May I suggest that, should a giveaway-creator submit a request for a reroll on a giveaway that has not not been marked as received after the mandatory seven days, the ticket be automatically approved and a new winner selected? As with creator-submitted tickets to delete their own active giveaways, surely the process would cut down on a few items the woefully understaffed Support team must otherwise personally attend?

I bring this up as, anecdotally, last week I was forced to submit a reroll ticket for a giveaway that had been neglected by the user (despite multiple attempts to contact them, which led to a Friend invite rejection via Steam and no email response) for seven days. Two days later, while still awaiting a response from Support, the initial winner redeemed and activated the gift. A "happy" ending to the tale, certainly, but now I'm facing a similar issue with a giveaway that is presently at six days overdue with a winner who hasn't logged on since its conclusion. Consideration of whether or not I should prematurely submit a ticket spurred the creation of this thread, as if Support continue to take several days to review the tickets it will not be seen until well after seven have elapsed anyway.

EDIT: I've decided to wait the full seven days prior to requesting a reroll, I suppose it's better to abide by the letter of the law in this case rather than secure my position in the Support backlog.

9 years ago*

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There have been a few threads asking for automatic rerolls, already, but I think this one has the biggest flaw.

The winner cannot mark as Not Received, before 7 days after the giveaway ends pass. Your suggestion would mean that a gifter could just reroll after the first 7 days automatically without ever attempting to send the gift to the winner.

9 years ago

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Pardon? Either I'm misinterpreting your statement or overlooking something entirely.
So, in the following scenario...
---- User A (UA) creates a giveaway
---- User B (UB) wins said giveaway
---- UA sends the associated key, link or submits contact information to UB
---- UB does not redeem key, link or respond
---- Seven days elapse
You're saying at no point prior to that could UB have marked the item as Not Received? With a Steam gift I can understand, but I was under the impression that the option was enabled from the moment a key/link was sent? Surely there's some sort of log that would denote UA had, in fact, sent something (valid or otherwise)?

9 years ago*

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The option to mark a giveaway as Not Received is only available after 7 days pass.

This gives the users enough time to communicate with each other and not have winners mark giveaways as Not Received, earlier than that, as well as, not allow gifters to ask for a reroll for being unable to contact a winner, earlier than that.

9 years ago

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That's fair enough, I suppose, I'll give it some further thought, there must be some way to avoid exploitation of an automated reroll while still permitting gifters the option to request one.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses, Rinarin.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Graye007.