Tell SG support you need to up the limit of giveaways. Luckily for us, one has already responded to your thread. :P
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Well I suspect not many people knew there was a limit to how generous one can be.
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Well, I learned something new today so its all good :)
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Well, my generosity is very limited - pretty sure dumping all my leftover bundle garbage doesn't count as generous... :) I mean, who's going to waste any points trying for this stuff? :)
One thing I noticed - some of the stinkiest "5 cents @ dig / steamground / whatever" games weren't in the bundle list, but I wasn't clever enough to make a note of which ones. :( Someone should probably request they be added...
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you'll be surprised fiftykyu. Just see how the ziggurat goes :-)
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At 300 giveaways per day, it seems I'll need 3 more days to finish making this thing... Hopefully you have enough points for 900 of the stinkiest bundle leftovers you've ever seen... :)
Hmm, maybe I should have set the timer for 4 weeks instead of 2... :(
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Thanks for the giveaways, fiftykyu. I'm only like a quarter of the way through this thing LOL. I'm glad you made it last 2 weeks because this is going to take me a while.
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Two weeks probably wasn't long enough - there's about 900 more giveaways left to add... :( Hopefully you won't need to waste too many points chasing garbage... :)
I should probably have made the cheap junk "level 0" since anyone who's been on Steamgifts a while should have multiple copies of them all by now... :) I mean, that's where the giveaways are coming from... :)
Thank you too! :)
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Yeah, I know the feeling... :) Feels like I should have started by working on something to automate the giveaway-creating part, since at the rate I'm progressing the weekend's just going to disappear... :)
I wouldn't suggest spending this much time chasing bundle leftovers, so hopefully there's something worth chasing in there, somewhere... :)
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There are a few userscripts to create a large number of giveaways:
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I knew this was going to be an awesome thread just by its title!! That made my day, you're a genius xD
And thanks of course ;)
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you're welcome! I just love that title ahah maybe it's due to my academical degrees in history, or 'cos I used to read too many books, well, anyways, I can recognize something when it's brilliant and this title definitely deserves the title XD
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I am not really keen on disappointments, but I like your giveaway style. So it is a bump from me :)
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I don't understand the first question. I tried everything that makes sense, and nothing works.
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Well yeah, something jumps out at me, but itstoohard doesn't like those either.
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I'm stumped (as usual) but I will be returning to this puzzle. At least I made it past the ticket booth :) eventually
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Hooray! :) There's probably a bit more stumping to come, though...
The tutorial was supposed to be where people could see what's going on, to help with the rest of the puzzles... But it looks like only a quarter of the people trying have solved it... :( Guess I should make a tutorial for the tutorial? Sigh... :)
Thank you! :)
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i can barely buy certain bundles since i dont have spare change. but ive noticed a few like you who do so many a day and a couple who hit the limit and it just amazes me. even with people who have keys from years ago. i got a bunch of keys spread around everywhere but never have i had spares that ive never used or given
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Well, this is pretty unusual for me... Generally I dump my leftover bundle keys on the forum instead of making giveaways for them.
There's just so much fooling around required with giveaways, so I try to save those for things people would actually want to play, instead of just grab for the +1 and the trading cards... :)
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Ok, I finally finished sending all the keys, and added everyone who won a gift copy. So maybe accept if you want to get your game... :)
Seriously, a lot of these games were from dodgy developers, the sort of people who revoke unused keys on a whim, just because they can... What to do? Well, if you get a bad key, tell me and I'll send you some of my spares... If none of those work, I'll buy it from the Steam store. Yay.
So this ZIGGURAT OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ was a huge pile of bundle leftovers, with some non-bundle games hiding behind mazes or puzzles or whatever. Now, purely by accident some of those bundle leftovers were actually good games, but most were, umm, not. It was the sort of stuff I'd use in other puzzles for key dumps that hide messages. This time, they became a bunch of giveaways instead. No special reason.
To save time:
TUTORIAL, IN THE QUEUE OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - super ultra removed game! Woohoo! :)
TUTORIAL, IN THE QUEUE OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - first itstoohard puzzle!
THE CUBICLE FARM OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - 8x8 = 64 bundle leftovers.
LEAVING THE CUBICLE FARM OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - Call of Cthulhu® preorder! Woohoo! :)
ASCENDING IN THE ELEVATOR OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - Assassin's Creed® Odyssey preorder! Woohoo! :)
THE WAREHOUSE OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - 17x17 = 289 bundle leftovers.
AT THE BREAK ROOM OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ - Metro Exodus preorder! Woohoo! :)
Also some boobie games in a pity wormhole, because I felt sorry for all those boobie hounds:
ChronoClock! Dunno what it is, but Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Club Naughty! It's garbage! And Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Fate/EXTELLA! No idea what it is, but Boobies?!?! Hopefully! Woohoo! :)
Foto Flash! No clue what this is either, but Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Hentai University! It looks like a pile of crap! And Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Ladykiller in a Bind! It's awesome! And
Christmas SweatersBoobies! Woohoo! :)Porno Studio Tycoon! I ain't paying 20 bucks to find out, but probably Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Treasure Hunter Claire! Over 50 people entered, but nobody said a word! Probably because everyone hates RPGMaker but loves Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Back to the puzzle:
So very close to the ZIGGURAT OF DISAPPOINTMENT™, NORMAL END - fourth itstoohard puzzle!
THE ZIGGURAT OF DISAPPOINTMENT™, NORMAL END - Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - preorder! Woohoo! :)
DARK SOULS™: Can't Purchase This™ Edition - My last gift copy! Woohoo! :)
Passing through some other things, some great, some good, some ok, some ehh, I dunno... Spoiler: games I won on Steamgifts.
And finally, one more chance for:
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - preorder! Yes, another one! Because I don't care about Total War, and you can't buy Cyberpunk 2077 yet! Woohoo! :)
Lazy puzzle explanation:
The giveaways are arranged in a square, two boring areas and two mazes. You walk north, south, east or west, making a map and looking for the exit.
Additionally, in some of the areas you see an extra thing. When you have walked through the entire area you should notice they are all the same sort of thing, part of a set, but one is missing. The first four itstoohard puzzles are "Here are a bunch of things, with one missing. What is the missing thing?"
Spoiler: the maps were important, not only to avoid getting lost, but also to mark the location of the "extra things" for the final part of the puzzle.
So, because I'm lazy, here's the solution links:
A 2x2 square,
A 8x8 square maze
A 17x17 square,
A 24x24 square maze,
Finally you reached the last itstoohard puzzle, where you had to look at your maps. If you made a note on your maps every time you found an "extra thing" you probably noticed they were pixels, drawing something. If you didn't do that, you were screwed, sorry!
By the way, the last time I did one of these it was a bit difficult to read, so this one was in a different font "Shaston 8" which was also difficult to read, but hopefully not as difficult... :)
The final puzzle, drawing dots on your maps,
I should probably say this was fun, but it turns out making 1000 giveaways is a massive pain. And giveaway mazes really suck. :) So let's just pretend we had a great time, ok? :)
Thank you for playing, everyone! :)
Original message:
Road trip, woohoo! To visit the ZIGGURAT OF DISAPPOINTMENT™. It's sure to be fun. What's inside? I dunno.
Oh, right, I do know. It's a steaming pile of bundle leftovers. And some dumb puzzle crap, hiding who knows what?
It's hardly worth the trouble, but if you insist... Bring along some of this, this, and maybe even one of these.
And seriously, everyone: MAKE A MAP. Just ask any of the people who didn't make a map, and had to walk through the whole thing all over again...
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