What should I buy?
Hire some people who will play your games to decrease your backlog.
Kappa. If I were you I would totally buy the Switch!
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But but... I wanna enjoy my games!
I really want to
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Oh god... don't tempt me... especially with the new year event coming up...
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Yay! It's good treating yourself. I don't play instruments myself so I had no idea what it was. Looks like a quality one though:3
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If your gpu right now is not enough anymore for you you could go with a GTX 1070.
But if you would say, that you wouldn't need the power now, I would wait because later, when you need the power you would get more for your hard earned money. (It's always the same in hardware. Only upgrade if you need, never because you can).
I think the switch is a nice system but if you would not play it, I would not see a point in buying it.
Same for Steam games. Sure there are always some nice games out there but if you still have enough to play, finish the games you would like to and already have before buying new ones. :)
So I would say: save it, travel or buy something you wanted for a long time... In your situation I would not put any money into gaming atm.
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Yeah from speaking to other people they are saying it would be a waste to upgrade. I might just buy a better rig later for 4K and for now save it
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A 970 was the minimum requirement for VR at launch so it might start struggling as more advanced VR games start to release but for anything else a 970 will still keep you going for a while yet.
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A 1070 would be worth the upgrade, but I doubt you can find one in stock and under $500 at the moment. I suggest you put it in the bank and check again in 3 months and in 6 months until availability and price change.
Alternatively, here are a few cool things you can buy with $500:
An indoor hydroponic garden for your kitchen: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B06WWLZSK8/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B06WWKLKTV&pd_rd_wg=3KG3g&pd_rd_r=1CXM016W2DRK8QAAMCS2&pd_rd_w=UXhr2&th=1
A good quilt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/467765486/new-handmade-pieced-queen-sized-quilt?ga_order=price_desc&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=quilts&ref=sr_gallery-1-30
The Sandman Collection: https://smile.amazon.com/Sandman-Slipcase-Set-Neil-Gaiman/dp/1401238637/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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Yeah I would be hard to find one for cheaper for now. I may as well wait for a 1080 really to go down
I actually own the sandman comics!
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Yeah I guess I'm just not used to not being to play everything in ultra now :(
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Yes but we cash are hard to get and if it was me i wouldnt even think of paying 2xprice of gpu because the whole mining thing. Your 970 is enough and when the whole thing ends you could buy a 1080 or a 1080ti. Not to mention that if you dont mind buying used hardware the market will be flooded by high-end gpus
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I would recommend a ps4 with Horizon Zero Dawn most definitely. I've had more fun in a play through of that than any other game in the last few years.
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Oh I own it! I mean I already have it and have not played it yet because I've been playing wins
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Ahh I see. In that case if I was in your position I'd probably be saving the money and playing the heck out of HZD. It really is worth it :D
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Yeah I think I would aim for the 1080 but it's too expensive for me to justify it. I could afford it easily just the price... i could get so much for that price
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The step from a 970 to a 1070 is not big enough to warrant the expense of a new GPU, especially not at your current resolution, unless you have a game (now or in the near future) where you know you're going to need the extra FPS. I'm on a 1070 at the moment, but I'm on 2560 x 1440 @ 144 Hz, and that's a new system.
If you do not already have enough savings to cover buying new hardware if it breaks, save the money for that first. Nothing is more annoying than dropping a load on upgrading some hardware, only to have something else break right after and render your machine an expensive paperweight (and having to buy a second-hand or substandard replacement to tide you over) . If you do, then consider saving up for a more substantial upgrade if there's nothing else you really want to buy right now. My current time frame for upgrading a whole system is once every 5 years (minus the PSU, as I buy only quality PSUs that last for at least twice that time).
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I'd probably want a 1080 so I guess I'll just wait. I didn't realise how expensive it was. I think I'll just save my money and look out for deals for that or the Switch. Whatever goes on a deal first.
I have more than enough money to cover damages etc. That's why I said I have extra money. So some went in savings and some is there to spend on nice things!
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I'm an astro fan girl! They actually broke and I got Hyper Xs for now. They are pretty decent but I miss my Astros
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A 1050ti has a slightly higher clock speed and will use a bit less power. There are some situations where the 1050ti will win out but if you already have a 970 it really isn't an upgrade.
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Am I the first one to suggest you invest it? (like, in an index fund not games - gasp!)
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Well I have already invested savings already! This is only £500 to spend on nice things :P
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Honestly, if you are buying a house, you will need more than just enough for down payment. Something always comes up!
But, right now is the worst time to buy a GPU, they are low in stock because of cryptomaniacs. Even RAM is currently higher priced than usual.
Tough choice, imo your pc is still really good and upgrading it now would cost more than it should but hey, it's your money! =D
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Oh yeah of course! I'll worry about that nearer the time! For now I'm just paying rent and bills and trying to put the extra that I can aside. Got some decent savings!
Ah see I thought that, I bought RAM for my boyfriend and I thought it was more expensive from last time I bought it.
True which is kind of why I thought a switch would be good. Especially with stuff like Mario Cart when I have friends up. Ah I don't know!
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Yea, tough choice. I stopped caring about consoles awhile back, but if I was ever going to get a console it would be a Nintendo for sure! I hear nothing but good things about them.
But yea, is a tough choice for sure! I have been waiting myself for prices to drop a little to grab some RAM and a new GPU myself. Your GPU is better than my current R8 280 so I'm not sure how satisfying a GPU upgrade would be unless you were going for 4k or something.
I'm not sure either, but if I was in your shoes I might just get a Switch to be honest. You should have enough to get a few games and needed accessories I suppose.
Getting a new GPU from a GTX 970 isn't going to make much impact on a 1080p monitor imo, you already have 16 GB RAM and more is not yet necessary in gaming, your processor can still last a couple years if you want, you already have a good SSD... Couple all this with the increased prices atm and... well I think the Switch would be the winner probably.
It's a nice problem to have I guess! =)
P.S. Awesome on you to buy RAM for your BF!
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If you really wanted to upgrade that PC, the GPU is definitely the next step, as everything else is still up to par. If I were you I'd save the money to get a full upgrade in a year or two once the next GPU cycle comes out, as the current possible GPU upgrades for you are already over 1 year old at this point and hugely inflated in price due to crypto mining.
You could definitely go with the Switch option depending on how much you and your partner want to play the games on that platform. I have to admit they have some juicy exclusives by this point :3<
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Yeah I honestly thought getting an i7 would but loads have been saying the 4690k is good. I think I will wait it out and at least get the 1080 when it drops price!
Well Mario Cart would be a hit on games night with friends and then I'd love to play Zelda and there are a few co-op games. There was another thread about the switch with a list of games and damn... I was surprised at how much there is now from the last time I looked at it!
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No meaningful upgrade imho.
Maybe just replace for some more RAM. (if that is possible)
Maybe something else completely offtopic, a backup external disk or NAS for personal files, photo, emails etc...
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I have 16gb of RAM. 4 x 4GB sticks and I can't fit anymore. I don't think I'd need anymore tbh!
I'm not really bothered because I have onedrive and facebook is perfectly fine for backing photos up of value! I'd just lose dem memes!
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Your PC is still rather good, and you have plenty of games left to play. Save it.
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Yeah I think I'm just greedy! I always like having the choice of what games to play!
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Yeah there have been a few times where it struggles with the more graphically demanding games. However, I feel like I don't want to put more money into VR yet since I still can run it decently
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I'm getting more put off with the upgrade and more to the switch D:
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Switch is the future, you'll regret if you don't get one. Just saying
P.S.: Get a 3DS as well.
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That looks a lot like my rig! Sadly it's not a great time to upgrade right now, given the GPU and memory prices. Then again, I usually prefer skipping at least one GPU generation between upgrades so for me it's an easy wait and see scenario.
If you don't struggle to run the games on the Rift, I'd say save up for a concurrent monitor and GPU upgrade down the line. The 970 still does the job at 1080p after all. Or get a Switch if you want it.
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Yeah I feel like I'm just not used to not having a GPU that runs games at 60fps on ultra settings so I feel like its more of a potato at least imo!
Yeah I'm going to hold off the upgrade for now, I may follow your mindset and skip a GPU gen! Smart thinking really :D
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So I've worked a lot over Christmas and been paid way more than I thought and bills were cheap. So bills are paid and now it's time to spend. I've put aside 500 quid for whatever i want and I'll save the rest for a house deposit.
Initially, my mind goes to upgrading my PC and I think next step is a better GPU
CPU: Intel - Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($448.00 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Motherboard: MSI - Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($77.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2133 Memory
Storage: Crucial - MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($143.74 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($51.40 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate - 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Hybrid Internal Hard Drive ($87.59 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card
Case: Corsair - 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($99.99 @ ModMyMods)
Optical Drive: Samsung - SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer ($30.88 @ OutletPC)
Monitor: Asus - VS248HR 24.0" 1920x1080 60Hz Monitor ($368.14 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Monitor: Asus - VS248HR 24.0" 1920x1080 60Hz Monitor ($368.14 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Keyboard: Razer - DeathStalker Chroma Wired Gaming Keyboard
Mouse: Razer - DeathAdder Chroma Wired Optical Mouse ($45.99 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Headphones: Astro - A50 - Black 7.1 Channel Headset ($300.00 @ Astro Gaming)
Total: $2101.75
Purchased it almost 4 years ago now I think. I own an Occulus so I'm just hitting minimum for it I think.
Another purchase could be a Switch although I already own a PC with 600 games, PS4 with games I haven't played like Bloodborne and Horizon Zero Dawn etc and a 3DS with... a lot of games as I share it with my partner.
Also there is just steam games I could buy. No giveaways cause I've given enough. I won't link my wishlist cause idiots will think I'm begging despite the fact i have plenty of money and I've rejected 3 gifts this week.
Also other suggestions are welcome :)
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