Not really a fan of most horror (though to be fair horror is nearly as much as a wide and useless definition as drama) but I really liked
Happy Death Day
And A Quiet Place is still on my watchlist.^^
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Absolute recommendation for A Quiet Place. I don't think its interesting approach is horror per se - however, the cast is incredible and it's by far not as dull as the majority of films flooding the genre. Watching it, I felt on edge almost constantly, which is normally quite exhausting but in that case, I didn't notice any exhaustion due to constant excitement.
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I like Alien movies, too. I really liked Prometheus as well. Just found out Alien Covenant came out last year, need to watch it!
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If you liked Prometheus, you won't be disappointed by Covenant either - it tries to answer a couple of questions and inconsistencies that came up and does a good enough job. That being said, neither of them can really reach the glory of Alien 1 and 2, but I think that's a given.
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Agreed, sadly - basically everything good was exclusively around Fassbender, everyone else and their story was a dump of cliché. They really should work on likeable characters (amongst the humans) so at least I'm not laughing when they die because their stupidity, like in a slasher flick. Which is fine I guess, but so, so far from anything worthy of an alien movie
edit: inbefore someone with "Prometheus and alien:covenant aren't alien movies: kinda yes, kinda no. Okay to have tonal differences, but this is really weird, like if you would swap out a later Jason movie of the series with basically Hannibal. so, so different than it can't be shaken off)
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Yeah i have seen the cabin in the woods. Very fun and good movie. Comic-horror style.
Seen Happy Death Day too. Not bad. Good surprise since i didn’t expect a lot ^^
Prometheus and Alien Covenant, good sci-fi movies but bad « alien movies » I think they shouldn’t have made a link with alien. It’s disappointing if you expect an alien-like movie.
PS: click on the link of you didn’t see it ;)
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Seen the shining, good old gem :)
The new "It" is quite good. Sort of teenage horror like the goonies.
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Yeah, but only the old version of Shining King doesn't like, with Jack Nicholson - he's an absolute beast in that role.
Don't bother with the new version, it's absolute trash.
The new IT however is amazingly done, especially with Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise and Finn Wolfhard who did a helluva job already in Stranger Things. But, I'd recommend waiting for pt. 2 of IT coming out, I myself can hardly wait to see how it progresses, even though I read the book.
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Yesterday, I've watched 'Against the Dark' with S. Seagal which was aired on Comedy Central. It's utterly horrible and the first half of the movie Seagal is only seen walking and doesn't even say anything. The plot doesn't make any sense and has huge holes, the fight scenes look terrible and the jump scares made me laugh.
I recommend it wholeheartedly.
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The Thing (2011)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
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The thing very good, deserves a place on my previous list. The hills have no eyes good too.
I note Texas Chainsaw. I saw the 2003 movie and just remember that the actress was a beauty but the movie boring...
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Yeah the TCM movie of 2003 was not thaaat good. I prefer the 2006 one much more! (uncut)
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I prefer the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1975) and John Carpenter's version of The Thing(1985), but for something completely different I suggest Hooper's Lifeforce, probably the best space vampire invasion movie you are ever likely to see :D
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Triangle (2009), not really a horror movie but I recommend you to waste 1h30min of your life on that ^^ It has spooky atmosphere and very remarkable storyline.
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Yeah i have this on my hard drive DVD OF COURSE ! since a while. I'm going to try :)
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Very good, maybe the only "first person" movie i liked (with cloverfield)
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You mean the Spanish original, right? The American remake is just really unsatisfactory.
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Yes, there is. Every successful foreign horror movie has to get a US-remake, because MURCA!
Don't bother watching it.
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I liked the movie, but absolutely hated the ending. I found it cliche and predictable.
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Whew! Glad to see that I am not the only one who hated the ending.
Another ending I hated was Drag Me To Hell. It made it seem like they were leaving that one open to a sequel as well, which could be named Drag Me From Hell!
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Here's a decent list of horror flix to watch :)
The Exorcist(1973)
Aliens(which is better than the original in my opinion)
The Evil Dead (1981)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Omen (1976)
Psycho (1960)
Halloween (1978)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The Thing (1982)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Shining (1980)
Stake Land (2010)
Event Horizon (1997)
Cube (1997)
American Werewolf In London(1981)
The Howling(1981)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Trick R Treat (2007)
Here's several I'm going to be watching that I haven't seen yet.
Baskin (HULU)
The Witch (Netflix)
Truth Or Dare (Netflix)
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Oh i see you like recent movies :D, seen a lot of these and liked the majority.
Aliens is an awesome movie too, but less horror and more action than the first. I always talk about the first because it created the myth. But the sequel is such an action/horror gem. Maybe the only good action/horror movie btw.
Truth or Dare was very awful on my opinion. :-s
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Awful :( That's not good. Hopefully I won't think it's that bad.
The Witch is suppose to be one of the best horror flix in the past 10 years so hopefully I'll love it :)
Baskin is just a crazy sick and twisted movie from what I read.
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The Omen (1976)
Stake Land (2010)
The Howling(1981)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Havent seen these.
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Dog Soldiers isn't a AAA movie just so you are aware but it's a great indie werewolf flim. I think it's very underrated tbh.
Stake Land really surprised me. It's not your typical vampire movie. It's a solid indie flim.
The Howling is such a classic! One of the best Werewolf movies every made.
The Omen was great too. One of the best horror movies ever made.
Some more you might like..
Prince of Darkness
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Event Horizon is amazing. I´m pretty sure Dead Space took many elements from them as a start.
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You probably have seen this one, but I'll mention is since it's a really cool Halloween anthology film. Trick 'r Treat
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Sorry, i barely fell asleep watching this one ... Maybe i was too tired ?
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Yeah, and the scene in Ready Player One was really fun :)
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Bone Tomahawk I head was awesome.
Didn't care for As Above, So Below.
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Bone Tomahawk Is slow pace but very good acting ; I found it awesome too
As above so below ; It I didnt expected too much for thisB Movie Film but I'm a little bit biased because it happens in paris where i Live ...and I quite liked the Actress (plus all the dante Inferno reference)
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I remember the "split" scene, thats a fun movie :)
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Psycho is amazing. I'm not a "cult movie lover" or anything like that, I just like good movies. And this is one of them - highly recommended. I'd argue the twist isn't very effective nowadays, or at least it wasn't for me, but that doesn't detract from the quality and enjoyment you can get out of the movie. For something newer that went a little under the radar, Cargo is pretty awesome. Not exactly scary, but it's got atmosphere. Also, Summer of 84 is one of my favorite movies I've watched this year. If you're into 80's style movies, this one is gold. And it also has enough spookyness for me to be recommending it here. Gerald's Game is pretty fantastic, especially if you consider how 80% of the movie is about a lady tied to a bed. And Green Room is really cool, too.
Edit: I almost forgot to mention my favorite "true horror" movie, The Babadook. And Don't Breathe, which I also think is fantastic.
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I just realise that two recent movies are named Cargo, i havent seen yours.
Gerald's game is the adaptation of the Stephen King book. That can be a good movie :)
Babadook had a lot of hype, but i was a little disappointed when i saw it. Interresting but not very scary.
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The Wicker Man (1973)
Don't Look Now (1973)
Suspiria (1977)
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978)
The Beyond (1981)
Possession (1981)
The Thing (1982)
Videodrome (1983)
The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
The Fly (1986)
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Braindead (1992)
In The Mouth of Madness (1994)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
The Mist (2007)
I Saw The Devil (2010)
The Wailing (2016)
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Braindead, AKA, Dead Alive should ONLY be watched with the directors cut.
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You've probably seen the Heridatory by now, but if you haven't I quite recommend it. You're either going to love it or hate it due to its twisted nature. I'm an avid horror fan, and it's quite hard for me to find something new that I REALLY love, but that one and A Quite Place took my breath away. Sadly the British "Ghost Stories" were not that great. It was an ok movie, but I would only recommend it if you had nothing else to watch.
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A Quiet place was very good. Fantastic / Horror as i like it :)
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Drag me to hell was good, but too much puke/fluids/whatever for me if you see what i mean ^^
What lies Beneath, i dont remember that movie, i take note ;)
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It Follows very good.
I have seen Sinister but i dont remember a lot of it ...
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I was going to recommend "It Follows" (a good movie which seems to be very much under the radar), but I see you saw and (s)he saw so...
By the way, yes, Alien and Aliens are both super awesome, in different ways.
I once did a double-feature with "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "New Nightmare" (which is, like, the 7th movie in the series or something). It worked really well (better than having all others in the middle), it was a lot of fun, they really reinforced each other. But that was, like, 20 years ago, no idea if these aged well.
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final destination
Split Second (1992)
The Thing (1982)
Event Horizon (1997)
Impostor (2001)
Hardware (1990)
Drag Me to Hell (2009)
The Woman in Black (1989 TV Movie) - the ending was VERY CHILLING
Ghost Ship (2002)
Moon (2009)
The Mist (2007)
Pandorum (2009
Sucker Punch (2011)
Jason X
Critters (1986)
it - original and remake
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Oh yeah Screamers is an old gem i remember that awesome Sci-Fi Horror movie, i'll try to rewatch it !!!
The Mist is cool too.
I dont really classify Moon as an horror movie imo.
I have seen all the list except Jason X but... is that really worth it ?
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Jason X was cool for me as a fan of the series, and sci-fi. New take on the series. The same goes with jason/freddy crossover. A fun movie for the fans only.
Besides, there arent many horror/scifi movies out there coming out lately. I'll take almost all of them.
I had in mind Apollo 18 (2011) when i posted moon.
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For recent Horror/Sci-Fi in space try
Life (2017)
Alien Covenant (2017)
Pitch Black (2000)
Ghosts of Mars (2001)
... and Doom (2005) for the lolz with Dwayne Johnson.
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Hello everybody.
Halloween is coming.
So, in order to spend my evenings, i am searching for scary, spooky, bloody, horror movies or series.
And I mean good ones of course, because in the ocean of horror movies, sadly a few ones are really interesting.
I prefer horror with a fantastic side.
My favourite of all time is Alien. Because the creature is fascinating, the movie well directed, and it doesn’t age.
I can also recommend : The Descent, 28 Days Later, It Follows, The Conjuring series, AQuiet Place.
So, I’m waiting for your recommandations :)
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