joke "lol, sue them then" its obviously unviable to take them to small claims. So to stop the big man constantly ass fucking the little man, they investigate this kind of shit for you.
However, my guess is someone has told them "hey wait, this is hugely illegal" because almost a week has passed since they sent the "revoke" email and still nadda.
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If you buy something and it's marked up at the wrong price then you're only obliged to pay for the price it's marked up at. I once went to buy DiRT from Game and someone had put a 5 quid sale sticker on it, they told me the price was wrong but as it's marked up at 5 quid instead of 20 they are obliged to sell it for the 5 quid price. This is the same with digital goods, same thing happened awhile back with Dead Rising 3 they said they were going to revoke those key which had been brought but later changed their minds as it's against the regulations in doing so.
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I once went to buy DiRT from Game and someone had put a 5 quid sale sticker on it, they told me the price was wrong but as it's marked up at 5 quid instead of 20 they are obliged to sell it for the 5 quid price.
Surely that can't be right? They get the option to refuse a sale, right? Because if they are pure forced to sell at whatever sticker price after a ****
plays with the labels, there is major issues with that.
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You've clearly never tried to pull a Game sticker off in one piece. They don't come off, and when they do, they're not sticky anymore. The only way you could do this, is by stealing a load of unused stickers.
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I buy loads of used console games (this week alone was 4 games for $4 each). Trust me, I know about removing stickers.
They can't be right, simply because it would only serve to bankrupt stores if it was law.
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This is what UK laws says:
"If you take an item to the till and are told the price on the tag or label is a mistake, you don’t have a right to buy the item at the lower price. You could still try asking the seller to honour the price.
It’s the same if you see an item advertised anywhere for a lower price than the one on the price tag."
So maybe that's just Game's own rules regarding the situation. The call is probably made by the on-duty manager. Lots of other companies honour price glitches. Amazon for one always does. I bought 3 copies of Just Cause 3 for £1.50 each once. Never even received an email from Amazon moaning about it.
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The sticker didn't look like it had been removed and put on another case, it was a big blue sticker and was hard to remove and place on another case without damaging the sticker. So it was probably done by an employee, had it looked like it had been tampered with then they might not have been obliged to sell it for the cheaper price but as it looked like an employee error then yes they are obliged to sell it aat the lower price and this was told to me by the person serving me.
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If they have to, that is open to such much exploitation. I can only see that as foolishness.
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When they told me the price was wrong I said I'll leave it then and that's when they told me that they are obliged to sell it for the cheaper price if I wanted it. I was happy I walked home with a big grin on me boat race. :D
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i remember contract law. In the uk invitation to treat means they have no obligation with a price error.
"An invitation to treat is a mere declaration of willingness to enter into negotiations; is is not an offer, and cannot be accepted so as to form a binding contract."
Game just showed some goodwill accepting (if anything like the Game near me it was closing down sale hehe)
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That is merely store policy and not an obligation on their part. Various stores have simolar policy, though many would reject a simple sticker switch. I know Walmart Canada requires several of the same items to be advertise at the given price (e.g. a stocker putting the wrong price on the self) in order for them to give the mistaken price.
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That's not entirely true, if they price on the sticker is incorrect but not transaction has passed, they are not obliged to sell it at that price, most places do it as a gesture of goodwill.
By law, if they have sold it for the incorrect sticker then try and rectify the error, they have entered into a contract and that can't be changed. Anything pre-sale can be rectified.
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This wasn't a case of "The sticker was wrong but they have to sell it to you at that price". Here, the sticker was wrong but they sold it at that price regardless. You'd already gone home and installed the game. Now they want to unpick that deal. You'd never allow it with a physical product that was already in the consumer's home.
The time to cancel the orders was before they took money and issued the key. Now, it's just too late to renege.
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I totally agree! If they revoke it I'll complain to the hilt, but I'm waiting on that happening at the minute. Once they took my money they entered a contract exchanged by goods and the cancellation of such would require me agreeing, which I do not agree in the slightest.
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In my opinion, the biggest issue with it getting revoked is, that you get that nasty message from Steam
that there's a problem with your payment, like you're some kind of criminal who purchased with
a stolen credit card and that your account may get limited for card drops. The latter may not always happen
and they will most definitely claim that it won't, but I know out of my own experience with a free
key out of a 10k keys-giveaway that got revoked on my other account that it can happen.
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I don't get the attitude of some people here. If you buy a game when it's price glitched you need to expect that it will be revoked. The crappy 'but I bought it legally you can't take it from me' attitude leads only to further worsening relation between gaming companies and the gaming community, because of the waves of whiners that then hit their social media sites.
I guess this is why we can't have nice things, eh.
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That opinion completely disregards consumer rights, it sets a dangerous precedent, let me elaborate...
Company A sells a game for £20, gets huge traffic and realises that it could perhaps sell it for more. Company A refunds and revokes all purchases without warning and places a £30 price tag on the item.
Second scenario, you go into a shop and buy a game for £20, you take the physical copy home with you and begin to play the game. A day later the company sends bailiffs to your house with £20, they give you £20 and remove the game from you, without your consent or even being there. The only reason this doesn't happen is its cost prohibitive, taking back something you've legally purchased digitally doesn't include balliff hirings.
Third and final point, lets factor in the loss of income, no matter how small and the gain in income for the company in question. So they have had my money for over a week, accruing interest. Doesn't seem much, but say the sales are in the 1,000's(which are the numbers some are claiming which is why they are "refunding"), they have got around what? £150,000 in sales lets say of money they actually don't own. They now accrue interest on that money and prohibit me from accessing these funds to spend myself. If they make a dollar on it, its a dollar they certain don't deserve. It's also not down to me, the consumer, to denote what is a "pricing error" I have to take in good faith the price that the company offers me the product for. I can buy a car for one penny deposit, is it a shock I can buy a AAA game for £15?
The only reason you can "have nice things" is because the law allows you to and protects your right as a consumer. What is the point of ToS/T & C if no company is going to follow them. Imagine one day before your mortgage payment ends the developer decides its a pricing error and you now owe an extra £100,000.
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Just a quick one, has anyone actually had their game revoked? We got the email saying there was going to be a refund and a revoking of the key, but as of yet, I'm still the owner of the game.
I don't want to start it if its going to disappear, but at the same time, I want to play the darn thing. Anyone else still own it? Am I missing something?
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