Are rules in Steamtrades meant for breaking?
For the moment Steamtrades is a no man's land, unfortunately. There is only a rep review system, to date.
Anyone trading there should use extreme caution and common sense.
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Yeah, but I counted on community, but sadly, activity in "Vote on Reviews" is very low... and if people can use bots, then it feels like revenge is easy to get and same to making their reputation spotless ;( furthermore, I wasn't only one who got F***** by this user :/
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As a retired trader who has traded close to 450 games for games, I try to help some even when it's only with a cup and not a bucket. :-)
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Maybe when there will be sufficient active support members on SG there will be more focus on Steamtrades preferably in the form of moderators.
I know that there are recurrent scammers and imposter's active on Steamtrades some with multiple accounts. :X
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Keep holding on, sometimes things take time for one reason or another. I can say that the only time I was ever scammed was by a serial beta key scammer that scammed me and a lot of other SG users. That scammer was permanently suspended about one year later.
With Steamtrades most of the iceberg is under water.
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In that case the only hope for ST moderation is coming out of ST itself and\or from an outside source.
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I couldn't say, brother because I exclusively traded games for games on SG and with trusted and known people on my Steam list.
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I also trade only in Steamtrades, it's good place with awesome and friendly people... but like any site, there are also not-so-good persons, I got my 3x -rep for just calling person out that he broke rules, by having more than 1 acc per person...
I know a lot of people use as well, don't have personal experience, but it's one of the most popular sites :)
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Why don't you check out barter? I stopped using Steamtrades once learning about barter. I think it's easier making a trade offer someone will actually accept and also during my 40+ trades I've never seen any bad behavior there :)
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"sorry my game is worth 23c more on the grey market so this isn't a fair trade."
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Just ask if you have any questions. When I was getting into trading I've spent a few days on Steamtrades, then heard about barter and I'm only using barter since then. Once you learn how to use, it's definitely the best option available :)
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ty, its kindev basic as...well i only have gems packs or cards...
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hi ^_^
a question, i made an offer and the trader declined it, is it plausible to counter offer it again? or do i need to open new trade?
and what exactly is expected behavior? is it ok to send a new offer? i mean how do i know what he meant like if the offer aint good or he simply dosent wanna trad?
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You can only counter a received offer. If someone declines your offer then the only option is to send another one.
Not everyone bothers to set this (in which case I would probably just skip the person), but when the offer is being declined there should be a reason shown on the offer page (in parentheses). Just check what it says and then use your common sense when considering another trade offer to the same person ;)
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You can write messages only in trade offers (those are seen by the public) and for completing the actual trade you should add the person on Steam.
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Why you still using steamtrades if you hate it so much?
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Most of them are trolling, no doubt. Well, IMO anyway.
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Yeah, that's why me and one fellow trader realized (s)he using BOTs, our DENY votes jumped very high, and we got "permanent" reputations, while her/his got removed, nevertheless, our reps where explained and detail, while her/his response where just sth like "reputation should reflect personal trade"
EDIT: ...and most suspicious thing (that made us sure about using BOTs) was that if our info was wrong, against rules etc, why did our reputations ended ~48% ?
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Once somebody tried to get revenge with fake screenshots :o
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Yep, you can check his negative feedback on how he started his career. Then he moved on to using his several accounts to give false negatives to anyone who disagrees with his spamming of the same stuff in 3 threads with each of the accounts. He loves all sorts of other spamming too.
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I know it's not your point, but i figured I'd take a moment to post some knowledge out.
.Trading is no longer a part of SteamGifts, and as of October 2016 trading has been moved to
Since these two services are now separate, the support systems are no longer integrated, and the SteamGifts team is unable to assist with SteamTrades related matters.
For issues regarding negative reviews, SteamTrades offers a voting system to help with their removal. If a user has received a negative review, they can reply to the review on their SteamTrades profile. Both the negative review, and their reply will then be displayed to the community, and the users of SteamTrades will be able to vote on whether they feel the review is deserved, or whether it should be automatically removed from their profile.
As the support team at SteamGifts cannot assist with trade related issues, we will close this ticket. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
As far as steamgifts support is concerned, steamtrades is an entirely different site in which we have no control. I understand your frustration and even your understanding in the matter. Figured i'd make the point however in case others did not.
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I believe CG still owns it, but that's completely an uninformed, non-official guess. Like I said, they're like two completely different arenas for us here. Totally shooting from the hip here.
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That's a good thought. I'll float that idea if it hasn't already.
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I left for about a year ago after more than 700 succesful trades and met a lot of awesome traders but also some complete douchebags.
Site has always been like that.Though the negative reviews could be removed by admins at that time.
In the beginning it was a great place to meet Russian or Asian traders but that was before Steam implemented region locks. And before AMD and Nvidia put restrictions on their game vouchers. The reason I left was because at some point I was only trading bundle vs bundle games. And I found an easier way to get rid of my bundle crap and get other bundle crap in return (bundle steam groups here on steamgifts).
Just a rant...
A site like that really needs admins to work properly.
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From my experience I would say that Steamtrades still works fine, thanks to the rep system with community voting. I found a lot of good traders.
The only time I got a -rep for just not accepting an offer, I easily made it remove by community.
Being careful when trading is still very important just like everywhere.
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Hi, I'm new here, just recently joined SteamGifts. I've taken a look at SteamTrades, and I wonder if you all can tell me if it's safe to trust a seller who has the same game on both their Have list and their Want list (example here)? I mean, is this an example of a shady dealer even though this seller has over 400+ reputation? Why would anyone list a game multiple times, and both in their Wants and their Haves?
FWIW, I'm interested in trading for their Stardew Valley, and have HB gifts (can be turned into either a gift link or Steam key), though from what I'm reading here seems like there's less of a chance to get scammed by turning it into a key for trading?
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People resell games, so they have them in both lists, buying cheaper and selling for some profit, nothing shady in that. Don't turn your games into keys, giftlinks are more valuable and you can trade them more easily, many traders accept only them and not keys. They cannot easily retrade keys and be 100% sure that they actually work.
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Why we have written rules, yet if you don't follow them, there is no Support to settle accounts?
I made this thread to express my personal fury, as I got 3x fake (revenge) negative reputations stating "-rep" ;(
you can read story on my steamtrades acc under negative reps :/
EDIT: forgot to mention, fury is not about getting them, but that these are "permanent" (at least so far when we get Support for ST)
EDIT2: years later two of them are gone, deleted by cg? at least they disappeared with negative reviews
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