Favorite Bundle Website?
My vote goes on BundleStars, bought their F.E.A.R bundle year ago, worth every penny, they have really good bundles. Groupees also recives my money more they should but I'm a sucker for space bundles and BeMines are usually good, also, along with indiegala they start to experiment with adult only VNs which is really cool :3. Humble Bundle can't always deliver their best so it's been a while since I bought anything over BTA..
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Groupees right now but it's not for the quality of games. Humble is the clear winner there for me.
I like the design of the Groupees site, the notifications when you get new keys having previosuly bought a bundle that contained a Greenlight game in particular is great. I don't chat there but kind of like how it has a bit of a community feel to it and the guessing game with clues of what's going to be in the new bundles can be fun.
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Indiegala has famously bad customer service, and has scammed users [including myself] before.
IndieRoyale is no longer active, since it was owned by Desura, which went bankrupt.
Things to keep in mind :)
That aside:
Groupees staff sometimes gets confused, but they try hard, and usually have your back in the end. Their layout is excellent, as well.
Humble support is incredible, and I've been extremely satisfied each time I've interacted with them. Add in the quality of their bundles, and they're a clear step ahead of any other site.
Good layout, but their purchases/library screen sometimes has bugs/loading issues.
The other sites are erratic on bundle posting and quality, and I haven't interacted with their customer support. Haven't heard any bad things or scam reports, either, though.
Bundlestars has a reasonably nice interface, as well, though the other sites listed could do with a revamp.
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My top 3 are Humble, Groupees and Bundlestars (in that order).
Humble naturally because they have generally great curators and great selections (though their pricing sometimes leaves a lot to be desired).
Groupees' is hit and miss but they sometimes have some really nice bundles, BeMines are quite good. So IMO, more hits than misses.
Bundlestars puts out way too many bundles of varying quality, but they also frequently get a lot of new-to-bundle games as well (and have made bundles based on that theme as a selling point too), which is nice :)
IndieGala is MORE misses than hits, especially their stupid-weird gifting system...but you cannot deny that they do regular free key giveaways, even though they are more often repeats! And I have picked up the occasional bundle that looked enticing too, so it's not completely bad :)
The rest? Eh...
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I love Humble Bundle. They offer DRM free versions and Steam keys for a lot of their games. I mean Groupees does too... but I like how on HB, I can donate to a charity of my choice and when buying bundles, change the sliders for how to distribute the money I spend.
I like Groupees for GL and Be Mine Bundles. they also have themed bundles that I sometimes will get ...
I like IG for Happy Hour and cheap games ... some that are recently released. I have had many problems with them though regarding payment. I've had to email them maybe 5+ times already because of issues with my Credit Card/Payment. >_____>
I like Bundle Stars for ... their variety of bundles...
But then again ... I like all of them ... because I spend every week blabbing/spamming people making threads about their bundles ^^
You left out ... Lazy Guys Bundle, itch.io, hotrandomkeys, GOG, GMG, IGS, ... and I'm not sure about what else. XD itch.io, hotrandomkeys, GOG, GMG, IGS aren't considered bundle sites ... but they do offer bundled things at certain times.
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Groupees I guess. Bundle Stars too often have repeat bundles or bundles with one game and its dlc's, and the bundles often cost more than elsewhere as well. Although they've had some better bundles lately. Indie Gala is nice too but they often have these 3 game "bundles". Humble Bundle has little bundles overall, just 2 going on at one time.
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DIG is an interesting one. While they often don't have particularly amazing bundles, they have BTA doubling and good minimum prices. That said, I'm not sure if they're my favorite- I kind of dip between Bundle Stars, for the quality, and Groupees for the price/variety. That said, Groupees has a lot of rather poor bundles...
Humble Bundle has probably seen the most of my money, just because their BTA/top tiers tend to be good, but often times I don't find their bundles competitively priced (first tiers are often very poor) and sometimes they smush all their games into one key, which is annoying.
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It seems like BundleStars has really stepped up their game. At one point Groupees was pretty good but if you ask me their bundles have gone way downhill. And am I alone in hating this new multi-tier crap on Humble Bundle?
Anyhow, what is your current favorite bundle website?
EDIT: Sorry I left out DIG. Didn't mean to snub them. Just didn't remember they were around, and from the look of things, they are a lot better than they used to be.
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